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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Липсиц, И. В.
Экономический анализ реальных инвестиций [Електронний ресурс] : учебное пособие / И.В. Липсиц, В.В. Коссов. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп.. - М. : Экономистъ, 2004. - 347 с.


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Освещены основные этапы и методы подготовки бизнес-плана, а затем и инвестиционного проекта, принятые в мировой практике. Комплексно рассматриваются вопросы маркетинга, финансового менеджмента, оценки рисков и управления инвестиционными проектами. Книга представляет собой сжатый и удобный для изучения учебник по курсу `Инвестиции в реальные активы` (`Capital Budgeting`), входящему в обязательный набор курсов бизнес-обучения и прикладного экономического образования. Она также может служить пособием для специалистов фирм и предприятий, коммерческих банков и инвестиционно-финансовых организаций, занимающихся разработкой и оценкой инвестиционных проектов.

бізнес-план -- маркетинг -- менеджмент

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Ловенстайн, Р.
Когда гений терпит поражение [Електронний ресурс] : взлет и падение компании Long-Term Capital Management, или Как один небольшой банк создал дыру в триллион долларов : пер. с англ. / Р. Ловенстайн. - М. : Олимп-бизнес, 2006. - 406 с.


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В этой книге увлекательный рассказ о недавней попытке группы ученых и нобелевских лауреатов создать идеальную математическую модель рынка ценных бумаг. Казалось, им это удалось. В течение трех с половиной лет модель постоянно обыгрывала рынок. Крупнейшие банки и инвестиционные компании строились к ним в очередь, чтобы отдать под инвестирование свои деньги. Но в момент, когда уже считалось, что найдена формула вечного успеха, все стало рушиться. И компания с активами на 100 млрд. долларов (сравнимо с ВВП России) за пару месяцев оказалась на грани банкротства.

цінні папери -- банк

   Тип видання:   довідник   

World Poverty [Electronic resource] / N. Dziedzic. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2007. - 160 p.
Переклад назви: Бідність в усьому світі


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World Poverty is part of the Information Plus Reference Series. The purpose of each volume of the series is to present the latest facts on a topic of pressing concern in modern American life. These topics include today’s most controversial and most studied social issues: abortion, capital punishment, care for the elderly, crime, health care, the environment, immigration, minorities, social welfare, women, youth, and many more. Although written especially for the high school and undergraduate student, this series is an excellent resource for anyone in need of factual information on current affairs.

бідність -- безробіття -- злочини -- статистика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Luongo, Katherine.
Witchcraft and colonial rule in Kenya, 1900-1955 [Electronic resource] / Katherine Luongo. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2011. - 265 p
Переклад назви: Чаклунство і колоніальне правління в Кенії, 1900-1955.


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Focusing on colonial Kenya, this book shows how conflicts between state authorities and Africans over witchcraft-related crimes provided an important space in which the meanings of justice, law, and order in the empire were debated. Katherine Luongo discusses the emergence of imperial networks of knowledge about witchcraft. She then demonstrates how colonial concerns about witchcraft produced an elaborate body of jurisprudence about capital crimes. The book analyzes the legal wrangling that produced the Witchcraft Ordinances in the 1910s, the birth of an anthro-administrative complex surrounding witchcraft in the 1920s, the hotly contested Wakamba Witch Trials of the 1930s, the explosive growth of legal opinion on witch-murder in the 1940s, and the unprecedented state-sponsored cleansings of witches and Mau Mau adherents during the 1950s. A work of anthropological history, this book develops an ethnography of Kamba witchcraft or uoi.

магія -- антропологія -- африканська культура -- колоніалізм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Parrish, M.
The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment [Electronic resource] / M. Parrish. - Washington, DC : CQ Press, 2010. - 467 p.
Переклад назви: Верховний суд і страта


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Through expert analysis and primary documents, The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment explores how rulings throughout the Courts history have shaped the guidelines under which Americans have been tried, convicted, sentenced, and put to death for capital offenses. Historian Michael Parrish recounts the history of the Courts involvement in all aspects of the death penalty, chronicling the major cases that define American capital punishment jurisprudence. Placing considerable emphasis upon twentieth century developments, the book examines the impact of these rulings upon the behavior of legislators, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and defendants. The book also discusses in great detail the impact of race on the death penalty. As defendants and victims, African-Americans on trial for their lives in Southern courts became the central figures in the design and redesign of capital punishment in the twentieth century. The book illustrates how the Courts effective counsel decisions have played a major role in how states shape their public defender systems and how they respond to the claims of impoverished defendants charged with capital crimes. Other important topics include the Courts rulings on the constitutionality of execution methods; public opinion; the execution of minors and the mentally ill; and recent state death penalty repeals.

судочинство -- смертна кара

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fremont-Barnes, G.
The Royal navy 1793-1815 [Electronic resource] / G. Fremont-Barnes. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2007. - 96 p.. - (Battle Orders)
Переклад назви: Королівський флот 1793-1815


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By the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 Britain was the undisputed master of the seas owing to the power and strength of the Royal Navy. Its fleets, comprising ships of the line, frigates, and gunboats, had doubled in size since the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, totaling almost a thousand capital vessels. This book examines the commanders, men, and ships of the Royal Navy during the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars, and discusses the Navy's command structure (from the Admiralty down to ship level) and its organization at sea. The tactics employed in action by a fleet, a squadron, and individual ships are also discussed, as are the medical services available, providing a fascinating insight into the navy that ruled the waves.

війна -- корабель -- фрегат -- революція -- військовий транспорт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Harris, Nigel.
The return of cosmopolitan capital [Electronic resource] : globalization, the state and war / Nigel Harris. - London : I. B. Tauris, 2003. - 306 p.
Переклад назви: Повернення космополітичної столиці: глобалізація, держава й війна


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Nigel Harris argues that the notion of national capital is becoming redundant as cities and their citizens, increasingly unaffected by borders and national boundaries, take center stage in the economic world. Harris deconstructs this phenomenon and argues for the immense benefits it could and should have, not just for western wealth, but for economies worldwide, for international communication and for global democracy.

мультикультуралізм -- глобалізація -- макроекономіка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Leavelle, Tracy Neal.
The catholic calumet [Electronic resource] : colonial conversions in French and Indian North America / Tracy Neal Leavelle. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. - 264 p.. - (Early American studies)
Переклад назви: Католицька трубка миру: колоніальні перетворення у французькій та індійській Північній Америці


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In 1730 a delegation of Illinois Indians arrived in the French colonial capital of New Orleans. An Illinois leader presented two ceremonial pipes, or calumets, to the governor. One calumet represented the diplomatic alliance between the two men and the other symbolized their shared attachment to Catholicism. The priest who documented this exchange also reported with excitement how the Illinois recited prayers and sang hymns in their Native language, a display that astonished the residents of New Orleans. The "Catholic" calumet and the Native-language prayers and hymns were the product of long encounters between the Illinois and Jesuit missionaries, men who were themselves transformed by these sometimes intense spiritual experiences. The conversions of people, communities, and cultural practices that led to this dramatic episode all occurred in a rapidly evolving and always contested colonial context. In The Catholic Calumet, historian Tracy Neal Leavelle examines interactions between Jesuits and Algonquian-speaking peoples of the upper Great Lakes and Illinois country, including the Illinois and Ottawas, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Leavelle abandons singular definitions of conversion that depend on the idealized elevation of colonial subjects from "savages" to "Christians" for more dynamic concepts that explain the changes that all participants experienced. A series of thematic chapters on topics such as myth and historical memory, understandings of human nature, the creation of colonial landscapes, translation of religious texts into Native languages, and the influence of gender and generational differences demonstrates that these encounters resulted in the emergence of complicated and unstable cross-cultural religious practices that opened new spaces for cultural creativity and mutual adaptation.

католицька церква -- колоніалізм -- месіанство -- тубільці -- Америка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rycroft, Simon.
Swinging city [Electronic resource] : a cultural geography of London, 1950-1974 / S. Rycroft. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2011. - 200 p.
Переклад назви: Життєрадісне місто: культурна географія Лондона, 1950-1974 рр.


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This book works with two contrasting imaginings of 1960s London: the one of the excess and comic vacuousness of Swinging London, the other of the radical and experimental cultural politics generating by the city's counter-culture. The connections between these two scenes is mapped looking firstly at the spectacular events that shaped post-war London, then moves through the modernist physical and social reconstruction of the city together with artistic experiments such as Pop Art. The book then looks at the replacement of this seemingly materialistic image with the counter-culture of Underground London from the mid-1960s. The book argues that these disparate threads cohere around a shared imagination associated with a new understanding of nature which differently positioned humanity and technology. Post-war London reasserted itself as a cultural capital, often by appropriating cultural innovations from the provinces and by exploiting its strategic international position. This book is an attempt to address the gap in our understanding of the dynamics of this transformation.

урбаністична культура -- мистецтво -- триб життя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Sauter, W.
State and market in European Union law. The public and private spheres of the internal market before the EU courts [Electronic resource] / W. Sauter, H. Schepel. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Держава та ринок в законах Європейського Союзу: Публічні та приватні сфери у внутрішньому ринку перед Європейськими судами


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An examination of the legal framework of the EU internal market as established in the case law of the European Court of Justice, discussing in particular EC competition law, the free movement of goods, services, persons and capital and the evolution of the interpretation of the provisions. The 'State' has been retreating from direct intervention in economic life as more goods and services, the provision of which was once thought to be a 'public' responsibility, are delivered through market mechanisms. Given the need for consistent application of EC law in the internal market, a common core conception of public authority, shielded from the discipline of EC competition law, is needed. The resulting realignment of public and private functions and responsibilities is not a linear and coherent process, especially in light of the changing nature of the European legal integration project and the progressive incorporation of non-economic values in the Treaties.

ринкові відносини -- європейське право

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Harris, T.
Start-up: a practical guide to starting and running a bew business [Electronic resource] / T. Harris. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. - 164 p.
Переклад назви: Запуск: Практичний посібник для започаткування та провадження нового бізнесу


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This guide for aspiring entrepreneurs provides expert advice on every aspect of launching a new business. It is designed to be of particular value for academics wishing to exploit the commercial value of a new technology or business solution. Inspiring and readable, it shows how to evaluate the strength of a business idea, how to protect inventions, reviews legal steps and responsibilities, shows how to position products in the market, how to create a business plan and raise initial capital. Case studies, exercises and tips demystify the process of starting a business, build confidence and greatly increase the chances of success.

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Derrida, Jacques.
Spectres de Marx [Electronic resource] / J. Derrida. - Paris : Galilée, 1993. - 267 p.
Переклад назви: Привиди Маркса


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Spectres de Marx commence par la critique d'un nouveau dogmatisme, c'est-à-dire d'une intolérance : « Tout le monde le sait, sachez-le, le marxisme est mort, Marx aussi, n'en doutons plus. » Un « ordre du monde » tente de stabiliser une hégémonie fragile dans l'évidence d'un « acte de décès ». Le discours maniaque qui domine alors a la forme jubilatoire et obscène que Freud attribue à une-phase triomphante dans le travail du deuil. (Refrain de l'incantation « le cadavre se décompose en lieu sûr, qu'il ne revienne plus, vive le capital, vive le marché, survive le libéralisme économique ! »). Exorcisme et conjuration. Une dénégation tente de neutraliser la nécessité spectrale, mais aussi l'avenir d'« un » « esprit » du marxisme. « Un » « esprit»: l'hypothèse de cet essai, c'est qu'il y en a plus d'un. La responsabilité finie de l'héritier est vouée au crible. Elle réaffirme un possible et non l'autre. Comment ce discernement critique se rapporte-t-il à l'exigence hypercritique - ou plutôt déconstructrice - de la responsabilité?


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Tilly, Charles.
Social Movements, 1768-2004 [Electronic resource] / C. Tilly. - Boulder : Paradigm Publishers, 2004. - 206 p
Переклад назви: Соціальні рухи, 1768-2004


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Westerners invented social movements during the 18th century, but after that social movements became vehicles of popular politics across the world. By locating social movements in history, prize-winning social scientist Charles Tilly provides rich and often surprising insights into the origins of contemporary social movement practices, relations of social movements to democratization, and likely futures for social movements. Shows how social movements are changing, including the impact of new technologies and globalization. Traces the invention and evolution of social movements with lessons for how social movements could lose their vigor. Explores fundamental questions such as 'How does democratization really occur?' Considers the relation of movements to identity, citizenship, and capital and questions whether social movements are viable in authoritarian states. Students will appreciate Tilly's vivid examples from around the world (including a fantasy of 17th century figures John Wilkes and Samuel Adams trying to discern the effectiveness of 2003 Iraq War demonstrators).

політика -- соціальна активність -- протестні рухи

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Allen, Howard W..
Race, Class, and the Death Penalty [Electronic resource] / H. W. Allen, J. M. Clubb. - Albany : State University of New York Press, 2008. - 256 p. - (Capital Punishment in American History)
Переклад назви: Раси, класи, і смертна кара


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No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

вироки -- раса -- життя

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Hofäcker, Dirk.
Older Workers in a Globalizing World [Electronic resource] : an international comparison of retirement and Late-Career patterns in western іndustrialized сountries / Dirk Hofäcker. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2010. - 335 p
Переклад назви: Літні трудящі в глобалізованому світі: міжнародне порівняння пенсійних моделей та моделей пізньої кар'єри у західних індустріальних державах


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. . . the book can be recommended to all with an interest in the issue of older workers in a globalised world. Ageing and Society Early retirement has been a policy to cope with the problems of massive unemployment in many Western welfare states. However, it has become apparent that this strategy is costly and destroys human capital urgently needed in ageing societies. This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date study of late-career patterns and processes of early retirement in fourteen OECD countries, using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. It is an important contribution to life-course research and will provide the foundation for any serious discussion on pension reforms and increasing the employability of older workers. Hans-Jürgen Andreß, University of Cologne, Germany This timely book investigates the growth of the early retirement trend and its varying spread among different groups of older workers in fourteen modern societies. It argues for a differentiated political approach to reverse early retirement, which relies on both pension and employability policies for older workers. Examining the early retirement trend virtually all modern societies have been faced with since the onset of the globalization process in the 1970s and 1980s, this book provides a thorough analysis of older workers late careers and their retirement transitions, as well as explaining why this trend has developed differently between nations. To promote an effective reversal of the early retirement trend, national policymakers are advised not to concentrate their efforts exclusively on reducing the financial incentives for an early exit still present in most national pension systems. In addition, it is also recommended that they invest in the employability of older workers, implying a thorough reconsideration of the design of education and labor market policies. Dirk Hofäcker presents a unique and comprehensive synthesis of theories describing and explaining the trend towards early retirement, and critically discusses their comparative advantages and shortcomings. Researchers and students of sociology, economics, gerontology, demography and comparative welfare states should not be without this book and policymakers and practitioners dealing with labor market policies will find it invaluable.

літні люди -- пенсія -- кар'єра

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Clark, Katerina.
Moscow, the fourth Rome [Electronic resource] : stalinism, cosmopolitanism, and the evolution of Soviet culture, 1931–1941 / Katerina Clark. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2011. - 431 p
Переклад назви: Москва, четвертий Рим: сталінізм, космополітизм і еволюція радянської культури, 1931-1941


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In the early sixteenth century, the monk Filofei proclaimed Moscow the "Third Rome." By the 1930s, intellectuals and artists all over the world thought of Moscow as a mecca of secular enlightenment. In Moscow, the Fourth Rome, Katerina Clark shows how Soviet officials and intellectuals, in seeking to capture the imagination of leftist and anti-fascist intellectuals throughout the world, sought to establish their capital as the cosmopolitan center of a post-Christian confederation and to rebuild it to become a beacon for the rest of the world. Clark provides an interpretative cultural history of the city during the crucial 1930s, the decade of the Great Purge. She draws on the work of intellectuals such as Sergei Eisenstein, Sergei Tretiakov, Mikhail Koltsov, and Ilya Ehrenburg to shed light on the singular Zeitgeist of that most Stalinist of periods. In her account, the decade emerges as an important moment in the prehistory of key concepts in literary and cultural studies today-transnationalism, cosmopolitanism, and world literature. By bringing to light neglected antecedents, she provides a new polemical and political context for understanding canonical works of writers such as Brecht, Benjamin, Lukacs, and Bakhtin. Moscow, the Fourth Rome breaches the intellectual iron curtain that has circumscribed cultural histories of Stalinist Russia, by broadening the framework to include considerable interaction with Western intellectuals and trends. Its integration of the understudied international dimension into the interpretation of Soviet culture remedies misunderstandings of the world-historical significance of Moscow under Stalin.

сталінський ампір -- імперський кітч -- архітектурна гігантоманія -- тоталітаризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Boulton, Susie.
Lisbon [Electronic resource] / S. Boulton. - London : Dorling Kindersley, 2011. - 194 p. - (Eyewitness travel)
Переклад назви: Лісабон


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Lisbon's proximity to the coast makes it an ideal choice for both sightseeing and sunbathing, and with more than 500 sumptuous color photographs, maps, and illustrations, this is your indispensable guide to Portugal's bright capital. Whether you're looking for a cup of Lisbon's signature coffee or a captivating place in which to enjoy it, the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Lisbon is the perfect travel companion. This fully revised edition includes 3-D aerial views of Lisbon's most interesting districts and cutaways and floor plans of all the major sights, including the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. The "Four Great Days" sightseeing itineraries and two specially devised walking tours will allow you to discover the harbor city's architectural charm and rich history in depth, while a reliable selection of bars, hotels, shops, and entertainment venues will ensure you don't miss a thing. Immerse yourself in the history of Portugal's golden age as you explore hidden treasures through the streets of the ancient Belém parish. Indulge yourself in life's simple pleasures with the fine wines of Portugal or the delectable pastries freshly baked in Lisbon's classic and contemporary cafés. Explore a wide range of Lisbon's music, entertainment, and nightlife as you delve deeply into the culture scene with this indispensable guide in hand. The enlarged and enhanced color Street Finder, detailed public transport map, and pull-out map with detailed sheet maps and useful transportation information will ensure you'll have no problem finding your way.

місто -- туризм -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Letters to the Governor's wife [Electronic resource] : a view of russian Alaska, 1859-1862 / ed. Paul Christesen. - Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2005. - 277 p.. - (Berengiana)
Переклад назви: Листи дружини губернатора: огляд російської Аляски 1859-1862


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In 1859 the Finnish-Swedish aristocrat and naval officer, Hampus Furuhjelm arrived in Alaska as one of the Russian colony's last ambassadors. He brought with him his young wife Anna Furuhjelm, who wrote many long letters in English to her mother. These letters, for the first time, give us a vivid picture of everyday life in the colonial capital, Sitka, in the period shortly before the USA. took over Alaska. The letters have been edited and commented by Anna Furuhjelm's great-granddaughter, Anni Christensen.

історія Америки -- колоніалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Clancy, Judith.
Kyoto: city of zen [Electronic resource] : visiting the heritage sites of Japan's Ancient Capital / Judith Clancy. - Tokyo : Tuttle Publishing, 2013. - 151 p
Переклад назви: Кіото - місто дзен: огляд культурної спадщини стародавньої столиці Японії


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An elaborate kaleidoscope of craft, artistry and religion, Kyoto is one of the world's most popular travel destinations. Art and design form the weft and warp of this vibrant 1,200-year-old city, home to hundreds of gardens, palaces, villas and magnificent wooden temples, including seventeen UNESCO World Heritage sites. Like a Zen koan, Kyoto defies easy description. Its citizens may work at Nintendo designing video games, at a company designing precision medical instruments, or sitting cross-legged meticulously affixing micro-thin flakes of gold foil onto a painting. All of them share a living heritage grounded in centuries of traditional culture. In Kyoto: City of Zen, local Kyoto expert Judith Clancy presents the most important gardens, temples, shrines and palaces of this ancient capital city and enduring cultural center. In addition to unveiling the city's spiritual and historical riches, this book shares with readers the exquisite foods, artistic crafts, religious ceremonies and architectural traditions that have flourished in Kyoto for over a millennium. Tea ceremonies, calligraphy, weaving, pottery, painting, drama, and many more traditional arts and crafts are presented through more than 350 photographs by Ben Simmons, whose images capture the true essence of Kyoto. The city's natural setting also comes into focus as you walk along leafy mountain paths and through spectacular parks and gardens viewing the best foliage each season has to offer.

історія Японії -- культура Японії -- японістика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hamm, Michael F..
Kiev: a portrait, 1800-1917 [Electronic resource] / M. F. Hamm. - Princeton : Princeton university press, 1993. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Київ: портрет міста, 1800-1917


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In an "urban biography," Michael Hamm tells the story of one of Europe's most diverse cities and its distinctive mix of Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, and Jewish inhabitants. A splendid urban center in medieval times, Kiev became a major metropolis in late Imperial Russia, and is now the capital of independent Ukraine. After a concise account of Kiev's early history, Hamm focuses on the city's dramatic growth in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The first historian to analyze how each of Kiev's ethnic groups contributed to the vitality of the city's culture, he also examines the violent conflicts that developed among them. He shows why Kiev came to be known for its "abundance of revolutionaries" and its anti-Semitic violence. This carefully detailed account reveals another side of the city's history. It helps to put present events in context, showing that at least one of the 'new' nationalisms in the former Soviet Union has old and very deep roots.

історія України -- урбаністика -- міська громада -- повсякденне життя

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