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   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

The New Penguin dictionary of biology [Electronic resource] / М. Abercrombie [et al.]. - London : Penguin Books, 2006. - 608 p.
Переклад назви: Новий словник з біології


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Disorders in cerebral palsied children at Guy's Hospital, and became Reader in Architectural Education at University College London. She then worked with the new clinical course in the Cambridge medical school. Publications include Anatomy of Judgement, Perceptual and Visuo-Motor Disorders in Cerebral Palsy, Aims and Techniques of Group Teaching, and (with P. M. Terry) Talking to Learn. M. L. Johnson died in 1984. Michael Thain was born in Hampstead in 1946 and educated at University College School and Keble College, Oxford, graduating in Zoology and gaining a Diploma in Human Biology. After an. introduction to History and Philosophy of Science at University College London, he graduated in Philosophy from Birkbeck College, London, in 1983, and is currently studying History of Technology at Imperial College, London. In 1969 he joined the staff of Harrow School, where he was Head of Biology for eleven years and is now Head of General Studies and in charge of the school's conservation area. He is collaborating on a- Dictionary of Zoology, also for Penguin, and lives in Harrow with his wife and two children.

біологія -- ботаніка -- зоологія -- мікологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of sex and gender [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. Fedwa Malti-Douglas. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2007. - 1682 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія сексу та статі


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Vol. 1 : А - С. - 1-359 pp.

Vol. 2 : D - I. - 361-787 pp.

Vol. 3 : J - P. - 789-1219 pp.

Vol. 4 : Q - Z. - 1221-1682 pp.

The central aim of this encyclopedia is to give the reader a comparative perspective on issues involving conceptions of gender, gender differences, gender roles, relationships between the genders, and sexuality. The encyclopedia is divided into two volumes: Topics and Cultures. The combination of topical overviews and varying cultural portraits is what makes this encyclopedia a unique reference work for students, researchers and teachers interested in gender studies and cross-cultural variation in sex and gender. It deserves a place in the library of every university and every social science and health department.

ґендер -- статеві стосунки

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of small business [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed.: A. J. Darnay, M. D. Magee. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2007. - 1216 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Малого Бізнесу


Географічні рубрики:

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Welcome to the second, revised edition of the Encyclopedia of Small Business (EOSB-2). Like the first edition, this encyclopedia is published in recognition of a growing trend toward entrepreneurship and small business development in North America. Countless studies indicate that small business enterprises continue to be a vital component of economic growth, and both academic research and anecdotal evidence suggest that entrepreneurial ventures have increased in size, number, and importance in recent years.

мікроекономіка -- бізнес -- капіталізм -- конкуренція -- підприємництво

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Encyclopedia of social theory [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed. G. Ritzer. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Соціальної Теорії


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Vol. 1 : A - M. - 1- 518 pp.

Vol. 2 : N - Z. - 519 - 982 pp.

The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be a snapshot of social theory at the beginning of a new century. While the Encyclopedia of Social Theory will slant toward sociological social theory, transdisciplinary currents from psychoanalysis, anthropology, government and politics, cultural studies and literary studies will all have their place. The history of social thought from German Idealism to postmodernism will be treated in essay length entries. Special emphasis will be given to American, British, French, and German national traditions as well as Marxist social theory. The micro-sociological traditions of exchange and symbolic interactionism will also be covered in detail. Key new developments in social thought including the ascendance of cultural theory and feminism will be described. Entries will cover the gamut from major approaches to key figures to central concepts. The work of major figures from the history of social thought including Weber, Durkheim, Mead, Spencer, and Marx as well as leading contemporary thinkers including Bourdieu, Habermas, Giddens, and Alexander will be summarized and put into context. Key concepts such as identity, trust, and the body will be defined and explored. Schools of thought ranging from the Birmingham School and the Annales School, ideas as diverse as rational choice and postcolonial studies, and timeless topics like citizenship and ethnicity will all be surveyed. Entries will vary in length from about 500 words to about 5000 words. Entries are to be neutral and comprehensive. Foremost, they will be a factual guide to who said what (when, where, and why). They will lay out key issues, recapitulate arguments, provide context for understanding, and judiciously assess the importance of a topic. All entries will include a few “further readings” that point the reader to key texts for understanding the topic. Entries will also be cross-referenced with other entries in the encyclopedia to help improve understanding. The Encyclopedia of Social Theory will be the first resort for students, scholars, and educated readers looking for a comprehensive guide to the landscape of social theory. It will find a place in many libraries across the English-speaking world.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Russian History [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / J.R. Millar. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Російської Історії


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : A-D. - 524 p.

Vol. 2 : E-L. - 464 p.

Vol. 3 : M-R. - 464 p.

Vol. 4 : S-Z. - 496 p.

A scholarly resource accessible to a general audience, the Encyclopedia of Russian History provides more than 1,500 entries encompassing more than 1,000 years of Russian history, from the formation of Kievan Rus in the mid-ninth century to the present-day Russian Federation. A seven-member editorial board of Russian scholars headed by editor-in-chief Millar (Director of the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University) oversaw topic selection. All entries are signed by one of more than 500 contributors. Entries are arranged alphabetically. To access them, users can scan the article title list in volume 1 or use the cumulative subject index in volume 4. Bold type in the index designates main entries. Volume 1 also provides a list of article titles arranged by one of 21 general topics, such as "Agriculture," "Government," "Religion," and "Science and Technology".

росія -- історія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / J.L. Longe. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Альтернативної Медицини


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 604 p.

Vol. 2 : D-K. - 600 p.

Vol. 3 : L-R. - 616 p.

Vol. 4 : S-Z. - 668 p.

Can magnets relieve arthritis pain? Does the scent of lavender calm the nerves? Is St. John's Wort a mood enhancer? Authoritative, objective and in tune with the subjects that matter to students and researchers, Gale presents four volumes of current, unbiased information on alternative and complementary medical practices. Covering all aspects of the subject --Therapies, Conditions/Diseases, Herbs/Plants and People -- the Encyclopedia identifies 150 types of alternative medicine being practiced today, including reflexology, acupressure, acupuncture, chelation therapy, kinesiology, yoga, chiropractic, Feldenkrais, polarity therapy, detoxification, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, biofeedback, Ayurveda and osteopathy. For the practitioner or interested patient, there are current training requirements, listings of organizations, as well as descriptions of treatments. Information on recommended therapies for specific disorders and diseases, medicinal uses for plants and herbs are balanced by conclusions of studies on efficacy and analysis of current levels of acceptance by traditional scientists and doctors. Biographies of pioneers in the field -- including Deepak Chopra, Edward Bach and David Palmer --appear as sidebars through the text. Included are 39 sidebars. Each volume contains a color photo insert containing images of herbs. There are more than 275 disease/condition entries, 300 herb/remedy entries, and 150 therapies.

медицина -- лікування

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Energy [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol.. - New York : Macmillan, 2001
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія енергії


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Vol. 1 : A - E. - 468 p.

Vol. 2 : E - N. - 452 p.

Vol. 3 : O - Z. - 352 p.

Trends in the declining supply of fossil fuels, growing demand for electricity, and the controversies over nuclear power and the impacts of energy use on the environment are making the understanding of energy an increasingly vital topic. This set provides an important multidisciplinary overview of the many related topics in language that will be accessible to a wide range of users. Articles explore everything from Albert Einstein, seismic energy, and acid rain, to lasers and building design. The Encyclopedia supports the curriculum in earth science, chemistry and life sciences, social studies, political science and more. This title is now available in eBook format through Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale Virtual Reference Library is taking eBooks to the next level by delivering a wealth of reference content in a database format. This valuable new product allows libraries of any size - based on user's needs and usage patterns - to develop collections at their own pace and within their own budget.


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Klaus, A.
On-Line LC–NMR and Related Techniques [Electronic resource] / Klaus Albert. - New York : Wiley & Sons, 2002. - 307 p.
Переклад назви: Рідинна хроматографія ядерного магнітного резонансу та подібні техніки


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This book gives a comprehensive overview of the basis and the current applications of LC-NMR and related techniques. It deals with the practical aspects of the hardware and software set-up for a successful performance of on-line coupling experiments. It covers the solution of real-word problems from the fields of biomedical, pharmaceutical and environmental studies as well as the analysis of natural products and polymeric compounds. Thus guidelines for an efficient application of the powerful hyphenated technique LC-NMR in combination with LC-MS are presented. Besides LC-NMR, important techniques such as the on-line coupling of gel permeation chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography, together with 1H NMR spectroscopy, are described in detail. Fascinating further aspects, such as the application of capillary separation techniques either in the single or parallel detection mode, together with the possibilities of direct 13C monitoring of chromatographic events, are also discussed. Key features include: * Up-to-date information on the theoretical and experimental methodology * Coverage of applications in biomedical, pharmaceutical and natural product analysis, as well as environmental polymer and related hyphenated techniques * Information appropriate for researchers in organic, pharmaceutical and medical chemistry Overall, this book is a requirement for all researchers and staff members dealing with structure elucidation problems in separation science.

хімія -- фізика

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bordo, V. G.
Optics and Spectroscopy at Surfaces and Interfaces [Electronic resource] / V. G. Bordo. - New York : Wiley, 2008. - 283 p.
Переклад назви: Оптика і спектроскопія на поверхнях і інтерфейси


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This book covers linear and nonlinear optics as well as optical spectroscopy at solid surfaces and at interfaces between a solid and a liquid or gas. The authors give a concise introduction to the physics of surfaces and interfaces. They discuss in detail physical properties of solid surfaces and of their interfaces to liquids and gases and provide the theoretical background for understanding various optical techniques. The major part of the book is dedicated to a broad review on optical techniques and topical applications such as infrared and optical spectroscopy or optical microscopy. Discussions of nonlinear optics, but also nano-optics and local spectroscopy complement this self-contained work. Helpful features include about 50 problems with solutions, a glossary and a thoroughly elaborated list of topical references. The book is suited as a text for graduate students but also for scientists working in physics, chemistry, materials or life sciences who look for an expert introduction to surface optical aspects of their studies.


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Chorkendorff, I.
Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics [Electronic resource] / I. Chorkendorff, J. W. Niemantsverdriet. - Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2003. - 464 p.
Переклад назви: Поняття сучасного каталізу і кінетики


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Until now, the literature has offered a rather limited approach to the use of fundamental kinetics and their application to catalytic reactions. Subsequently, this book spans the full range from fundamentals of kinetics and heterogeneous catalysis via modern experimental and theoretical results of model studies to their equivalent large-scale industrial production proce... more »sses. This second edition includes significant new developments, with all the chapters updated by way of recent examples and relevant new literature. With its focus on practical application, rather than theory, the result is key knowledge for students at technical universities and professionals already working in industry.

хімія  -- каталіз

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bodian, S.
Meditation for Dummies [Electronic resource] / S. Bodian. - 2nd. ed.. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2006. - 386 p.
Переклад назви: Медитація для "чайників"


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"To tell you the truth, you can learn the basics of meditation in five minutes," asserts Stephan Bodian, meditation instructor, psychotherapist, and former editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal. You can also study meditation for years, exploring its subtleties. Meditation for Dummies is a simple, clear introduction to the basics of meditation, including an overview of dozens of techniques, practices, and specific meditations, plus direction for going deeper. You get step-by-step instructions for a variety of meditations, including body position, mental concentration, where to put your attention, what to contemplate or notice, physical movements, and breathing. A nice touch is the recurring "traditional wisdom": ancient stories or anecdotes that make a point. This book is useful whether you want the nuts and bolts for getting started in the next minute or you want to dip your mind into different practices and philosophies. Nothing is too elementary to explain: "how to sit up straight — and live to tell about it," what to wear, dealing with fear and self-judgment, and what to do when you get "stuck." You also get plenty of information about the benefits and varieties of meditation. You're bound find and develop a practice that feels right for you.


   Тип видання:   словник   

Англо-український тлумачний словник з бібліотечної справи та інформатики [Електронний ресурс] = English-Ukrainian Glossary of Library and Information Terms / Бібліотечний англомовний клуб. - К. : [б. в.], 1999. - 57 с.


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Словник містить понад 500 найпоширеніших сучасних термінів і термінологічних понять, які використовуються в бібліотечно-інформаційній роботі та суміжних галузях знань Складність підготовки словника полягала в тому, що під час перекладу важливо було знайти найточніші українські відповідники, враховуючи, шо в Україні терміносистема в бібліотечній справі ще не набула сталості, хоч значна робота по стандартизації термінології вже ведеться Для зручності користування словник побудовано в алфавітному порядку. Застосовані перехресні посилання полегшують розшук взаємопов'язаних понять Словник призначено для працівників бібліотечно-інформаційних установ, викладачів та студентів бібліотечних вищих та середніх навчальних закладів. Він може бути корисним також для фахівців у галузі книгознавства, видавничої справи, інформатики тощо.

інформатика -- лінгвістика -- бібліотека -- бібліотекознавство -- англійська мова -- українська мова

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Film [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / B.K. Grant. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія фільму


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Vol. 1 : Academy Awards - Crime Films. - 394 p.

Vol. 2 : Criticism–Ideology. - 412 p.

Vol.3 : Independent Film-road Movies. - 421 p.

Vol.4 : Romantic Comedy–Yugoslavia. - 432 p.

Drawing on authoritative, international contributors, information on film is extensively documented in this set, which is intended as a film-studies staple. The alphabetically arranged volumes are titled as follows: "Academy Awards—Crime Films"; "Criticism—Ideology"; "Independent Film—Road Movies"; and "Romantic Comedy—Yugoslavia." Subtopics include countries, history, philosophies, and more, with information on individual movies often spread over several entries. Articles range from as few as 5 pages ("Slapstick comedy") to 17 pages ("Italy"). Contemporary topics, such as "Gay, lesbian and queer cinema," are included along with more-expected entries on "Teen films" and "Cinematography." See-also references guide readers to one or more related topics or subtopics, while further-reading suggestions provided after every entry list academic and popular articles and books. The more than 16,000 index entries, with major topics in bold type, make access straightforward. The text is highlighted with photographs varying in size, color, and clarity, along with brief biographies on related figures. While there is a plethora of good publications on film, such as Ephraim Katz's single-volume The Film Encyclopedia (HarperCollins, 2005) and his The Macmillan International Film Encyclopedia (2001), this set is more comprehensive and current. Public libraries and secondary schools, especially those with a focus on filmmaking, should plan to include it in their collections.

кіно -- актор -- режисер -- фільм

   Тип видання:   довідник   

International Directory of Business Biographies [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / N. Schlager. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Міжнародний біографічний покажчик бізнесменів


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Vol. 2 : F-L. - 524 p.

Vol. 4 : S-Z. - 465 p.

Some 600 business people—about 60 percent Americans—are profiled in this four-volume set. The majority are white males who are chief executives of large publicly traded companies, but some profilees are from smaller companies or are up-and-coming executives; these groups include more women and minorities, and an effort has been made to include them. The articles, which run about three or four pages in length, were written by journalists, historians, librarians, and educators who drew from material supplied by the entrant's company, as well as archival research. The main narrative text comprising each profile is supplemented with a fact box (birth date, nationality, family, career, awards, publications, and address), a photo (when available), sources for further information, and cross references to company profiles in the International Directory of Company Histories. Indexing is by nationality, geographic location, company and industry, and name.

бізнес -- біографія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

The animal kingdom [Electronic resource] : arranged after its organization, forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy : in 4 vol. / G. Cuvier [et al.]. - London : W. S. Orr and co., 1854
Переклад назви: Царство тварин, впорядковане згідно до його організації; опис природної історії та вступ до порівняльної анатомії царства тварин


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Vol. 3. - 524 p.

Vol. 3 : ill. - 406 p.

Georges Cuvier was an eminent French naturalist and zoologist best known for establishing the scientific disciplines of comparative anatomy and palaeontology. A man from humble origins, born into a Protestant family, Cuvier excelled in his studies as a youth, becoming a tutor to a Protestant noble in Normandy after four years at the Caroline Academy in Stuttgart. From this position, which kept him at a distance from the more tumultuous events of the French Revolution, Cuvier established connections with the leading naturalists of his day, and in 1795 was appointed as a research assistant to the newly founded chair in comparative anatomy at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. Shortly thereafter, Cuvier was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences within the Institut de France, from which point his success and reputation grew. In 1799 he was appointed professor at Collège de France, and became titular professor himself at the Jardin des Plantes in 1802. In 1806 he became a foreign member of the Royal Society in London, and was appointed to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1812. Cuvier’s scientific achievements are manifold. He was the first to establish extinction as a natural and historical fact, and his ’catastrophist’ theory of geology eventually won out over the gradualist theories of his contemporaries Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Étienne Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire. His best-known work is the Le Règne Animale (The Animal Kingdom, 1817).

зоологія -- фауна -- природознавство -- еволюція

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Building Blocks of Matter [Electronic resource] : a supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics / J.S. Rigden. - New York : Macmillan, 2003. - 548 p.
Переклад назви: Будівельні блоки матерії


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Twentieth-century and twenty-first-century elementary particle physics is full of quarks, leptons, antimatter, and dark energy. How is a reader supposed to understand physics when much of what he or she may, or may not, remember from high-school physics is no longer current? This alphabetically arranged guide is intended for a broad audience, including advanced high-school and college students as well as general readers. An international team of physicists contributed 153 entries, each with a bibliography of recommended books, journals, and Web sites. See also references appear at the end of each article. Also included are a reader's guide presenting a topical arrangement of entries, a time line, a glossary, and a list of common abbreviations and acronyms. Case studies of experiments such as the measurement of the muon, profiles of important laboratories such as Fermilab, and biographies of physicists such as Paul Dirac are among the entries, which are illustrated with tables, photograph, and schematics. Building Blocks of Matter is a supplement to the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics (1996). As such, it will help students understand the physics of elementary particles, that is, particles that cannot be broken down. Because of its focus, it is more specialized than a physics dictionary. Recommended for science reference collections in academic and public libraries, especially those that own the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics.

матерія -- антиматерія -- кварк -- лептон -- темна енергія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Psychology [Electronic resource] / B. Strickland. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2001. - 712 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія психології


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This encyclopedia, designed for high-school students, college undergraduates, and general readers, covers the entire spectrum of psychology. The editor, a freelance writer, has produced several works for Gale. She was advised on this book by a college professor and a high-school teacher of psychology. The book includes more than 400 entries on topics studied in high schools and introductory college courses, including biographies of significant people in psychology; theories; terms; landmark case studies and experiments; applications of psychology in advertising, medicine, and sports; psychological tests; and career information.

психологія -- людина -- поведінка

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Игнатов, П. Е.
Иммунитет и инфекция. Возможности управления [Електронний ресурс] / П. Е. Игнатов. - М. : Время, 2002. - 352 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

В книге использованы три варианта подачи материала. Текст, представленный крупным шрифтом в начале каждой главы, отражает наиболее существенные аспекты ее содержания. Более мелким шрифтом излагается основной материал, а самый мелкий шрифт использован для более детального описания процессов и для материала, на который автор хотел бы обратить дополнительное внимание. Как правило, последний рассчитан на более подготовленного читателя. Автор часто возвращается к уже упоминавшимся фактам, но представляет их уже в несколько ином ракурсе. Это позволяет сконцентрировать внимание читателя на наиболее важных аспектах. Большое внимание уделяется рассмотрению молекулярных механизмов тех или иных процессов. Казалось бы, это излишне усложняет материал, особенно для врачей и других практических работников. Однако это совсем не так, поскольку современный уровень фармакологии, микробиологии, вирусологии и, особенно, иммунологии не позволяет эффективно использовать новые препараты и методы без понимания тех молекулярных механизмов, на которые эти препараты воздействуют. В книге освещены наиболее существенные молекулярные структуры и механизмы их взаимодействия, служащие базисом важнейших процессов противоинфекционной защиты. Основу любой инфекционной болезни составляет борьба между системой иммунитета и возбудителем инфекции. Поэтому первые главы книги посвящены знакомству читателя с основными элементами и механизмами функционирования системы иммунитета. Структура и функции систем иммунитета у млекопитающих различных видов имеют очень много общего. Это позволяет рассматривать процессы пато- и иммуногенеза с обших биологических (а не только медицинских или ветеринарных) позиций. Поэтому в книге внимание читателя не рассеивается на описаниях мелких структурных и функциональных различий в механизмах иммунной защиты у разных видов млекопитающих. Обсуждаются наиболее существенные положения иммунитета, которые, как правило, были определены на моделях человека и мыши. При описании инфекционного процесса основное внимание уделено механизмам, которые используют паразитические микроорганизмы для борьбы с защитными реакциями иммунитета. Именно эти механизмы составляют основу патогенности паразитов и позволяют им сохранять жизнеспособность внутри организма хозяина. Если возбудитель не имеет таких способностей или в процессе иммунного ответа организм хозяина «нашел» эффективные методы их обезвреживания — происходит быстрое освобождение организма от паразитов. В этом же разделе анализируются и разнообразные возможности воздействия на инфекционный процесс при помощи различных эндогенных и экзогенных продуктов. Как правило, их применение имеет довольно богатую историю и хорошо изложено во многих литературных источниках. Здесь автор видел свою задачу лишь в краткой и удобной для запоминания систематизации, что в первую очередь связано с особенностями структуры и механизма действия этих веществ. Основная же борьба с инфекцией происходит на уровне популяций паразитов и их хозяев. Здесь большую роль начинает играть гетерогенность этих популяций, их изменчивость и целый ряд других факторов. Поэтому в последнем разделе затронуты элементарные понятия эпидемического процесса. Это позволяет более ясно представлять — как, почему и на каких звеньях эпидемической цепи должны быть сконцентрированы мероприятия по борьбе с инфекцией. Не претендуя на разработку каких-либо универсальных схем, автор хотел бы отметить лишь основные тенденции в создании программ борьбы с инфекциями, поскольку именно такие программы позволяют ликвидировать инфекции наиболее успешно. Последний раздел книги представляет собой справочный материал, который может быть полезен специалистам в их работе. Борьба с инфекцией не должна иметь национальных и тем более языковых границ. Автор считает целесообразным использование общепринятой в мировой литературе терминологии. Поэтому в тексте использовано много иностранных терминов и сокращений. Это позволит читателю в дальнейшем легче ориентироваться в зарубежной (да и в отечественной) литературе, поскольку такие сокращения широко используют ведущие мировые издания (Infection and Immunity, The Journal of Immunology, Journal of Immunotherapy, Infection и другие). В тексте этой работы практически нет конкретных ссылок на литературные источники, поскольку в книге затрагиваются достаточно известные положения. В этих условиях ссылки на первоисточники малоинформативны и отвлекают внимание читателя от излагаемого материала. Основные же источники, которые были использованы автором, приведены в конце книги.

імунологія -- фармакологія -- епідеміологія -- вакцинація

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

О'Нил, Уильям.
Как делать деньги на фондовом рынке: Стратегия торговли на росте и падении [Електронний ресурс] : пер. с англ. / У. Дж. О'Нил. - 3-е изд.. - М. : Альпина Паблишер, 2003. - 329 с.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Книга описывает одну из самых прибыльных в мире систем выбора акций Can Slim, с помощью которой многие инвесторы сделали крупные состояния на фондовом рынке. Знание системы Can Slim является абсолютно необходимым для профессионалов фондового рынка. Кроме того, книга служит прекрасным учебным пособием для преподавателей и студентов экономических и финансовых вузов, а также всех тех, кто стремится зарабатывать на акциях. Создатель этой системы, Уильям О-Нил, в последние десятилетия является одним из наиболее авторитетных биржевых консультантов США. Среди его клиентов все крупнейшие инвестиционные компании, банки, пенсионные фонды и другие институциональные инвесторы страны (более 600), а также сотни тысяч индивидуальных инвесторов, работающих по системе Can Slim и получающих всю необходимую информацию через ежедневную газету Investor-s Business Daily, которую он основал в 1984 году. В настоящее время это вторая общенациональная деловая газета США после The Wall Street Journal. Система Can Slim основана на закономерностях поведения самых прибыльных акций в последние 50 лет. Она опровергает многие стереотипы и ошибочные критерии выбора акций и на практике доказала свою исключительную эффективность.

акції -- CAN SLIM

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Stephenson, P.
Investigating computer-related crime [Electronic resource] / P. Stephenson. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Розслідування комп'ютерних злочинів


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Written by an information security specialist, this second edition of Investigating Computer-Related Crime discusses cybercrime, its investigation, and the difficulties encountered by both public law enforcement officials and private corporate investigators. The book offers insights into collecting evidence, interrogating suspects and witnesses, handling crime in progress, as well as issues involving the authorities, and helpful case studies. Updated chapters incorporate new kinds of attacks, current work of the Digital Forensic Research Workshop and their investigative model, new operating systems, the impact of the Patriot Act, and new ways of analyzing computer media.

злочин -- комп'ютер

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