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   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Thompson, Dave.
Dancing barefoot [Electronic resource] : the Patti Smith story / Dave Thompson. - Chicago : Chicago Review Press, 2011. - 250 p
Переклад назви: Танці босоніж: історія Патті Сміт

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Dancing Barefoot is the full and true story of Patti Smith, widely acknowledged as one of the most significant American artists of the rock ’n’ roll era, a performer whose audience and appeal reach far beyond the parameters of rock. An acclaimed poet, a respected artist, and a figurehead for many liberal political causes, Patti Smith soared from an ugly-duckling childhood in postwar New Jersey to become queen of the New York arts scene in the 1970s. This book traces the brilliant trajectory of her career, including the fifteen reclusive years she spent in Detroit in the 1980s and ’90s, as well as her triumphant return to New York. But it is primarily the story of a performer growing up in New York City in the early and mid-1970s. Dancing Barefoot is a measured, accurate, and enthusiastic account of Smith’s career. Guided by interviews with those who have known her—including Ivan Kral, Tom Verlaine, Richard Lloyd, John Cale, and Jim Carroll—it relies most of all on Patti’s own words. This is Patti’s story, told as she might have seen it, had she been on the outside looking in.

рок-музика -- сучасна культура -- біографія

   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Релігія   

Swayd, Samy.
Historical dictionary of the Druzes [Electronic resource] / Samy Swayd. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2006. - 265 p. - (Historical Dictionaries of Peoples and Cultures ; no. 3)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник друзів


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I am very grateful to the Centers for Near Eastern Studies and European and Euroasian Studies of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and their directors Leonard Binder and Ivan T. Berend, respectively. The funding provided by the two centers madeit possible for me to lead a seminar at UCLA on Muslim/Middle Eastern diasporas in Europe and North America during the spring of 2004. My regular presence at UCLA has enabled me to spend the necessary time in the library system there and to improve many of the entries in this dictionary. I am also grateful to the Department of Religious Studies, San Diego State University (SDSU); its chair Linda Holler; and faculty and staff members for providing me with their ongoing support and a friendly academic atmosphere. Many colleagues and friends have contributed to making this book possible. I am most grateful for the articles, books, citations, support, and advice provided during the past several years by Jere Bacharach, Irene A. Bierman, Anwar Dabbour, Dany Doueiri, Jonathan Friedlander, Alice and Jerry Gess, Iskandar Mansour, Isma‘il Poonawala, Georges Sabagh, Yona Sabar, Fouad Sleem, Irving Alan Sparks, and Hossein Ziai. Many other unnamed individuals have provided me with access to their library collections and rich insights. Special thanks are also due to Heidi Rutz, Hussam Timani, and Nabil Zeitoun; whenever these three invaluable friends came across an article or a book that could be of use for this dictionary or for my work on the Druzes in general, they enthusiastically informed me of their find. David Hirsch of the Charles Young Research Library at UCLA was most helpful in promptly providing the requested citations and alerting me to what and where additional material could be located. Appreciation is also due to J. Chase Langford of the UCLA Department of Geography for producing the maps. The dedicated assistance in data entry and other research tasks of Anika Farber during the summer of 2003 is most appreciated. I would also like to thank Elisa Quinn Hedrick for her diligent attention to detail in entering the changes made on the first draft, for editing the subsequent revisions, and for her overall patience and assistance in handling research tasks and text inconsistencies. Her dedication and interest in the different aspects of this project have indeed contributed greatly to its completion. Jon Woronoff, the editor of the Historical Dictionaries of People and Cultures series, is most appreciated for his thoughtful suggestions and insightful recommendations. Without his superb patience and professionalism, this book would have not been possible. Finally, it goes without saying, however, that I remain responsible for all shortcomings in this work. I am also responsible for excluding potentially important entries that lacked or that were still awaiting verification at the time the manuscript was completed.

ісмаїліти -- ісламська секта

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Tarkovsky, Andrey.
Sculpting in time [Electronic resource] : reflections on the cinema / Andrey Tarkovsky. - [S. l.] : [б. в.], 1989. - 256 p
Переклад назви: Закарбований час: роздуми про кіно

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In Sculpting in Time, Tarkovsky sets down his thoughts and his memories, revealing for the first time the original inspirations for his extraordinary films--Ivan's Childhood, Andrey Rublyov, Solaris, The Mirror, Stalker, Nostalgia, and The Sacrifice. He discusses their history and his methods of work, he explores the many problems of visual creativity, and he sets forth the deeply autobiographical content of part of his oeuvre--most fascinatingly in The Mirror and Nostalgia. The closing chapter on The Sacrifice, dictated in the last weeks of Tarkovsky's life, makes the book essential reading for those who already know or who are just discovering his magnificent work.

кінокритика -- філософія кіно

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Franko, Ivan.
Selections poems and stories [Electronic resource] : пер. з укр. / Ivan Franko. - К. : Dnipro Publishers, 1986. - 215 p.
Переклад назви: Вибрані вірші та оповідання


Географічні рубрики:

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Ivan Franko was a Ukrainian poet, novelist, writer of short stories, playwright, satirist and publicist who lived and worked during the latter half of the 19th and the early years of the present century. His prolific and versatile pen left a great imprint on the people of his day as well as on the generations that followed. That is why today his name is honored and revered wherever Ukrainian people live. As his writings were translated into more and more languages his world stature grew. Today he is recognized as one of the great writers of the past century. Only a few of Ivan Franko’s poems had been translated into English. The present volume of translations is a representative selection of the great writer’s works in the English language. Since Franko’s complete writings fill fifty volumes, gathered here are only a very modest sampling: some of his best known poems, a few of his many short stories and excerpts from novels. A brief biography is also included in the introduction. This book of Ivan Franko’s writings in English translation has been published on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of his birth.

українська література -- поезія -- новелістика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Sertima, Ivan Van.
They came before Columbus [Electronic resource] : the African presence in Ancient America / Ivan Van Sertima. - New York : Random House, 2003. - 330 p
Переклад назви: Вони прийшли раніше від Колумба: африканська присутність в стародавній Америці


Географічні рубрики:

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They Came Before Columbus reveals a compelling, dramatic, and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of Africans in ancient America. Examining navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans; the transportation of plants, animals, and textiles between the continents; and the diaries, journals, and oral accounts of the explorers themselves, Ivan Van Sertima builds a pyramid of evidence to support his claim of an African presence in the New World centuries before Columbus. Combining impressive scholarship with a novelist’s gift for storytelling, Van Sertima re-creates some of the most powerful scenes of human history: the launching of the great ships of Mali in 1310 (two hundred master boats and two hundred supply boats), the sea expedition of the Mandingo king in 1311, and many others. In They Came Before Columbus, we see clearly the unmistakable face and handprint of black Africans in pre-Columbian America, and their overwhelming impact on the civilizations they encountered.

географічні відкриття -- доколумбова Америка -- афроамериканська культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Grandits, Hannes.
Yugoslavia’s Sunny Side [Electronic resource] : a History of Tourism in Socialism (1950s–1980s) / Hannes Grandits, Karin Taylor. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2010. - 438 p
Переклад назви: Сонячний бік Югославії: історія туризму за соціалістичних часів (1950-80-ті рр.)


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First of all, many thanks to the contributors of this volume who provided us in their essays with rich empirical evidence and illuminating analyses of various aspects of Yugoslav tourism development between the 1950s and 1980s. It was a pleasure to collaborate during our workshop at the University of Graz, as well as in the process of revising the essays and transforming them into final versions. Igor Duda and Dragan Popović were much appreciated members of the research project Tourism and Leisure Culture in Socialist Yugoslavia,” which formed the framework for this joint book endeavor. The project (P18153-G04; April 2005 to August 2008) was made possible by the generous support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). We would also like to express our gratitude to the project’s host institution, the Centre for Southeast European History at the University of Graz, headed by Karl Kaser. We are indebted to Sunniva Greve who worked with patience to proofread several of the contributions, and thanks also go to Sabine Krammer who helped with formatting the final manuscript. Research for this book was supported by numerous interviews and the comments of collaborators and friends. In Croatia, we especially thank Hrvoje Budak for his persistence in collecting interviews and gaining access to occasionally skeptical institutions. Many thanks also to Vinko and Marijeta Stagličić in Biograd na Moru, and Dr. Miroslav Jelić in Zagreb who contributed key documents and biographical accounts. In both Serbia and Montenegro, Lidija Popović and Ivana Dobrivojević energetically assisted our research, while Spomenka Krajčević provided steady encouragement and vital insights. The collection as a whole also benefited greatly from the thoughtful comments of Wendy Bracewell and Ulf Brunnbauer.

рекреаційні зони -- туризм -- відпочинок

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