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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kasianov, Georgiy.
A laboratory of transnational history [Electronic resource] : ukraine and recent Ukrianian historiography / Georgiy Kasianov. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2009. - 318 p
Переклад назви: Лабораторія транснаціональної історії: Україна і недавня українська історіографія


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This is a first attempt to present an approach to Ukrainian history which goes beyond the standard 'national narrative' schemes, predominant in the majority of post-Soviet countries after 1991, in the years of implementing 'nation-building projects'. An unrivalled collection of essays by the finest scholars in the field from Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, Austria and Canada, superbly written to a high academic standard. The various chapters are methodologically innovative and thought-provoking.The biggest Eastern European country has ancient roots but also the birth pangs of a new autonomous state. Its historiography is characterized by animated debates, in which this book takes a definite stance. The history of Ukraine is not written here as a linear, teleological narrative of ethnic Ukrainians but as a multicultural, multidimensional history of a diversity of cultures, religious denominations, languages, ethical norms, and historical experience. It is not presented as causal explanation of 'what has to have happened' but rather as conjunctures and contingencies, disruptions, and episodes of 'lack of history.

Україна -- історіографія -- національна ідентичність

   Тип видання:   підручник   

A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Recent Ukrainian Historiography [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Kasianov, P. Ther. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Лабораторія транснаціональної історії. Україна і остання українська історіографія


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For almost half a century, Ukrainian history did not exist in Ukraine as an independent field of scholarly research or as a subject of instruction. After the Second World War, the “history of the Ukrainian SSR” was established as a regional subunit of the “History of the USSR.” Outside Ukraine, its history was a subject of scholarly research and ideological interpretation in diaspora historiography and in a few small universitylevel institutions that generally found themselves on the margins of the academic world. After 1991, public demand for accounts of Ukrainian history arose in Ukraine and abroad: in both cases, the motives were purely pragmatic and instrumental. In Ukraine, the overriding concern was to legitimize the state in ideological and “scholarly” terms and provide for the civic education of the nation, which took the form of “creating Ukrainians.” Beyond the borders of the new state, interest in its history was inspired by efforts to understand and explain the current situation: thus, most Western research on Ukraine concentrates on studies in politics, international affairs, economics, and sociology, while historical works are generally either popular outlines or highly specialized investigations.

краєзнавство -- географія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Tim Jones, M.
Al Application Programming [Electronic resource] / M. Tim Jones. - Hingham : Charles River Media, 2003
Переклад назви: Штучний інтелект. Програмування додатків


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The purpose of this book is to demystify the techniques associated with the field of artificial intelligence. It covers both the theory and the practical applications to teach developers how to apply AI techniques in their own designs.

інтелектуальна система

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Математика   

Algebraic geometry [Electronic resource] : a problem solving approach / T. Garrity [et al.]. - New York : American Mathematical Society, 2008. - 405 p
Переклад назви: Алгебраїчна геометрія: підхід до вирішення проблеми


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Algebraic Geometry has been at the center of much of mathematics for hundreds of years. It is not an easy field to break into, despite its humble beginnings in the study of circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas. This text consists of a series of exercises, plus some background information and explanations, starting with conics and ending with sheaves and cohomology. The first chapter on conics is appropriate for first-year college students (and many high school students). Chapter 2 leads the reader to an understanding of the basics of cubic curves, while Chapter 3 introduces higher degree curves. Both chapters are appropriate for people who have taken multivariable calculus and linear algebra. Chapters 4 and 5 introduce geometric objects of higher dimension than curves. Abstract algebra now plays a critical role, making a first course in abstract algebra necessary from this point on. The last chapter is on sheaves and cohomology, providing a hint of current work in algebraic geometry.

математика -- логіка -- наука

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Parker, A.
Algorithms and data structures in C++ [Electronic resource] / A. Parker. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1993
Переклад назви: Алгоритми та структури даних в С++


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This text is designed for an introductory quarter or semester course in algorithms and data structures for students in engineering and computer science. It will also serve as a reference text for programmers in C++. The book presents algorithms and data structures with heavy emphasis on C++. Every C++ program presented is a stand-alone program. Except as noted, all of the programs in the book have been compiled and executed on multiple platforms. When used in a course, the students should have access to C++ reference manuals for their particular programming environment. The instructor of the course should strive to describe to the students every line of each program. The prerequisite knowledge for this course should be a minimal understanding of digital logic. A high-level programming language is desirable but not required for more advanced students. The study of algorithms is a massive field and no single text can do justice to every intricacy or application. The philosophy in this text is to choose an appropriate subset which exercises the unique and more modern aspects of the C++ programming language while providing a stimulating introduction to realistic problems. I close with special thanks to my friend and colleague, Jeffrey H. Kulick, for his contributions to this manuscript.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Geddes, K. O.
Algorithms for computer algebra [Electronic resource] / K. O. Geddes, S. R. Czapor, G. Labahn. - Norwell : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. - 585 p.


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Algorithms for Computer Algebra is the first comprehensive textbook to be published on the topic of computational symbolic mathematics. The book first develops the foundational material from modern algebra that is required for subsequent topics. It then presents a thorough development of modern computational algorithms for such problems as multivariate polynomial arithmetic and greatest common divisor calculations, factorization of multivariate polynomials, symbolic solution of linear and polynomial systems of equations, and analytic integration of elementary functions. Numerous examples are integrated into the text as an aid to understanding the mathematical development. The algorithms developed for each topic are presented in a Pascal-like computer language. An extensive set of exercises is presented at the end of each chapter.Algorithms for Computer Algebra is suitable for use as a textbook for a course on algebraic algorithms at the third-year, fourth-year, or graduate level. Although the mathematical development uses concepts from modern algebra, the book is self-contained in the sense that a one-term undergraduate course introducing students to rings and fields is the only prerequisite assumed. The book also serves well as a supplementary textbook for a traditional modern algebra course, by presenting concrete applications to motivate the understanding of the theory of rings and fields.

комп'ютер -- програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Katcher, P.
American Civil War artillery 1861-65 [Electronic resource] / P. Katcher. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2001. - (New Vanguard)
Переклад назви: Американська артилерія громадянської війни 1861-65


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Vol. 2 : Heavy Artillery. - 48 p.

Because of the length of the coastline of the United States, from the beginning American ordnance and engineers placed an emphasis on heavy artillery mounted in coastal defences. The Union army organised its 'Heavy Artillery' into separate regiments, uniformed and equipped differently. While the Field Artillery was assigned across the fighting fronts Heavy Artillery units served the big guns in the forts and the defences of Washington. The Confederates did not differentiate types of artillery and those that became known as Heavy Artillery did so through informal association rather than formal designation. This book details the development and usage of the big guns.

важка артилерія -- легка артилерія -- гармата -- оборона

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Madore, J.
An introduction to the twistor programme [Electronic resource] / J. Madore, J. L. Richard, R. Stora. - Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing Company, 1979. - 18 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до твісторних програм


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These notes have no pretense of originality. The degree of mathematical rigour is low; arguments are given rather than mathematical proofs, but mathematical references are given where complete proofs can be found. Local coordinates will be used throughout in such a way that gluing the pieces together is more or less obvious. There is a serious motivation for introducing some of the mathematics that has been successfully used recently, however unusual: the challenge still holds to know whether there are non self-dual solutions of the full Yang-Mills equations, and eventually to find them all. Other non-linear conformal invariant field equations pose the same problem.

програмування -- математика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Graham, Robert.
Anarchism [Electronic resource] : a documentary history of libertarian ideas / Robert Graham. - Montreal : Black Rose Books, 2005
Переклад назви: Анархізм: документальна історія лібертарних ідей


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Т. 1 : From anarchy to anarchism (300 CE To 1939). - 2005. - 538 p.

Т. 2 : The emergence of the new anarchism (1939-1977). - 2009. - 551 p.

Volume One of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, is a comprehensive and far ranging collection of anarchist writings from the feudal era (300) to 1939. Edited and introduced by noted anarchist scholar Robert Graham, the collection will include the definitive texts from the anarchist tradition of political thought, beginning with some of the earliest writings from China and Europe against feudal servitude and authority. The collection will then go on to document the best of the anti-authoritarian writings from the English and French Revolutions and the early development of libertarian socialist ideas, including such writers as Gerrard Winstanley, William Godwin, Charles Fourier, Max Stirner, as well as the early anarchist writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Michael Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, Errico Malatesta, Elisee Reclus, Leo Tolstoy, and Emma Goldman. This incomparable volume deals both with the positive ideas and proposals the anarchists tried to put into practice, and with the anarchist critiques of the authoritarian theories and practices confronting them during these years with their revolutionary upheavals. Robert Graham has written extensively on the history of anarchist ideas. He is the author of “The Role of Contract in Anarchist Ideology,” in the Routledge publication, For Anarchism, edited by David Goodway, and he wrote the introduction to the 1989 Pluto Press edition of Proudhon’s General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, originally published in 1851. He has been doing research and writing on the historical development of anarchist ideas for over 20 years and is a well respected commentator in the field. Includes original portraits of the anarchists drawn by Maurice Spira specifically for this book Spira’s imagery is rooted to the political, his subject matter global. Works such as “Battle of Seattle,” “Gulf,” and “Refugees” are the visual equivalent of newspaper headlines.

ідеологія -- політика -- філософія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fields, N.
Ancient Greek warship 500-322 Bc [Electronic resource] / N. Fields. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2007. - 48 p.. - (New Vanguard)
Переклад назви: Давньогрецький військовий корабель 500-322 до н.е


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Formidable and sophisticated, triremes were the deadliest battleship of the ancient world, and at the height of their success, the Athenians were the dominant exponents of their devastating power. Primarily longships designed to fight under oar power, the trireme was built for lightness and strength; ship-timber was mostly softwoods such as poplar, pine and fir, while the oars and mast were made out of fir. Their main weapon was a bronze-plated ram situated at the prow. From the combined Greek naval victory at Salamis (480 BC), through the Peloponnesian War, and up until the terrible defeat by the Macedonians at Amorgos, the Athenian trireme was an object of dread to its enemies. This book offers a complete analysis and insight into the most potent battleship of its time; the weapon by which Athens achieved, maintained, and ultimately lost its power and prosperity.

флот -- судно -- війна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Silverman, Helaine.
Ancient Nasca settlement and society [Electronic resource] / Helaine Silverman. - Iowa : Univ. of Iowa Press, 2002. - 225 p
Переклад назви: Прадавнє поселення у пустелі Наска і його суспільство


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Nasca is one of the most famous societies of ancient Peru. Its exquisite polychrome slip-painted pottery, enigmatic ground markings, ingenious irrigation system, and human trophy heads have long fascinated archaeologists and the public. For years scholars have tried to explain the conditions that produced the wide areal distribution of an essentially homogeneous Nasca pottery style, but only recently have there been sufficient field data with which to meaningfully address the issue.

археологія -- іригація -- антропологія -- примітивні суспільства

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Sherry, C. J.
Animal Rights [Electronic resource] : a Reference Handbook / C. J. Sherry. - 2nd. ed.. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2009. - 295 p.
Переклад назви: Права тварин: Довідкове керівництво

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Animal Rights: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition maintains the balance and accessibility of the first edition, letting readers decide the bounds of human responsibility toward animals. It surveys a wide range of controversies surrounding the use of animals in such fields as the food industry, medical research, and the realm of entertainment, as well as the tremendous surge in scientific discoveries and technological advances that have led to new conversations on animal rights in the 21st century.

право -- тварина

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Animal Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol.. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Зоологія


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Vol. 1 : A - Crep. - 240 p.

Vol. 2 : Cret - Hab. - 240 p.

Vol. 3 : Hab - Pep. - 240 p.

Vol. 4 : Per - Zoo. - 292 p.

Animal Sciences brings together a wide range of scientific, historical and cultural information about the animal world. In addition to covering biological concepts, the history of zoology, biographies of scientists in the field, and ethical issues, such as the practice of animal experimentation, it also covers careers in the animal sciences. Each fully illustrated volume includes sidebars, charts and a glossary, as well as bibliographies, filmographies and a list of the addresses of institutions devoted to the protection and study of wild and domesticated animals around the world. While Gale strives to replicate print content, some content may not be available in the eBook version due to rights restrictions. Call your Sales Rep for details.


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Telander, Todd.
Animal tracks [Electronic resource] : a falcon field guide / Todd Telander. - Helena : FalconGuides, 2012. - 107 p
Переклад назви: Відстежуємо тварин: довідник із польових соколів

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Animal Tracks is one in a series of comprehensive, nature-based field guides in a pocket-size trim with clear, full-color illustrations for easy subject identification.

бьордвотчінг -- орнітологія -- сокіл -- зоологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Long, M.
Architectural acoustics [Electronic resource] / M. Long. - Burlington : Elsevier academic press, 2006. - 844 p.
Переклад назви: Архітектурна акустика

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Architectural Acoustics presents a comprehensive technical overview of the field at a level suitable for working practitioners as well as advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate architecture or engineering course. The book is structured as a logical progression through acoustic interactions. Beginning with an architectural history, it reviews the fundamentals of acoustics, human perception and reaction to sound, acoustic noise measurements and noise metrics, and environmental noise. It then moves into wave acoustics, sound and solid surfaces, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, sound transmission in buildings, vibration and vibration isolation, noise transmission in floor systems, noise in mechanical systems, and sound attenuation in ducts. Chapters on specific design problems follow including treatment of multifamily dwellings, office buildings, rooms for speech, sound reinforcement systems, rooms for music, multipurpose rooms, auditoriums, sanctuaries, and studios and listening rooms. While providing a thorough overview of acoustics, it also includes the theory of loudspeaker systems and sound system modeling as well as an in-depth presentation of computer modeling, ray tracing and auralization. It will be particularly beneficial for architects and engineers working in fields where speech intelligibility, music appreciation, and noise isolation are critical.

сприйняття -- звук -- акустичне сприйняття -- музика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Arvidsson, Stefan.
Aryan Idols [Electronic resource] : indo-european mythology as ideology and science / S. Arvidsson. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2006. - 356 p.
Переклад назви: Арійські ідоли: індо-європейська міфологія як ідеологія та наука


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Critically examining the discourse of Indo-European scholarship over the past two hundred years, Aryan Idols demonstrates how the interconnected concepts of “Indo-European” and “Aryan” as ethnic categories have been shaped by, and used for, various ideologies. Stefan Arvidsson traces the evolution of the Aryan idea through the nineteenth century—from its roots in Bible-based classifications and William Jones’s discovery of commonalities among Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek to its use by scholars in fields such as archaeology, anthropology, folklore, comparative religion, and history. Along the way, Arvidsson maps out the changing ways in which Aryans were imagined and relates such shifts to social, historical, and political processes. Considering the developments of the twentieth century, Arvidsson focuses on the adoption of Indo-European scholarship (or pseudoscholarship) by the Nazis and by Fascist Catholics. A wide-ranging discussion of the intellectual history of the past two centuries, Aryan Idols links the pervasive idea of the Indo-European people to major scientific, philosophical, and political developments of the times, while raising important questions about the nature of scholarship as well.

індуїзм -- нацизм -- ідеологізація -- Аненербе

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Weisstub, D. N.
Autonomy and Human Rights in Health Care [Electronic resource] : an International Perspective / D. N. Weisstub, G. D. Pintos. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. - 401 p.
Переклад назви: Автономія і права людини в галузі охорони здоров'я: міжнародні перспективи


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This book offers a group of essays published in memory of David Thomasma, one of the leading humanists in the field of bioethics during the twentieth century. The authors represent many different countries and disciplines throughout the globe. The volume deals with the pressing issue of how to ground a universal bioethics in the context of the conflicted world of combative cultures and perspectives.

здоров'я -- право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barton, Peter.
Beneath Flanders fields [Electronic resource] : the tunnellers' war 1914-1918 / P. Barton, P. Doyle, J. Vandevvalle. - Stroud : Spellmount Limited, 2007. - 304 p
Переклад назви: Під полями Фландрії: шанцева війна 1914-1918


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перша світова війна -- військова тактика

   Тип видання:   нормативно-правовий акт   

Martinengo, Alberto.
Beyond deconstruction [Electronic resource] : from hermeneutics to reconstruction / Alberto Martinengo. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co, 2012. - 308 p
Переклад назви: Крім деконструкції: від герменевтики до реконструкції.


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By now Jacques Derrida′s legacy has taken the form of a veritable (post-)deconstructive Babel. Its lasting presence is marked by a crucial oscillation between the echoes of its earlier success and the claims of a radically different sensibility. This volume takes stock of the controversy in three main fields: philosophy, literary studies, and law. For all those who are confronted with the variety of Derrida′s legacy this book serves as an invaluable map and takes a reconstructive approach to move beyond deconstruction.

філософія -- літературознавство -- право

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Schneier, B.
Beyond Fear [Electronic resource] : thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World / B. Schneier. - New York : Copernicus Books, 2003. - 295 p.
Переклад назви: Крім страху: роздуми про безпеку в невизначеному світі


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Many of us, especially since 9/11, have become personally concerned about issues of security, and this is no surprise. Security is near the top of government and corporate agendas around the globe. Security-related stories appear on the front page everyday. How well though, do any of us truly understand what achieving real security involves? In Beyond Fear, Bruce Schneier invites us to take a critical look at not just the threats to our security, but the ways in which we're encouraged to think about security by law enforcement agencies, businesses of all shapes and sizes, and our national governments and militaries. Schneier believes we all can and should be better security consumers, and that the trade-offs we make in the name of security - in terms of cash outlays, taxes, inconvenience, and diminished freedoms - should be part of an ongoing negotiation in our personal, professional, and civic lives, and the subject of an open and informed national discussion. With a well-deserved reputation for original and sometimes iconoclastic thought, Schneier has a lot to say that is provocative, counter-intuitive, and just plain good sense. He explains in detail, for example, why we need to design security systems that don't just work well, but fail well, and why secrecy on the part of government often undermines security. He also believes, for instance, that national ID cards are an exceptionally bad idea: technically unsound, and even destructive of security. And, contrary to a lot of current nay-sayers, he thinks online shopping is fundamentally safe, and that many of the new airline security measure (though by no means all) are actually quite effective. A skeptic of much that's promised by highly touted technologies like biometrics, Schneier is also a refreshingly positive, problem-solving force in the often self-dramatizing and fear-mongering world of security pundits. Schneier helps the reader to understand the issues at stake, and how to best come to one's own conclusions, including the vast infrastructure we already have in place, and the vaster systems--some useful, others useless or worse--that we're being asked to submit to and pay for. Bruce Schneier is the author of seven books, including Applied Cryptography (which Wired called "the one book the National Security Agency wanted never to be published") and Secrets and Lies (described in Fortune as "startlingly lively...¦[a] jewel box of little surprises you can actually use."). He is also Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Counterpane Internet Security, Inc., and publishes Crypto-Gram, one of the most widely read newsletters in the field of online security.


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