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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Allman-Ward, М.
Essentials of managing corporate cash [Electronic resource] / М. Allman-Ward, J. Sagner. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Основи корпоративного управління готівкою


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Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise book will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies and technologies in managing corporate cash.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Haman, E. A.
How to start a business in Michigan [Electronic resource] / E. A. Haman, M. Warda. - 4th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2004. - 266 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Мічігані


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  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Each year thousands of new corporations and limited liability companies are registered in Michigan and thousands more partnerships and sole proprietorships open for business. Nationwide, the 1990s were called the Decade of the Entrepreneur. Even with the economic slowdown after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, that trend is continuing in the twenty-first century.

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Truly, T.
Start a business in Texas [Electronic resource] / T. Truly, M. Warda. - 5th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2006. - 290 p.
Переклад назви: Започаткування бізнесу в Техасі


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Texas has been, and will continue to be, a great place to start a business. The rugged individualism that gave rise to the legendary maverick cattle barons of the nineteenth century now finds its expression in the thousands of Texans each year who set out to start their own businesses and to be their own bosses. In this age of instantaneous information transfer, rapid transportation, and worldwide business interaction, no business goal is too large. The sky is the limit!

підприємництво -- провадження бізнесу

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Ward, I.
Law, Text, Terror [Electronic resource] / I. Ward. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. - 199 p.
Переклад назви: Закон, текст, терор


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The relationship between law and terrorism has re-emerged recently as a pressing issue in contemporary jurisprudence. Terrorism appears to take law to its limit, whilst the demands of counter-terrorism hold the cause of justice in contempt. At this point the case for engaging alternative intellectual approaches and resources is compelling. Ian Ward argues that through a closer appreciation of the ethical and aesthetical dimensions of terror, as well as the historical, political and cultural, we can better comprehend modern expressions and experiences of terrorism. For this reason, alongside juristic responses to modern expressions of terrorism, Law, Text, Terror examines a variety of supplementary literary texts as well as alternative intellectual approaches; from the drama of Euripides and Shakespeare, to the rhetoric and poetry of Burke and Shelley, the literary feminisms of Lessing and Rame, and the narrative existentialism of Conrad, Coetzee, Dostoevsky and DeLillo.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Truly, T.
How to start a business in Texas [Electronic resource] / T. Truly, M. Warda. - 4th. ed.. - Naperville : Sphinx Publishing, 2004. - 265 p.
Переклад назви: Як започаткувати бізнес в Техасі


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Simplify the Start-Up Process Starting a new business can be one of the most exciting things you will ever do-as well as one of the most overwhelming. To ensure the future success of your enterprise, take the time to properly establish yourself right from the start. Let Start a Business in Texas help you start your dream business headache and hassle-free.

провадження бізнесу -- підприємництво

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