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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Arata, M. J.
Identity theft for dummies [Electronic resource] / M. J. Arata. - Hoboken : Wiley Publishing, 2010. - 291 p.
Переклад назви: Крадіжки персональних даних для чайників


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

In this book, I tell you how to prevent identity theft and what to do if you’re a victim. If you’re wondering what sort of information is vulnerable and should be shredded, or how to reclaim your credit if you’ve been a victim, this is the one-stop reference for you. Today, the name of the game is making yourself a hard target, and armed with this book, you’ll do exactly that.

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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Arata, M. J.
Preventing Identity Theft For Dummies [Electronic resource] / M. J. Arata. - Hoboken : Wiley Publishing, 2004. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Запобігання крадіжки особистих даних для чайників


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Twenty-seven million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the last five years and the total cost of identity theft approaches $48 billion per year (total costs to businesses are $43 billion and the direct cost to consumers is $5 billion) These staggering statistics have prompted security consultant Michael Arata to provide readers with the resources they need to guard themselves against identity theft In this valuable book, Arata offers easy-to-follow, straightforward advice on understanding identity theft, minimizing risk, maintaining vigilance, choosing who to share personal information with, selecting hard-to-guess PINs, determining victimization, reviewing a credit report, charting a course of action, resolving credit problems, reclaiming good credit, and much more Explains how to recover successfully if identity theft does occur Author Michael Arata, CISSP, CPP, CFE, ACLM, is a veteran of the security industry with more than fifteen years of experience

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