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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

James, D.
Draw your own Celtic designs [Electronic resource] / D. James, V. Gonzalez. - Devon : David & Charles, 2003. - 127 p.
Переклад назви: Як самому створювати кельтські орнаменти


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The following chapters examine each of the main Celtic patterns in turn: knots, spirals, key patterns, animals and beasts, and Celtic lettering. Each chapter opens with a large colour illustration to inspire readers in ways of incorporating the design into their own work. This is followed by a short introduction to the range of patterns that fall into this design category, along with photos of Celtic artefacts. The rest of the chapter consists of 16 design pages, each containing a specially commissioned step-by-step artwork for readers to follow. Beautiful to look at, and exquisitely executed in themselves, each artwork has been carefully constructed so that readers can follow its build up from start to finish with no possibility of error. The chapter on Celtic lettering contains a specially commissioned double-page artwork of the Celtic alphabet for readers to copy, and is followed by instructions on how to embellish each of the letter forms in Celtic styles.

дизайн -- артефакт -- стиль

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dignan, James.
Understanding victims and restorative justice [Electronic resource] / J. Dignan. - New York : Open University Press, 2005. - (Mike Maguire)
Переклад назви: Розуміння жертв і відновне правосуддя


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Two of the most influential developments within criminal justice policy in recent years have been the rise of a victim-focused agenda and the emergence of a distinctive set of practices known as ‘restorative justice. Dignan explores the origins of these two sets of developments and offers an analytical framework to map out the relationships between restorative justice and other victim-focused approaches. He analyses different models of restorative approaches, including victim–offender mediation, family group conferencing, police-led conferencing and reparation boards, and looks at how these differ in terms of goals, focus, the way they work, and their impact on victims. In addition, he assesses the strengths and weaknesses of these practices in meeting the needs of victims as part of the overall response to crime. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this book is for students from a range of disciplines including criminology, sociology and law, and is of value to professionals, practitioners and policy makers working in voluntary agencies within the criminal justice system.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

James, Louis.
Xenophobe's Guide to the Austrians [Electronic resource] / Louis James. - London : Oval Books, 2010. - 98 p
Переклад назви: Путівник австрійською культурою


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  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The Austrian needs lots of persuading to have his traditions tampered with in the name of modernization and efficiency. He is attached to his sausage, his insipid beer, and the young white wine that tastes so remarkably like iron filings. He prefers the familiar, tried, and tested to the novelty, the latter almost certainly being an attempt by persons unknown to make money at his expense.

Австрія -- культура -- нація

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