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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hart, J. M.
Windows system programming [Electronic resource] / J. M. Hart. - 3rd. ed.. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2004. - 576 p.
Переклад назви: Системне програмування у Windows


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Windows System Programming, Third Edition gives a solid grounding on using the core Windows APIs, includingWin64; is updated for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Framework, and has extensive examples illustrate all topics and show performance impact and tradeoffs A practical guide to the central features and functions of the Windows API, Windows System Programming, Third Edition, will get you up and running with Windows XP and 2003, as well as other Windows systems. Unlike most Windows programming resources, this book focuses exclusively on the core system servicesfile system, memory, processes and threads, synchronization, communication, and securityrather than on the more commonly featured graphical user interface functions. Especially geared for those already familiar with UNIX or other high-end operating systems, Windows System Programming, Third Edition, helps you to build on your knowledge base to learn the most important features quickly and easily. This new edition has been updated and enhanced with coverage of new API functions, network programming, Windows Services, process and thread management, synchronization, and application performance on single and multiprocessor systems. It also describes techniques for porting applications to Win64, the new Windows 64-bit API. Beginning with an examination of the features required in a single-process application, the text gradually progresses to increasingly sophisticated functions relating to a multithreaded environment. Each chapter contains realistic examples to illustrate the topics

системне пз

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harte, L.
Introduction to data networks: PDN, LAN, MAN, WAN, and wireless data, technologies and systems [Electronic resource] / L. Harte. - Fuquay-Varina : ALTHOS, 2003. - 48 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до мереж даних: PDN, LAN, MAN, WAN, та безпровідна мережа, технолонії та системи


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This guide explains how data networks operate, why data systems are becoming more complicated, and how data networks are changing to permit broadband services and applications.

комп'ютерна мережа -- локальна мережа -- безпровідна мережа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harte, L.
Introduction to paging systems: One-Way, Two-Way, POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, REFLEX, & INFLEXION [Electronic resource] / L. Harte. - Fuquay-Varina : ALTHOS, 2004. - 34 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до пейджингових систем: One-Way, Two-Way, POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, REFLEX, & INFLEXION


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This book describes the different types of paging systems, what services they can provide, and how they are changing to profitably provide new messaging, data gathering, and remote control services.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harte, L.
Introduction to Bluetooth: technology, market, operation, profiles, & services [Electronic resource] / L. Harte. - Fuquay-Varina : ALTHOS, 2004. - 60 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до Bluetooth: технологія, ринок, операції, профілі та сервіси


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This guide explains the operation of Bluetooth devices, how the marketplace is growing for short-range wireless devices, and how Bluetooth compares with other technologies.

зв'язок -- блютус -- безпровідна мережа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harte, L.
Introduction to private land mobile radio: Dispatch, LTR, APCO, MPT1327, iDEN, and TETRA [Electronic resource] / L. Harte. - Fuquay-Varina : ALTHOS, 2004. - 37 p.


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This book explains the different types of private land mobile radio systems, their basic operations, and the services they can provide.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Harte, L.
Introduction to 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) [Electronic resource] : technology, Market, Operation, Profiles, & Services / L. Harte. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2004. - 66 p.
Переклад назви: Введення в стандарт 802.11 бездротової комп'ютерної мережі (WLAN)


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This book explains the basics of WLAN technology, how to install and set up a basic WLAN system, and key security options that should be considered.

бездротова мережа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hartley, T. C.
International commercial litigation [Electronic resource] / T. C. Hartley. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 964 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародний комерційний судовий процес


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This carefully structured, practice-orientated textbook provides everything the law student needs to know about international commercial litigation. The strong comparative component provides a thought-provoking international perspective, while at the same time allowing readers to gain unique insights into litigation in English courts. Three important themes of the book analyse how the international element may call into question the power of the court to hear the case, whether it should exercise this power, whether foreign law applies, and whether the court should take into account any foreign judgment. Hartley provides the reader with extracts from leading cases and relevant legislation, together with an extensive reference library of further reading for those who wish to explore the topic in more detail, making this a valuable, single-source textbook. International commercial litigation is an area where the law changes fast. To keep the book up to date, new material will be posted on the book’s website, www.cambridge.org/thartley/. This will cover both cases and legislation. Trevor C. Hartley is Professor of Law Emeritus at the London School of Economics, where he specializes in private international law and European Community law.

комерційний закон -- комерційне право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Ashcroft, J.
Responding to gangs: evaluation and research [Electronic resource] / J. Ashcroft, D. J. Daniels, S. V. Hart. - Washington : National Institute of Justice, 2002. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Реагування на бандитські угруповання: Оцінки та досліди


Географічні рубрики:

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In keeping with NIJ's mission of generating research-based knowledge that can inform policy and benefit practitioners, this Research Report presents a broad-based collection of papers representative of NIJ's portfolio of gang-related research. It emphasizes program evaluation. Evaluations often indicate the efficacy and/or shortcomings of a program; in either case, the information can be applied by those seeking solutions to similar problems. The Report examines gang-related field, survey, and records research in the interest of gender, race/ethnicity, and criminal justice system interventions.

бандитизм -- кримінал

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Rogers, R.
Pots in the garden. Expert design and planting techniques [Electronic resource] / R. Rogers ; phot. R. Hartlage. - Portland : Timber press, 2007. - 247 p.
Переклад назви: Горщики в саду: експертні техніки дизайну та рослинництва


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LET’S FACE IT: many of us have a rather limited space in which to garden, and most of us do not have all day to spend outside pursuing our hobby. Understandably, we want to use that precious space and our valuable time to their fullest potential. One of the most space-saving and time-effi cient ways to enjoy our gardens is to include container plantings in our efforts. Container plantings do not need to take up much room (although they can fi ll your entire garden if you like), and a well-planned container, or a group of them, can be easily maintained in a surprisingly short amount of time.

декоративна рослина -- садівництво

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