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Mozilla Firefox Для швидкої роботи та реалізації всіх функціональних можливостей пошукової системи використовуйте браузер
"Mozilla Firefox"

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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Heltzel, P.
Complete home wireless networking [Electronic resource] / P. Heltzel. - Windows® XP Edition. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 224 p.
Переклад назви: Повна домашня безпровідна мережа


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Today's home wireless networks offer tremendous advantages over hard-wired networks-among them, unprecedented portability and, of course, the freedom from wires strung all over your house! Unless you have a firm grasp on all the latest networking technologies, though, wireless networks won't free you from digging your way through a collection of confusing, jargon-riddled manuals; dealing with obscure configuration modes; and finally, hoping somehow it will all work once you flip the switch. If you want a home wireless network without the headaches, then Complete Wireless Home Networking: Windows XP Edition, by wireless networking authority Paul Heltzel, is for you. Written in an engaging, conversational style, this book offers reliable advice on determining your equipment needs, then guides you through each step of building a wireless network-installation, setup, configuration, and troubleshooting. And with minimal fuss, you'll have a home wireless network that's fast, secure, and optimized for your physical environment and computing requirements. Whether you're accessing the Internet from your back yard, sending jobs to a printer downstairs, or transferring files effortlessly, you'll wonder how you got by without a wireless network.

комп'ютерна мережа -- бездротова мережа

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