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Категорія: Математика   

Sticker, Henry.
How to calculate quickly [Electronic resource] : full course in speed arithmetic / Henry Sticker. - New York : Dover Publications, 1955. - 191 p
Переклад назви: Як рахувати швидко: повний курс швидкісної арифметики


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Do you want to double or triple the speed with which you calculate? How to Calculate Quickly is a tried and true method for helping you in the mathematics of daily life — addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. The author can awaken for you a faculty which is surprisingly dormant in accountants, engineers, scientists, businesspeople, and others who work with figures. This is "number sense" — or the ability to recognize relations between numbers considered as whole quantities. Lack of this number sense makes it entirely possible for a scientist to be proficient in higher mathematics, but to bog down in the arithmetic of everyday life. This book teaches those necessary mathematical techniques which schools neglect to teach: Horizontal addition, left to right multiplication and division, etc. You will learn a method of multiplication so rapid that you'll be able to do products in not much more time than it would take to write the problem down on paper. This is not a collection of tricks which would work in only a very few special cases, but a serious, capably planned course of basic mathematics for self-instruction. It contains over 9,000 short problems and their solutions for you to work during spare moments. Five or ten minutes spent daily on this book will, within ten weeks, give you a number sense that will double or triple your calculation speed.

лічба -- арифметика

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