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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Campbell, Joseph.
The Masks of God [Electronic resource] : primitive mythology / J. Campbell. - London : Secker & Warburg, 1960. - 509 p.
Переклад назви: Маски бога: примітивні міфології


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The comparative study of the mythologies of the world compels us to view the cultural history of mankind as a unit; for we find that such themes as the fire-theft, deluge, land of the dead, virgin birth, and resurrected hero have a worldwide distribution—appearing everywhere in new combinations while remaining, like the elements of a kaleidoscope, only a few and always the same. Furthermore, whereas in tales told for entertainment such mythical themes are taken lightly— in a spirit, obviously, of play—they appear also in religious contexts, where they are accepted not only as factually true but even as revelations of the verities to which the whole culture is a living witness and from which it derives both its spiritual authority and its temporal power. No human society has yet been found in which such mythological motifs have not been rehearsed in liturgies; interpreted by seers, poets, theologians, or philosophers; presented in art; magnified in song; and ecstatically experienced in life-empowering visions. Indeed, the chronicle of our species, from its earliest page, has been not simply an account of the progress of man the tool-maker, but—more tragically—a history of the pouring of blazing visions into the minds of seers and the efforts of earthly communities to incarnate unearthly covenants. Every people has received its own seal and sign of supernatural designation, communicated to its heroes and daily proved in the lives and experience of its folk. And though many who bow with closed eyes in the sanctuaries of their own tradition rationally scrutinize and disqualify the sacraments of others, an honest comparison immediately reveals that all have been built from one fund of mythological motifs—variously selected, organized, interpreted, and ritualized, according to local need, but revered by every people on earth.

дорелігійні вірування -- анімізм -- тотемізм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Lynch, Patricia Ann.
African mythology A to Z [Electronic resource] / P. A. Lynch. - 2nd ed.. - New York : Chelsea House, 2010. - 176 p.. - (Mythology A to Z)
Переклад назви: Африканська міфологія від А до Я


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  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The first humans may have come from Africa, and many great civilizations have flourished there. From the long history of human habitation in Africa; the diverse geography, flora, and fauna of the continent; and the variety of African cultural beliefs comes a fascinating and strong tradition of myth. African Mythology A to Z is a readable reference to the deities, places, events, animals, beliefs, and other subjects that appear in the myths of various African peoples. With nearly 300 entries written to inform and appeal to young people - and illustrations accompanying the text throughout - this valuable resource sheds light on a subject that many Americans, young and old, find themselves drawn to study. With an introduction that provides historical context for better understanding the myths, African Mythology A to Z fully describes, defines, and explains key stories, characters, themes, and other aspects of the myths of African peoples.

анімізм -- метемпсихоз -- тотемізм -- демонологія -- трикстери -- чаклунство

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