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Robinson, Douglas.
Who translates? [Electronic resource] : translator subjectivities beyond reason / Douglas Robinson. - New York : State University of New York Press, 2001. - 217 p
Переклад назви: Хто перекладає? : невмотивована суб'єктивність перекладача


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Here are some of the people who contributed to whatever kind of “success” this book ends up having out there in the real world: Bill Kaul, Joanna Sheldon, Bob Ashley, Fred Will, Anthony Pym, Daniel Simeoni, Marcella Alohalani Boido, Michael Cronin, Sean Golden, the participants in the translation colloquium at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona where I presented some of these ideas in March 1997, Don Robinson, Don Kartiganer, Dena Shunra, Jussara Simões, Chris DeSantis, Marilyn Gaddis Rose and the four other unnamed readers who read the manuscript for SUNY Press (Marilyn twice) and made useful comments. James Peltz at SUNY Press continued to believe in the project over the long haul, and for that I am grateful. Bill Kaul says he thinks Shakespeare’s spirit probably helped me some too. But then he’s been wrong before.

перекладознавство -- тлумачення -- текстологія

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