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Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Авадяева, Е.
100 великих казней [Електронний ресурс] / Е. Авадяева, Л. Зданович. - М. : Вече, 2004. - 545 с. - (100 великих)


Географічні рубрики:

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Серию `100 великих` продолжает необычная по тематике книга `100 великих казней`. Казни как особое явление в жизни общества существовали с древнейших времен. Авторы - составители поставили перед собой цель рассказать лишь о наиболее известных казнях в истории человечества, расположив из в хронологическом порядке. Среди казненных героев книги - Сократ, Иисус Христос, Савонарола, Колиньи, Мария Стюарт, Равальяк, Степан Разин, Мата Хари, Колчак, Ягода, Ежов, Муссолини, Берия, Чаушеску...

злочин -- кара -- страта

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Iannacci, J.
Access Device Fraud and Related Financial Crimes [Electronic resource] / J. Iannacci, R. Morris. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - 153 p.
Переклад назви: Доступні шахрайські пристрої та зв'язки з фінансовими злочинами

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Access Device Fraud and Related Financial Crimes offers front-line exposure. It is a reference text that affords the student, financial investigator or law enforcement professional a true insight into a wide spectrum of criminal activity involving financial crimes. This book brings the reader back to the scene of cases in which the intensity and magnitude of the schemes presented a real challenge to the prowess of skilled investigators. It explores what makes financial crime the preferred crime and the means of successfully investigating them. Thorough in their approach, yet easy to understand, the authors offer information on every facet of this complex criminal activity. With everything from the roles different law enforcement parties play in investigation, through recent technological advancements in encryption, to useful resources that are available for investigation, Access Device Fraud and Related Financial Crimes offers a one-stop resource for solving financial crime.

шахрайство -- злочин

Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Addiction, crime and insurgency [Electronic resource] : the Transnational Threat of Afghan Opium. - Vienna : UNODC, 2009. - 145 p.
Переклад назви: Наркоманія, злочинність і бунти: Транснаціональна загроза афганського опіуму


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кримінал -- наркотики

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Zimring, F. E.
An American Travesty [Electronic resource] : legal Responses to Adolescent Sexual Offending / F. E. Zimring. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2004. - 195 p.
Переклад назви: Американська пародія: Правові відповіді на сексуальні правопорушення підлітків


Географічні рубрики:

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An American Travesty is the first scholarly book in half a century to analyze the justice system’s response to sexual misconduct by children and adolescents in the United States. Writing with a refreshing dose of common sense, Franklin E. Zimring discusses our society's failure to consider the developmental status of adolescent sex offenders. Too often, he argues, the American legal system ignores age and developmental status when adjudicating young sexual offenders, in many cases responding as they would to an adult.

злочин -- законодавство -- дитина -- підліток

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Finn, J.
Capturing the criminal image. From mug shot to surveillance society [Electronic resource] / J. Finn. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2009. - 186 p.
Переклад назви: Фіксація криміналу: Від фото злочинця до до суспільного нагляду


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At the beginning of the twentieth century, criminals, both alleged and convicted, were routinely photographed and fingerprinted-and these visual representations of their criminal nature were archived for possible future use. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, a plethora of new tools-biometrics, DNA analysis, digital imagery, and computer databases-similarly provide new ways for representing the criminal.Capturing the Criminal Image traces how the act of representing-and watching-is central to modern law enforcement. Jonathan Finn analyzes the development of police photography in the nineteenth century to foreground a critique of three identification practices that are fundamental to current police work: fingerprinting, DNA analysis, and surveillance programs and databases. He shows these practices at work by examining specific police and border-security programs, including several that were established by the U.S. government after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Contemporary law enforcement practices, he argues, position the body as something that is potentially criminal. As Finn reveals, the collection and archiving of identification data-which consist today of much more than photographs or fingerprints-reflect a reconceptualization of the body itself. And once archived, identification data can be interpreted and reinterpreted according to highly mutable and sometimes dubious conceptions of crime and criminality.

криміналістика -- слідкування

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Shover, N.
Choosing white-collar crime [Electronic resource] / N. Shover, A. Hochstetler. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2006. - 212 p.
Переклад назви: Вибір злочину "білих комірців"

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For more than three decades, rational-choice theory has reigned as the dominant approach both for interpreting crime and as underpinning for crime-control programs. Although it has been applied to an array of street crimes, white-collar crime and those who commit it have thus far received less attention. Choosing White-Collar Crime is a systematic application of rational-choice theory to problems of explaining and controlling white-collar crime. It distinguishes ordinary and upperworld white-collar crime and presents reasons theoretically for believing that both have increased substantially in recent decades. Reasons for the increase include the growing supply of white-collar lure and non-credible oversight. Choosing White-Collar Crime also examines criminal decision making by white-collar criminals and their criminal careers. The book concludes with reasons for believing that problems of white-collar crime will continue unchecked in the increasingly global economy and calls for strengthened citizen movements to rein in the increases.



Vitale, Alex S..
City of Disorder [Electronic resource] : how the Quality of Life Campaign Transformed New York Politics / A. S. Vitale. - New York : New York University Press, 2008. - 247 p.
Переклад назви: Місто безладу: як кампанія за підвищення якості життя трансформувала політику міської влади Нью-Йорка


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From 1990 to 1993 I directed civil rights policy for the San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness, and during that time I witnessed the beginning of what would become a national backlash against homeless people. San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos had made extensive efforts to address what appeared at first to be a short-term problem made worse by the economic slowdown of the early 1980s and then exacerbated by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, which damaged a significant amount of the city’s low-cost housing. Within a few years, however, the problem had become worse, with homeless people encamped throughout the city, undermining the usability of parks, sidewalks, and other public spaces. The mayor’s response was to begin to target homeless people in certain high-visibility areas of the city such as Golden Gate Park, the Civic Center, and Union Square. Through aggressive ticketing by police and outreach efforts by social workers, he attempted to restore order to those parts of the city. His efforts, however, were unsuccessful, as he lacked both the housing and services to move people off the streets and the willingness to fully engage the police in a program of harassment, intimidation, and arrests. By 1992, public frustration with Agnos’s failure to “solve” homelessness through either progressive or regressive means resulted in his ouster. He was replaced by the city’s police chief, Frank Jordan, who campaigned on a platform of removing the homeless and restoring order through aggressive policing. In 1993 he initiated the “Matrix” program, which gave the police new authority and political backing for a concerted crackdown on public homelessness. Encampments were removed from public parks and plazas; thousands of tickets were issued for minor legal violations; and hundreds of homeless people were sent to jail. Despite these aggressive efforts to restore order, the number of people without a place to live continued to increase and public order remained impaired, with the problem often being shifted from the central city to outlying neighborhoods. Although Jordan’s backlash brought limited relief to a handful of targeted areas, it also engendered misery, anger, and hopelessness in thousands of homeless people.

безпритульні -- вулична злочинність -- наркоманія -- муніципальна політика

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Дикки, Д.
Cosa Nostra история сицилийской мафии [Електронний ресурс] / Д. Дикки. - М. : Эксмо, 2007. - 528 с.


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Имя этой преступной организации давно стало нарицательным. Коза Ностра – не просто название, фактически это – криминальный бренд, олицетворение тайной власти, основанной на насилии и кровопролитии. Самая жестокая, самая неуловимая, самая эффективная преступная организация мира – такова сицилийская мафия, широко известная под именем Коза Ностра.

кримінал -- правосуддя -- злочинність -- мафія


Дикки, Джон.
Cosa Nostra, история сицилийской мафии [Електронний ресурс] / Джон Дикки. - М. : Эксмо, 2007. - 539 с.


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Книга Джона Дикки "Cosa Nostra: история сицилийской мафии" в настоящее время является самым объемным исследованием жизни тайного преступного сообщества Сицилии, переведенным на русский язык. Без налета кинемотографического романтизма описана ужасающая реальность преступной деятельности Коза Ностра на протяжении двух столетий: рэкет, торговля наркотиками, похищения и убийства невинных людей, политическая коррупция, террор. Мафия, описанная здесь, совсем не похожа на ее стилизованное отображение в фильмах и романах с мифами о "верности традициям" и благородстве "людей чести". Имя этой преступной организации давно стало нарицательным. Коза Ностра – не просто название, фактически это – криминальный бренд, олицетворение тайной власти, основанной на насилии и кровопролитии. Самая жестокая, самая неуловимая, самая эффективная преступная организация мира – такова сицилийская мафия, широко известная под именем Коза Ностра. Война с мафией, продолжающаяся почти двести лет, создала этой организации ореол неуязвимости, но, как показали события конца XX столетия, мафию все же возможно победить. Как мафия достигла своего могущества, чего она добивается и чьей поддержкой пользуется, каковы ее планы на будущее – обо всем этом рассказывается в уникальном исследовании Джона Дикки. Коза Ностре посвящено немало книг; тем не менее, работа Джона Дикки стоит особняком – до сих пор ничего подобного этой книге еще не было. Впервые под одной обложкой собраны все известные на сегодня сведения о Коза Ностре, все подробности жизни тайного преступного общества Сицилии: от мафиозного кодекса чести и обрядов посвящения до политической коррупции и деловых интересов мафиози, от методов управления этой криминальной организацией до «бизнес-модели», которой она придерживается. Если вы хотите узнать, какой мафия была и чем живет и дышит сегодня, составить представление о ее деятельности на протяжении двух столетий, понять, благодаря чему мафия добилась той степени влияния, которой она ныне обладает, тогда эта книга – для вас.

кримінал -- злочинність -- мафія

Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Crime and development in Africa [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2005. - 160 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток в Африці


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Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Crime and instability [Electronic resource] : case studies of transnational threats. - Vienna : UNODC, 2010. - 65 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність та нестабільність: тематичні дослідження транснаціональних загроз


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Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Crime and its impact on the Balkans and affected countries [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2008. - 130 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність та її вплив на Балканах і в постраждалих країнах


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Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Crime et Développement en Afrique [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2005. - 180 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток в Африці


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Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Crime, violence, and development [Electronic resource] : trends, costs, and policy options in the Caribbean. - Vienna : UNODC, 2007. - 228 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність, насильство та розвиток: тенденції, витрати, проблеми і можливі рішення в Карибському басейні


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Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Crimen y Desarrollo en Centroamérica [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2007. - 109 с.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток у Центральній Америці


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Brandt, D.
Delinquency, Development, and Social Policy [Electronic resource] / D. Brandt. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2006. - 164 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність, розвиток та соціальна політика


Географічні рубрики:

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In this book, David E. Brandt examines the legal, psychological, and cultural issues relevant to understanding antisocial behavior in adolescence. Based on his own research and a broad analysis of recent work in the field, Brandt identifies the factors that are common in cases of delinquency. The discussion considers the long-term effects of social issues such as poverty as well as psychological issues such as the high levels of stress and anxiety suffered during childhood by many delinquents. He shows how a failure to meet the developmental needs of children—at both the family level and at a broader social and political level—is at the core of the problem of juvenile delinquency. Brandt concludes with an inquiry into how best to prevent delinquency. Programs that address the developmental needs of children, Brandt argues, are more effective than policing, juvenile courts, or incarceration.

культура -- поведінка -- правопорушення

Тип видання: підручник   

Ssenyonjo, M.
Economic, social and cultural rights in international law [Electronic resource] / M. Ssenyonjo. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 591 p.
Переклад назви: Економічні, соціальні та культурні права в міжнародному праві


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Economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) are protected in several international human rights instruments, the most comprehensive being the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR or ‘the Covenant’), which has been ratified by a vast majority of states. One of the most recent developments with respect to the international protection of ESC rights has been the unanimous adoption on 10 December 2008 by the United Nations General Assembly of an Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GA resolution A/RES/63/117).

юриспруденція -- міжнародний закон

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Learner, D. E.
Electronic Crime Scene Investigation [Electronic resource] / D. E. Learner. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. - 202 p.
Переклад назви: Електронні розслідування на місці злочину


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This book is intended to assist State and local law enforcement and other first responders who may be responsible for preserving an electronic crime scene and for recognising, collecting, and safeguarding digital evidence. It is not all inclusive but addresses situations encountered with electronic crime scenes and digital evidence. All crime scenes are unique and the judgement of the first responder, agency protocols, and prevailing technology should all be considered when implementing the information in this guide. First responders to electronic crime scenes should adjust their practices as circumstances - including level of experience, conditions, and available equipment - warrant.The circumstances of individual crime scenes and Federal, State, and local laws may dictate actions or a particular order of actions other than those described in this guide. First responders should be familiar with all the information in this guide and perform their duties and responsibilities as circumstances dictate. This is an edited and excerpted edition of a U.S. Dept. of Justice publication.


Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia Of Crime & Justice [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / J. Dressler. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія злочину та правосуддя


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Vol. 1 : Abortion - Crue. - 534 p.

Vol. 2 : Delinquent - Juvenile Justice. - 440 p.

Vol. 3 : Juvenile Court - Rural Crime. - 428 p.

Vol. 4 : Schools & Crime - Wiretapping & Eavesdropping. - 1780 p.

A complete revision of the 1982 edition, the Encyclopedia of Crime & Justice is a unique interdisciplinary source, dealing with not only law but also sociology, psychology, history and economics. With entries ranging widely from abortion to rape and from family violence to wiretapping, the Encyclopedia offers a true mirror of issues dominating today's headlines.

злочин -- покарання -- правосуддя -- ювенальна юстиція

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence [Electronic resource] / ed. N. A. Jackson. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. - 789 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія домашнього насильства


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The Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence is a modern reference from the leading international scholars in domestic violence research. This ground-breaking project has created the first ever publication of an encyclopedia of domestic violence. The primary goal of the Encyclopedia is to provide information on a variety of traditional, as well as breakthrough, issues in this complex phenomenon. The coverage of the Encyclopedia is broad and diverse, encompassing the entire life span from infancy to old age. The entries include the traditional research areas, such as battered women, child abuse and dating violence. However, this Encyclopedia is unique in that it includes many under-studied areas of domestic violence, such as ritual abuse-torture within families, domestic violence against women with disabilities, pseudo-family violence and domestic violence within military families. It is also unique in that it examines cross-cultural perspectives of domestic violence. One of the key special features in this Encyclopedia is the cross-reference section at the end of each entry. This allows the reader the ability to continue their research of a particular topic. This book will be an easy-to-read reference guide on a host of topics, which are alphabetically arranged. Precautions have been taken to ensure that the Encyclopedia is not politically slanted; rather, it is hoped that it will serve as a basic guide to better understanding the myriad issues surrounding this labyrinthine topic. Topics covered include: Victims of Domestic Violence; Theoretical Perspectives and Correlates to Domestic Violence; Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Religious Perspectives; Understudied Areas within Domestic Violence Research; Domestic Violence and the Law; and Child Abuse and Elder Abuse.

відносини в сім'ї -- насильство -- злочин

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