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Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Roth, Mitchel P..
Prisons and prison systems [Electronic resource] : a global encyclopedia / M. P. Roth. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2006. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: В'язні та системи ув'язнення: всесвітня енциклопедія


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Prisons have undoubtedly changed over the years, as have penal practices in general, though more so in some countries than others. Prisons and prison systems have long been an overlooked part of criminal justice research, and as a result, limited material is available on many institutions. This comprehensive encyclopedia provides a historical overview of institutions and systems around the world, as well as penal theories, prisoner culture and life, and notable prisoners and personnel. Readers will find a plethora of information including material on such famous prisons as the Tower of London and Alcatraz, as well as on such topics as boot camps and parole. Other entries include Devil's Island, supermaximum prisons, Nelson Mandela, Pennsylvania system, and Amnesty International. Numerous appendixes list famous prisoners, prison museums, prison slang, and more.

в'язень -- в'язниця -- покарання

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Governments of the world [Electronic resource] : a global guide to citizens’ rights and responsibilities : in 4 vol. / C.N. Tate. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Уряди світу


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 2 : Dominica to Italy. - 348 p.

Vol. 3 : Jamaica to Political Protest. - 330 p.

In these volumes, 310 alphabetically arranged articles range in length from 500 to 3,500 words and cover 198 regions ("including every independent nation and several territories") as well as international courts, supranational institutions, concepts central to understanding political organization and human rights, and key individuals who have had positive and negative impacts on the evolution of citizens' rights and responsibilities. Country entries describe the system of government and the political evolution, with emphasis on the twentieth century and on issues related to the relationship between government and citizen. Each signed article concludes with a bibliography. The credentials of the authors (mostly academicians) are provided in the directory of contributors. Sidebars and black-and-white maps and illustrations break up the text. Same-page definitions in the margins of terms (such as ethnic cleansing, guerrilla, and republic make the information more comprehensible, as does the glossary, which is repeated at the end of each volume. In addition, each volume includes a cumulative index and a thematic outline of topics so that users can easily locate information on relevant persons, documents, legal issues, and concepts, as well as country-specific data and history, and teachers can plan correlated assignments. Another useful feature is the filmography, which is arranged by country. Entries are complemented by volume-specific selections of primary documents (for example, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and Convention of the Rights of the Child).

влада -- права людини -- законодавство

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of United States National Security [Electronic resource] / R.J. Samuels. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2006. - 972 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Державної Безпеки Сполучених Штатів


Географічні рубрики:

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With over 750 entries, the Encyclopedia of United States National Security is the first single, concise reference source to provide accurate and informative answers to the many challenging questions of how, why, when, and where national security has evolved. In addition to presenting historical facts and analyses, this two-volume encyclopedia is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to some of the more complicated and abstract questions concerning world politics and national security. A thoroughly interdisciplinary work, this encyclopedia views national security from historical, economic, political, and technological perspectives.

безпека -- сша

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Everyday Law [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / J. Wilson. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Правнича енциклопедія на щодень


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Americans - Family Law. - 808 p.

Vol. 2 : First - Travel. - 692 p.

What is involved in estate planning? What can I do legally if I have noisy neighbors? What are the consequences of an expired visa? The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law fills a much-needed gap between legal texts focusing on the theory and history behind the law and more practical guides dealing with the law and its everyday effect upon its citizens. Containing approximately 200 articles, the Encyclopedia includes: brief descriptions of each issue's historical background, covering important statutes and cases; profiles of various U.S. laws and regulations; details of how laws and regulations vary from state to state, and; comprehensive bibliographies, including print and Web resources and lists of relevant organizations.

право -- закон

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia Of Crime & Justice [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / J. Dressler. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія злочину та правосуддя


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Vol. 1 : Abortion - Crue. - 534 p.

Vol. 2 : Delinquent - Juvenile Justice. - 440 p.

Vol. 3 : Juvenile Court - Rural Crime. - 428 p.

Vol. 4 : Schools & Crime - Wiretapping & Eavesdropping. - 1780 p.

A complete revision of the 1982 edition, the Encyclopedia of Crime & Justice is a unique interdisciplinary source, dealing with not only law but also sociology, psychology, history and economics. With entries ranging widely from abortion to rape and from family violence to wiretapping, the Encyclopedia offers a true mirror of issues dominating today's headlines.

злочин -- покарання -- правосуддя -- ювенальна юстиція

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

The human rights encyclopedia [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / J.R. Lewis, C. Skutsch. - Armonk : Sharpe Reference, 2001
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія прав людини


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Vol. 1. - 396 p.

Vol. 2. - 386 p.

Vol. 3. - 354 p.

A society that lacks human rights is a society that breeds misery. If I am ever asked why I am an advocate of human rights, I would like to answer that I simply do not like seeing so much human misery around me. There are many people today whose lives have been blighted by the sense of insecurity and helplessness common to those who are at the mercy of the whims of unjust, authoritarian rulers. People need to be protected against the misuse of power. The articles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights are aimed at providing this all-important protection for all the peoples of the world.

суспільство -- безпека -- правосуддя -- права людини

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Индивидуальный предприниматель [Електронний ресурс] : энциклопедия / под ред. А.В. Касьянова. - М. : ГроссМедиа : РОСБУХ, 2006. - 236 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Книга, которую вы держите перед собой, построена по принципу энциклопедии от А до Я. Здесь подробно рассмотрены все аспекты деятельности индивидуального предпринимателя - от регистрации и постановки на учет в инспекции и внебюджетные фонды до оформления трудовых отношений с работниками (прием и увольнение). В книге приведены формы документов, примеры заполнения налоговых деклараций по специальным режимам налогообложения, новая Книга учета доходов и расходов для "упрощенцев", документы по учету операций с ККТ и многое другое. Много практических примеров, схем и пояснений, удобный поисковый регистр позволит вам быстро и легко найти интересующую вас информацию, а перекрестные ссылки облегчат работу по поиску нужных данных в других разделах. В издании учтены последние поправки в налоговое законодательство.

підприємництво -- торгівля -- податки -- мито

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Авадяева, Е.
100 великих казней [Електронний ресурс] / Е. Авадяева, Л. Зданович. - М. : Вече, 2004. - 545 с. - (100 великих)


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Серию `100 великих` продолжает необычная по тематике книга `100 великих казней`. Казни как особое явление в жизни общества существовали с древнейших времен. Авторы - составители поставили перед собой цель рассказать лишь о наиболее известных казнях в истории человечества, расположив из в хронологическом порядке. Среди казненных героев книги - Сократ, Иисус Христос, Савонарола, Колиньи, Мария Стюарт, Равальяк, Степан Разин, Мата Хари, Колчак, Ягода, Ежов, Муссолини, Берия, Чаушеску...

злочин -- кара -- страта

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / editors: K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner. - Detroit : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія шпигунства, розвідки і безпеки


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Vol. 1 : A - E. - 424 p.

Vol. 2 : F - Q. - 463 p.

Vol. 3 : R - Z index. - 432 p.

"Provides a comprehensive, subject specific guide to the history, uses, scientific principles, and technologies of espionage, intelligence, and security, with special emphasis placed on the current ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding this very topical subject." - Представляет глубокий, с учетом выбранной темы, экскурс по истории, использованию, научным принципам и технологиям шпионажа, разведки и безопасности, уделяя особое внимание текущим этическим, правовым и социальным вопросам связанным с этой весьма актуальной темой.

резидентура -- дипломатія -- міжнародні відносини -- державна таємниця

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Популярный юридический энциклопедический словарь [Електронний ресурс]. - М. : Рипол Классик, 2001. - 800 с. - (Серия "Энциклопедические словари")


Географічні рубрики:

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«Популярный юридический энциклопедический словарь» — справочное издание, предназначенное самому широкому кругу читателей, выпускаемое малым форматом. В издание включено около 1500 статей.

законодавство -- правознавство -- юриспруденція

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Бачинин, В. А.
Энциклопедия философии и социологии права [Електронний ресурс] / В. А. Бачинин. - СПб. : Изд-во "Юридический центр Пресс", 2006. - 1093 с. - (Юридические словари)


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В энциклопедии представлен обзор идей и социологических понятий, характеризующих правовую реальность. В энциклопедии приведены основные термины и понятия, знание которых необходимо при изучении специальных юридических дисциплин. Книга предназначена тем, кто изучает или преподаёт юриспруденцию, философию, социологию и политологию.


Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Енциклопедичний довідник майбутнього адвоката [Електронний ресурс] : в 2 ч. / за заг. ред. С. Ф. Сафулька. - К. : Видавничий Дім "Ін Юре", 2008


Географічні рубрики:

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Ч. 1. - 616 с.

Ч. 2. - 832 с.

У досягненні мети стати адвокатом допоможе Енциклопедичний довідник майбутнього адвоката. У ньому адвокати-практики на основі Програми і Порядку складання кваліфікаційних іспитів дають практичні поради стосовно тих питань, які чекають майбутніх адвокатів. Енциклопедичний довідник складається з двох частин. У частині першій містяться матеріали з історії становлення адвокатури, з цивільного, цивільного процесуального, кримінального, кримінально-процесуального законодавства. У частині другій містяться матеріали з трудового, житлового, сімейного, екологічного, земельного законодавства, а також довідковий матеріал до двох частин. Видання допоможе під час підготовки до іспитів тим, хто готується стати адвокатом, та вже практикуючим адвокатам, усім, хто цікавиться питаннями цієї галузі.

адвокатура -- цивільне право -- процесуальне право -- трудове законодавство

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Преступники и преступления. Законы преступного мира. Обычаи. Язык. Татуировки [Електронний ресурс]. - Донецк : Сталкер, 1997 . - 448 с.


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Книга о законах и обычаях профессиональных преступников старых традиций — блатных. Документальный материал МВД, ФСБ, СБУ, исследования криминалистов, а также откровения самих уголовников позволят приблизиться к тайнам блатного мира: к его традициям, иерархии, моде, символике, языку. Представляет интерес для широкого круга читателей. Автор книги — журналист, консультант Центра общественных связей УВД Донецкой области.

кримінал -- мафія

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Nolo’s encyclopedia of everyday law. Answers to your most frequently asked legal questions [Electronic resource] / ed. S. Irving, K. Michon, B. McKenna. - 4th. ed. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2002. - 536 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія закону на кожен день: відповіді на ваші найпоширеніші правові запитання


Географічні рубрики:

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Whether we like it or not, the law touches our personal lives in many ways each day. We may not think much about the laws that affect us as we carry out simple tasks such as driving a car, making a telephone call or buying milk at the corner grocery store. But every now and again, we’re sure to need an answer to a common legal question that arises in the course of daily life

законодавство -- юриспруденція

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Gale encyclopedia of everyday law [Electronic resource] / ed. S. Phelps. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2003. - 1286 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія законодавства на кожен день


Географічні рубрики:

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The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law is a twovolume encyclopedia of practical information on laws and issues affecting people’s everyday lives. Readers will turn to this work for help in answering questions such as, “What is involved in estate planning?” “Do I have any recourse to noisy neighbors?” and “What are the consequences of an expired visa?” This Encyclopedia aims to educate people about their rights under the law, although it is not intended as a self-help or ‘do-it-yourself’ legal resource. It seeks to fill the niche between legal texts focusing on the theory and history behind the law and shallower, more practical guides to dealing with the law.

юриспруденція -- законодавство

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Chappell, D.
Building Law Encyclopaedia [Electronic resource] / D. Chappell, M. Cowlin, M. Dunn. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 584 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія закону про будівництво


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Building Law Encyclopaedia is a concise and authoritative reference, providing information in reasonable depth on an extensive number of legal terms, principles, phrases and issues that are commonly encountered in the construction industry. Most standard contracts are referred to, including the current suite of JCT Contracts, SBC, IC, ICD, MW, MWD, as well as ACA, PPC 2000, GC/Works/1 and NEC. In addition, some contracts which are theoretically out of date, but which are still in common use, are also covered. With over 1050 entries and numerous cross references, it will be an invaluable reference for architects, quantity surveyors, project managers and contractors. With detailed reference to appropriate case law and legislation, construction lawyers will also find it of considerable value in the course of their work.

будівництво -- закон -- норма

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems [Electronic resource] / editor G. T. Kurian. - 2nd. ed.. - Farmington Hills : Thomson Gale, 2006. - 1176 p.
Переклад назви: Всесвітня енциклопедія поліції і пенітенціарної системи


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поліція -- правоохоронні органи

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of World Constitutions [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Robbers. - New York : Facts On File, 2007. - 1054 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія світових конституцій


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According to the introduction, every nation has a constitution or a set of documents that serves as one. In each of these, the fundamental "rules" of the country--the defining principals of its government--are laid out in one form or another. It would be difficult to make any other generalizations concerning these documents and the information they contain. Each is unique in itself, while performing a similar function. The very nature of the material makes it challenging for a casual or inexperienced researcher to make comparisons. This set, in a sense, deconstructs these constitutions in a straightforward style. Entries for 194 countries are arranged A-Z. The articles for each country are signed and in many cases are written by scholars who specialize in the country they are writing about. The structure of each article follows a pattern designed to make it easy to compare information from one country to another. Each begins with a small collection of information about the country: name, capital, languages spoken, ethnic composition, type of government, and date of constitution, among others. A brief overview of the country is followed by standard subsections: "Constitutional History," "Form and Impact of the Constitution," "Basic Organizational Structure," "Leading Constitutional Principles," "Constitutional Bodies," and so on. Articles range from 4 to 13 pages in length, and each concludes with links to the text of the constitution in its original language (and, if needed, an English translation) and secondary sources for further reading. At the end of volume 3 are several useful appendixes. One gives the same kind of constitutional information for the European Union, and the second provides a list and description of "Special Territories" such as Antarctica, the Cook Islands, Guam, and the Isle of Man. The third is a glossary of terms.

конституція -- право

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Smits, J. M.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law [Electronic resource] / J. M. Smits. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2006. - 821 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія порівняльного правознавства


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The first of its kind, this comprehensive Encyclopedia on comparative law takes stock of present-day comparative law scholarship. Written by authorities in their respective fields, the contributions in this accessible book cover and combine not only questions regarding the methodology of comparative law, but also specific areas of law (such as administrative law and criminal law) and specific topics (such as accident compensation and consideration). In addition, the Encyclopedia contains reports on a selected set of countries legal systems and as a whole presents an overview of the current state of affairs. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this volume is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in comparative law, especially students and scholars.


Тип видання: енциклопедія   

West's Encyclopedia of American Law [Electronic resource] / editor: J. Lehman, S. Phelps. - Farmington Hills : Thomson Gale, 2005. - 6727 p.
Переклад назви: Західна енциклопедія американського закону


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Vol. 1-13

The new edition of this standard legal reference is a worthy successor to the original. The encyclopedia contains a comprehensive overview of American law, covering historical and current terms, concepts, events, movements, cases, and significant persons. New cases, events, and trends have been thoroughly integrated into existing entries. Some, such as Absentee voting, Jurisdiction, and terrorism, have been substantially rewritten, while many others, such as Abington School District v. schempp, abortion, and Judge advocate have new content appended. Omissions from the first edition have been corrected, with new entries for Ralph David Abernathy, Bella Abzug, the Amistad mutiny, and the "abuse excuse" as well as for George W. Bush, Tom Ridge, and Kenneth Starr, of recent import. Of the more than 5,000 entries, 2,000 have been revised and 630 are new. Even the photographs have been updated--different photographs are often used, even when article content is the same. How were several hundred entries added and others lengthened while only one volume was added to the size of the set? The greatest change seems to be a sharp decline in the number of photographs, tables, and charts. Color has also been eliminated. Nonetheless, the set still contains numerous illustrations that enrich the text and help show the effects the legal system has on individuals. Other changes include the use of italics for the definitions that begin each entry on a legal term, making these easy to distinguish, and the addition of further readings to a majority of main entries. Useful features in both editions include "In Focus" essays on controversial issues, time lines for all biographical entries that show important moments in the subject's life as well as important historical events, a dictionary of legal terms, an index of cases, and a general index. An appendix volume has been helpfully renamed Primary Documents and contains the text of speeches, legislation, and historic legal documents ranging from the Magna Carta to the Treaty with Sioux Nation. The "Milestones in the Law" features, which have the text of landmark cases, briefs, and related documents, have been gathered into another appendix volume. This beautifully edited encyclopedia is highly recommended for high-school, community college, public, and undergraduate libraries.

закон -- право

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