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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 23
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Kopych M. I. The symplectic study of motions in a perturbed Van-der-Pol dynamical system. — 1998 // Мат. методи та фіз.-мех. поля.

Prykarpatsky A. K. The reduction method in the theory of Lie-algebraically integrable oscillatory hamiltonian systems. — 2003 // Укр. мат. журн.

Prykarpatsky A. K. The quantum fermionic charged particle self-interaction problem within the Fock multitime and Feynman proper time paradigms // Укр. фіз. журн.. - 2017. - 62, № 2.

Samoilenko A. M. The Lyapunov - Schmidt approach to studying homoclinics splitting in weakly perturbed lagrangian and hamiltonian systems. — 2003 // Укр. мат. журн.

Bogolubov (jr.) N. N. The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for the classical relativistic electrodynamics models revisited. — 2009 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bogolubov (Jr.) N. N. The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian analysis of some relativistic electrodynamics models and their quantization // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2009. - 12, № 4.

Prykarpatsky A. K. The Hopf algebras and the Heisenberg - Weil coalgebra related integrable flows. — 2004 // Укр. мат. журн.

Taneri U.  The electromagnetic Lorentz problem and the Hamiltonian structure analysis of the Maxwell-Yang-Milla type dynamical systems within the reduction method. — 2009 // Наук. зап. НаУКМА. Сер. Фіз.-мат. науки.

Bogolubov (jr.) N. N. The Bogolubov generating functional method in statistical physics and "collective" variables transform within the grand canonical ensemble. — 2007 // Нелінійні коливання.

Bogoliubov (jr.) N. N. Quantum mathematics: backgrounds and some applications to nonlinear dynamical systems. — 2008 // Нелінійні коливання.

Gafiychuk V. V. Pattern formation in neural dynamical systems governed by mutually Hamiltonian and gradient vector field structures // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2004. - 7, № 3.

Prykarpatsky A. K. On the lax solution to the Hamilton - Jacobi equation. Part I. — 1998 // Мат. методи та фіз.-мех. поля.

Prykarpatsky A. K. On the Lax solution to the Hamilton - Jacobi equation and its generalizations. Part II. — 1998 // Мат. методи та фіз.-мех. поля.

Prykarpatsky A. K. On the classical Maxwell - Lorentz electrodynamics, the electron inertia problem, and the Feynman proper time paradigm // Укр. фіз. журн.. - 2016. - 61, № 3.

Blackmore D. L. On some class of factorized operator dynamical systems and their integrability. — 2003 // Мат. методи та фіз.-мех. поля.

Prykarpatsky A. K. Lie-algebraic structure of (2+1)-dimensional Lax-type integrable nonlinear dynamical systems. — 2004 // Укр. мат. журн.

Blackmore D.  Invariant measures for discrete dynamical systems and ergodic properties of generalized Boole-type transformations. — 2013 // Укр. мат. журн.

Blackmore D. Integrability analysis of a two-component Burgers type hierarchy // Укр. мат. журн.. - 2015. - 67, № 2.

Bogolubov (jr.) N. N. Generalized de Rham - Hodge complexes, the related characteristic Chern classes and some applications to integrable multidimensional differential systems on Riemannian manifolds. — 2007 // Укр. мат. журн.

Prykarpatsky A. K. An infinite-dimensional Borsuk - Ulam type generalization of the Leray - Schauder fixed point theorem and some applications. — 2008 // Укр. мат. журн.
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