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Греб М. М. 
Тестовий моніторинг навчальних досягнень майбутніх учителів початкової школи під час опрацювання лексикології і фразеології української мови: акмеологічний аспект / М. М. Греб // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 24. - С. 22-29. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - укp.

Article deals with the didactic aspects of evaluating of educational achievements of future primary school teachers during the learning of Lexicology and Phraseology of Ukrainian language in the context of widely used test technologies. Basing on the acmeological positions there were determined dominants of didactic diagnosis in educational process of high educational establishment. Also these dominants were interpreted into the practical mainstream. Acmeological approaches in education determine the eradicative changes within the system of professional training of future primary school teachers; search of effective ways of its increasing; thus, new approaches in evaluating of educational assessments of subjects of didactic process at Higher school. Advantages of test work during the teaching of Ukrainian language (in professional direction) are in test's high-technological feature; this work enables to evaluate results with the help of computer; it enables to provide the remote monitoring and needs a small amount of time for the implementation and verification. Author has proposed examples of test tasks which had been piloted and tested in conditions of modern university education. Research proves that using of test control at different stages of studying Lexicology and Phraseology helps to actualize basic knowledge of primary school teachers. It also helps to check worked out material quickly and intensively; to determine the level of educational achievements during the final control.

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