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Voznyak O. 
Enhancing efficiency of air distribution by swirled-compact air jets in the mine using the heat utilizators = Підвищення ефективності повітророзподілу закручено-компактними струменями в гірничій шахті з використанням теплоутилізаторів / O. Voznyak, N. Spodyniuk, Yu. Yurkevych, I. Sukholova, O. Dovbush // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 89-94. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improving the efficiency of air distribution by swirling-compact jets due to creating a dynamic microclimate in the mine when using supply and exhaust recuperators with utilization of heat of exhaust air. To achieve this goal, the task was to conduct full-scale experimental studies on the supply and exhaust recuperator, which forms swirling-compact jets, and obtain the calculated dependences for the theoretical solution of air distribution in the mine, as well as to establish the interrelation of air parameters to ensure optimal thermal condition of the mine. Methodology. A supply and exhaust recuperator was selected for the study on air distribution by a swirling-compact jet in stationary and alternating modes. Numerical simulation of air flow in the mine in stationary mode is performed. The simulation was performed using the <$E k~-~epsilon> turbulence model. Findings. Analytical graphical dependences for calculation of air distribution by a swirling-compact jet are received, which allow determining the velocity of air movement in compressed conditions of the mine in an alternating mode. Based on the numerical modeling and comparison of known dependences with those obtained experimentally, the correction coefficient of compression depending on the current coordinate is determined. The twisting effect changes the direction of the jet axis and is maximal at point A with relative coordinates <$E {x bar} sub A~=~0,6> and <$E {y bar} sub A~=~0,2>; its maximum is in the area <$E {x bar} sub A~=~0,7~-~0,8> given the presence of pulsations and instability of the regime. The theoretically obtained results are compared with the experimental data and a correction factor is set depending on the current coordinate, the maximum value of which is <$E k sub tw~ =~1,78>. Originality. The expediency is proved of application of swirling-compact jets formed by the recuperator with utilization of heat of exhaust air in an alternating mode in aerodynamic and energy saving aspects. These measures will provide comfortable conditions in the mine and achieve energy savings. Practical value. The use of supply and exhaust recuperators with utilization of the heat of exhaust air will allow designing energy-saving air distribution schemes in the system of sectional ventilation for small-sized mines with provision of standard parameters of air in an alternating mode.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И181


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