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Vasylchenko O. 
The environmental regulation of mining: legal foundations = Екологічне регулювання видобутку корисних копалин: правові засади / O. Vasylchenko, O. Lotiuk, A. Yevstihnieiev, A. Basalaieva, S. Kustova // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 3. - С. 106-110. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To enhance the quality of Ukrainian legislation by improving the legal framework of public administration in the field of environmental regulation of mining in Ukraine. Methodology. The authors used comparative and legal, historical, systemic, structural and functional, formal and logical, and dialectical research methods. The need to use an integrated research method is emphasized. Findings. The authors investigated two problems actualized by the socalled "Adani Syndrome": 1. The criteria for assessing the impact on the environment and their legal force. 2. The legal framework governing the rights of the owner, the state and the public. The above problems were studied in comparison with the legal support of environmental regulation of mining in Ukraine. Originality. The experience of environmental regulation of mining in Australia is analyzed on the example of the conflict over the Carmichael mine project, resulting in disclosing the current state of Ukrainian legislation in this area. The directions of improving the legal foundations of public administration in the field of environmental regulation of mining in Ukraine have been brought up for discussion. Practical value. The use of the obtained results will make it possible to eliminate the difference between the legal support of environmental regulation of mining in developed and developing countries. The proposals have been formulated to improve the legal regulation in the area under study in terms of detailing the powers of individual governing bodies of special competence, as well as in terms of procedures for assessing the environmental impact. The formulated proposals can help to strengthen the effectiveness of the legislation in power.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Х859(4Укр)


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