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Narivskij A. 
Devising manufacturing techniques to control the process of zonal segregation in large steel ingots / A. Narivskij, A. Nuradinov, I. Nuradinov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 6-13. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К222.03 + К327-7


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Okhrimenko O. 
Determining the width of a layer cut with saws with multidirectional teeth = Визначення товщини зрізуваного шару пилками з різнонаправленими зубцями / O. Okhrimenko, V. Vovk, S. Maidaniuk, Y. Lashyna // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 14-20. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

To predict the workability of a tool structure at the design stage, it is necessary to calculate the parameters of the cut layer when this tool is used because the cut layer's size determines the strength and dynamic characteristics of the cutting process. It is known that the size and shape of the cut layer are affected by the allowance cutting scheme embedded in the tool design. Therefore, the parameters of the cut layer with the tool must be investigated taking into consideration the actual shapes and location of the cutting edges of the tool teeth and the cutting scheme with individual teeth. Existing analytical dependences on determining the thickness of the cut layer do not take into consideration the group arrangement of the teeth, which have a different shape and location of their cutting edges. Therefore, a procedure for determining the thickness of the cut layer analytically has been proposed, using the example of circular saws with multidirectional teeth while taking into consideration the patterns in the arrangement of the cutting edges of individual teeth and the real movements of the tool during its operation. The proposed procedure makes it possible to determine the parameters of the layer cut with the tool at both constant and progressive allowance cutting schemes. One can also specify the parameters of the cut layer at any time of the tool's operation and analyze the change in the shape of the slice in time. Based on the analysis of the parameters of the cut layer, it has been established that saws with multidirectional teeth do not work with the entire width of the cutting edge but only in its part, whose share does not exceed 55 % of the width of the tool. The procedure reported here could be used to determine the loading of the cutting tool part with a more complex cutting scheme, which also includes tools that are operated by the form-generating method.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К63-1


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Paliy A. 
Identifying changes in the technical parameters of milking rubber under industrial conditions to elucidate their effect on the milking process = Виявлення змін технічних параметрів дійкової гуми в виробничих умовах з встановленням впливу на процес доїння / A. Paliy, E. Aliiev, A. Nanka, O. Bogomolov, V. Bredixin, A. Paliy, O. Shkromada, Y. Musiienko, A. Stockiy, N. Grebenik // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 21-29. - Бібліогр.: 41 назв. - англ.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П072.92


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

Категорія: Транспорт   

Pisarev V. 
Comprehensive assessment of the influence of structural friction in a vehicle suspension on its performance = Комплексна оцінка впливу конструкційного тертя в підвісці транспортного засобу на експлуатаційні якості / V. Pisarev // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 29-36. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Decision-making regarding the application of any new structure at the design stage requires in practice that it should be compared with the existing one by many indicators. A special feature of the new design of hydro-pneumatic suspension is the existence of movable connections (screw and splined) as parts of the hydropneumatic element. The presence of structural friction in movable connections requires, in particular, an assessment of the impact of this friction on the process of oscillations when moving through crossed terrain based on comparative analysis. The comprehensive estimate chosen for comparison includes operational properties in terms of ergonomics (smooth movement) and adhesion to the support surface (effort in the contact of wheels with the support surface). The results of a theoretical study involving a vehicle with parameters (weight, dimensions) close to armored personnel carriers BTR70, BTR80, but with hydropneumatic suspensions, demonstrated that when driving on crossed terrain with speeds up to 65 km/h there is a significant reserve in terms of ergonomics. Regardless of the presence (absence) of structural friction, at friction coefficients of up to 0,085. When moving on the surface with large irregularities, the reserve for the maximum allowable (3 g) acceleration in a driver seat is 4,708 times (there is no structural friction) and 3,768 times (structural friction is present). When moving on the surface with small irregularities, the reserve for the maximum permissible (0,5 g) acceleration in a driver seat is 2,093 times (there is no structural friction) and 2,616 times (structural friction is present). Under the most dangerous modes of movement (at the highest speeds) when driving over small irregularities, the presence of structural friction has a positive effect both in terms of ergonomics and stability. Thus, when driving at a speed of 65,679 km/h, the minimum clutch margin is 1,4 times greater, and the acceleration is 1,249 times smaller.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

Категорія: Транспорт   

Development of alternative steering models for EV bus: a preliminary study on the conversion of hydraulic to electric power steering / Nazaruddin, D. A. Sumarsono, M. Adhitya, G. Heryana, R. Siregar, S. Prasetya, F. Zainuri // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 37-46. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

This study aims to develop alternative steering models for the EV bus. The EV bus uses its energy source from the main 384 VDC 300 Ah battery and the secondary battery with a capacity of 25,8 VDC 100 Ah. The use of energy in this electric bus is divided into the main components, namely the BLDC motor as the main drive of 200 kW, 15 kW of air conditioning, 7,5 kW of hydraulic power steering, a compressor for the air braking system of 4 kW, and accessory components. The other is 2,4 kW. It is expected that this 7,5 kW electric power can be reduced by an electric system by up to 20 %. This research will study the steering system with an electric power system (EPS) to convert the hydraulic steering system (HPS). With this EPS system, it is hoped that controlling the vehicle's motion towards the steer by wire will be easier. Initially, data were collected from the types of large vehicles from various well-known brands about the steering system used. A large commercial vehicle that purely uses EPS is not yet found. The model developed for EPS on this electric bus is through the reverse engineering method by redrawing all the components involved in the previous steering system. Because this type of EV bus is included in the upper mid-size class, this paper proposes two new EPS models, namely the addition of an assist motor on the drag link and on the steering rack. The links involved in this system are wheel drive, steering column, lower steering column, rack and pinion gear, assist motor, drop link, drag link, drop link extension, drag link extension, tie rod, knuckle, kingpin, tire, axle beam and several others. The values of stiffness, inertia, and damping of each link will affect the driver's torque and the assist motor as a wheel speed function on this electric bus. The steering structure of the EV bus consists of a truss structure and a frame structure with a kinematic structure consisting of two four-bar linkages joined together.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Budiono H. D. S. 
Development of product complexity index in 3D models using a hybrid feature recognition method with rule-based and graph-based methods / H. D. S. Budiono, F. A. Hadiwardoyo // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 47-61. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

A machining process is very dependent on the model created. The more complicated the model, the greater the design difficulty and the greater the machining process. Reduced production costs can help a company increase profits. A focus on production cost can be achieved in a number of ways, the first of which is by replacing materials or changing the design. It is better to reduce product costs during the design stage than during the manufacturing stage. The main objective of this research is to develop an application that can recognize features in a CAD program and calculate the complexity index of shapes in real time. In this study, the prismatic features and slab features classified by Jong - Yun Jung were used. The feature recognition method applied in this study is a hybrid of the rule-based and graph-based methods, which uses the STL file developed by Sunil and Pande to obtain all the information needed. Then, the results are extracted from feature recognition data and are used to calculate the product complexity index of the model being studied. This study applied the product complexity index, following the model developed earlier by El Maraghy. Validation is performed by comparing the software count with the complexity index calculated with the STEP method by Hendri and Sholeh et al. This research develops a program that recognizes features in CAD software and calculates the index complexity of shapes in real time. This will allow designers to calculate the expected complexity value during the design process. As a result, the estimated production cost can be seen early on. Finally, this software is tested for calculating the index values for the complexity of a combined features model. The use of eight slots and eight pockets as a benchmark scoring for shape produces a more accurate product complexity index.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж606 + У529.0-86


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Herasymenko T. 
Design of an auger thermo-radiation dryer for drying plant-derived pomace = Розробка шнекової терморадіаційної сушарки для сушіння вичавок рослинного походження / T. Herasymenko, K. Silchenko, A. Hotvianska, G. Kyrsanova, N. Budnyk, A. Kainash, L. Polozhyshnikova, I. Taraymovich // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 62-69. - Бібліогр.: 42 назв. - англ.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л113.6


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Nikiforov A. 
Development of a mathematical model of vibratory non-lift movement of light seeds taking into account the aerodynamic forces and moments = Розробка математичної моделі вібраційного безвідривного руху легкого насіння з урахуванням аеродинамічних сил і моментів / A. Nikiforov, A. Nykyforova, R. Antoshchenkov, V. Antoshchenkova, S. Diundik, V. Mazanov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 70-78. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

The modern practice of using vibratory machines when working with fine-size light-weight seeds is faced with such an undesirable phenomenon as the impact of aerodynamic forces and moments on the kinematics of vibrational movement of particles of the seed mixture fractions. According to the results of scientific studies devoted to the solution of this problem, only mathematical models of vibrational movement are used, where the aerodynamic factor is taken into account as taking the seeds by airflow. This is typical only for cleaning modes with the rebound of seeds from the vibrating surface. Aerodynamic forces and moments are present in them only as a force of aerodynamic resistance. The action of lateral aerodynamic forces and their moments are not taken into account. Their consideration allows to extend the range of action of the aerodynamic factor on the modes of vibration cleaning (vibroseparation) without rebound (but with sliding and rolling) which are of greater interest in terms of improving the efficiency of processing fine-size seeds. A mathematical model of seed vibration movement taking into account the action of a complete set of aerodynamic forces (dynamic resistance forces and lateral aerodynamic forces) and moments was proposed. This makes it possible to simulate non-lifting modes of vibrational movement of seeds. A system of algebraic equations that are linear with respect to the kinematic parameters of seed movement which was obtained by translating differential equations of movement into a finite-difference form was presented. The possibility of numerical solution of equations of movement by the Euler method was shown. The results of the evaluation of the model adequacy for the processes of vibration separation of tobacco seeds and false flax were presented. As shown by the results of calculations and experiments, the developed model provides an increase in the adequacy of the simulation results by 30 % in comparison with the model where the aerodynamic factor is not taken into account.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П072.854


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Bredykhin V. 
Improving the mechanical-mathematical model of grain mass separation in a fluidized bed = Удосконалення механіко-математичної моделі сепарування зернової маси у псевдорозрідженому шарі / V. Bredykhin, P. Gurskyi, O. Alfyorov, K. Bredykhina, A. Pak // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 79-86. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

This paper has substantiated the prospect of modeling the processes of separating grain mass into fractions as one of the tasks in the production of high-quality seed material. It has been determined that this could optimize the parameters of separation processes and design new working surfaces for its implementation. It is noted that modeling should take into consideration the influence of the structural and kinematic parameters of grain cleaning machines, the physical and mechanical properties of raw materials, the intralayer processes and forces. The reported theoretical study has improved the mechanical- mathematical model of grain mass separation in a pseudo-fluidized bed according to its density. The model establishes a relationship between the effective coefficient of dynamic viscosity and the density of particles in the discrete and continuous phases and the volumetric concentration of discrete phase particles. At the same time, the porosity of a fluidized bed has been accounted for, as well as the longitudinal and transverse angles of inclination of the base surface to the horizontal plane, the amplitude and frequency of oscillations of the particles of the continuous phase; the direction angle of oscillations relative to the perpendicular to the base surface. The adequacy of the improved mechanical-mathematical model has been confirmed by comparing the experimental and theoretical results of grain mass fractionation modeling. It was found that the differences in the density values of the separated fractions of GM did not exceed 7 - 8 %, that is, they were within the margin of error. It has been established that the improved model of grain mass separation in a fluidized bed could be used to determine the rational values for the parameters of a pneumatic sorting table that is used for the fractionation of the corresponding seed material. The initial data, in this case, are the density of the continuous and solid phases of grain mass, the friction coefficient of the seeds, and the equivalent radius of the particle. The result of modeling is the rational values of the amplitude and oscillation frequency of the working surface of the pneumatic sorting table, and the angles of inclination of the working surface.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П072.854


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Susilo S. H. 
Analysis of the effect of stirrer and container rotation direction on mixing index (Ip) / S. H. Susilo, A. Asrori, G. Gumono // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 86-91. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л111.3


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Slavinska A. 
Devising a method to parametrize the jacket style varieties through the modification of tіpological series structures = Розробка методу параметризації стильових різновидів жакета засобами модифікування конструкцій типологічного ряду / A. Slavinska, V. Mytsa, O. Syrotenko, O. Dombrovska // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 92-105. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

The study reported here has revealed the issue related to the inefficient scaling of the uniformity of jacket model designs in the processes involving a typical representative as a result of modification parameters uncertainty. A variant has been proposed to synchronize the critical points of silhouetted allowances by grouping the numeric series in the vector of choosing the value for an increase in the allowance according to the characteristics of style varieties. The influence of shape-forming segmentation on the formation of a classifier of the structural and technological solutions for a jacket has been determined. The built model to support modification vectors has made it possible to describe the sequence of procedures execution by the method of typical representation. The presence of one design category, the same structural parts, the uniformity of style simplifies the processes of choosing and selecting the most characteristic models of the jacket. It was found that the morphological combination of attributes of the physical appearance affects the adjustment of style preferences in a manufacturer's products. The parameters for typical segmentation relative to the junction points of the structural zones of the optimized five-seam prototype design have been defined as the most influential vectors of jacket modification. A method for scaling the allowance for free fitting has been devised on the basis of data from empirical research. An adequate regression model has been derived for normalizing the silhouette allowance parameters. The constructed model makes it possible to scale silhouette structures by changing the increments at the corner points of the contour according to the prototype of gradation under an automated mode. Practical recommendations have been compiled on the parameters of zonal-modular modification of silhouette designs of jacket varieties: a linear character of the state silhouetted transformation relative to ASi 1 = 5 cm. The normalized parameters for constructing functional and decorative parts have been proposed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: М413.4-2


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Biloshchytskyi A. 
Development of the set models and a method to form information spaces of scientific activity subjects for the steady development of higher education establishments = Розробка множинних моделей та методу формування інформаційних просторів суб'єктів наукової діяльності для сталого розвитку закладів вищої освіти / A. Biloshchytskyi, A. Kuchansky, Y. Andrashko, S. Omirbayev, A. Mukhatayev, A. Faizullin, S. Toxanov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 6-14. - Бібліогр.: 28 назв. - англ.

This paper describes the basic conceptual apparatus required to form information spaces for scientific activity subjects. Set models have been built to identify collective and individual scientific activity subjects, including information on the subjects' publication citations, their abstracts, as well as their indicators in scientometric databases, etc. A conceptual scheme of interaction between collective and individual scientific activity subjects has been described, taking into consideration the dynamics of their productivity. A method has been proposed to form the information spaces for the collective and individual scientific activity subjects such as higher education establishments and scientists. The method involves a series of stages to identify and construct citation and scientific cooperation networks, to form subject scientific spaces, and, based on them, to devise methods in order to quantify productivity. The results of methods application form the components of the relevant information spaces of scientific activity subjects. The spaces to be built could be used to solve the task of selecting subjects for the implementation of joint scientific and educational projects. In addition, these spaces could be applied to form the organizational and functional framework of the collective scientific activity subjects, including their structural units, which would contribute to ensuring their stable development. Creating the information spaces of scientific activity subjects underlies resolving those issues that would stimulate investment in research and innovation, strengthen cooperation between universities, improve the efficiency and productivity of the scientific enterprise. It has been confirmed experimentally that the potential of a collective subject of scientific activity, including individual subjects, the rate of change of identifiers of whom is positive, would have a non-negative potential. A rate of change in the normalized indicators of identifiers of individual and collective scientific activity subjects has been calculated for the period from January 2019 to December 2020 for three higher education establishments.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч214(4)73


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Ospanova G. 
Building a model of the integrity of information resources within an enterprise management system / G. Ospanova, E. Kukharenko, M. Ievlanov, I. Panforova // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 15-23. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

In addressing the integrity of documents in modern information systems, the focus is on protecting them from unauthorized user changes. At the same time, the solution to the problem of ensuring the preservation of the composition, content, and interaction of documents has almost not been considered. However, such a task often has to be solved during the operation of information systems, as well as enterprise management systems handling unstable business processes. To address this issue, an approach has been proposed to unify solutions to the task related to the integrity of paper-based documents circulating within an enterprise management system, as well as electronic documents and stored information system data. The existing service registry models have been analyzed, aimed to formally describe the resources of the information system and an enterprise management system based on this information system. Models of elements of the unified information resource registry have been modified, and a model for ensuring the integrity of an enterprise's information resources has been developed. The proposed improvements make it possible to use current and multi-tested methods to address the integrity of information resources. Experimental testing of improved models of a unified information resource registry has been carried out. The task of ensuring integrity was considered for a regulatory document that should change its name and its composition as a result of external and internal factors. It has been shown that the application of the proposed results makes it possible to solve the task of ensuring the integrity of information resources such as paper-based regulations of an enterprise management system, within the framework of a unified registry of information resources by existing database management systems.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж606.1 + З970.41 + У9(4УКР)290-210.302


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Semenov S. 
Development a mathematical model for the software security testing first stage = Разработка математической модели первого этапа тестирования безопасности программного обеспечения / S. Semenov, Z. Liqiang, C. Weiling, V. Davydov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 24-34. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

This paper reports an analysis of the software (SW) safety testing techniques, as well as the models and methods for identifying vulnerabilities. An issue has been revealed related to the reasoned selection of modeling approaches at different stages of the software safety testing process and the identification of its vulnerabilities, which reduces the accuracy of the modeling results obtained. Two steps in the process of identifying software vulnerabilities have been identified. A mathematical model has been built for the process of preparing security testing, which differs from the known ones by a theoretically sound choice of the moment-generating functions when describing transitions from state to state. In addition, the mathematical model takes into consideration the capabilities and risks of the source code verification phase for cryptographic and other ways to protect data. These features generally improve the accuracy of modeling results and reduce input uncertainty in the second phase of software safety testing. An advanced security compliance algorithm has been developed, with a distinctive feature of the selection of laws and distribution parameters that describe individual state-to-state transitions for individual branches of Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique networks (GERT-networks). A GERT-network has been developed to prepare for security testing. A GERT-network for the process of checking the source code for cryptographic and other data protection methods has been developed. A graphic-analytical GERT model for the first phase of software safety testing has been developed. The expressions reported in this paper could be used to devise preliminary recommendations and possible ways to improve the effectiveness of software safety testing algorithms.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З973-018.10


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Mukhin V. 
Devising a method to identify an incoming object based on the combination of unified information spaces = Разработка метода идентификации входящего объекта на основе объединения единых информационных пространств / V. Mukhin, V. Zavgorodnii, Y. Kornaga, A. Zavgorodnya, I. Krylov, A. Rybalochka, V. Kornaga, R. Belous // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 35-44. - Бібліогр.: 33 назв. - англ.

This paper suggests a method to search for an incoming object in order to identify its unambiguously, based on the integration of information spaces into intermediate unified information space. At the same time, the incoming object identification process involves appropriate attributes. This paper describes the process of information object arrangement within a unified information space that forms for a set of dynamically changing objects. It should be noted that each subject in the set collects information about the environment, including interaction with other objects. In the process of forming a unified information space, the information system collects information from data sources that are represented in different formats. The system then converts this information and forms a unified information space, thereby providing users with information about objects. A two-tier system of connections at the global (cloud) and local (fog) levels of interactions has been considered. At the same time, it should be noted that a unified information space formation requires the implementation of tools to support the transformation of information objects; that necessitates the implementation of translators - special converters at different levels. A method to combine information spaces into an intermediate unified information space has been proposed; analysis was performed to determine the time and efficiency of the search for incoming objects within it. It was experimentally established that the more parameters that describe an information object, the less the time to identify an object depends on the length of the interval. It has also been experimentally shown that the efficiency of finding incoming objects tends to be a directly proportional dependence while reducing the length of the interval and increasing the number of parameters, and vice versa.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З810.42


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Makoveіchuk O. 
Development of a method for improving stability method of applying digital watermarks to digital images = Розробка методики підвищення стійкості методів вбудови цифрових водяних знаків в цифрові зображення / O. Makoveіchuk, I. Ruban, N. Bolohova, A. Kovalenko, V. Martovytskiy, T. Filimonchuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 45-56. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

A technique for increasing the stability of methods for applying digital watermark into digital images is presented. A technique for increasing the stability of methods for applying digital watermarks into digital images, based on pseudo-holographic coding and additional filtering of a digital watermark, has been developed. The technique described in this work using pseudo-holographic coding of digital watermarks is effective for all types of attacks that were considered, except for image rotation. The paper presents a statistical indicator for assessing the stability of methods for applying digital watermarks. The indicator makes it possible to comprehensively assess the resistance of the method to a certain number of attacks. An experimental study was carried out according to the proposed method. This technique is most effective when part of the image is lost. When pre-filtering a digital watermark, the most effective is the third filtering method, which is averaging over a cell with subsequent binarization. The least efficient is the first method, which is binarization and finding the statistical mode over the cell. For an affine type attack, which is an image rotation, this technique is effective only when the rotation is compensated. To estimate the rotation angle, an affine transformation matrix is found, which is obtained from a consistent set of corresponding ORB-descriptors. Using this method allows to accurately extract a digital watermark for the entire range of angles. A comprehensive assessment of the methodology for increasing the stability of the method of applying a digital watermark based on Wavelet transforms has shown that this method is 20 % better at counteracting various types of attacks.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З970.40


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

Категорія: Транспорт   

Voytetsky I. 
Improving the ship's power plant automatic control system by using a model-oriented decision support system in order to reduce accident rate under the transitional and dynamic modes of operation = Усовершенствование автоматической системы управления судовой электроэнергетической установкой с помощью модельно-ориентированной системы поддержки принятия решений для уменьшения аварийности в переходных и динамических режимах эксплуатации / I. Voytetsky, T. Voytetskaya, L. Vyshnevskyi, I. Kozyryev, O. Maksymova, M. Maksymov, V. Kryvda // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 57-66. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

This paper proposes a method to improve the performance of a ship's power plant by reducing accidents within it under transitional operating modes. The method is based on decreasing the number of service personnel errors by using a model-oriented decision support system. In order to implement the proposed method, the structure of the system of automatic control of the ship's power plant has been improved. Such an improvement of the control system implied the integration of a modeling unit and a decision support unit into its structure. The modeling unit makes it possible to predict values of the controlled parameters under a transition mode of operation before they actually appear in the system as a result of the operator's actions. A mathematical model of the automatic control system under transitional operating modes has been built for this unit. In order to implement the decision support unit, a method has been devised to formalize the task of managing the power plant under transitional operating modes. The method essentially involves modeling a transitional operating regime, followed by an evaluation of the results based on regulatory requirements and an empirical criterion for assessing the quality of enabling the diesel generators to work in parallel. In addition, a method has been developed for the decision support unit to reduce the accident rate and improve performance with the help of a mathematical apparatus of fuzzy inference, fuzzy logic, and fuzzy sets. Transitional operating regimes resulting from actual erroneous operator actions during ship flights were investigated. As a result of using the proposed system, the power plant performance increases.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Sineglazov V. 
Multicriteria optimization in the problem of computer-aided design of hybrid solar energy systems = Многокритериальная оптимизация в задаче автоматизированного проектирования гибридных солнечных энергетических систем / V. Sineglazov, D. Karabetsky, O. Chumachenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 67-78. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

This paper reports an approach to optimizing the structure of a hybrid solar energy system (HSES), used in the task of automated design, under two modes: independent and connected to the network. The proposed HSES includes a solar energy system (SES), an energy storage system (ESS) powered by rechargeable batteries (RBs), a set of diesel generators (DGs), and a network-connecting system. This paper has identified models of the HSES elements' power and proposed a control algorithm based on rules that assess the state of the system during operation. The energy models in conjunction with the control algorithm make it possible to model the system's operation stage over a predefined time interval. The proposed approach is based on solving a multicriteria optimization problem (MCO). MCO takes into consideration the minimization of system costs and the total cost of the system, minimizing fuel use, maximizing reliability, and minimizing the use of non-renewable energy sources. A solution to the MCO problem is based on using a Pareto-optimal solution search algorithm, underlying which is the NSGA-II genetic algorithm employing the proposed set of cross-breeding, mutation, and breeding operators. The devised procedure makes it possible to determine the structure of HSES, which includes a set of the number of solar panels, RBs, and DGs. The result is three variants of HSES for a household for two people (Kyiv, Ukraine), under an autonomous mode and in the regime connected to the electricity grid. Given the possibility of selling electricity at a green tariff during the year, the reported solution makes it possible to reduce the estimated cost of the system by up to 45 %. The use of simulation has helped conduct a detailed analysis of the system's performance throughout the year.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З637


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Zamikhovskyi L. 
Designing a system that removes metallic inclusions from bulk raw materials on the belt conveyor = Розробка системи видалення металовключень із сипучої сировини в умовах стрічкового конвеєра / L. Zamikhovskyi, I. Levitskyi, M. Nykolaychuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 79-87. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

Modern industrial technologies require raw materials of high purity from suppliers, especially due to the possible presence of inclusions of heterogeneous metals in them. The existence of metallic inclusions of heterogeneous metals in the raw materials leads to equipment failure, a decrease in the quality of output products, and, consequently, large financial losses. Since the main method of transporting raw materials in the industry is still a conveyor belt, this imposes additional conditions to control and remove metallic inclusions. For various reasons, current methods for removing metallic inclusions in the conveyor belt do not fully meet the needs of modern production. The main issue related to existing removal systems is the lack of intelligent interaction between these systems and the absence of information exchange between systems that detect and remove metallic inclusions. An alternative method for removing metallic inclusions of heterogeneous metals from loose medium has been proposed, which implies the tandem operation of the system that detects metallic inclusions and the system that removes them. The tandem operation of the two systems makes it possible to exchange information about a detected metallic inclusion and, as a result, to more flexibly use tools for the removal of metallic inclusion depending on the size and location of the metallic inclusion relative to the conveyor belt axis. At the same time, the control unit of the removal system makes it possible to control the conveyor belt itself, which allows the removal of complex metallic inclusions using the reverse of the electric drive of the belt, as well as enables a control check of the fact of removal. The developed algorithm of the removal system was implemented in the programming environment TIA-Portal. The introduction of this removal system could reduce the number of metallic inclusions in raw materials by 15 - 20 %; moreover, its application is not limited to only one sector of the national economy.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л10-441.3


Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 


Mustafa M. O. 
Broken rotor bars fault detection in induction motors based on envelope current and neural network / M. O. Mustafa // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 88-95. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

The growing demand for dependable manufacturing techniques has sped up research into condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of critical motor parts. On the other hand, in modern industry, machine maintenance is becoming increasingly necessary. An insufficient maintenance strategy can result in unnecessarily high downtime or accidental machine failure, resulting in significant financial and even human life losses. Downtime and repair costs rise as a result of failure. Furthermore, developing an online condition monitoring method may be one solution to come up for the problem. Early detection of faults is very vital since they grow quickly and can cause further problems to the motor. This paper proposes an effective strategy for the classification of broken rotor bars (BRBs) for induction motors (IMs) that uses a new approach based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and stator current envelope. The stator current envelope is extracted using the cubic spline interpolation process. This is based on the idea that the amplitude-modulated motor current signal can be revealed using the motor current envelope. The stator current envelope is used to select seven features, which will be used as input for the neural network. Five IM conditions were experimentally used in this study, including a part of BRB, 1 BRB, 2 BRBs and 3 BRBs. The new feature extraction and selection approach achieves a higher level of accuracy than the conventional method for motor fault classification, according to the experimental results. Indeed, the results are impressive, and it is capable of detecting the exact number of broken rotor bars under full load conditions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З621.632-082

Шифр НБУВ: Ж24320 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 

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