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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Woods, Geraldine.
English grammar workbook gor dummies [Electronic resource] / Geraldine Woods. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2006. - 298 p.
Переклад назви: Навчальний посібник англійської граматики для "чайників"


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Good grammar is important, whether you want to advance your career, boost your GPA, or increase your SAT or ACT score. Practice is the key to improving your grammar skills, and that's what this workbook is all about. Open it and you'll find hundreds of fun problems to help build your grammar muscles. Just turn to a topic you need help with from punctuation and pronouns to possessives and parallel structure and get out your pencil. With just a little practice every day, you'll be speaking correctly, writing confidently, and getting the recognition you deserve at work or at school.

іноземна мова -- англійська граматика -- вправи

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Woody, B.
Administrator's guide to SQL server 2005 [Electronic resource] / B. Woody. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2006. - 648 p.
Переклад назви: Посібник адміністратора з SQL Server 2005


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The Complete, Practical, 100% Useful Guide for Every SQL Server 2005 DBA! This book has one goal: to help database administrators and their managers run SQL Server 2005 with maximum efficiency, reliability, and performance. Renowned SQL Server expert Buck Woody covers every facet of database administration, from installation and configuration through maintaining enterprise-class business intelligence environments. If you're a new SQL Server administrator, Buck will help you master core tasks rapidlyand avoid costly mistakes that only show up when it's too late. If you're familiar with previous versions of SQL Server, he'll get you up-to-speed fast on everything new that matters, from high availability improvements and Integration Services to the SQL Server Management Studio. Whatever your background, you'll find best practices, real-world scenarios, and easy-to-use automation scriptsall grounded in Buck's unsurpassed SQL Server knowledge.

база даних -- субд

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Woods, D.
SAP NetWeaver for dummies [Electronic resource] / D. Woods, J. Word. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: SAP NetWeaver для чайників


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This guidebook will lead you through SAP NetWeaver, the Web services-based business integration and application platform that enables portals, collaboration, data management, development environments, and more.

бізнес-програма -- бізнес-процес

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Wood, R.
Next-generation network services [Electronic resource] / R. Wood. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2006. - 624 p.
Переклад назви: Мережеві сервіси наступного покоління


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A new era of network services has evolved to meet the needs of IP-centric networking requirements and customer opportunity. The emphasis is on service as IP has become a prolific communications portal through which to deliver interactive solutions that improve business execution, tie the individual consumer into commerce, and extend market reach by removing the last barriers of time and distance. Next-Generation Network Services presents an overview of converged IP network services, focusing on opportunities for service differentiation and introducing current service-oriented technology. These technologies allow service providers and large enterprises to build and operate networks that provide local, long-haul, mobile, and global data and Internet services to businesses and consumers. This book explores the service provider opportunity in the new era, discussing what has changed and why a service-centric focus is the new ascendancy. This book introduces an extensive portfolio of network technologies and explains the market advantages and the service value of each solution, including IP, multiservice, virtual private network (VPN), optical, wireline, and wireless networks. Whether you are a network architect or engineer driving service innovation within a service provider or enterprise network, or you are a network executive or technology analyst looking to gain a broad overview of the telecommunications sector, Next-Generation Network Services offers you insight into the evolving internetworking technologies that will shape the future of network growth.

комп'ютерна мережа

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 60 [Electronic resource] / J. W. Backus [et al.]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Оновлена доповідь по алгоритмічній мові Algol 60


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The report gives a complete defining description of the international algorithmic language Algol 60. This is a language suitable for expressing a large class of numerical processes in a form sufficiently concise for direct automatic translation into the language of programmed automatic computers. The introduction contains an account of the preparatory work leading up to the final conference, where the language was defined. In addition the notions reference language, publication language, and hardware representations are explained. In the first chapter a survey of the basic constituents and features of the language is given, and the formal notation, by which the syntactic structure is defined, is explained. The second chapter lists all the basic symbols, and the syntactic units known as identifiers, numbers, and strings are defined. Further some important notions such as quantity and value are defined. The third chapter explains the rules for forming expressions and the meaning of these expressions. Three different types of expressions exist: arithmetic, Boolean (logical), and designational. The fourth chapter describes the operational units of the language, known as statements. The basic statements are: assignment statements (evaluation of a formula), go to statements (explicit break of the sequence of execution of statements), dummy statements, and procedure statements (call for execution of a closed process, defined by a procedure declaration). The formation of more complex structures, having statement character, is explained. These include: conditional statements, for statements, compound statements, and blocks. In the fifth chapter the units known as declarations, serving for defining permanent properties of the units entering into a process described in the language, are defined. The report ends with two detailed examples of the use of the language and an alphabetic index of definitions.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Kochan, S. G.
Unix Shell Programming [Electronic resource] / S. G. Kochan, P. Wood. - 3d. ed.. - Boston : Sams Publishing, 2003. - 456 p.
Переклад назви: Програмування Unix Shell


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Unix Shell Programming is a tutorial aimed at helping Unix and Linux users get optimal performance out of their operating out of their operating system. It shows them how to take control of their systems and work efficiently by harnessing the power of the shell to solve common problems. The reader learns everything he or she needs to know to customize the way a Unix system responds. The vast majority of Unix users utilize the Korn shell or some variant of the Bourne shell, such as bash. Three are covered in the third edition of Unix Shell Programming. It begins with a generalized tutorial of Unix and tools and then moves into detailed coverage of shell programming. Topics covered include: regular expressions, the kernel and the utilities, command files, parameters, manipulating text filters, understanding and debugging shell scripts, creating and utilizing variables, tools, processes, and customizing the shell.

інтерфейс -- програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Moore, C. W.
Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation [Electronic resource] / C. W. Moore, P. J. Woodrow. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2010. - 485 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво по глобальним та мультикультурним переговорам


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In today's globalized world, few competencies are as essential as the ability to negotiate across cultures. In this insightful and practical book, Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow draw on their extensive global experience to help us understand the intricacies of seeking to reach intercultural agreements and show us how to get to a wise.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Harrison, J.
European Broadcasting Law and Policy [Electronic resource] / J. Harrison, L. Woods. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 367 p.
Переклад назви: Європейське ефірне право та політика


Географічні рубрики:

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European broadcasting policy has attracted attention from many disciplines because it has dual nature: cultural and commercial. This 2007 book offers a detailed treatment of European broadcasting law, set against an overview of policy in this area. In this respect the authors identify tensions within the EU polity as regards the appropriate level, purpose and mechanism of broadcast regulation. Key influences are problems of competence, the impact of changing technology and the consequences of increasing commercialisation. Furthermore, the focus of the analysis is on the practical implications of the legal framework on viewers, and the authors distinguish both between citizen and consumer and between the passive and active viewer. The underlying question is the extent to which those most in need of protection by regulation, given the purpose of broadcasting, are adequately protected.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Wood, Bernard.
Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of human evolution [Electronic resource] / Bernard Wood. - Oxford : Blackwell, 2011. - 1055 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія людської еволюції

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This comprehensive A to Z encyclopedia provides extensive coverage of important scientific terms related to improving our understanding of how we evolved. Specifically, the 5,000 entries in this two-volume set cover evidence and methods used to investigate the relationships among the living great apes, evidence about what makes the behavior of modern humans distinctive, and evidence about the evolutionary history of that distinctiveness, as well as information about modern methods used to trace the recent evolutionary history of modern human populations. This text provides a resource for everyone studying the emergence of Homo sapiens.

еволюція -- розвиток -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Woods, Christopher.
Visible language [Electronic resource] : inventions of writing in the ancient middle east and beyond / Christopher Woods. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2010. - 241 p
Переклад назви: Наочна мова: винаходи писемності на стародавньому Близькому Сході і за його межами


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Writing, the ability to make language visible and permanent, is one of humanity's greatest inventions. This book presents current perspectives on the origins and development of writing in Mesopotamia and Egypt, providing an overview of each writing system and its uses. Essays on writing in China and Mesoamerica complete coverage of the four "pristine" writing systems - inventions of writing in which there was no previous exposure to texts. The authors explore what writing is, and is not, and sections of the text are devoted to Anatolian hieroglyphs of Anatolia, and to the development of the alphabet in the Sinai Peninsula in the second millennium BC and its spread to Phoenicia where it spawned the Greek and Latin alphabets. This richly illustrated volume, issued in conjunction with an exhibit at the Oriental Institute, provides a current perspective on, and appreciation of, an invention that changed the course of history.

ідеограма -- піктограма -- графіка -- писемність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

The History of Cartography [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Malcolm Lewis, David Woodward. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1998. - 687 p
Переклад назви: Історія картографії


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"Certain to be the standard reference for all subsequent scholarship."—John Noble Wilford, New York Times Book Review, on the History of Cartography series. "The maps in this book provide an evocative picture of how indigenous peoples view and represent their worlds. They illuminate not only questions of material culture but also the cognitive systems and social motivations that underpin them" (from the introduction). Although they are often rendered in forms unfamiliar to Western eyes, maps have existed in most cultures. In this latest book of the acclaimed History of Cartography, contributors from a broad variety of disciplines collaborate to describe and address the significance of traditional cartographies. Whether painted on rock walls in South Africa, chanted in a Melanesian ritual, or fashioned from palm fronds and shells in the Marshall Islands, all indigenous maps share a crucial role in representing and codifying the spatial knowledge of their various cultures. Some also serve as repositories of a group's sacred or historical traditions, while others are exquisite art objects. The indigenous maps discussed in this book offer a rich resource for disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, art history, ethnology, geography, history, psychology, and sociology. Copious illustrations and carefully researched bibliographies enhance the scholarly value of this definitive reference.

мапи -- географія -- картографія -- топоніміка

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