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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Service- and Component-based Development [Electronic resource] : using Select Perspective and UML / H. Apperly [et al.]. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2003. - 240 p.
Переклад назви: Служби та компоненти на основі розвитку: Використання Select Perspective та UML


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This book presents the authors' distilled wisdom and best practice for the construction of software systems using Select Perspective.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Justice and Global Politics [Electronic resource] / editor: E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Справедливість і глобальна політика


Географічні рубрики:

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Since the end of the Cold War, there has been increasing interest in the global dimensions of a host of public policy issues - issues involving war and peace, terrorism, international law, regulation of commerce, environmental protection, and disparities of wealth, income, and access to medical care. Especially pressing is the question of whether it is possible to formulate principles of justice that are valid not merely within a single society but across national borders. The thirteen essays in this volume explore a range of issues that are central to contemporary discussions of global politics. Written by prominent philosophers, political scientists, economists, and legal theorists, they offer valuable contributions to current debates over the nature of justice and its implications for the development of international law and international institutions.

держава -- право -- відносини

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Liberalism [Electronic resource] : old and New / editor: E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 338 p.
Переклад назви: Лібералізм: старий і новий


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In this collection, thirteen prominent philosophers and political scientists address the nature of liberalism, its origins, and its meaning and proper interpretation. Some essays examine the writings of liberalism's earliest defenders or the influence of classical liberalism on the American founders. Some focus on the Progressive movement and the rise of the administrative state, while others defend particular conceptions of liberalism or examine liberal theories of justice. Several essays discuss the U.S. Constitution. Other essays address the limits of economic freedom or focus on the nature and extent of property rights and the government's power of eminent domain.

право -- політика

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Morality and Politics [Electronic resource] / editor: E. P. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - 354 p.
Переклад назви: Мораль і політика


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Divisions abound about whether politics should be held to a higher moral standard or whether pragmatic considerations or realpolitik should prevail. The two poles are represented most conspicuously by Aristotle, for whom the proper aim of politics is moral virtue, and Machiavelli, whose prince in contrast exalted political pragmatism over morality. The fourteen contributors to this volume are predominantly arrayed on the Aristotelian end of the continuum, although several moral skeptics and pragmatists do enter the fray. These essays address perennial concerns in political and moral theory and underscore the rekindled yearning of many to hold the political realm to a higher standard despite the skepticism of dissenters who question the likelihood or even the desirability of success.


   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Scientific Innovation, Philosophy, and Public Policy [Electronic resource] / editor: E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1996. - 323 p.
Переклад назви: Наукові новації, філософія та суспільна політика


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Recent and ongoing developments in science and technology--such as the prevention and treatment of disease through genetics and the development of increasingly sophisticated computer systems with wide-ranging applications--hold out the promise of vastly improving the quality of human life, but they can also raise serious ethical, legal, and public policy questions. The thirteen essays in this volume address these questions and related issues from a variety of perspectives.

філософія -- політика

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Taxation, Economic Prosperity, and Distributive Justice [Electronic resource] / editor: E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - 295 p.
Переклад назви: Оподаткування, економічне процвітання і справедливість в розподілі благ


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What constitutes a just tax system, and what are its moral foundations? Should a society's tax regime be designed to achieve a just distribution of wealth among its citizens, or should such a regime be designed to promote economic growth, rising standards of living, and increasing levels of employment? Are these two goals compatible or incompatible? Why should justice not require, or at least lead to, an increase in general prosperity? The essays in this volume examine the history of tax policies and the normative principles that have informed the selection of various types of taxes and tax regimes; economic data to discover which tax policies lead to economic growth; particular theories of justice or property rights regarding the design of tax systems; and other essays propose specific tax reforms. Still others challenge traditional theories of taxation, offering new ways of understanding the fiscal relationship between governments and their citizens.


   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Bioethics [Electronic resource] / editor: E. F. Paul, F. D. Miller, J. Paul. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - 395 p.
Переклад назви: Біоетика

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Fifteen philosophers, social scientists, and academic lawyers assess various aspects of bioethics. Some detail its development and challenge the field's basic assumptions. Others consider bioethics's role in contemporary society and examine it in policy administration as well as in its interaction with other branches of philosophical inquiry. Chapters also focus on specific issues, including the responsibilities of researchers to subjects in clinical trials; the proper criteria for determining when a living organism has died; the allocation of scarce, life-saving medical resources; and the subsidization of pharmaceutical products for those who may be deprived of the benefits of modern medicine.

філософія -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law [Electronic resource] : treaties, Cases, and Analysis / F. F. Martin [et al.]. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - 990 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародні права людини та гуманітарне право: договори, випадки і аналіз


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This volume introduces law students to the international legal instruments and case law governing the substantive and procedural dimensions of international human rights and humanitarian law, including economic, social, and cultural rights. It also discusses the history and organizational structure of human rights and humanitarian law enforcement mechanisms. Relevant to U.S. audiences, a chapter is devoted to the issues surrounding the incorporation of international law into U.S. law, including principles of constitutional and statutory interpretation, conflict rules, and the self-execution doctrine. Questions & Comments sections provide critical analyses of issues raised in the materials.


   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Private and civil law in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Simons. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. - 400 p.. - (Law in Eastern Europe)
Переклад назви: Приватне та громадське право в Російській Федерації


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The chapters in this volume are from two Leiden conferences. There, distinguished scholars and practitioners from Russia and the Far Abroad measured the winds of change in the field of private law in post-Soviet Russia: enormous differences from the Soviet period, crucial in supporting post-Soviet changes toward freedom of choice in the marketplaces of goods, services, ideas and political institutions. This volume will enable the reader to further chart the progress made in Russia (and the region) in the revitalization of private and civil law—and its impact upon practice and comparative legal studies—and to appreciate the role which the distinction between the public and private sectors is seen as playing in the process

російське право -- право РФ

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Rights, culture and the law. Themes from the legal and political philosophy of Joseph Raz [Electronic resource] / ed.: L. H. Meyer, S. L. Paulson, T. W. Pogge. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. - 300 p.
Переклад назви: Права, культура та закон: Предмети правової та політичної філософії Джозефа Реза


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The volume brings together a collection of original papers on some of the main tenets of Joseph Raz's legal and political philosophy: Legal positivism and the nature of law, practical reason, authority, the value of equality, incommensurability, harm, group rights, and multiculturalism. James Griffin and Yael Tamir raise questions concerning Raz's notion of group rights and its application to claims of cultural and political autonomy, while Will Kymlicka and Bernhard Peters examine Raz's theory of multicultural society. Lukas Meyer investigates the applicability of the notion of harm in the intergenerational context. Other papers are devoted to fundamental theoretical tenets of Raz's work. Hillel Steiner and Andrei Marmor examine Raz's account of value pluralism and incommensurability in light of what these authors consider to be goods whose equal distribution must be valued for its own sake. Robert Alexy and Timothy Endicott discuss traditional issues of jurisprudence and legal philosphy with special attention to Raz's contribution. Rüdiger Bittner, Bruno Celano, and J. E. Penner discuss and criticize aspects of Raz's theory of practical reason. Jeremy Waldron presents a critique of Raz's interpretation of authority. This volume concludes with a chapter by Joseph Raz in which he responds to arguments in the foregoing essays.

законодавство -- філософія права

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Математика   

Simon, Dan.
Optimal state estimation: Kalman, H infinity, and nonlinear approaches [Electronic resource] / Dan Simon. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. - 526 p.
Переклад назви: Оптимальна оцінка стану: Нескінченність Калмана та нелінійні підходи


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A bottom-up approach that enables readers to master and apply the latest techniques in state estimation This book offers the best mathematical approaches to estimating the state of a general system. The author presents state estimation theory clearly and rigorously, providing the right amount of advanced material, recent research results, and references to enable the reader to apply state estimation techniques confidently across a variety of fields in science and engineering.

теорія ймовірностей -- фільтр Калмана

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Michelli, Joseph.
The Starbucks experience [Electronic resource] : 5 principles for turning ordinary into extraordinary / Joseph Michelli. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007. - 225 p
Переклад назви: Досвід Starbucks: 5 принципів перетворення звичайного в екстраординарне


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You already know the Starbucks story. Since 1992, its stock has risen a staggering 5,000 percent! The genius of Starbucks success lies in its ability to create personalized customer experiences, stimulate business growth, generate profits, energize employees, and secure customer loyalty-all at the same time. The Starbucks Experience contains a robust blend of home-brewed ingenuity and people-driven philosophies that have made Starbucks one of the world's "most admired" companies, according to Fortune magazine. With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli discovered that the success of Starbucks is driven by the people who work there-the "partners"-and the special experience they create for each customer.

бізнес-стратегії -- фастфуд -- торговельна мережа

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