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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

White, S. K.
The Cambridge companion to Habermas [Electronic resource] / S. K. White. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995. - 354 p.. - (The Cambridge Companion)
Переклад назви: Кембриджський компаньйон Хабермас


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Jurgen Habermas is unquestionably one of the foremost philosophers writing today. His notions of communicative action and rationality have exerted a profound influence within philosophy and the social sciences. This volume examines the historical and intellectual contexts out of which Habermas' work emerged, and offers an overview of his main ideas, including those in his most recent publication. Amongst the topics discussed are his relationship to the Frankfurt School of critical theory and Marx, his unique contributions to the philosophy of the social sciences, the concept of 'communicative ethics', and the critique of post-modernism. New readers and non-specialists will find this the most convenient, accessible guide to Habermas currently available. Advanced students will find a conspectus of recent developments in the interpretation of Habermas.

публікація -- комунікативна етика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

White, S.
Digital signal processing [Electronic resource] / S. White. - New York : Delmar, 2000. - 228 p.
Переклад назви: Цифрова обробка сигналів


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Digital signal processing (DSP) refers to anything that can be done to a signal using code on a computer or DSP chip. To reduce certain sinusoidal frequency components in a signal in amplitude, digital filtering is done. One may want to obtain the integral of a signal. If the signal comes from a tachometer, the integral gives the position. If the signal is noisy, then filtering the signal to reduce the amplitudes of the noise frequencies improves signal quality. For example, noise may occur from wind or rain at an outdoor music presentation. Filtering out sinusoidal components of the signal that occur at frequencies that cannot be produced by the music itself results in recording the music with little wind and rain noise. Sometimes the signal is corrupted not by noise, but by other signal frequencies that are of no present interest. If the signal is an electronic measurement of a brain wave obtained by using probes applied externally to the head, other electronic signals are picked up by the probes, but the physician may be interested only in signals occurring at a particular frequency. By using digital filtering, the signals of interest only can be presented to the physician.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Whitelam, Keith W..
The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of Palestinian History [Electronic resource] / K. W. Whitelam. - London : Routledge, 2003. - 261 p
Переклад назви: Відкриття стародавнього Ізраїлю: замовчування палестинської історії


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The Invention of Ancient Israel shows how the history of ancient Palestine has been obscured by the search for Israel. Keith W. Whitelam argues that ancient Israel has been invented by scholars in the image of a European nation state. He explores the theological and political assumptions which have shaped research into ancient Israel by Biblical scholars, and contributed to the vast network of scholarship which Said identified as 'Orientalist discourse'. Keith W. Whitelam's groundbreaking study argues that Biblical scholars, through their traditional view of this region, have contributed to dispossession of both a Palestinian land and a Palestinian past. This is important reading for historians, biblical specialists, social anthropologists and all those who are interested in the history of ancient Israel and Palestine.

історія -- народ -- країна

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

White, G.
Irish volunteer soldier 1913-23 [Electronic resource] / G. White, B. O'Shea. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2003. - 64 p.. - (Warrior)
Переклад назви: Ірландський солдат-доброволець 1913-23


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The political situation in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century was characterised by crisis and change. Armed rebellion against the British Crown, the prosecution of the Anglo-Irish War, the emergence of the Irish Free State, and the eruption of the Civil War over the treaty with Great Britain ensured that the birth of the modern Irish nation was bloody and difficult. This book details the life of an average Volunteer, and includes the experiences of internment, the lack of established medical facilities for wounded, life on the run, discipline, and typical duties.

громадянська війна -- волонтер -- допомога

   Тип видання:   підручник   

White, R.
Practical BGP [Electronic resource] / R. White, D. McPherson, S. Srihari. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2004. - 448 p.


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Now there's a practical guide to deploying and managing BGPv4 in any environment--from small enterprises to the largest Tier 2 and Tier 3 service providers. A team of the world's leading BGP experts brings together powerful insights into network design, configuration, and deployment with the latest version of BGP--including hands-on guidance for leveraging its key enhancements

інтернет-протокол -- динамічна маршрутизація

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Whiteling, I.
Start Your Own Business [Electronic resource] / I. Whiteling. - Richmond : Crimson, 2010. - 301 p.
Переклад назви: Розпочни свій власний бізнес


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Famous entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson, Stelios and Sahar Hashemi have all started businesses and thrived during a recession: could you be next? Despite the downturn, it's still a great time to start a business, with less competition and better deals for everything from inventory, advertising and rent. We deliver essential information on how to start a business, make it a success, as well as advice on overcoming challenges including the changing economic outlook. Be inspired by start up stories, and learn tips from the experts: Which businesses do the best in a recession; Write a convincing business plan; Learn who is still lending finance, and what they're looking for; Locate the most reliable suppliers; Use techniques to make sure you get paid; Discover the best ways to promote your business; Attract customers and keep them coming back. Startups.co.uk is the UK's most popular website for small businesses. Started by a successful entrepreneur, it has been helping people start their own business since 2000, and now helps over 150,000 people every month. Small business owners and new businesses consistently rate startups.co.uk as the leading source of information for UK entrepreneurs.


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