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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

A History of Settlement in Ireland [Electronic resource] / ред. Terry Barry. - London : Routledge, 2000. - 321 p
Переклад назви: Історія поселень в Ірландії


Географічні рубрики:

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This book developed out of the twentieth anniversary conference of the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement held in Dublin in 1989, at which it was decided that the papers should also be published. I would like to thank all the contributors for both their perseverance and their patience which has meant that this book has finally come to see the light of day. I would like to thank especially Dr Ruth Johnson, Curator of DVBLINIA, without whom this book would not have been produced. She spent many hours editing the contributions and she also produced the very successful bibliography which you will find at the end of the volume. Professor Anngret Simms was also very helpful both in reading the draft copy of the book and in the whole editing process. I would also like to thank the library staff in the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity College Dublin, for alltheir assistance. The staff of Routledge, Taylor and Francis Books Ltd are also owed a debt of de ep gratitude by the editor and authors for their efficiency and support in ensuring that this book saw the light of day: especially Victoria Peters, the Archaeology Editor, her Assistant Editor, Nadia Jacobson; and Barbara Duke, Senior Production Editor. Finally, I must also thank the external copy editor, Sophie Richmond, for all her extremely useful observations and corrections. Financialsupport has come from the Department of Medieval History, Trinity College Dublin, the Group for the S tudy of Irish Historic Settlement the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast and from the School of Irish Studies, Dublin, for which I am very grateful.

Британські острови -- історія Ірландії -- населення

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Abwehr englischer gangster-methoden "Silent killing" [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]. - 52 S.
Переклад назви: Захист від англійських гангстерських прийомів "Тихе вбивство"


Географічні рубрики:

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німецька армія -- рукопашний бій

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Alt, B. L.
Fleecing grandma and grandpa [Electronic resource] : protecting Against Scams, Cons, and Frauds / B. L. Alt, S. K. Wells. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 2004. - 167 p.
Переклад назви: Оббираючи бабусь і дідусів: захист від шахрайства


Географічні рубрики:

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Falling for a scam or con is humiliating for anyone, and can have terrible consequences. But for the elderly, being the victim of fraud can be disastrous, and they are the most common and vulnerable targets of everyday scams, cons, and frauds. From identity theft to gambling scams, from power of attorney issues to pyramid schemes, there is no dearth of creativity in the ways some criminals will relieve the elderly from their money and their homes. Here, Alt and Wells describe the most common scams, offer the stories of actual victims, and detail ways to protect yourself and your family from becoming easy targets. What makes the elderly such easy marks for con artists? How can they avoid the common traps? Knowing about them is one place to start, and this book helps readers to understand and identify the most common scams perpetrated against the elderly. Because such cons are so hard to prosecute, it is important to know the methods criminals employ to separate innocents from their hard-earned money. This lively, vivid account of one of the most insidious forms of crime will help families and individuals protect themselves and their loved ones from the machinations of those who view them as easy marks.

соціологія -- шахрайство

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Arata, M. J.
Identity theft for dummies [Electronic resource] / M. J. Arata. - Hoboken : Wiley Publishing, 2010. - 291 p.
Переклад назви: Крадіжки персональних даних для чайників


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In this book, I tell you how to prevent identity theft and what to do if you’re a victim. If you’re wondering what sort of information is vulnerable and should be shredded, or how to reclaim your credit if you’ve been a victim, this is the one-stop reference for you. Today, the name of the game is making yourself a hard target, and armed with this book, you’ll do exactly that.

захист інформації -- безпека інформації -- відновлення даних

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Atsctoy, Alex.
Самоучитель хакера [Електронний ресурс] / Alex Atsctoy. - М. : Лучшие книги, 2005. - 192 с.


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Что нового привносит в общий поток хакерской литературы эта небольшая книга? А то, что в ней вся необъятная тема хакинга рассмотрена в единственном, но самом важном аспекте - практическом. В книге рассмотрены темы Хакинг, Зашита Windows 2000/XP, Проникновение в систему, Сокрытие следов, Хакинг fyay, pofc Web, Деструкция почтового клиента, хакинг lCQ, Хакинг Web-сайтов, атаки DOS Хакинг компьютеров Windows 2000/XP, Хакинг коммутируемого доступа.

захист інформації -- інформатика -- інформаційна безпека -- хакінг

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Austin, R. D.
Navajo courts and Navajo common law: a tradition of tribal self-governance [Electronic resource] / R. D. Austin. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2009. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Суди загальне право Навахо: традиція племінного самоврядування

Географічні рубрики:

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The Navajo Nation court system is the largest and most established tribal legal system in the world. Since the landmark 1959 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Williams v. Lee that affirmed tribal court authority over reservation-based claims, the Navajo Nation has been at the vanguard of a far-reaching, transformative jurisprudential movement among Indian tribes in North America and indigenous peoples around the world to retrieve and use traditional values to address contemporary legal issues. A justice on the Navajo Nation Supreme Court for sixteen years, Justice Raymond D. Austin has been deeply involved in the movement to develop tribal courts and tribal law as effective means of modern self-government. He has written foundational opinions that have established Navajo common law and, throughout his legal career, has recognized the benefit of tribal customs and traditions as tools of restorative justice. In Navajo Courts and Navajo Common Law, Justice Austin considers the history and implications of how the Navajo Nation courts apply foundational Navajo doctrines to modern legal issues. He explains key Navajo foundational concepts like Hózhó (harmony), K'é (peacefulness and solidarity), and K'éí (kinship) both within the Navajo cultural context and, using the case method of legal analysis, as they are adapted and applied by Navajo judges in virtually every important area of legal life in the tribe. In addition to detailed case studies, Justice Austin provides a broad view of tribal law, documenting the development of tribal courts as important institutions of indigenous self-governance and outlining how other indigenous peoples, both in North America and elsewhere around the world, can draw on traditional precepts to achieve self-determination and self-government, solve community problems, and control their own futures.

індійська резервація -- автохтонне населення

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Bankston III, Carl L..
Encyclopedia of American Immigration [Electronic resource] / Carl L. Bankston III. - Pasadena : Salem Press, 2010. - 1232 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія американської іміграції


Географічні рубрики:

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Encyclopedia of North American Immigration is a solid, comprehensive one-volume encyclopedia consisting of more than 300 A-to-Z entries on events, themes, people, places, and legislation related to immigration. This valuable reference to a popular and ever-changing topic provides straightforward and concise information on the groups, policies, and events that defined the world's greatest migration of peoples and shaped their reception in North America. Each of the articles includes an extensive, up-to-date bibliography that will provide every reader with the necessary resources for further research. Historical black-and-white photographs, as well as maps and graphs, are enhanced by a general bibliography, a subject index, and a general index. The transformation of the culture of the North American continent since the 15th century is one of the great historical events of the past 500 years. For good or bad, it has shaped the destinies of millions of people of all races, transformed the nature of international politics, and altered the concept of personal possibilities in every country. The magnitude and diversity of the migration to North America has made analysis of the process as a whole quite difficult, mainly because the peopling of North America was not a single movement, but hundreds of separate movements, each with its own story, foundations, rationale, and outcome.

іміграція -- населення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barken, L.
How secure is your wireless network? Safeguarding your wi-fi LAN [Electronic resource] / L. Barken. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 224 p.


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Now you can have the awesome benefits of wireless LANs without falling victim to their notorious security flaws. Leading wireless security expert Lee Barken shows you practical workarounds and fixes for the vulnerabilities in today's WLANs, introduces high-security wireless protocols new to the marketplace, and offers step-by-step instructions for protecting all your wireless information, from the home to the enterprise.This is the definitive and easy-to-use WLAN security book you've been searching for-whether you're a network administrator,security specialist, manager, or home user.

бездротові локальні мережі -- захист інформації

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bastien, G.
CCSP Cisco Secure PIX® Firewall advanced exam certification guide [Electronic resource] / G. Bastien, E. Carter, C. Degu. - 2th. ed.. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2004. - 816 p.


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Becoming a CCSP distinguishes you as part of an exclusive group of experts, ready to take on today's most challenging security tasks. Administration of the Cisco PIX Firewall is a difficult and complex task, critical for protecting a network. Whether you are seeking a PIX-focused certification or the full-fledged CCSP certification, learning what you need to know to pass the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced (CSPFA) exam will qualify you to keep your company's network safe while meeting business needs.

адміністрування мереж -- захист мережі

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bejtlich, R.
The Tao of network security monitoring. Beyond intrusion detection [Electronic resource] / R. Bejtlich. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2004. - 832 p.


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The book you are about to read will arm you with the knowledge you need to defend your network from attackers—both the obvious and the not so obvious....If you are new to network security, don't put this book back on the shelf! This is a great book for beginners and I wish I had access to it many years ago. If you've learned the basics of TCP/IP protocols and run an open source or commercial IDS, you may be asking "What's next?" If so, this book is for you.

мережа -- захист

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bishop, M.
Introduction to computer security [Electronic resource] / M. Bishop. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - 784 p.


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In this authoritative book, widely respected practitioner and teacher Matt Bishop presents a clear and useful introduction to the art and science of information security. Bishop`s insights and realistic examples will help any practitioner or student understand the crucial links between security theory and the day-to-day security challenges of IT environments. Bishop explains the fundamentals of security: the different types of widely used policies, the mechanisms that implement these policies, the principles underlying both policies and mechanisms, and how attackers can subvert these tools - as well as how to defend against attackers. A practicum demonstrates how to apply these ideas and mechanisms to a realistic company.

захист -- адміністрування системи

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bott, E.
Microsoft Windows security inside out for Windows XP and Windows 2000 [Electronic resource] / E. Bott, C. Siechert. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2003. - 800 p.


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Hey, you know your way around a desktop -- so now dig into the Windows operating system and really put its security features to work! Covering Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, and Windows 2000 Professional, this supremely organized reference packs hundreds of timesaving solutions, checklists, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds -- all in concise, fast-answers format. Learn the essential tools and techniques for tightening up security on your personal computer or network, including ways to fend off viruses, hackers, spam, denial-of-service attacks, and other threats. Discover how to button up your Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), remote access, and wireless networking services. And take ultimate control of security with advanced solutions such as file encryption, port blocking, Internet Protocol Security, group policies, and tamper-proofing the Registry.

безпека системи -- захист інформації

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Causes and consequences of human migration [Electronic resource] : an evolutionary perspective / ed. Michael H. Crawford, Benjamin C. Campbell. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 568 p
Переклад назви: Причини і наслідки міграції населення: еволюційна точка зору


Географічні рубрики:

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Migration is a widespread human activity dating back to the origin of our species. Advances in genetic sequencing have greatly increased our ability to track prehistoric and historic population movements and allowed migration to be described both as a biological and socioeconomic process. Presenting the latest research, Causes and Consequences of Human Migration provides an evolutionary perspective on human migration past and present. Crawford and Campbell have brought together leading thinkers who provide examples from different world regions, using historical, demographic and genetic methodologies, and integrating archaeological, genetic and historical evidence to reconstruct large-scale population movements in each region. Other chapters discuss established questions such as the Basque origins and the Caribbean slave trade. More recent evidence on migration in ancient and present day Mexico is also presented. Pitched at a graduate audience, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in human population movements.

міграція -- переселення -- демографія

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Chapman, D. B.
Building Internet firewalls [Electronic resource] / D. B. Chapman, E. D. Zwicky. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 1995. - 517 p.
Переклад назви: Побудова інтернет-фаєрволів


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More than a million systems are now connected to the Internet, and something like 15 million people in 100 countries on all seven continents use Internet services. More than 100 million email messages are exchanged each day, along with countless files, documents, and audio and video images. Everyone is jumping on the Internet bandwagon. Once a haven for academicians and scientists, the Net is now reaching large and small businesses, government at all levels, school children, and senior citizens. The commercial world is rushing headlong into doing business on the Internet, barely pausing while technologies and policies catch up with their desire to go online. But, too few of the seekers after Internet wisdom and riches consider whether their businesses will be safe on the Net. What kinds of security risks are posed by the Internet? Some risks have been around since the early days of networking -- password attacks (guessing them or cracking them via password dictionaries and cracking programs), denial of service, and exploiting known security holes. Some risks are newer and even more dangerous -- packet sniffers, IP (Internet Protocol) forgery, and various types of hijacking attacks. Firewalls are a very effective way to protect your system from these Internet security threats. Firewalls in computer networks keep damage on one part of the network (e.g., eavesdropping, a worm program, file damage) from spreading to the rest of the network. Without firewalls, network security problems can rage out of control, dragging more and more systems down. What is a firewall? It's a hardware and/or software solution that restricts access from your internal network to the Internet -- and vice versa. A firewall may also be used to separate two or more parts of your local network (for example, protecting finance from R&D). The firewall is installed at the perimeter of the network, ordinarily where it connects to the Internet. You can think of a firewall as a checkpoint; all traffic, incoming and outgoing, is stopped at this point. Because it is, the firewall can make sure that it is acceptable. "Acceptable" means that whatever is passing through -- email, file transfers, remote logins, NFS mounts, etc. -- conforms to the security policy of the site. Building Internet Firewalls is a practical guide to building firewalls on the Internet. If your site is connected to the Internet, or if you're considering getting connected, you need this book. It describes a variety of firewall approaches and architectures and discusses how you can build packet filtering and proxying solutions at your site. It also contains a full discussion of how to configure Internet services (e.g., FTP, SMTP, Telnet) to work with a firewall. The book also includes a complete list of resources, including the location of many publicly available firewall construction tools. The book is divided into four parts: Part I discusses Internet threats, the benefits of firewalls, overall security strategies, and a summary of Internet services and their security risks. Part II describes possible firewall designs and general terms and concepts, how to protect the bastion host in your firewall configuration, how to build proxying and packet filtering firewalls, and how to configure Internet services to operate with a firewall. Part III describes how to maintain a firewall, develop a security policy, and respond to a security incident. Part IV contains appendic

мережа -- захист

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Chevallier, Andrew.
Herbal remedies [Electronic resource] / A. Chevallier. - London : Dorling Kindersley, 2007. - 290 p. - (Eyewitness companions)
Переклад назви: Лікувальні трави


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For anyone who wants to learn more about medicinal plants and how to use them at home, Herbal Remedies provides essential information on how to safely use herbal medicines and shows you how to create your own remedies to target common ailments.

трави -- захист -- лікування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Chuvakin, A.
Security Warrior [Electronic resource] / A. Chuvakin, C. Peikari. - Sebastobol : O'Reilly, 2004. - 552 p.
Переклад назви: Війна за безпеку


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What's the worst an attacker can do to you? You'd better find out, right? That's what Security Warrior teaches you. Based on the principle that the only way to defend yourself is to understand your attacker in depth, Security Warrior reveals how your systems can be attacked. Covering everything from reverse engineering to SQL attacks, and including topics like social engineering, antiforensics, and common attacks against UNIX and Windows systems, this book teaches you to know your enemy and how to be prepared to do battle

захист -- інформація

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Cobb, С.
Cryptography For Dummies [Electronic resource] / С. Cobb. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Криптографія для чайників


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This guide to keeping your data safe offers the latest security techniques and advice on choosing and using cryptography products. It covers terminology, specific encryption technologies, pros and cons of different implementations, and more.

інформація -- захист

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

da Costa, J. R.
Candomble de Angola [Electronic resource] / J. R. da Costa. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1996. - 117 с.
Переклад назви: Кандомбле Анголи

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Кандомбле - афро-бразильська релігійна традиція, в основі якої лежить поклоніння духам Оріша, пов'язаним зі стихіями, різними родами людської діяльності і духовними аспектами буття. Широко розповсюджена віра на території Бразилії, особливо в регіонах з великим числом темношкірого населення

традиція -- дух -- езотерика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Daniels, Roger.
American immigration [Electronic resource] : a student companion / Roger Daniels. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 304 p. - (Student Companions to American History)
Переклад назви: Американська імміграція: довідник студента


Географічні рубрики:

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"Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history," wrote historian Oscar Handlin. Immigrants and generations of their descendants have defined the American nation from its beginning and continue to provide America's characteristic diversity, representing practically every race, nationality, religion, and ethnic group around the world. Some immigrants came to the New World in search of economic gain. Others were brought in chains. Still others found refuge in America from religious or ethnic persecution. This single-volume encyclopedia includes more than 300 entries, covering multiple aspects of immigration history and policy: ethnic groups, including census and immigration statistics, major periods of immigration and areas of settlement, predominant religion, and historical background key immigration legislation, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Act of 1990, and Refugee Act of 1980 terms and concepts, including green card, quota system, citizen, naturalization, picture brides, and nativism categories of immigrants, including refugees, indentured servants, children, and exiles immigration stations: Angel Island, Castle Garden, and Ellis Island religious groups and churches, such as Amish, Huguenots, Muslims, and Eastern Rite churches further reading lists and cross-references follow each entry An introductory essay provides a cogent overview of the entire scope of the book. More than 150 photographs and illustrations complement the entries. Statistical boxes supplement the articles with key information. A list of immigration, ethnic, and refugee organizations; a guide to further research that includes books, museums, and websites; and a detailed chronology conclude this useful resource for research in American history, ethnic and multicultural studies, and genealogy. Oxford's Student Companions to American History are state-of-the-art references for school and home, specifically designed and written for ages 12 through adult. Each book is a concise but comprehensive A-to-Z guide to a major historical period or theme in U.S. history, with articles on key issues and prominent individuals. The authors--distinguished scholars well-known in their areas of expertise--ensure that the entries are accurate, up-to-date, and accessible. Special features include an introductory section on how to use the book, further reading lists, cross-references, chronology, and full index.

імміграція -- населення США -- демографічна політика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Deal, R. A.
Cisco ASA Configuration [Electronic resource] / R. A. Deal. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2009. - 753 p. - (Networking Professional's Library)
Переклад назви: Конфігурація Cisco ASA


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The Cisco ASA product replaces Cisco PIX Firewalls, and Cisco expert Richard Deal updates his bestselling book, Cisco PIX Firewalls, to cover ASA. This book shows you how to configure and maintain a Cisco ASA appliance to control traffic in the corporate network and protect the network from internal and external threats and attacks. Cisco ASA Configuration covers the latest features available in versions 8.0 and 8.1, and includes detailed examples of complex configurations and troubleshooting. Implement and manage this powerful multifunction network adaptive security appliance with help from this expert guide.

продукт -- захист мережі -- пристрій

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