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Мартынов, В. И.
3она opus posth, или Рождение новой реальности [Електронний ресурс] / В. И. Мартынов. - М. : Классика-ХХІ, 2005. - 288 с.

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Какое место занимают композиторы в мире современной музыкальной культуры и каковы их перспективы в будущем? В своей предыдущей книге Владимир Мартынов — исследователь и композитор — вынес окончательный приговор: время композиторов ушло в прошлое. Закончилась ли вместе с ними музыка? Ответ на этот вопрос содержит новая книга Мартынова — «Зона opus posth». Какая музыка зазвучит в новой, «посткомпозиторской» реальности, каковы законы, по которым она создается и функционирует, какой она станет — музыкальная культура будущего, — обо всем этом Мартынов рассуждает не только как «футуролог» и музыковед, но и как философ и социолог.

музична культура -- філософія музики -- футурологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Ясінчук, Л.
50 літ рідної школи, 1881-1931 [Електронний ресурс] / Л. Ясінчук. - Л. : Рідна школа, 1931. - 176 с.


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Автор розповідає про розвиток україномовної освіти у Західній Україні наприкінці 19 - на початку 20 ст.

освіта -- українізація

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Herbert, G. H.
A Souvenir of musical Toronto [Електронний ресурс] / G. H. Herbert. - Toronto : Musical Toronto, 1898. - 56 с.
Переклад назви: Сувеніри Музичного Торонто


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   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Moskowitz, David.
Bob Marley: a biography [Electronic resource] / David Moskowitz. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2007. - 149 p
Переклад назви: Боб Марлі: біографія

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Bob Marley was the first, and possibly the only, superstar to emerge from the Third World. Although he lived a short life, only 36 years, Bob penned an enormous quantity of songs, pioneering a new reggae rhythm and sound that was distinctly Jamaican. An expert lyricist who could more than hold his own with any contemporary hip-hop word slinger, Bob crafted emotionally powerful chains of words that packed a serious punch. Twenty-five years after his death, the music of Bob Marley and the Wailers is as popular and relevant as it was the day it was released. Author David Moskowitz gives readers an inside look at the man behind the legend. Fans from all corners of the globe are a testament to the fact that his music transcends race, color, economic class, even language. From Marley's poverty stricken early childhood in rural Jamaica to break out his faith in Rastafarianism, this biography recounts the life and music of one of the most famous popular artists of the last century, an incredible story for long-time fans as well for a new and ever-increasing audience who were too young to witness Marley's history-making music career firsthand. A timeline, photos, and a rich bibliography of print and electronic sources make this biography ideal for both research purposes and casual reading.

реггі -- музична діяльність -- растафаріанство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Apple, Michael W..
Can education change society? [Electronic resource] / M. W. Apple. - New York : Routledge, 2013. - 200 p.
Переклад назви: Чи змінює освіта суспільство?


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Despite the vast differences between the Right and the Left over the role of education in the production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education can and should do something about society, to either restore what is being lost or radically alter what is there now. The question was perhaps put most succinctly by the radical educator George Counts in 1932 when he asked "Dare the School Build a New Social Order?", challenging entire generations of educators to participate in, actually to lead, the reconstruction of society. Over 70 years later, celebrated educator, author and activist Michael Apple revisits Counts’ now iconic works, compares them to the equally powerful voices of minoritized people, and again asks the seemingly simply question of whether education truly has the power to change society. In this groundbreaking work, Apple pushes educators toward a more substantial understanding of what schools do and what we can do to challenge the relations of dominance and subordination in the larger society. This touchstone volume is both provocative and honest about the ideological and economic conditions that groups in society are facing and is certain to become another classic in the canon of Apple’s work and the literature on education more generally.

освіта -- IQ -- профілізація -- суспільство знань -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Liria, C. F.
Educacion para la Ciudadania [Electronic resource] / C. F. Liria, P. F. Liria, L. A. Zahonero. - Madrid : Akal, 2007. - 239 p.
Переклад назви: Освіта для громадянства


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Este ensayo es un tremendo contraataque a tamaña farsa. Ofrece un profundo análisis, aunque expresado con llaneza y claridad, en torno a conceptos sociales y éticos tan importantes como la Ciudadanía, la Democracia, la Libertad (pública e individual), el Derecho, la Ley... desde los orígenes del debate en la Grecia clásica, pasando por la Ilustración hasta el convulso siglo XX. El resultado de esta revisión es demoledor: la grandeza de los planteamientos teóricos en los momentos cumbres del discurrir filosófico y político de la Historia de Occidente -la Gracia clásica, la Revolución francesa, las democracias modernas- resulta inversamente proporcional a la miseria, la injusticia, la violencia, la mezquindad y el horror humanos que han caracterizado en el plano 'práctico', a ras de tierra, en todo tiempo y lugar a las sociedades humanas; con una virulencia sin límites en el Capitalismo brutal del último siglo y las cómplices democracias occidentales.

держава -- громадянство -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Holmes, Thom.
Electronic and experimental music [Electronic resource] : technology, music, and culture / Thom Holmes. - London : Routledge, 2008. - 481 p
Переклад назви: Електронна та експериментальна музика: технології, музика і культура

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The book is a superlative intersection of history and practice. With its charts, pictures, historical antecedents, and well-explained concepts, Electronic and Experimental Music is an essential resource for anyone interested in extraordinary sound.' Chris DeLaurenti, The Stranger 'This third edition effectively replaces both previous editions due to substantial additions and a well-executed reorganization... Holmes does an excellent job of avoiding unnecessary technical jargon while providing specific information on the analog techniques and digital software and hardware that have driven the development of this genre... This well-known history remains an invaluable guide for those hoping to gain a firm grounding in the history and culture of electronic music... Highly recommened.

сучасна музика -- музичний стиль -- контркультура

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Козловська, Т.
English, 10 [Electronic resource] : підручник з англійської мови для 10 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів : шостий рік навчання / Т. Козловська. - К. : Інститут сучасного підручника, 2010. - 304 p.


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англійська мова -- освіта -- шкільна програма -- школа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Boularès, M.
Grammaire progressive du français [Electronic resource] : avec 400 exercices / M. Boularès, J. -L. Frérot. - [S. l.] : CLE international, 1997. - 221 p.
Переклад назви: Прогресивна французька граматика: 400 вправ


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іноземна мова -- освіта -- граматика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Franco, S.
Hardware design of a real-time musical system [Electronic resource] / S. Franco. - Urbana : Department of Computer Science University of Illinois, 1974. - 95 p
Переклад назви: Дизайн апаратних засобів музичної системи в реальному часі


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This thesis describes the hardware design of a hybrid system for the composition and performance of electronic music in real-time. While analog circuitry is primarily employed in the generation and processing of sounds, digital circuitrsy is devoted to the exercise of control, under the immediate supervision of the composer/performer. Such a digital vs. analog partition, together with a proper choice of the man vs. machine interface, is intended to satisfy the niuch emphasized musical need for the immediate, real-time interaction between the composer/performer and his instrument.

гібридна система -- генерація -- музична система

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

High-level colloquium on information literacy and lifelong learning [Electronic resource]. - Alexandria : IFLA, 2006. - 87 p.
Переклад назви: Вищий колоквіум з інформаційної грамотності та безперервної освіти


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бібліотека -- освіта

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hodgins, J. G.
Historical and other papers and documents illustrative of the educational system of Ontario [Electronic resource] : forming an appendix to the annual report of the Minister of Education / J. G. Hodgins. - Toronto : L.K. Cameron, 1911
Переклад назви: Історичні та інші папери та документи, що ілюструють систему освіти Онтаріо, 1791-1853: формування додатка до щорічної доповіді міністра освіти


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Vol. 1 : 1791-1853. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : 1856-1872. - 347 p.

Vol. 3 : 1853-1868. - 327 p.

Vol. 4 : 1858-1876. - 343 p.

Vol. 5 : 1842-1861. - 321 p.

Vol. 6 : 1862-1871. - 307 p.

From an intimate personal knowledge of the state and progress of Education in Upper Canada from the earliest times, I am satisfied that the contents of these volumes will prove both valuable and interesting. The papers selected for publication are the most noted of those which are contained in the Documentary History, so that they can be easily found in a condensed form, when required, instead of haying to search for them in the successive volumes of that History. Among the most interesting of these documents are the originals of the Grammar and Common School Acts of 1807-1816 and 1820, as well as those of 1841 and 1843, passed after the Union of the Provinces of 1840. There are also several special papers relating to the disposition of the Imperial Land Grant of 1797, out of Which grew a prolonged discussion on the University question, as a proportion of that grant was designed for a University.

документ -- освіта -- знання -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bousquet, Marc.
How the university works [Electronic resource] : higher education and the low-wage nation / Marc Bousquet, Cary Nelson. - New York : NYU Press, 2008. - 291 p
Переклад назви: Як працюють університети: вища освіта і нації з низьким рівнем заробітної плати


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As much as we think we know about the modern university, very little has been said about what it's like to work there. Instead of the high-wage, high-profit world of knowledge work, most campus employees—including the vast majority of faculty—really work in the low-wage, low-profit sphere of the service economy. Tenure-track positions are at an all-time low, with adjuncts and graduate students teaching the majority of courses. This super-exploited corps of disposable workers commonly earn fewer than $16,000 annually, without benefits, teaching as many as eight classes per year. Even undergraduates are being exploited as a low-cost, disposable workforce. Marc Bousquet, a major figure in the academic labor movement, exposes the seamy underbelly of higher education—a world where faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates work long hours for fast-food wages. Assessing the costs of higher education's corporatization on faculty and students at every level, How the University Works is urgent reading for anyone interested in the fate of the university.

вища освіта -- університет -- доступність освіти -- економіка освіти

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Literacy in America [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice / ed. B. J. Guzzetti. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2002. - 779 p.
Переклад назви: Письменність в Америці: Енциклопедія історії, теорії, і практики


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Written for an audience embracing both students being introduced to theories and terminology of literacy and specialists in the field, the A-Z entries fall into five categories. The first and most numerous covers "definitions, process, influences, issues, types, and theories." The others cover "literacy assessment, literacy instruction, literacy resources and organizations, and literacy professional publications and reports." Throughout, literacy is examined not just as the capability of an individual to read and write but also as a dynamic force in society. Entries such as Gender and writing, Literacy and culture, Social nature of literacy, and Television and reading demonstrate literacy's inseparability from the society in which it functions. So, too, do articles on forms of expression that express social trends; these include Comics, Graffiti, and Instant messaging. The great majority, however, treat concepts and terms related to the study, acquisition, and teaching of literacy. These include Ebonics, Fluency, Reading clinics, Spelling, and Writing assessment. Complementary articles treat both sides of controversial issues such as the phonics-whole language debate.

освіта -- грамотність -- педагогіка

   Тип видання:   національна доповідь   

National Report on the State and Prospects of Education Development in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine ; editor-in-chief V. G. Kremen. - Kyiv : Pedahohichna dumka, 2017. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Національна доповідь про стан і перспективи розвитку освіти в Україні


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The comprehensive analysis of the state and prospects of national education development over the 25 years of Ukraine’s Independence is made; the educational sphere actual problems are determined; the causes of their appearance are revealed; the scientifically grounded proposals concerning the ways of domestic education modernization in the context of globalization, European integration and national self-identification are proposed. The report will be useful to policy makers, state leaders, education institutions leaders, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical personnel, wide community and everyone who cares for the competitiveness of Ukrainian education.

інституційна освіта -- інклюзивна освіта -- педагогічні технології

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

David, M.
Peer to peer and the music industry. The criminalization of sharing [Electronic resource] / M. David. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2010. - 186 p.
Переклад назви: Файлообмінна мережа та музична індустрія: криміналізація обміну

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This penetrating and informative book provides readers with the perfect systematic critical guide to the file-sharing phenomenon. Combining inter-disciplinary resources from sociology, history, media and communication studies and cultural studies, Matthew David unpacks the economics, psychology, and philosophy of file-sharing. It fuses a deep knowledge of the music industry and the new technologies of mass communication with a powerful perspective on how multinational corporations operate to monopolize markets, how international and state agencies defend property, while a global multitude undermine and/or reinvent both.

обмін файлами -- музика

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Science and education in modern society: current issues and innovative research [Електронний ресурс] : сollection of abstracts of International scientific-practical conference (Kunovice, Czech Republic, March 27-28, 2021) = Наука та освіта в сучасному суспільстві: актуальні питання та інноваційні : зб. матеріалів Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (Куновіце, Чеська Республіка, 27-28 березня 2021 р.) / I. Kopotun, S. Petkov ; Akademie HUSPOL. - Hranice : Tiskárna Grafema, 2021. - 69 с.


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The collection of abstracts contains the reports of participants of the International scientific-practical conference "Science and education in modern society: current issues and innovative research", which was held by the Akademie HUSPOL (Czech Republic) with the assistance of the NGO "European Institute for Further Education" on March 27-28, 2021. The conference is dedicated to solving current problems in ensuring innovative development and finding ways to improve the legal practice of Ukraine and the Czech Republic.

Sbírka obsahuje materiály zpráv účastníků mezinárodní vědecko-praktické konference „Věda a vzdělávání v moderní společnosti: aktuální problémy a inovativní výzkum“, kterou uspořádala Akademie HUSPOL (Česká republika) za pomoci nevládní organizace „Evropský institut postgraduálního vzdělávání“ 27. - 28. l březen 2021. Konference je věnována řešení aktuálních problémů při zajišťování inovativního rozvoje a hledání způsobů, jak zlepšit právní praxi Ukrajiny a České republiky.

Збірник містить матеріали доповідей учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Наука та освіта в сучасному суспільстві: актуальні питання та інноваційні дослідження», яка була проведена Академією ГУСПОЛ (Чеська Республіка) за сприянням ГО «Європейський інститут післядипломної освіти» 27-28 березня 2021 року. Конференцію присвячено розв’язанню актуальних проблем в забезпеченні інноваційного розвитку та пошуку шляхів удосконалення правової практики України та Чехії.

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Roper, C. A.
Security education, awareness, and training [Electronic resource] : from theory to practice / C. A. Roper, J. Grau, L. Fischer. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2006. - 387 p.
Переклад назви: Навчання безпеці, освіта та підготовки кадрів: від теорії до практики


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This book is the only one available on security training for all level of personnel. Chief Security Officers (CSOs), security managers, and heads of security forces often have to design training programs themselves from scratch or rely on outside vendors and outside training companies to provide training which is often dry, stilted, and not always applicable to a specific corporate or government setting. This title addresses the theories of sound security training and awareness, then shows the reader how to put the theories into practice when developing or presenting any form of security education, training, motivation or awareness


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shahvar, Soli.
The forgotten schools [Electronic resource] : the Baha'is and Modern education in Iran, 1899-1934 / Soli Shahvar. - London : I.B.Tauris, 2009. - 305 p
Переклад назви: Забуті школи: багаї і сучасна освіта в Ірані, 1899-1934


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By the end of the nineteenth century, it became evident to Iran's ruling Qajar elite that the state’s contribution to the promotion of modern education in the country was unable to meet the growing expectations set by Iranian society. Muzaffar al-Din Shah sought to remedy this situation by permitting the entry of the private sector into the field of modern education and in 1899 the first Baha’i school was established in Tehran. By the 1930s there were dozens of Baha’i schools. Their high standards of education drew many non-Baha’i students, from all sections of society. Here Soli Shahvar assesses these "forgotten schools" and investigates why they proved so popular not only with Baha’is, but Zoroastrians, Jews and especially Muslims. Shahvar explains why they were closed by the reformist Reza Shah in the late 1930s and the subsequent fragility of the Baha’is position in Iran.

освіта -- навчання -- мусульманська культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Paludi, Michele A..
The psychology of teen violence and victimization [Electronic resource] / M. A. Paludi. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2011. - 272 p
Переклад назви: Психологія підліткового насильства та переслідування


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While it's widely known that hate crimes represent a serious issue among today's adolescent population, most parents—and perhaps even some educators—may be unaware that gender-based violence is the most prevalent type of hate crime committed by and experienced by teens, and that adolescent girls are exposed to more violence than boys. A complete understanding of the nature of the problem is fundamental to curtailing problems like cyberbullying and sexual harrassment. The Psychology of Teen Violence and Victimization is a two-volume set that fills a gap in the current literature on teen violence by addressing the incidence, psychological explanations, and impact of all forms of teen violence. The author—a psychologist who has focused upon interpersonal problems centered on violence, harassment, and gender—provides in-depth discussion of the various types of violence committed by and against teens. The set offers actionable prevention strategies for parents and teachers as well as individuals involved in community programs. Special attention is given to the impact of violence on adolescents' emotional and physical health, interpersonal relationships, career development, and self-concept.

кримінал -- освіта -- дитина

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