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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bussmann, K. -D.
Social dynamics of crime and control [Electronic resource] : new theories for a world in transition / K. -D. Bussmann, S. Karstedt. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2001. - 271 p.
Переклад назви: Соціальна динаміка злочинності і управління: нові теорії в перехідний період в світі


Географічні рубрики:

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This volume assembles recent perspectives and fresh approaches in the field of criminology. It gives an overview of new paths that criminologists take to meet the challenges of social dynamics in different fields of the discipline. Scholars of criminology and sociol-legal studies have contributed to the volume thus furthering an integrative and complex perspective on crime and control. This volume includes the papers from a conference that took place at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at Onati, Spain, from 23 to 24 October 1997. The VW-Foundation in Germany generously funded the conference. We are in particular indebted to Dr Hagen Hof of the VW-Foundation for his advice and support. We owe further thanks to the staff of the International Institute at Onati, especially Mrs Malen Gordoa, who all contributed to the perfect organisation and the inspiring atmosphere of the workshop.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Cosentino, С.
Advanced PHP for Web Professionals [Electronic resource] / С. Cosentino. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. - 368 p.
Переклад назви: Новітній PHP для веб-спеціалістів


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In this concise, hands-on tutorial, PHP expert Christopher Cosentino delivers dozens of powerful new techniques for building serious Web applications. Through professional-quality examples drawn from his six years as a PHP developer, Cosentino walks you through building friendlier, more usable sites; improving user authentication; generating dynamic graphics; parsing XML documents; building database-independent Web applications; and much more!


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Graham, Stephen.
Cities under siege [Electronic resource] : the new military urbanism / Stephen Graham. - London : Verso, 2011. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: Міста в облозі: новітня військова урбанізація


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Cities are the new battleground of our increasingly urban world. From the slums of the global South to the wealthy financial centers of the West, Cities Under Siege traces the spread of political violence through the sites, spaces, infrastructure and symbols of the world’s rapidly expanding metropolitan areas. Drawing on a wealth of original research, Stephen Graham shows how Western militaries and security forces now perceive all urban terrain as a conflict zone inhabited by lurking shadow enemies. Urban inhabitants have become targets that need to be continually tracked, scanned and controlled. Graham examines the transformation of Western armies into high-tech urban counter-insurgency forces. He looks at the militarization and surveillance of international borders, the use of ‘security’ concerns to suppress democratic dissent, and the enacting of legislation to suspend civilian law. In doing so, he reveals how the New Military Urbanism permeates the entire fabric of urban life, from subway and transport networks hardwired with high-tech ‘command and control’ systems to the insidious militarization of a popular culture corrupted by the all-pervasive discourse of ‘terrorism.’

парамілітарні організації -- глобальна безпека -- системи контролю

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Herman, Bill D..
The fight over digital rights [Electronic resource] : the politics of copyright and technology / Bill D. Herman. - London : Cambridge university press, 2013. - 266 p
Переклад назви: Боротьба за цифрові права: політика авторського права і технології


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In the political fight over copyright, Internet advocacy has reshaped the playing field. This was shown most dramatically in the 2012 "SOPA blackout," when the largest online protest in history stopped two copyright bills in their tracks. For those not already familiar with the debate, this protest seemingly came out of nowhere yet was the culmination of an intellectual and political evolution more than a decade in the making. This book examines the debate over digital copyright, from the late 1980s through early 2012, and the new tools of political communication involved in the advocacy around the issue. Drawing on methods from legal studies, political science, and communications, it explores the rise of a coalition seeking more limited copyright, as well as how these early-adopting, technology-savvy policy advocates used online communication to shock the world. It compares key bills, congressional debates, and offline and online media coverage using quantitative and qualitative methods to create a rigorous study for researchers that is also accessible to a general audience.

новітні технології -- авторське право -- протестний рух

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

History behind the headlines. The origins of conflicts worldwide [Electronic resource] : 6 vol. set / S.G. Benson. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2000


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Vol. 1. - 341 p.

Vol. 2. - 335 p.

Vol. 3. - 380 p.

Vol. 4. - 332 p.

Vol. 5. - 357 p.

Vol. 6. - 358 p.

Today's newspapers are filled with reports of conflicts between nations. Some conflicts have recently erupted; many have been going on for years. But most of them have deep-rooted, historical causes that are not explained in the media. That's what makes History Behind the Headlines big news for librarians, students, teachers and other researchers, who will consult it over and over again. For important background information on long-term ethnic, religious, political, territorial and economic conflicts between nations today, there isn't a more targeted ongoing print series. Volume 5 of History Behind the Headlines is a special volume devoted entirely to topics of terrorism. Each biannual volume includes approximately 30 entries arranged alphabetically by either the major country involved or the subject of the conflict. The entries are complete with overview essays, photographs, maps, charts, primary document excerpts, short biographies, current status and much more. These combined features offer a unique and in-depth analysis, tracing significant international conflicts back to their earliest stages.

новітня історія -- військовий конфлікт -- міжнаціональний конфлікт -- міжнародні відносини -- тероризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Kanas, Nick.
The new martians [Electronic resource] : a scientific novel / Nick Kanas. - Berlin : Springer, 2013. - 130 p
Переклад назви: Нові марсіани: науковий роман


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The year is 2035, and the crew from the first expedition to Mars is returning to Earth. The crewmembers are anxious to get home, and ennui pervades the ship. The mood is broken by a series of mysterious events that jeopardize their safety. Someone or something is threatening the crew. Is it an alien being? A psychotic crewmember? A malfunctioning computer? The truth raises questions about the crewmembers’ fate and that of the human race. In this novel, the intent is to show real psychological issues that could affect a crew returning from a long-duration mission to Mars. The storyline presents a mystery that keeps the reader guessing, yet the issues at stake are based on the findings from the author’s research and other space-related work over the past 40+ years. The novel touches on actual plans being discussed for such an expedition as well as notions involving the search for Martian life and panspermia.

футурологія -- космічні дослідження

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kerner, Aaron.
Film and the Holocaust [Electronic resource] : new Perspectives on Dramas, Documentaries, and Experimental Films / Aaron Kerner. - New York : The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011. - 353 p
Переклад назви: Кіно і Голокост: нові перспективи драми, документального та експериментального кінематографа

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Th ere are many people that I would like to acknowledge. Th is book was made possible with the generous support of a number of institutions — and more specifi cally the individuals that work in them: Judy Janec, Director of Library and Archives Holocaust Center of Northern California; Tina Minh, at the USC Shoah Foundation Institute; and Edyta Chowaniec, chief audio-visual archivist at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. Th ere are a couple of fi lmmakers that have been quite generous with me sharing their work, and providing me with supporting material. Elida Schogt generously (and very promptly) supplied me with reviews of her trilogy of fi lms — Silent Song (2001), The Walnut Tree (2000), and Zyklon Portrait (1999). Abraham Ravett — who made Everything’s For You (1989), and The March (1999) — was also very generous. Nina Koocher kindly provided me with a DVD of her 2007 fi lm How Much to Remember: One Family’s Conversation with History. Likewise, some of my fellow researchers have been quite generous as well. I would like to especially thank Joshua Hirsch. I would also like to thank Griselda Pollock and Max Silverman for inviting me to their seminar series, “Concentrationary Imaginaries: The Politics of Representation,” at the University of Leeds. Th is presentation was instrumental in developing the ideas found in exploitation and horror chapters in this book. Griselda, you continue to be an inspiration to me, and I only hope to be as productive and engaged as you are. I would also like to thank Francesco Ventrella for organizing my trip, and even helping to spring me from detention, aft er being detained by British Customs Agents at Gatwick. A number of my colleagues have also been instrumental in shaping the book — Julian Hoxter, Randy Rutsky, Tarek Elhaik, and Bill Nichols. Julian was especially helpful in bouncing ideas off of. I am deeply indebted to Chi-Hui Yang who read an early version of the book and helped to shape it. To my family: I thank you for your patience. Ariel, Daddy can come out to play now. “And now, let the wild rumpus start!”

кіноіндустрія -- історичне кіно -- Шоа-тематика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kondrashin, V. V.
Famine in the USSR [Електронний ресурс] : 1929-1934 new documentary evidence / V. V. Kondrashin. - М. : MFD, 2009. - 238 с.. - (Россия. ХХ век. Документы)
Переклад назви: Голод в СРСР: 1929-1934, нові документальні свідчення


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Опубликованы наиболее важные из тысяч документов о голоде, которые охватывают все республики бывшего СССР. Впоследствии они войдут в готовящийся к публикации многотомный документальный сборник "Голод в СССР, 1929-1934". Нет ничего хуже чем сегодняшнее использование трагических страниц истории, когда-то общей у российского и украинского народов, для политических спекуляций. Однако позиция отстраненного наблюдателя, единственно возможная в этой ситуации для России, в перспективе также может привести к стратегическому проигрышу, не будучи подкрепленной сооветствующей взвешенным и научно обоснованным взглядом на события 1933–1934 гг.

злочини проти людства -- голодомор -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McEwan, Gordon F..
The Incas [Electronic resource] : new perspectives / G. F. McEwan. - Cremona : ABC-Clio, 2006. - 284 p.. - (ABC-CLIO’s understanding ancient civilizations)
Переклад назви: Інки: нові перспективи


Географічні рубрики:

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The empire of the Incas was the greatest native state ever to appear in the Americas. Overcoming the seemingly impossible obstacles of their environment and limitations of technology, the Incas created one of the world’s most unusual civilizations. Their achievements have fascinated the world for close to five centuries, since the culture’s discovery by the Spanish. I first encountered the realm of the Incas in 1964 on a visit to Peru and have been studying and learning about them ever since. I am one of the very few foreign archaeologists who have been privileged to work on the Inca legacy in Cuzco, and my studies have primarily focused on discovering who the Incas were and where they came from. I have spent my career examining this question in terms of their intellectual and cultural inheritance as well as their physical and geographic origins. In this volume I have tried to present a fairly concise overview of the Incas that will be readily accessible to the average reader. There are few introductory textbooks on the Incas, and I hope that this effort will serve to fill that gap. I have drawn on many of the traditional ethnohistorical sources and tried to integrate archaeological knowledge wherever possible to provide a readily accessible synthesis. While this volume is not and should not be taken as the last word on the Incas, I hope that it will provide an introduction to the topic and guidance on where to look for detailed and comprehensive studies on individual aspects of Inca society and history.

Америка -- тубільці -- автентична культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McGirr, Lisa.
Suburban Warriors [Electronic resource] : the Origins of the New American Right / L. McGirr. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001. - 412 p.
Переклад назви: Боївки з передмість: витоки новітньої американської правиці


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In the early 1960s, American conservatives seemed to have fallen on hard times. McCarthyism was on the run, and movements on the political left were grabbing headlines. The media lampooned John Birchers's accusations that Dwight Eisenhower was a communist puppet. Mainstream America snickered at warnings by California Congressman James B. Utt that "barefooted Africans" were training in Georgia to help the United Nations take over the country. Yet, in Utt's home district of Orange County, thousands of middle-class suburbanites proceeded to organize a powerful conservative movement that would land Ronald Reagan in the White House and redefine the spectrum of acceptable politics into the next century. Suburban Warriors introduces us to these people: women hosting coffee klatches for Barry Goldwater in their tract houses; members of anticommunist reading groups organizing against sex education; pro-life Democrats gradually drawn into conservative circles; and new arrivals finding work in defense companies and a sense of community in Orange County's mushrooming evangelical churches. We learn what motivated them and how they interpreted their political activity. Lisa McGirr shows that their movement was not one of marginal people suffering from status anxiety, but rather one formed by successful entrepreneurial types with modern lifestyles and bright futures. She describes how these suburban pioneers created new political and social philosophies anchored in a fusion of Christian fundamentalism, xenophobic nationalism, and western libertarianism. While introducing these rank-and-file activists, McGirr chronicles Orange County's rise from "nut country" to political vanguard. Through this history, she traces the evolution of the New Right from a virulent anticommunist, anti-establishment fringe to a broad national movement nourished by evangelical Protestantism. Her original contribution to the social history of politics broadens--and often upsets--our understanding of the deep and tenacious roots of popular conservatism in America.

консервативна ідеологія -- республіканці -- сегрегація -- WASP

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Plowman, J.
Camouflage & Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-1945 [Electronic resource] / J. Plowman. - [S. l.] : Model Centrum Progres, S. a.. - 64 p.
Переклад назви: Камуфляж та маркування Шерманів в Новій Зеландії служби 1943-1945


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історія -- зброя -- танк

   Тип видання:   словник   

Polley, Martin.
An A-Z of modern Europe since 1789 [Electronic resource] / Martin Polley. - London : Routledge, 2000. - 208 p.
Переклад назви: Сучасна Європа з 1789 року від А до Я


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An A-Z of Modern Europe 1789-1999 is a comprehensive dictionary which defines modern Europe through its important events and people An A-Z of Modern Europe 1789-1999 offers accessible and concise definitions of nearly 1000 separate items. The book is cross-referenced and thus provides associated links and connections while the appendices contain essential extra information. The book contains five helpful maps to guide the reader along.

модерні держави -- європейська культура -- новітня історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Serrats, M.
New shops and boutiques [Electronic resource] / M. Serrats. - New York : Harper Design, 2005. - 329 p.
Переклад назви: Нові магазини і бутики


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With the increasingly important cultural role being placed upon shops and boutiques in today's competitive retail environment, the need to provide new and innovative shopping experiences has brought about a redefinition of simple consumerism.

покупки -- речі -- дизайн -- психологічний аспект

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Slade, Giles.
Made to Break [Electronic resource] : technology and obsolescence in America / Giles Slade. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2007. - 337 p
Переклад назви: Зробити перерву: технології та їхнє застарівання в Америці


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If you've replaced a computer lately--or a cell phone, a camera, a television--chances are, the old one still worked. And chances are even greater that the latest model won't last as long as the one it replaced. Welcome to the world of planned obsolescence--a business model, a way of life, and a uniquely American invention that this eye-opening book explores from its beginnings to its perilous implications for the very near future. Made to Break is a history of twentieth-century technology as seen through the prism of obsolescence. America invented everything that is now disposable, Giles Slade tells us, and he explains how disposability was in fact a necessary condition for America's rejection of tradition and our acceptance of change and impermanence. His book shows us the ideas behind obsolescence at work in such American milestones as the inventions of branding, packaging, and advertising; the contest for market dominance between GM and Ford; the struggle for a national communications network, the development of electronic technologies--and with it the avalanche of electronic consumer waste that will overwhelm America's landfills and poison its water within the coming decade. History reserves a privileged place for those societies that built things to last--forever, if possible. What place will it hold for a society addicted to consumption--a whole culture made to break? This book gives us a detailed and harrowing picture of how, by choosing to support ever-shorter product lives we may well be shortening the future of our way of life as well.

новітні технології -- американська економіка -- науковий прогрес -- гаджетоманія

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Solving Tough Problems [Electronic resource] : an Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2004. - 168 p.
Переклад назви: Вирішення складних проблем: відкритий спосіб говорити, слухати і створювати нові реалії


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Our most common way of solving problems-at home, at work, in our communities, in national and international affairs-is to use our expertise and authority to apply piece-by-piece, tried-and-true "best practices." This works for simple, familiar, uncontentious problems. But it doesn't work for the complex, unfamiliar, conflictual problems that we all increasingly face. When we try to solve these complex problems using our common way, the problems end up either getting stuck or getting unstuck only by force. We all need to learn another way.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Sources of modern history of the Ukraine [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol.. - Clifton : The Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States, 1992
Переклад назви: Джерела до новітньої історії України


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : Volodymir Mijakovs`ky=Міяковський Володимир Unpublished and Forgooten Writings: Political and Intellectual Trends of the Nineteenth Century: Modern Ukrainian Literature=Недруковане й забуте: громадські рухи дев`ятнацятого сторіччя: новітня українська література . - 1984. - 509 p.

Vol. 3 : Documents for the Stady of Literature and of Ideological Trends: correspondence from american archives 1857-1933 = Матеріали до історії літератури і громадської думки: листування з американських архівів 1857- 1933 . - 1992. - 813 p.

This volume is the first in the series to be devoted to epistolary material that sheds light upon the literary activities, ideological conflicts, and private lives of the persons involved and their contemporaries.

ідеологічні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Unmasking Bruno Schulz [Electronic resource] : new combinations, further fragmentations, ultimate reintegrations / ed. Dieter De Bruyn, Kris Van Heuckelom. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2009. - 530 p. - (Studies in Slavic Literature & Poetics)
Переклад назви: Викриття Бруно Шульца: нові комбінації, подальші фрагментації, остаточна реінтеграція


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Whatever critical scalpel one selects for dissecting the literary works of Bruno Schulz (1892-1942), there will always be a certain degree of textual resistance which cannot be broken. Or in other words, taking off one of Schulz's many masks, one will probably never avoid the impression that a new mask has emerged. This book contributes to the three most typical critical strategies of reading Schulz's works (combinations, fragmentations, reintegrations) - being fully aware, of course, of the relativity of each particular approach. In addition, the book sets out to explore all of Schulz's creative output (i.e. his stories as well as his graphic, epistolary and even literary critical works), as one of Schulz's main goals was exactly to cross artificially set up boundaries between, among other things, different artistic media of expression. The book for the first time brings together leading Schulzologists (Jarzębski, Markowski, Robertson) and their prospective successors (Augsburger, Gorin, Kato, Suchańska-Drażyńska, Underhill, Wojda), established Polish academics (Dąbrowski, Skwara, Weretiuk) and their foreign counterparts (De Bruyn, Gall, Meyer-Fraatz, Schulte, Sproede, Zieliński), scholars primarily working on other authors (Anessi, Śliwa, Żurek) and those focusing on other art forms (Sánchez-Pardo, Watt). The editors' introduction offers an overview of seven decades of Schulzology. The book is of interest for both readers with a general interest in (world) literature and/or a particular interest in Polish and Jewish studies.

літературознавство -- екзистенціалізм -- Галичина -- славістика

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Єлінек, Ельфріде.
За дверима [Електронний ресурс] / Ельфріде Єлінек. - К. : Видавництво Жупанського, 2013. - 216 с.


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«За дверима» можливо, один з найжорстокіших романів Ельфріде Єлінек, лауреатки Нобелівської премії з літератури за 2004 рік. Хоча твір був написаний ще 1980 року, ті зловісні суспільні проблеми, які в ньому зачіпаються, актуальні й донині. Єлінек спокійно й відсторонено оповідає про підлітків, які бажаючи вийти з тіні старшого покоління, яке вони не розуміють і зневажають, поночі нападають на випадкових перехожих. Попри це, всі вони великі поціновувачі мистецтва, цікавляться новітньою філософією: Сартр дав їм «Нудоту», Камю навчив зовсім протилежному, ніж намагався вчити у своїх творах – він зробив їх «сторонніми», геть позбавленими моральних принципів. У Камю один з героїв убиває араба, «як набридливу муху». Молоді герої Єлінек у своїх екзистенційних пошуках заходять набагато далі…

роман -- австрійська література

   Тип видання:   словник   

Єрмоленко, С. Я.
Українська мова: короткий тлумачний словник лінгвістичних термінів [Електронний ресурс] / С. Я. Єрмоленко, С. П. Бибик, О. Г. Тодор. - К. : Либідь, 2001. - 223 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Короткий тлумачний словник охоплює терміни й термінологічні словосполучення мовознавства. Автори свідомо додали до традиційних нові терміни, переглянули застарілі визначення, зняли ідеологічні стереотипи минулого.


   Тип видання:   словник   

Єрмоленко, Світлана Яківна.
Короткий тлумачний словник лінгвістичних термінів [Електронний ресурс] / С. Я. Єрмоленко , С. П. Бибик, О. Г. Тодор. - К. : Либідь, 2001. - 223 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Короткий тлумачний словник охоплює терміни й термінологічні словосполучення мовознавства. Автори свідомо додали до традиційних нові терміни, переглянули застарілі визначення, зняли ідеологічні стереотипи минулого.

лінгвістика -- термінологія -- українська мова

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