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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Соколов, Б. В.
100 великих войн [Електронний ресурс] / Б. В. Соколов. - М. : Вече, 2001. - 423 с.. - (100 великих)


Географічні рубрики:

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Всю историю человечества, от первых цивилизаций Древнего Востока до наших дней, сопровождают войны. Вооруженные конфликты между государствами и народами полыхали на всех континентах, гражданские войны раздирали общества многих стран. Эта книга расскажет о ста самых великих войнах, об их причинах, ходе и последствиях. Полководческие таланты и бездарности, слава и бесчестие, триумфы и поражения, тяготы военных будней и надежды на мир... Поистине это вечные сюжеты для всех времен и народов!

збройний конфлікт -- бій -- битва

   Тип видання:   довідник   

1000 образцов стрелкового оружия [Електронний ресурс] / под общ. ред. Д. Миллера. - Смоленск : Русич, 2004. - 408 с.


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На страницах иллюстрированного издания представлены лучшие образцы стрелкового оружия: револьверы и пистолеты, пистолеты-пулеметы, дробовики, винтовки, автоматы, ручные и станковые пулеметы. В книге можно найти сведения, касающиеся технических характеристик оружия (масса, калибр, длина ствола и др.), историю его создания и применения. Указаны основные достоинства и наиболее существенные недостатки каждой модели. В конце книги приводится словарь основных терминов.


   Тип видання:   художня література   

Муракамі, Харукі.
1Q84 [Електронний ресурс] / Х. Муракамі. - Х. : Фоліо, 2009-2010


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Т. 1. - 2009. - 494 с.

Т. 2. - 2010. - 428 с.

Т. 3. - 2011. - 465

«1Q84» — новий роман Муракамі — побачив світ у Японії 28 травня 2009 року, й увесь його стартовий наклад був розкуплений ще до кінця дня. Незвична назва твору — пряма алюзія на роман-антиутопію Джорджа Орвелла «1984». Віра і релігія, кохання й секс, зброя і домашнє насилля, вбивство за переконанням і суїцид, втрата себе й духовна прірва між поколіннями батьків і дітей — усе це майстерно переплетено у детективному сюжеті роману, де події відбуваються у двох паралельних реальностях: Токіо 1984-го і Токіо, за висловлюванням головної героїні Аомаме, «незрозуміло якого (1Q84)» року. До видання увійшла перша книга роману Х. Муракамі «1Q84».

роман -- детектив

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

88 mm FlaK 18/36/37/41 and PaK 43 1936–45 [Electronic resource]. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002. - 50 p.


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The German 88 mm was by far the most famous and versatile artillery weapon of World War II. It was first used as an anti-aircraft weapon by the Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War and saw further service in the German invasions of Poland and France, where it was first used in its anti-tank role. This role was particularly successful and the 88 became feared by tank crews from North Africa to Russia. Apart from these two main roles the 88 mm was used as the main weapon on late-war German tanks, as a self-propelled gun, and even as an aerial weapon. This book covers all these variants, explaining their design, development and operational use.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Engdahl, F. William.
A century of war [Electronic resource] : anglo-American oil politics and the new world order / F. William Engdahl. - London : Pluto Press, 2004. - 314 p
Переклад назви: Сторіччя війни: англо-американська нафтова політика і новий світовий порядок.


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This book is a gripping account of the murky world of the international oil industry and its role in world politics. Scandals about oil are familiar to most of us. From George W. Bush's election victory to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, US politics and oil enjoy a controversially close relationship. The US economy relies upon the cheap and unlimited supply of this single fuel. William Engdahl takes the reader through a history of the oil industry's grip on the world economy. His revelations are startling.

збройні конфлікти -- енергетична безпека -- біоресурси

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Harris, Robert.
A Higher Form of Killing [Electronic resource] : the Secret History of Gas and Germ Warfare / Robert Harris, Jeremy Paxman. - New York : Random House, 2002. - 430 p
Переклад назви: Вища форма вбивства: таємна історія газу і бактеріологічної зброї


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A Higher Form of Killing opens with the first devastating battlefield use of lethal gas in World War I, and then investigates the stockpiling of biological weapons during World War II and in the decades afterward as well as the inhuman experiments con-ducted to test their effectiveness. This updated edition includes a new Introduction and a new final chapter exposing frightening developments in recent years, including the black market that emerged in chemical and biological weapons following the breakup of the Soviet Union, the acquisition of these weapons by various Third World states, the attempts of countries such as Iraq to build up arsenals, and--particularly and most recently--the use of these weapons in terrorist attacks.

бактеріологічна зброя -- масове знищення -- хімічна зброя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cragin, K.
Arms trafficking and Colombia [Electronic resource] / K. Cragin. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. - 101 p.
Переклад назви: Торгівля зброєю та Колумбія


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Identifies the sources and routes used by arm traffickers to buy, sell, transfer,and ship weapons and the implication of small-arms trafficking patterns for U.S. policy.

політика Колумбії

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Natkiel, Richard.
Atlas of World War II [Electronic resource] / Richard Natkiel. - New York : Barnes & Noble Books, 2000. - 192 p
Переклад назви: Атлас Другої Світової Війни


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The text for this Atlas Of World War II, first published by Bison Books Ltd., of London in 1985, and compiled by Richard Natkiel, comes from Robin L. Sommer, a prolific writer whose other wildly divergent efforts include The Little Book Of Cats: Poems And Prose, On Fifth Avenue: Highlights Of Architectural And Cultural History, and Pablo Picasso, while the 4-page Introduction is contributed by S. L. Mayer, whose works include Signal- Hitler's Wartime Picture Magazine, The Biography Of General Of The Army Douglas MacArthur, and Weapons Of The Gulf War.

друга світова війна -- військова стратегія -- битви -- збройні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Guthrie, S.
Camouflage & Markings of Canadian Armored Vehicles in Word War Two [Electronic resource] / S. Guthrie, B. Beldam. - [S. l.] : Model Centrum Progres, [20_ _?]. - 48 p.


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історія -- зброя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Plowman, J.
Camouflage & Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-1945 [Electronic resource] / J. Plowman. - [S. l.] : Model Centrum Progres, S. a.. - 64 p.
Переклад назви: Камуфляж та маркування Шерманів в Новій Зеландії служби 1943-1945


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історія -- зброя -- танк

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Katcher, P.
Confederate cavalryman 1861-65 [Electronic resource] / P. Katcher. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002. - 64 p.. - (Warrior)
Переклад назви: Кавалерист Конфедерації 1861-65


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The southerner of the mid-19th century had been bred to ride horses. In addition the period southerner had long been used to handling firearms, through hunting for pleasure, food or simply for sport. The combination of these factors promised that when the southern states began to secede in December 1860, the cavalry would be a major combat arm. This title looks at how the men of the Confederate cavalry were recruited, trained, lived and fought. Both routine and campaign life are covered, as well as the weapons and equipment that served them in their combat roles. Key encounters such as the 1863 clash at Brandy Station are also covered in this authoritative text.

вогнепальна зброя -- южанин -- кавалерія -- військо

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Whittaker, David J..
Conflict and Reconciliation in the Contemporary World [Electronic resource] / David J. Whittaker. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2002. - 133 p
Переклад назви: Конфлікти та примирення в сучасному світі


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I am grateful for the indispensable help of these people: Professor James Connolly, Soteris Geogallis (Cyprus High Commission, London), Sindy Goldberg (South Africa House, London), the late Brigadier Michael Harbottle, Malcolm Harper (United Nations Association UK), Walter Kirwan (Secretary-General, Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, Dublin), Dr Carolyn Kitching, Dr Riika Kuusisto (University of Helsinki), Simon Partridge, the late Dr Dick Richardson, Mrs Aileen Spencer (Corrymeela Link, Reading), Simon Whitby (University of Bradford Department of Peace Studies), Marianne Whittaker, Dr Robin Wilson (University of Sussex). I am most thankful to members of staff of the Catholic Institute for International Relations, London; the European Commission, London; and in Belfast to staff at the Fair Employment Commission, the Industrial Development Board and the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education. Librarians in the Universities of Bradford, Durham and Teesside and at the United Nations Information Centre, London, have resourcefully and readily dealt with my many enquiries. I am indebted particularly to the Series Editors at Routledge, Professor Eric Evans and Dr Ruth Henig, for invaluable advice and support. Heather McCallum, Senior Editor at Routledge, has indefatigably seen the project through. And Jane Thompson has once again most effectively produced the manuscript.

геополітика -- світ -- збройні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Crime and development in Central America [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2007. - 97 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток у Центральній Америці


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For the purposes of this Report, Central America comprises the seven nations of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama - excluding Mexico. This study was undertaken by the Research and Analysis Section of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the framework of the project "Illicit Market Studies"(GLO/H93). The lead researcher and author is Theodore Leggett. Funding for this study was provided by the Government of France. The translation of this document was facilitated by the UNODC Regional Office for Mexico and Central America. The description and classification of countries and territories in this publication and the arrangement of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This document has not been formally edited or translated.

зброя -- бандитизм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Koplow, D. A.
Death by Moderation [Electronic resource] : the U.S. military’s quest for useable weapons / D. A. Koplow. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 263 p.
Переклад назви: Поміркована Смерть: військові США в пошуках корисної зброї


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This book addresses an important but little-noticed phenomenon in the revolutionary world of military technology. Across a wide range of otherwise-unrelated weapons programs, the Pentagon is now pursuing arms that are deliberately crafted to be less powerful, less deadly, and less destructive than the systems they are designed to supplement or replace. This direction is historically anomalous; military forces generally pursue ever-bigger bangs, but the modern conditions of counter-insurgency warfare and military operations "other than war" (such as peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance) demand a military capable of modulated force. By providing a capacity to intervene deftly yet effectively, the new generations of "useable" weaponry should enable the U.S. military to accomplish its demanding missions in a manner consistent with legal obligations, public relations realities, and political constraints. Five case studies are provided, regarding precision-guided "smart bombs," low-yield nuclear weapons, self-neutralizing anti-personnel land mines, directed-energy anti-satellite weapons, and non-lethal weapons.

зброя -- армія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Schnell, K. H.
Disziplinarrecht, Strafrecht, Beschwerderecht der Bundeswehr [Electronic resource] / K. H. Schnell, H. P. Ebert. - Regensburg : Walhalla, 2011. - 1026 S.
Переклад назви: Дисциплінарне право, кримінальне право, право на оскарження федеральних збройних сил


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Alle Vorschriften für den Rechtsalltag Dieses seit Jahren bewährte Taschenbuch ist bestens geeignet für den Disziplinarvorgesetzten, aber auch für alle Soldaten, die ihre eigenen Rechte wahrnehmen wollen oder in der Ausbildung stehen. Das detaillierte Stichwortverzeichnis, die Schaubilder, praxisgerechten Anmerkungen und Verweisungen machen es leicht, mit der oftmals als schwierig empfundenen Materie des Disziplinar-, Straf- und Beschwerderechts umzugehen.

законодавство -- право

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Phillips, Charles.
Encyclopedia of Wars [Electronic resource] / Charles Phillips, Alan Axelrod. - New York : Facts On File, Inc., 2005. - 1453 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія війн


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Attempting a comprehensive catalog and commentary devoted to the wars of the world is, tragically enough, a labor that might consume several lifetimes. We took about 10 years, during which time we incurred a heavy debt to the authors whose works are listed in the bibliographies that accompany each entry in this encyclopedia. In addition to these books, which typically focus on a particular war, historical period, nation, or personality, we had the inestimable benefit of five masterpieces of military encyclopedia making. First and foremost was George Childs Kohn’s Dictionary of Wars (revised edition, New York: Checkmark Books, 1999), which guided us in both our selection and coverage of many of the wars included here. Another indispensable guide was Micheal Clodfelter’s Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1500–2000 (second edition, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Company, 2002). In addition, like all military historians, we made frequent and extensive use of The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present by R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy (fourth edition, New York: Harper- Collins, 1993); The Oxford Companion to Military History, edited by Richard Holmes (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2001); and The Oxford Companion to American Military History, edited by John Whiteclay Chambers II (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1999). In the creation of this encyclopedia, we also worked directly with distinguished military historians, who contributed to this book as writers of individual articles or as readers on our editorial board. We acknowledge and offer our thanks to Edward Countryman, Allan R. Millett, Mark Parillo, John Childs, Ian Gentles, Geoffrey Parker, John Lynn, Ian K. Steele, and, in memorium, to John Erickson. Finally, no book sees the light of day without an editor, and ours, Claudia Schaab of Facts On File, is one of the very best. She kept our focus on the details but never let us lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

мілітарна історія -- збройні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Pace, S.
F-22 raptor [Electronic resource] : america's next lethal war machine / S. Pace. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 1999. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: F-22 Raptor: наступна Американська смертельна машина війни


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авіація -- зброя

   Тип видання:   довідник   

FBI Guide To Concealable Weapons [Electronic resource]. - Boulder : Paladin Press, 2004. - 89 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво ФБР з прихованого носіння зброї


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After September 11, 2001, the FBI started collecting small, easily concealed knives and other potentially lethal objects, and compiled a catalog that has been distributed to airport screeners and law enforcement agencies across the country. In The FBI Guide to Concealable Weapons, this information is available to every citizen who wants to be prepared to face future terrorist attacks. In this exclusive reprint, you will see metal, plastic and ceramic knives hidden in pens, keys, belt buckles, jewelry, canes and cigarette lighters, as well as impact weapons disguised as keychains, and items hollowed out for the possible concealment of explosives. As citizens responsible for our own safety, we must know everything possible about the dangers that face us, and awareness is the first, vital step in this direction.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Westwood, D.
German infantryman [Electronic resource] / D. Westwood. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002-2003. - (Warrior)
Переклад назви: Німецький піхотинець


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Vol. 1 : 1933-40. - 2002. - 64 p.

Vol. 2 : Східний фронт 1941-43. - 2003. - 66 p.

The common German infantryman played a crucial role in the events that led to the outbreak of war, and the burden of duty lay on his shoulders during the opening moves of the conflict, in the invasion of Poland, the conquest of Norway and Denmark, the Low Countries and France. The Wehrmacht was unstoppable in this period, as it defeated almost every country that took the field against it. This volume examines the recruitment, training, weapons and equipment of the German infantryman in the eventful years building up to and including Blitzkrieg. Weaponry, team roles, tactics, training and personal equipment are all covered.

війна -- піхота -- зброя

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

German Light Panzers 1932-1942 [Electronic resource]. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 1998. - 50 p.
Переклад назви: Німецькі легкі танки 1932-1942


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танк -- зброя

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