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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Harper, D. C.
2009 North American Coins & Prices [Electronic resource] : a guide to U.S., Canadian and Mexican coins / D. C. Harper. - 18th. ed.. - Iola : Krause Publications, 2008. - 624 p.
Переклад назви: Північноамериканські монети і ціни на них 2009 року


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No other coin book embodies the detailed and comprehensive coverage of the coins of this region like this three-in-one guide! You'll find listings of early U.S. Colonial issues to modern commemoratives and sets at the forefront of today's coin popularity, the earliest of Mexico's Cob coinage to modern bullion, and early Canadian Royal coinage to today's commemoratives. Fully illustrated with obverse and reverse photos, this guide sets you up for success with pricing in up to 11 condition grades.

монета -- грошовий обіг -- нумізматика

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

400 практических советов [Електронний ресурс] : домашним умельцам и мастерам, домохозяйкам / сост.: О. К. Дячук, В. Я. Мельник. - К. : НПП "Український обрій", 1992. - 64 с.


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Истинная брошюра обобщенно объясняет часть самых занимательных советов и предложений, публиковавшихся на протяжении почти всех лет в журнальчике "Наука и жизнь", иных периодических изданиях.

столярна справа -- сантехніка -- побутова техніка -- ремонт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hesse, Stefan.
99 Examples of Pneumatic Applications [Electronic resource] / S. Hesse. - Esslingen : Blue Digest on Automation, 2001. - 121 p
Переклад назви: 99 прикладів пневматичних систем


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The 99 examples in this book demonstrate what pneumatics can do by showing solutions in simplified form in a way that we hope will fire the imagination and encourage new ideas. This book is accordingly aimed at practical technical users, those responsible for rationalisation and also those who are taking their first steps in the world of pneumatics.

пневматика -- техніка

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

A guide to effective nonviolent struggle [Electronic resource] / Srdja Popovic [etc.]. - Belgrade : Canvas, 2007. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Керівництво з ефективної ненасильницької боротьби


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Before you is a wealth of knowledge about the planning, conduct, and evaluation of strategic nonviolent conflict. This curriculum guide will be a valuable companion to new and experienced activists, as well as to others who wish to learn about this subject. The authors combine classic insights about nonviolent conflict with new ideas based on recent experience. The result is a synthesis that pushes the limits of what we thought nonviolent strategies were capable of achieving.

протест -- громадська непокора -- страйк

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ryan, Johnny.
A history of the Internet and the digital future [Electronic resource] / J. Ryan. - London : Reaktion Books, 2010. - 246 p
Переклад назви: Історія інтернету і цифрове майбутнє


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A History of the Internet and the Digital Future tells the story of the development of the Internet from the 1950s to the present and examines how the balance of power has shifted between the individual and the state in the areas of censorship, copyright infringement, intellectual freedom, and terrorism and warfare. Johnny Ryan explains how the Internet has revolutionized political campaigns; how the development of the World Wide Web enfranchised a new online population of assertive, niche consumers; and how the dot-com bust taught smarter firms to capitalize on the power of digital artisans. From the government-controlled systems of the Cold War to today’s move towards cloud computing, user-driven content, and the new global commons, this book reveals the trends that are shaping the businesses, politics, and media of the digital future.

комп'ютер -- мережа -- технологія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Recent Ukrainian Historiography [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Kasianov, P. Ther. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Лабораторія транснаціональної історії. Україна і остання українська історіографія


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For almost half a century, Ukrainian history did not exist in Ukraine as an independent field of scholarly research or as a subject of instruction. After the Second World War, the “history of the Ukrainian SSR” was established as a regional subunit of the “History of the USSR.” Outside Ukraine, its history was a subject of scholarly research and ideological interpretation in diaspora historiography and in a few small universitylevel institutions that generally found themselves on the margins of the academic world. After 1991, public demand for accounts of Ukrainian history arose in Ukraine and abroad: in both cases, the motives were purely pragmatic and instrumental. In Ukraine, the overriding concern was to legitimize the state in ideological and “scholarly” terms and provide for the civic education of the nation, which took the form of “creating Ukrainians.” Beyond the borders of the new state, interest in its history was inspired by efforts to understand and explain the current situation: thus, most Western research on Ukraine concentrates on studies in politics, international affairs, economics, and sociology, while historical works are generally either popular outlines or highly specialized investigations.

краєзнавство -- географія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Krejci, Julie.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Austria [Electronic resource] / Julie Krejci, Susan Roraff. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 353 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Австрії

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Whether you travel for business, pleasure, or a combination of the two, the ever-popular "Culture Shock!" series belongs in your backpack or briefcase. Get the nuts-and-bolts information you need to survive and thrive wherever you go. "Culture Shock!" country guides are easy-to-read, accurate, and entertaining crash courses in local customs and etiquette. "Culture Shock!" practical guides offer the inside information you need whether you're a student, a parent, a globetrotter, or a working traveler. "Culture Shock!" at your Door guides equip you for daily life in some of the world's most cosmopolitan cities. And "Culture Shock!" Success Secrets guides offer relevant, practical information with the real-life insights and cultural know-how that can make the difference between business success and failure.

Центральна Європа -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cramer, Mark.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Bolivia [Electronic resource] / Mark Cramer. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 329 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Болівії


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Whether you travel for business, pleasure, or a combination of the two, the ever-popular "Culture Shock!" series belongs in your backpack or briefcase. Get the nuts-and-bolts information you need to survive and thrive wherever you go. "Culture Shock!" country guides are easy-to-read, accurate, and entertaining crash courses in local customs and etiquette. "Culture Shock!" practical guides offer the inside information you need whether you're a student, a parent, a globetrotter, or a working traveler. "Culture Shock!" at your Door guides equip you for daily life in some of the world's most cosmopolitan cities. And "Culture Shock!" Success Secrets guides offer relevant, practical information with the real-life insights and cultural know-how that can make the difference between business success and failure. Each "Culture Shock!" title is written by someone who's lived and worked in the country, and each book is packed with practical, accurate, and enjoyable information to help you find your way and feel at home.

Південна Америка -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rosenblum, Naomi.
A world history of photography [Electronic resource] / Naomi Rosenblum. - New York : Abbeville Press, 2008. - 712 p
Переклад назви: Всесвітня історія фотографії

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From the camera lucida to the latest in digital image making and computer manipulation, photographic technology has dramatically changed throughout its nearly 200-year history, as succinctly explained and powerfully illustrated in A World History of Photography. Thanks to the unique immediacy with which photography captures perspective and history, the popularity and use of the camera spread rapidly around the globe. Today, photography is ubiquitous: from newspapers and fashion magazines to billboards and the film industry, cultures worldwide have embraced this malleable artistic medium for a limitless variety of purposes.Naomi Rosenblum's classic text investigates all aspects of photography — aesthetic, documentary, commercial, and technical — while placing photos in their historical context. Included among the more than 800 photographs by men and women are both little-known and celebrated masterpieces, arranged in stimulating juxtapositions that illuminate their visual power. Authoritative and unbiased, Rosenblum's chronicle of photography both chronologically and thematically traces the evolution of this still-young art form. Exploring the diverse roles that photography has played in the communication of ideas, Rosenblum devotes special attention to topics such as portraiture, documentation, advertising, and photojournalism, and to the camera as a means of personal artistic expression. The revised fourth edition includes updates on technical advances as well as a new chapter on contemporary photographers. Armed with the expressive vigor of its images, this thorough and accessible volume will appeal to all.

мистецтвознавство -- фотографія -- візуальна культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Иванов, С. В.
A6M Zero [Електронний ресурс] / С. В. Иванов. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - Харків : Торнадо, 2001. - 76 с.


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"Рейзен" был для меня все равно, нто меч для самурая. Я ощущал его как собственное тело," - так писал один из японских пилотов о самом известном японском самолете второй мировой войны. Hачиная с Перл-Харбора до последних боев по отражению налетов на Японию американских В-29, истребитель Мицубиси А6М Рейзеи (сокращенно от "Рейсики зентоки" - "Истребитель ноль") участвовал практически во всех воздушных сражениях, проводимых императорским флотом. Его отличная маневренность и высокая дальность полета стали почти легендой, и до сего дня "Зеро" остается символом японской авиации. Его мировая слава была завоевана в первых боях на Тихом океане, когда в течение шести месяцев он не знал серьезного отпора. Hо в ходе войны японцы не сумели обеспечить ему достойной замены - истребителя, способного превзойти противника по скорости, вооружению и живучести. И, начиная с конца 1942 г, нести свой крест боев для А6М было все тяжелей. Hесмотря на то, что после 1943 г истребитель уже явно устарел, японцы продолжали выпускать его до конца войны. В результате "Рейзен" стал самым массовым японским самолетом.

авіація -- літакобудування -- військова техніка

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Baron, C.
Adobe Photoshop Forensics [Electronic resource] : sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography / C. Baron. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2008. - 364 p.
Переклад назви: Adobe Photoshop Криміналістика: слідчі, істина, штучні фотографії


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Thanks to TV's crime scene investigation shows, forensic technology has entered popular culture. Combining puzzle solving and a dramatic storyline, these shows fascinate audiences as high-tech procedures uncover the truths hidden in seemingly insignificant clues. What many people may not realize is that forensic teams also use items they probably have in their own homes Â- digital cameras, computers, and Photoshop image editing software. "Adobe Photoshop Forensics: Sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography" shows you how Photoshop is used to create many types of fakery and fraud, including scientific, counterfeiting, art, journalism, and political propaganda. You'll discover that with some basic training in Photoshop's manipulation capabilities and a critical eye, you too can see through photographic hoaxes. Follow along as each chapter explores a different genre of real-life frauds, both historical and current, and explains how the fakery was or could be detected. A featured case file in each chapter carefully deconstructs a faked image so you can see the methods and processes followed by the image editing professionals who solve - and the perpetrators who commit - a variety of crimes. Even if you've never considered altering an image or becoming a crime scene investigator, you'll get a kick out of discovering the how and why behind both famous and common acts of image fraud with "Adobe Photoshop Forensics!"

фотографія -- шахрайство -- редагування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Iliffe, John.
Africans [Electronic resource] : the history of a continent / J. Iliffe. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 386 p
Переклад назви: Африканці: історія континенту.


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In a vast and all-embracing study of Africa, from the origins of mankind to the AIDS epidemic, John Iliffe refocuses its history on the peopling of an environmentally hostile continent. Africans have been pioneers struggling against disease and nature, and their social, economic and political institutions have been designed to ensure their survival. In the context of medical progress and other twentieth-century innovations, however, the same institutions have bred the most rapid population growth the world has ever seen. The history of the continent is thus a single story binding living Africans to their earliest human ancestors. John Iliffe was Professor of African History at the University of Cambridge and is a Fellow of St. John's College. He is the author of several books on Africa, including A modern history of Tanganyika and The African poor: A history, which was awarded the Herskovits Prize of the African Studies Association of the United States. Both books were published by Cambridge University Press.

Африка -- континент -- історія

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Birmingham, J.
After America [Electronic resource] / J. Birmingham. - [S. l.] : Pan Australia, 2010. - 512 p.. - (Without warning)
Переклад назви: Після Америки


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The world changed forever when a massive wave of energy slammed into North America and wiped out 99 percent of the population. As the United States lay in ruins, chaos erupted across the globe.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hopkins, David.
After Modern Art, 1945-2000 [Electronic resource] / David Hopkins. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 289 p. - (Oxford History of Art)
Переклад назви: Після сучасного мистецтва 1945-2000

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Modern and contemporary art can be both baffling and beautiful; it can also be innovative, political, and disturbing. This book sets out to provide the first concise interpretation of the period as a whole, clarifying the artists and their works along the way. Closely informed by new critical approaches, it concentrates on the relationship between American and European art from the end of the Second World War to the eve of the new millennium. Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Louise Bourgeois, Cindy Sherman, and Damien Hirst are among many artists discussed, with careful attention being given to the political and cultural worlds they inhabited. Moving along a clear timeline, the author highlights key movements such as Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism, Postmodernism, and performance art to explain the theoretical and issue-based debates that have provided the engine for the art of this period.

мистецтво -- культура -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fields, N.
Ancient Greek warship 500-322 Bc [Electronic resource] / N. Fields. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2007. - 48 p.. - (New Vanguard)
Переклад назви: Давньогрецький військовий корабель 500-322 до н.е


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Formidable and sophisticated, triremes were the deadliest battleship of the ancient world, and at the height of their success, the Athenians were the dominant exponents of their devastating power. Primarily longships designed to fight under oar power, the trireme was built for lightness and strength; ship-timber was mostly softwoods such as poplar, pine and fir, while the oars and mast were made out of fir. Their main weapon was a bronze-plated ram situated at the prow. From the combined Greek naval victory at Salamis (480 BC), through the Peloponnesian War, and up until the terrible defeat by the Macedonians at Amorgos, the Athenian trireme was an object of dread to its enemies. This book offers a complete analysis and insight into the most potent battleship of its time; the weapon by which Athens achieved, maintained, and ultimately lost its power and prosperity.

флот -- судно -- війна

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Sheusi, James.
Android application development for Java programmers [Electronic resource] / James Sheusi. - [S. l.] : Cengage Learning PTR, 2012. - 312 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка додатків Android для Java програмістів


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We are witnessing an explosion in the use of handheld mobile devices worldwide. Recent polls have shown that many people own and use more than one mobile device, and some use as many as three or four. Smart phones, tablets, and handheld game devices are ubiquitous. The Android operating system (OS)--an open-source OS with Linux at its core--is an ever-more-popular OS on these devices. ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOR JAVA PROGRAMMERS provides an ideal, quick-start tutorial for anyone interested in developing Android mobile device applications, from the student or hobbyist familiar with Java, to the experienced programmer wanting to enter the mobile device application market. Because the Android development software provides an emulator program, the reader doesn't need to own an Android mobile device to take advantage of this book. Although the code presented in the book can be used to produce complete running applications, the goal is to inspire the reader to bring his own mobile application ideas to reality in a short time. The book is organized in a logical, evolutionary manner starting with configuration of the development environment and ending with two comprehensive projects. The beginning chapters cover basic application components and configuration of the Android emulator and basic user interface design, whereas later chapters cover how to accomplish more involved areas such as use of GPS, graphics, networking, and databases.

середовище розробки -- програмування -- плагіни

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shanes, Eric.
Andy Warhol [Electronic resource] / Eric Shanes. - [S. l.] : Gribaudo, 2005. - 160 p
Переклад назви: Енді Уорхол

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All art ultimately illumines the culture in which it is created, even if that culture usually serves merely as a backdrop to the projection of some more ideal or alternative reality by the artist. But with so-called Pop Art, the very backdrop of mass-culture became the foreground subject of art itself. By magnifying the lack of taste and extreme vulgarity or kitsch that are inevitable by-products of an increasingly globalised mass-culture, artists have not only ironically drawn attention to that debasement of taste, but equally stressed their own detachment from it, as though to assert that they themselves are privileged beings who stand outside society and remain untainted by its corruptions. For the most part these artists simply celebrated pop-culture but one of them – the subject of this book – went much further. Through pioneering a variety of techniques, but principally by means of the visual isolation of imagery, its repetition and enforced similarity to printed images, and the use of garish colour to denote the visual garishness that is often encountered in mass culture, Andy Warhol threw much direct or indirect light upon modern anomie or world-weariness, nihilism, materialism, political manipulation, economic exploitation, conspicuous consumption, media hero-worship, and the creation of artificially-induced needs and aspirations.

перформанс -- кіноавангард -- контркультура -- сучасне мистецтво

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Masini, L. -V.
Art Nouveau [Electronic resource] / L. -V. Masini. - Firence : L'Aventurine, 1978. - 432 с.
Переклад назви: Ар-нуво (модерне мистецтво)


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"Liberty", "Modern Style", "Jugendstil", "Secessione" sono solo alcuni dei molti nomi che prende, in Europa, un movimento che tra la fine dell'Ottocento e i primi decenni del Novecento trasforma e "modernizza" il gusto estetico corrente. Un movimento che si irradia da Francia e Belgio e che per questo prende il nome di "Art Nouveau". Uno stile floreale e lineare, di forte impronta decorativa, pervade non solo e non tanto le arti figurative quanto la vita quotidiana del tempo: dalla grafica all'arredamento, dalla gioielleria alla ceramica, dall'architettura all'industriai design. Tra i nomi più noti tra quelli accostabili al movimento troviamo Klimt, Van de Velde, Munch, Morta, Tiffany, Galle, Hoffmann e Guimard, l'artefice delle celeberrime entrate del mètro parigino. Il libro affronta tutti gli aspetti del popolare fenomeno artistico.

модернізм -- югендштіль -- сецесьон

   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

George, J.
Art of pregnancy photography [Electronic resource] / J. George. - Buffalo : Amherst Media, 2008. - 123 p.
Переклад назви: Мистецтво фотографування вагітних


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Capturing the beauty of pregnancy through photographs is an increasingly popular trend, and this timely guide covers the basics of maternity photography from both artistic and business standpoints. The details of creating a successful maternity portrait are addressed, including how to select a meaningful location, what props and fabrics to use, how to pose the subject, and how to produce a flattering lighting scheme. Helpful digital effects that can enhance skin tone and impart a wide variety of polished and artistic effects are discussed, as are tactics for incorporating other family members in the portrait. Also included are tips for building a strong connection with the subject that can lead to a profitable, lifelong client relationship.

світлина -- кадр -- жінка -- немовля

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brouard, Sylvain.
As french as everyone else? [Electronic resource] : a survey of french citizens of maghrebin, african and turkish origin / Sylvain Brouard, Vincent Tiberj. - Philadelphia : Temple university press, 2011. - 153 p
Переклад назви: Такі ж французи, як і решта?: огляд французьких громадян магрибського, африканського та турецького походження


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France is often depicted as the model of assimilationist or republican integration in the international literature on immigration. However, rarely have surveys drilled down to provide individual responses from a double representative sample. In As French as Everyone Else?, Sylvain Brouard and Vincent Tiberj provide a comprehensive assessment of the state of integration in France and challenge the usual crisis of integration by systematically comparing the "new French" immigrants, as well as their children and grandchildren born in France, with a sample of the French general population. The authors' survey considers a wide range of topics, including religious affiliation and religiosity, political attitudes and political efficacy, value systems (including gender roles, work ethics, and anti-Semitism), patterns of integration, multiple identities and national belongings, and affirmative action. As the authors show, despite existing differences, immigrants of Maghrebin, African, and Turkish origin share a wide scope of commonality with other French citizens.

мігранти -- національні меншини -- етнічне розмаїття -- міжрасові шлюби -- Франція

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