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"...Создавать невыносимые условия для врага и всех его пособников...". Красные партизаны Украины, 1941-1944: малоизученные страницы истории. Документы и материалы [Електронний ресурс]. - К. : Украинский издательский союз, 2006. - 430 с.


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В работе на основании документов из архивов Украины, России, Германии и Польши описывается ряд малоизученных сторон коммунистического партизанского движения в годы Второй мировой войны на территории бывшего СССР. Подавляющее большинство материалов публикуется впервые. Книга предназначена для всех, интересующихся историей сталинизма.

війна -- боротьба -- підпілля -- диверсійна діяльність

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

100 блюд из капусты [Електронний ресурс]. - Ростов-на-Дону : Изд-во Ростовского ун-та, 1990. - 72 с.


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В брошюре приводятся рецепты приготовления в домашних условиях холодных и горячих блюд из белокочанной, цветной, брюссельской, краснокочанной, савойской капусты и кольраби.

кулінарія -- капуста -- страва -- рецепт

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

50 рецептов кофе [Електронний ресурс] / сост. Е.С. Рзаева. - М. : АСТ, 2006. - 29 с.


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В брошюре собраны пятьдесят рецептов кофе – горячего, холодного, с добавлением, алкоголя, сливок, фруктов, меда, приправ. Приготовленный по любому предложенному рецепту, этот древний напиток украсит стол любой российской семьи!


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

60 років волинської трагедії [Електронний ресурс] : матеріали форуму українських і польських експертів та журналістів "Події на Волині: як жити з цим тягарем?" / ред. В. Барановський. - К. : Смолоскип, 2003. - 191 с.


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11-12 квітня 2003 року Посольство Республіки Польща в Україні та польсько-український клуб “Без упереджень” провели експертно-журналістський форум на тему: “Події на Волині: як жити з цим тягарем?” У форумі взяли участь близько 80 експертів і журналістів з України та Польщі. Форум проходив в Національному університеті “Острозька академія”. У першій частині книжки вміщено деякі виступи та тези учасників форуму. Друга частина книжки презентує передрук статей за період квітень-липень 2003 року, які були опубліковані в українських та польських друкованих ЗМІ. Відзначення 60-ї річниці трагічних подій на Волині було важливим випробуванням міцності і єдності польської політики по відношенню до України. Основи нашої політики переконують в тому, іцо Польща і Україна мають перед собою перспективу на сучасність та майбутнє. І успіх полягає в тому, що інтерпретація польсько-українських подій не стала головним критерієм польсько-українського сьогодення, особливо з огляду на суперечку щодо історії подій на Волині, якій ми надали шляхетну форму і спрямували зусилля до народного поєднання, так, як це було зроблено у спільній заяві Президентів Республіки Польща і України “До порозуміння і єднання” п’ять років тому.

друга світова війна -- міжетнічні конфлікти -- порозуміння

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Antill, Peter.
Berlin 1945 [Electronic resource] : end of the thousand year Reich / Peter Antill. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2005. - 97 p
Переклад назви: Берлін 1945: кінець тисячолітнього рейху


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Hitler's Third Reich was on the brink of total ruin in mid-April 1945, and the Red Army was poised less than 60 miles to the east and ready to seize the German capital. Peter Antill describes the events in this engaging history, examining the Soviets' march towards Berlin and the Germans' final resistance. This book, supplemented with a host of maps and illustrations, provides a vivid portrayal of the death throes of the Third Reich and the end of World War II (1939-1945) in Europe, exploring the strategy of both sides and the tactics of impromptu urban warfare.

друга світова війна -- мілітарна історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Armstrong, J.
Ukrainian nationalism (1939-1945) [Electronic resource] / J. Armstrong. - New York : Publishing Columbia University Press, 1955. - 322 p.
Переклад назви: Український націоналізм


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Джон Армстронг досліджує розвиток українського націоналізму в роки Другої Світової війни та післявоєнні роки.

Україна -- друга світова війна

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Armstrong, J.
Ukrainian nationalism [Electronic resource] / J. Armstrong. - Littleton : Ukrainian Academic Press, 1980. - 361 p.


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Джон Армстронг досліджує розвиток українського націоналізму в роки Другої Світової війни та післявоєнні роки.

націоналізм -- друга світова війна

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Axelrod, Alan.
Encyclopedia of World War II [Electronic resource] / Alan Axelrod, Jack A. Kingston. - New York : Facts On File, 2007. - 911 p. - (Facts on File Library of World History)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Другої світової війни


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The Second World War is considered the pivotal event of the twentieth century, and the Encyclopedia of World War II, by prolific military historian Axelrod, is a well-written and complete reference to the war for students and general readers. Not exhaustive, the reference covers the typical ideological, military, political, and social topics “most commonly sought by students and instructors”; and its entries are, as the introduction claims, “useful, relevant, and interesting.” Some 737 concise, descriptive, noninterpretive entries are arranged alphabetically, covering topics such as Aachen, Battle of; Bazooka; Chiang Kai-shek; Dachau concentration camp; Fascism; Lebensraum; Phony War; Waffen SS; and Yalta Agreement. Approximately 40 percent of the entries are biographical. Length ranges from 200 to 3,000 words, and larger entries, such as Aircraft carriers, include subheadings (in this case, describing the fleets of the chief combatants). Aircraft, British exemplifies the many technical summaries of the equipment of the war’s chief combatants. Entries for major battles and campaigns (El Alamein, Kursk, Stalingrad) range from 700 to 1,200 words, contain easy-to-read maps, and provide the tactical overview and strategic significance of the battle. Articles are cross-referenced and include short bibliographies. Although this may not be a necessary purchase for libraries that have the exhaustive five-volume Encyclopedia of World WarII: A Political, Social, and Military History (ABC-CLIO, 2005), its size and more-selective coverage make it a good choice for public, high-school, and undergraduate libraries.

друга світова війна -- всесвітня історія -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bacevich, A. J.
American Empire [Electronic resource] : the Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy / A. J. Bacevich. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2002. - 312 p
Переклад назви: Американська імперія: реалії та наслідки дипломатії США


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This book is a venture in contemporary history, an effort to place in perspective developments that in some respects are not yet fully resolved. Its subject is u.s. foreign policy during the administrations of George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, with a coda encompassing George W. Bush's first year as president. During this period, members of the foreign policy elite, breathing deeply the intoxicating vapors released during the annus mirabilis of 1989, concluded that history stood poised at a turning point. Bill Clinton interpreted the end of the Cold War as signifying "the fullness of time" - a scriptural allusion to the moment when God chose to transform history. The collapse of communism and the triumph of liberal democratic capitalism offered similar prospects for transformation, this time through human rather than divine agency. As the bloody twentieth century drew to a close, God's promise of peace on earth remained unfulfilled; it was now incumbent upon the United States, having ascended to the status of sole superpower, to complete God's work-or, as members of a largely secularized elite preferred it, to guide history toward its intended destination.

президент -- історія -- війна

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Banks, Arthur.
A Military Atlas of the First World War [Electronic resource] / Arthur Banks. - Barnsley : Pen & Sword Books, 2001. - 340 p
Переклад назви: Військовий атлас Першої світової війни


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This is a unique study of the conflict of 1914-18 on land, sea and in the air, through maps, diagrams and illustrations. Within the scope of some 250 maps, Arthur Banks has presented both broad general surveys of political and military strategy, and the most closely researched details of major individual campaigns and engagements. These are supplemented by comprehensive analysis of military strengths and command structures and illustrations.

перша світова війна -- військова стратегія -- маневри військ -- дислокація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Barker, Juliet.
Conquest [Electronic resource] : the English kingdom of France, 1417-1450 / Juliet Barker. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2012. - 500 p
Переклад назви: Завоювання: Англійське Королівство Франції, 1417-1450


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For thirty dramatic years, England ruled a great swath of France at the point of the sword—an all-but-forgotten episode in the Hundred Years’ War that Juliet Barker brings to vivid life in Conquest. Following Agincourt, Henry V’s second invasion of France in 1417 launched a campaign that would place the crown of France on an English head. Buoyed by conquest, the English army seemed invincible. By the time of Henry’s premature death in 1422, nearly all of northern France lay in his hands and the Valois heir to the throne had been disinherited. Only the appearance of a visionary peasant girl who claimed divine guidance, Joan of Arc, was able to halt the English advance, but not for long. Just six months after her death, Henry’s young son was crowned in Paris as the first—and last—English king of France. Henry VI’s kingdom endured for twenty years, but when he came of age he was not the leader his father had been. The dauphin whom Joan had crowned Charles VII would finally drive the English out of France. Barker recounts these stirring events—the epic battles and sieges, plots and betrayals—through a kaleidoscope of characters from John Talbot, the “English Achilles,” and John, duke of Bedford, regent of France, to brutal mercenaries, opportunistic freebooters, resourceful spies, and lovers torn apart by the conflict.

медієвістика -- історія Європи -- Столітня війна -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Barton, Peter.
Beneath Flanders fields [Electronic resource] : the tunnellers' war 1914-1918 / P. Barton, P. Doyle, J. Vandevvalle. - Stroud : Spellmount Limited, 2007. - 304 p
Переклад назви: Під полями Фландрії: шанцева війна 1914-1918


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перша світова війна -- військова тактика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Biondich, Mark.
The Balkans [Electronic resource] : revolution, War, and Political Violence since 1878 / M. Biondich. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 384 p
Переклад назви: Балкани: революція, війна та політичне насилля з 1878 р.


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The Balkans has long been a place of encounter among different peoples, religions, and civilizations, resulting in a rich cultural tapestry and mosaic of nationalities. But it has also been burdened by a traumatic post-colonial experience. The transition from traditional multinational empires to modern nation-states has been accompanied by large-scale political violence that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the permanent displacement of millions more. Mark Biondich examines the origins of these conflicts, while treating the region as an integral part of modern European history, shaped by much the same forces and intellectual impulses. It reminds us that political violence and ethnic cleansing have scarcely been unique to the Balkans. As Biondich shows, the political violence that has bedevilled the region since the late nineteenth century stemmed from modernity and the ideology of integral nationalism, employed by states that were dominated by democratizing or authoritarian nationalizing elites committed to national homogeneity. Throughout this period, the Balkan proponents of democratic governance, civil society, and multiculturalism were progressively marginalized. The history of revolution, war, political violence, and ethnic cleansing in the modern Balkans is above all the story of this tragic marginalization.

історія -- політика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Bishop, Chris.
The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II [Electronic resource] / Chris Bishop. - New York : Barnes & Noble Books, 1998. - 543 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія зброї Другої світової війни


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The book is organized into the following catergories(summarized for this review): Tanks, Vehicles, Artillery, Rockets, Infantry Weapons and Airplanes. Each category is then seperated Axis and Allies. Almost all of the 1,500+ weapons covered in this book have an image most of them featuring a photograph. The book is a great cross reference guide for anyone who enjoys reading historical material. Only a few weapon systems are not covered, most of these were prototypes. The German, American, British and Japanese turbine aircraft are covered. The accounts of these aircraft a very accurate with attention paid to how these weapons were or were not used. The photographs are of good quality considering the paper they were printed on. One great example of the depth of this book is it's coverage of Little David'. "The largest-calibre artillery piece of modern times" Sporting a calibre of 914mm, The US military originally designed the gun to test bombs. With the invasion of Japan approaching in 1944, the US wanted to use it to destroy Japanese fortifications. However before the project was completed, the war was over. The book features two images of this artillery piece, including a color image. The best part of the book is the unbiased accounts of how the weapon was used and it's success. For this reason, the book has numerous book marks for quick reference. I see no reason why you shouldn't buy this book, if you enjoy military history. Additionally since the book has no distasteful images of war, I feel it is suitable for any youth at least 10 years of age.

друга світова війна -- зброя -- військова техніка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brannen, Daniel E..
Spanish-American War [Electronic resource] / E. Daniel, Jr. Brannen. - Detroit : UXL, Gale Group, 2003. - 235 p
Переклад назви: Іспано-американська війна


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The Spanish-American War, fought from April to August 1898, was a short but brutal war between Spain and its colony of Cuba, which was supported by the United States. It was a continuation of Cuba’s Second War for Independence, which had begun in 1895. Cubans sought freedom from Spain and the right to govern themselves to improve their lives economically and socially. Initially the United States stayed out of the conflict in Cuba, but upon hearing of Spain’s harsh treatment of Cuban civilians, a majority of the American public came to favor war with Spain. The explosion of an American battleship, the U.S.S. Maine, in a Cuban harbor on February 15, 1898, killing more than 250 of the soldiers aboard, also fueled the call to war. After entering the conflict on Cuba’s side onApril 21, 1898, the United States fought against Spain in land and sea battles in the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines until the two countries called a truce in August 1898. Having defeated Spain at almost every turn, the United States dominated the peace negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of Paris in December 1898. Under the terms of the Reader’s Guide treaty, the United States assumed control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines and established influence over newly independent Cuba.

колоніалізм -- історія Америки -- Карибський регіон

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Buddhist Warfare [Electronic resource] / ed. M. Jerryson, M. Juergensmeyer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. - 257 p
Переклад назви: Буддистська війна


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Though traditionally regarded as a peaceful religion, Buddhism has a dark side. On multiple occasions over the past fifteen centuries, Buddhist leaders have sanctioned violence, and even war. The eight essays in this book focus on a variety of Buddhist traditions, from antiquity to the present, and show that Buddhist organizations have used religious images and rhetoric to support military conquest throughout history. Buddhist soldiers in sixth century China were given the illustrious status of Bodhisattva after killing their adversaries. In seventeenth century Tibet, the Fifth Dalai Lama endorsed a Mongol ruler's killing of his rivals. And in modern-day Thailand, Buddhist soldiers carry out their duties undercover, as fully ordained monks armed with guns. Buddhist Warfare demonstrates that the discourse on religion and violence, usually applied to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, can no longer exclude Buddhist traditions. The book examines Buddhist military action in Tibet, China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, and shows that even the most unlikely and allegedly pacifist religious traditions are susceptible to the violent tendencies of man.

історія -- релігія -- конфлікт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Campbell, Duncan Andrew.
English public opinion and the american civil war [Electronic resource] / Duncan Andrew Campbell. - Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2003. - 274 p
Переклад назви: Англійська громадська думка та Громадянська війна в США


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This book is based upon the doctoral dissertation I wrote at Cambridge, completed in early 1997, and considerably revised since. From those days to the present, many kind and thoughtful individuals have greatly contributed to the process of thought and research that this work has entailed. I owe a debt of deep gratitude to Professor Miles Taylor, of the University of Southampton, who, from my time as a PhD candidate, through the revising of this manuscript for publication, could always be counted upon for insightful counsel and invaluable advice. For all of his help, I am profoundly thankful. I am very grateful to my former supervisor, Dr Gareth Stedman Jones of King’s College, Cambridge, for listening to and critiquing my ideas and arguments, as well as reading the numerous drafts with which I presented him. Gratitude is also owed to Dr Ann Robson, at whose stimulating graduate course at the University of Toronto, the seed of this book was planted and I first became interested in, and in some cases introduced to, many of the people examined within it. From my days at Cambridge, I should like to thank Dr Mike Sewell, Dr Beau Riffenburgh, Dr Derek Beales and Dr Graham Storey, who all provided me with information that I would never have come across on my own. At the University ofWales Swansea, I should like to express my appreciation to my colleagues in the American Studies Department who listened to my paper on this subject and weighed in with their intelligent and perceptive comments. I would especially like to thank Dr Craig Phelan, who has listened to my ideas with a patience that goes beyond the point of collegial courtesy. I am further grateful to the Royal Historical Society for publishing this book, particularly Professor Martin Daunton, Professor Peter Mandler and Mrs Christine Linehan, the executive editor, all of whom have helped improve this work immeasurably. I should also like to thank Bobbie Jo for patiently putting up with this apparently never-ending project. I owe her a major debt of gratitude. It remains to be noted that although this book could never have been started, never mind completed, without the help of everyone named above, they are in no way responsible for any errors or omissions; these are entirely my own. Finally, I should like to thank my parents Dr Neil and Mrs Sheila Campbell, without whose support and attention this book could not have been written. It is to them that this work is dedicated.

історія США -- громадська думка -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Carey, Neil G..
Fighting the Bolsheviks [Electronic resource] : the Russian War Memoir of Private First Class Donald E. Carey, U.S. Army, 1918-1919 / N. G. Carey. - Novato : Presidio Press, 1997. - 240 p
Переклад назви: Б'ючи більшовиків: російські військові мемуари рядового першого класу Дональда Кері, армія США, 1918-1919


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історія -- війна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Casanova, Julián.
The Spanish republic and civil war [Electronic resource] / J. Casanova. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 372 p
Переклад назви: Іспанська республіка та громадянська війна


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The Spanish Civil War has gone down in history for the horrific violence that it generated. The climate of euphoria and hope that greeted the overthrow of the Spanish monarchy was utterly transformed just five years later by a cruel and destructive civil war. Here, Julián Casanova, one of Spain’s leading historians, offers a magisterial new account of this critical period in Spanish history. He exposes the ways in which the Republic brought into the open simmering tensions between Catholics and hardline anticlericalists, bosses and workers, Church and State, order and revolution. In 1936, these conflicts tipped over into the sacas, paseos and mass killings that are still assionately debated today. The book also explores the decisive role of the international instability of the 1930s in the duration and outcome of the conflict. Franco’s victory was in the end a victory for Hitler and Mussolini, and for dictatorship over democracy.

фашизм -- республіканство -- демократія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Castle, I.
British Infantryman in South Africa 1877-81 [Electronic resource] / I. Castle. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2003. - 64 p.. - (Warrior)
Переклад назви: Британський піхотинець в Південній Африці 1877-81


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For many people the epitome of the British soldier of the late Victorian period is the Redcoat who fought in southern Africa in the 1870s. This title covers the key period of the wars against the Zulu and Boers; the dramatic battles of Rorke's Drift, Isandlwana, Ulundi, Laing's Nek and Majuba are some of the most famous engagements in the history of the British Army. The journey of the British soldier from the back streets of Britain's inner cities, to the isolated rock outcrop of Isandlwana and the mountain top of Majuba is one of discipline, devotion, loyalty, bravery, determination and sheer hard-work. It is a journey from which many men never returned.

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