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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

An historical sketch of the Toronto young men's christian association [Electronic resource]. - Toronto : YMCA, 1913. - 64 p.
Переклад назви: Історичний нарис християнського молодого чоловічого товариства в Торонто

Географічні рубрики:

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O-DAY is rooted in yesterday. The harvest of the autumn presupposes the plowing and sowing of the spring. The men of the present are the inheritors of the past and are never the earners of their best possessions. No nationality, university, business, church, association is wise to forget its debt to the men who wrought in the times of its beginning. The men responsible for the guiding of the vessel, as it safely bears its present cargo, ought to remember gratefully those who laid the ship's keel and made the anvils ring in patient preparation.

президент -- політична посада -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Balfour, Alan.
Solomon's Temple [Electronic resource] : myth, conflict, and faith / Alan Balfour. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 341 p
Переклад назви: Храм Соломона: міф, конфлікт, і віра


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Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

культові споруди -- сакральна архітектура -- релігійні відправи

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Campo, Juan Eduardo.
Encyclopedia of Islam [Electronic resource] / Juan Eduardo Campo. - New York : Facts On File, 2009. - 801 p. - (Encyclopedia of World Religions)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Ісламу


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In publishing the Encyclopedia of Islam I am indebted to a great many people. Creating an encyclopedia on any topic is necessarily a group project, requiring the shared knowledge, insights,perspectives, skills, and experiences of many. The task is made even more challenging when it i nvolves religion, which encompasses so many different subjects—ranging from the historical, social, political, and cultural to the spiritual, philosophical, and doctrinal. Moreover, the global nature of Islam and the sometimes intense differences that have arisen among Muslims and between Muslims and non-Muslims during the nearly 1400 years of its history pose additional challenges when seeking to realize the ideals of comprehensiveness, factual accuracy, and fairness. In order to meet the challenges facing this undertaking, I have made a particular effort to draw upon the wide-ranging and deep scholarly talents of the faculty, postgraduate, and graduate students of the University of California, Santa Barbara, especially those specializing in Islamic and Middle East studies. My editorial assistants, John Iskander (now at the U.S. Department of State) and Michelle Zimney, helped me launch the project and assisted with editing early drafts of many of the contributed articles. Among the more than 40 contributors, I am especially grateful to Garay Menicucci (University of California, Santa Barbara), Nuha N. N. Khoury (University of California, Santa Barbara), Kathleen M. O’Connor(University of South Florida), Amir Hussain (Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles), Jon Armajani (College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University in Minnesota), Firoozeh Papan-Matin (University of Washington), Mark Soileau (Albion College), Anna Bigelow (North Carolina State University, Megan Adamson Sijapati (Gettysburg College), Aysha Hidayatullah (Emory University), Caleb Elfenbein (University of California, Santa Barbara), Linda G. Jones (Spanish National Research Council in Barcelona), Patrick O’Donnell (Santa Barbara City College), Nancy L. Stockdale (University of North Texas), Stephen Cory (ClevelandState University), Shauna Huffaker (University of Windsor), Heather N. Keaney (American University in Cairo), and Reza Aslan (University of California, Riverside). These individuals wrote a number of articles for the volume, offering fresh perspectives obtained from their recent research in their respective fields of expertise. Among other colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who have provided support and inspiration are R. Stephen Humphreys, the holder of the King Abd Al-Aziz ibn Saud Chair of Islamic Studies; Mark Juergensmeyer, director acknowledgments K K xx Encyclopedia of Islam of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies; Scott Marcus, associate professor of ethnomusicology; Kathleen Moore, associate professor of law and society; Nancy Gallagher, professor of history; and Professors Dwight Reynolds, W. Clark Roof, Catherine Albanese, and Richard Hecht in religious studies. My approach to this project was also guided by the humanism and spirit of public service exemplified by our late colleague Walter Capps and his wife, Lois. Over the years, Richard C. Martin, Fredrick M. Denny, Richard Eaton, Azim Nanji, Barbara Metcalf, William Shepherd, Steve Wasserstrom, Bruce B. Lawrence, Gordon Newby, Jane D. McAuliffe, Zayn Kassam, Tazim Kassam, and scholars and teachers at other colleges and universities, too many to mention by name, have also provided invaluable inspiration, directly orindirectly. My deep gratitude also goes to Kendall Busse, Ph .D. student in religious studies, who provided skilled editorial support and helpful feedback along the way, and to several undergraduate research assistants: Maria Reifel Saltzberg, Hassan R. Elhaj, and Hassan Naveed. Their work was funded by the Freshman Seminar Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Through the years, my undergraduate students haveconsistently affirmed my belief that education is an ongo ing process with mutual benefits that extend well beyond the classroom. Funding provided by Fulbright-Hayes Group Projects grants presented me with opportunities to accompany two groups of California K-12 teachers and administrators to Egypt in 2003 and 2004. I benefited greatly fromour workshop sessions, travel experiences, and the conversations we shar ed in Egypt, which enriched my understanding of the K-12 curriculum and the challenges our teachers face in instructing young people about unfamiliar religions, civilizations, and languages. I am especially obliged to Karen Arter, Frank Stewart, and Paul and Ruth Ficken for their encouragement and interest in this publication. I am also grateful for the hospitality and warmth extended to me by several cultural, interfaith, and religious organizations, including the Turkish-American Pacifica Institute of Los Angeles and Orange Counties, the Interfaith Initiative of Santa Barbara County, the University Religious Center in Isla Vista, and the community of St. Mark’s Parish Catholic Church in Isla Vista. At Facts On File, I owe a great debt to Claudia Schaab and J. Gordon Melton for valuable advice and infinite patience in bringing the publicaion to completion. Gordon graciously shared photographs of mosques taken during his travels around the world. Publishing this book would not have been possible without the support of a wide circle of family and friends extending from the United States to Colombia (the land of my birth), Egypt, and India. These include Shafik and Gilane, Galal and Negwa, Amr and Janet, Mahmoud and Suhair,Saidand Soraya, Mehran and Nahid, Zaveeni, and Viji and Sujata. Above all, I am indebted to my wif e, Magda, to whom this book is dedicated, for her unwavering love and encouragementin good times and bad, and to our sons Andrés and Federico as they begin to follow their own pa ths in the world.

віра -- іслам -- культура

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Clarke, Peter B..
Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements [Electronic resource] / Peter B. Clarke. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2006. - 842 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія нових релігійних рухів


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New Religious Movements (NRMs) can involve vast numbers of followers and in many cases are radically changing the way people understand and practice religion and spirituality. Moreover, many are having a profound impact on the form and content of mainstream religion. The Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements provides uniquely global coverage of the phenomenon, with entries on over three hundred movements from almost every country in the world. Coverage includes movements that derive from the major religions of the world and to neo-traditional movements, movements often overlooked in the study of NRMs. In addition to the coverage of particular movements there are also entries on topics, themes, key thinkers and key ideas, for example the New Age Movement, Neo-Paganism, New Religion and gender, NRMs and cyberspace, NRMs and the law, the Anti-Cult Movement, Swedenborg, Jung, Teilhard de Chardin, Lovelock, Gurdjieff, al-Banna, Qutb. The marked global approach and comprehensiveness of the encyclopedia enable an appreciation of the innovative energy of NRMs, of their extraordinary diversity, and the often surprising ways in which they can propagate geographically. The most ambitions publication of its sort, the Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements is a major addition to the reference literature for students and researchers of the field in religious studies and the social sciences. Entries are cross-referenced with short bibliographies for further reading. There is a full index

віра -- церква

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Contemporary American religion [Electronic resource] / ed. Wade Clark Roof. - New York : Macmillan, 1999
Переклад назви: Сучасна американська релігія


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1. - 1999. - 861 p.

Grade 10 Up-This work describes various aspects of religious life in America from 1965 to the present. Each signed entry offers a clearly written, well-balanced discussion of the topic followed by see-also references and a bibliography. Major religions and smaller and fringe groups are represented as are individuals, symbols, traditions, beliefs, and practices. Coverage extends to subjects that readers might not initially think of in this context such as "Charles Colson" or "dowsing." Discussions of potentially controversial issues, e.g., "Wicca" or cults, are descriptive and nonjudgmental. The examinations of the moral issues involved in a number of contemporary, often highly charged political issues such as abortion are particularly valuable. Occasional black-and-white photographs are interspersed throughout the volume. The comprehensive index highlights those entries that are represented by a full article. The Encyclopedia of American Religious History (Facts On File, 1995) and J. Gordon Melton's Encyclopedia of American Religions (Gale, 1999) cover some of the same territory, but where interest demands and budget permits, this is a worthy addition. Linda Greengrass, Bank Street College Library, New York City

релігія -- віра -- сучасний світ

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

da Costa, J. R.
Candomble de Angola [Electronic resource] / J. R. da Costa. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1996. - 117 с.
Переклад назви: Кандомбле Анголи

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Кандомбле - афро-бразильська релігійна традиція, в основі якої лежить поклоніння духам Оріша, пов'язаним зі стихіями, різними родами людської діяльності і духовними аспектами буття. Широко розповсюджена віра на території Бразилії, особливо в регіонах з великим числом темношкірого населення

традиція -- дух -- езотерика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Dawkins, Richard.
The God Delusion [Electronic resource] / Richard Dawkins. - London : Bantam Press, 2006. - 396 p
Переклад назви: Бог як ілюзія


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A preeminent scientist -- and the world's most prominent atheist -- asserts the irrationality of belief in God and the grievous harm religion has inflicted on society, from the Crusades to 9/11. With rigor and wit, Dawkins examines God in all his forms, from the sex-obsessed tyrant of the Old Testament to the more benign (but still illogical) Celestial Watchmaker favored by some Enlightenment thinkers. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry, and abuses children, buttressing his points with historical and contemporary evidence. The God Delusion makes a compelling case that belief in God is not just wrong but potentially deadly. It also offers exhilarating insight into the advantages of atheism to the individual and society, not the least of which is a clearer, truer appreciation of the universe's wonders than any faith could ever muster.

віра -- релігія -- атеїзм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Donne, Anthony Le.
Historical Jesus [Electronic resource] : what can we know and how can we know It? / Anthony Le Donne. - Michigan : William B. Eerdmans, 2011. - 161 p
Переклад назви: Історичний Ісус: що ми можемо знати, і як ми можемо знати?


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Historical Jesus asks two primary questions: What does “historical” mean? and How should we apply this to Jesus? Anthony Le Donne begins with the unusual step of considering human perception — how sensory data from sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell are interpreted from the very beginning by what we expect, what we’ve learned, and how we categorize the world. In this way Le Donne shows how historical memories are initially formed. He continues with the nature of human memory and how it interacts with group memories. Finally, he offers a philosophy of history and uses it to outline three dimensions from the life of Jesus: his dysfunctional family, his politics, and his final confrontation in Jerusalem. This little book is ideal for those with no background in religious studies — even those with no faith — who wish to better understand who Jesus was and how we can know what we do know about him.

Бог -- віра -- знання

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Encyclopedia of Religion [Electronic resource] : in 14 vol. / L. Jones. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Релігії


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Vol. 1 : Aaron - Attention. - 792 p.

Vol. 2 : Attributes - Butler. - 742 p.

Vol. 3 : Cabasilas - Cyrus. - 792 p.

Vol. 4 : Dacian - Esther. - 742 p.

Vol. 5 : Eternity - God. - 742 p.

Vol. 6 : Goddess worship - Iconoclasm. - 724 p.

Vol. 7 : Iconography - Justin. - 768 p.

Vol. 8 : Ka'bah - Marx. - 714 p.

Vol. 9 : Mary - Ndembu. - 714 p.

Vol. 10 : Necromancy - Pindar. - 740 p.

Vol. 11 : Pius IX - Rivers. - 700 p.

Vol. 12 : Rnuing - Soul. - 720 p.

Vol. 13 : South - Transcendence. - 728 p.

Vol. 14 : Transcendental - Zwingli. - 748 p.

Here is a monument to the current state of the academic study of religion. Thousands of pages of entries, most of them of the highest quality; yet a few slips remain.

релігія -- віра

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G..
Jesus was a jew [Electronic resource] / Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. - San Antonio : Ariel Ministries, 2010. - 141 p
Переклад назви: Ісус був євреєм


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In this small but mighty book, the author comes to grips with basic issues such as: why Jesus died, and why Jewish people object to Him. Passage after biblical passage, with rabbinic interpretation, relate the Old Covenant's fulfillment in the Messiah. For two decades, Jesus Was a Jew has proven itself an incredibly powerful witnessing tool to Jewish people, and it is ideal for Jewish friends who are skeptical of your faith, but willing to read.

релігія -- віра -- юдаїзм

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Greenberg, Yudit Kornberg.
Encyclopedia of love in world religions [Electronic resource] / Yudit Kornberg Greenberg. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2008. - 792 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія любові у світових релігіях


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"Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions" is the first reference work to offer a comprehensive portrait of love in the context of the classic and contemporary literature of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, as well as other cultures and philosophies. Like no volume published to date, it reveals the full richness of religious teachings on love in all its many forms, exploring an extensive range of topics that offer philosophical, psychological, and religious perspectives to guide the quest for the meaning of love. "Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions" features approximately 300 subject entries, as well as insightful biographic sketches of preeminent thinkers, all written by a multidisciplinary team of some of the foremost scholars on the subject. Entries examine both general and culture-specific interpretations of love: not just the dichotomy of spiritual and physical love, but the full emotional spectrum of love in relationships and practices. Collectively, they encompass love's integral-and sometimes conflicting-role in shaping beliefs and behavior in a vastly diverse world.

ерос -- теологія -- віра

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Mazur, Eric Michael.
Encyclopedia of Religion and Film [Electronic resource] / Eric Michael Mazur. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2001. - 665 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія релігії та кіно


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There are a number of people who deserve thanks: Rhoda Himmel Mazur, my mother, who introduced me to old “classic” films, and Marvin Irwin Mazur, my father (Z’’L), who would see any film as long as my mother told him that it was a “musical comedy”; Jody Risa Mazur, my sister, who lent me a variety of materials (often without her remembering); Lillian Weintraub, my aunt (Z’’L), who sent me articles on religion and film from the time I started graduate school until her death in 2008; Bill Mandel, annual host of the seasonal “Mandel Bijou”; Benton Knight (who dragged me to see Be My Bloody Valentine ) and Scott Baradell (who dragged me to see C.H.U.D. ); Robin Alperstein and the editorial staff of The Declaration (at the University of Virginia, way back in 1986–1987), who published “Reel to Reel,” a movie review column I coauthored with Scott Baradell, which was based on the work of Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert (only funny, and in print); and of course Claudia Anne Mazur, my wife, who has humored me when I have insisted that we watch any number of questionable films with the declaration that “it’s for work, dear.” To all of these people, I say thank you. You have encouraged—or at least tolerated—my often childish musings about film, and I think that with thisvolume, I have become both better educated and humbled by my professional digression into this field. I also want to thank Lynn Malloy Aranjo—whom I barely knew—and Rob (“RobRobRob”) Kirkpatrick—whom I know a bit better—for letting me pitch the idea of the encyclopedia to Greenwood in the first place. Rob was particularly patient as I worked out a number of the details, and for that I am grateful. And yes, Rob, you were right; the entry on Krzysztof Kies´ lowski is dedicated to you. Thanks also to Debra Adams, who saw the project through its hardest stretch, and Mariah Gumpert at ABC-CLIO, who provided the last bit of energy and assistance needed to get it all finished. If patience is a virtue, you are all saints. I must also thank the hard-working people in the Interlibrary Loan office at the Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library of Bucknell University, particularly Candice Hinckley, who worked tirelessly locating many of the materials listed in the bibliography. Without knowing it, they helped me forget the difference, if only for a moment, between a large research institution and a relatively small teaching college. A special thanks also to Julia Miller (Bucknell ’08) and Stephanie Johnson (Virginia Wesleyan College ’11) for their dedicated filmographic work, and Brittany Hayes (Virginia Wesleyan College ’12) for her fact-checking. Contributor Melanie J. Wright passed away just as this project was going into its final production. She was a friendly colleague and an insightful scholar in many fields, but particularly in the study of religion and film. She will be missed. I would also like to thank all of the contributors, particularly those who got their entries in on time and according to style. You are a very talented bunch of scholars and critics, and I have enjoyed reading all that you’ve sent me. I hope you like what I’ve done with your work!

віра -- кіно

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Mills, D.
Atheist Universe. The thinking person's answer to christian fundamentalism [Electronic resource] / D. Mills. - Berkeley : Ulysses Press, 2006. - 272 p.
Переклад назви: Всесвіт атеїста: відповідь мислячої людини християнському фундументалізму


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Atheist Universe details why God is unnecessary to explain the universe’s diversity, organization and beauty. Using simple, straightforward logic, this book rebuts every argument that claims to “prove” God’s existence. A comprehensive primer for countering today’s religious dogma, Atheist Universe addresses all the historical and scientific questions

науковий атеїзм -- світобудова

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Ominare, B.
Candomble de Keto [Electronic resource] / B. Ominare. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1996. - 89 с.
Переклад назви: Кандомбле кету

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Кандомбле - афро-бразильська релігійна традиція, в основі якої лежить поклоніння духам Оріша, пов'язаним зі стихіями, різними родами людської діяльності і духовними аспектами буття. Широко розповсюджена віра на території Бразилії, особливо в регіонах з великим числом темношкірого населення

езотерика -- традиція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Ray, Darrel W..
The god virus [Electronic resource] : how religion infects our lives and culture / Darrel W. Ray. - Bonner Springs : IPC Press, 2009. - 456 p
Переклад назви: Вірус Бога: як релігія заражає наше життя і культуру


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In The God Virus, the author uses the metaphor of religion as a virus to explain how religious ideas pass from individual to individual and infiltrate society. The idea of ideas or systems of ideas as "viruses" was first described by Richard Dawkins, who coined the term "meme" to mean a "postulated unit or element of cultural ideas, symbols or practices, gets transmitted from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena". They are analogous to genes (hence the similarity in spelling and pronunciation), in that they are said to self-replicate and respond to selective pressures. In this book, the author explains religion through this viral/meme metaphor.

віра -- навіювання

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Religion, dynasty, and patronage in early christian Rome, 300-900 [Electronic resource] / ed. K. Cooper, J. Hillner. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 345 p.
Переклад назви: Релігія, династія та заступництво в Ранному Християнському Римі, 300-900 р.


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‘In all ages, whatever the form or name of government, be it monarchy, republic, or democracy, an oligarchy lurks behind the fac¸ade.’1 With these words Sir Ronald Syme began his landmark investigation into the lively political networks of the late Republican noble families of the city of Rome, families who drew their power from ancestry and landed wealth as much as from the political process. This statement holds gradually less true for their successors at the end of antiquity, who struggled to maintain their position in the face of set-backs such as civil war in Italy in the 470s and 480s, and again from 534 to 554. The fifth and sixth centuries saw a progressive erosion of the landed wealth of Rome’s aristocratic families. While they had long resisted the centralizing instincts of Rome’s principal land-owner, the emperor, new pressures and opportunities led the Roman aristocracy to seek a more cooperative relationship with Rome’s bishop, whose ever greater ex officio holdings came to rival those of the emperor, and were more secure in the face of political upheaval.

історія Риму

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Religious Intolerance in America [Electronic resource] : a documentary history / ed. John Corrigan, Lynn S. Neal. - Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2010. - 305 p
Переклад назви: Релігійна нетерпимість в Америці: документальна історія


Географічні рубрики:

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American narratives often celebrate the nation's rich heritage of religious freedom. There is, however, a less told and often ignored part of the story: the ways that intolerance and cultures of hate have manifested themselves within American religious history and culture. In the first ever documentary survey of religious intolerance from the colonial era to the present, volume editors John Corrigan and Lynn S. Neal define religious intolerance and explore its history and manifestations, including hate speech, discrimination, incarceration, expulsion, and violence. Organized thematically, the volume combines the editors' discussion with more than 150 striking primary texts and pictures that document intolerance toward a variety of religious traditions. Moving from anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan propaganda to mob attacks on Mormons, the lynching of Leo Frank, the kidnapping of "cult" members, and many other episodes, the volume concludes with a chapter addressing the changing face of religious intolerance in the twenty-first century, with examples of how the problem continues to this day.

релігія -- віра -- американська культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Witherington III, Ben.
Women and the Genesis of Christianity [Electronic resource] / Ben Witherington III. - London : Cambridge university press, 1990. - 294 p
Переклад назви: Жінки і виникнення християнства


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This study explores the role of women in New Testament times. Beginning with the woman's place in Judaism, in the Hellenistic world, and in the Roman Empire, Witherington demonstrates how Jesus broke significantly with convention in how he viewed women, offering as he did a wholly new conception of the legitimate rights of women in society.

церква -- віра -- фемінність -- ґендерні студії

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Аквинский, Ф.
Доказательства бытия Бога в «Сумме против язычников» и «Сумме теологии» [Електронний ресурс] / Ф. Аквинский. - М. : [б. в.], 2000. - 137 с.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Переводом книги профессора Латеранского папского университета Хорсита Зайдля Институт философии открывает новую серию, в которой будут печататься впервые на русском языке или в новых переводах классические философские тексты. Вниманию отечественного читателя предлагается несколько сокращенный перевод книги Х.Зайдля о пяти доказательствах бытия Бога Фомы Аквинского. Перевод с немецкого и латинского осуществлен К.В.Бандуровским под редакцией С.С.Неретиной. В русский текст, помимо Введения, комментариев и Дополнения, вошли лишь два «Приложения» (II и V) из пяти (второе также в неполном виде). Библиография переводов и исследований на русском языке составлена К.В.Бандуровским.

релігія -- віра

   Тип видання:   хрестоматія   
Категорія: Релігія   

Антологія християнства [Електронний ресурс] : хрестоматія з релігієзнавства та культурології / за заг. ред. Г. Лозко. - Х. : ДИВ, 2010. - 416 с.. - (Пам'ятки релігійної думки України-Русі)


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Ця книга не повторює типові підручники, а подає документальні матеріали, що сприятимуть засвоєнню та осмисленню студентами знань з релігієзнавства та культурології. Мета посібника – спонукати читачів до пошуку й вивчення джерельної бази, а саме автентичних історичних документів, указів і послань, правил і циркулярів, літературних творів, які відображають розвиток чи занепад культурних явищ в Україні та інших європейських країнах. У глобальних умовах інформаційної війни посібник буде корисним для всіх, хто цікавиться альтернативним поглядом на події двохтисячолітнього періоду маніпулювання людською свідомістю.

християнська культура -- церква -- біблія

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