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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Roth, Mitchel P..
Prisons and prison systems [Electronic resource] : a global encyclopedia / M. P. Roth. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2006. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: В'язні та системи ув'язнення: всесвітня енциклопедія


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Prisons have undoubtedly changed over the years, as have penal practices in general, though more so in some countries than others. Prisons and prison systems have long been an overlooked part of criminal justice research, and as a result, limited material is available on many institutions. This comprehensive encyclopedia provides a historical overview of institutions and systems around the world, as well as penal theories, prisoner culture and life, and notable prisoners and personnel. Readers will find a plethora of information including material on such famous prisons as the Tower of London and Alcatraz, as well as on such topics as boot camps and parole. Other entries include Devil's Island, supermaximum prisons, Nelson Mandela, Pennsylvania system, and Amnesty International. Numerous appendixes list famous prisoners, prison museums, prison slang, and more.

в'язень -- в'язниця -- покарання

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

The Gale encyclopedia of children's health: infancy through adolescence [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. K. M. Krapp, J. Wilson. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія здоров'я дитини


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Vol 1 : A - C. - P. 1-550

Vol. 2 : D - K. - P. 551-1058

Vol. 3 : L - R. - P. 1059-1601

Vol. 4 : S - Z. - P. 1602-2178

Perfect for parents and allied health students, the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health provides in-depth coverage of pediatric diseases and disorders, along with issues related to physical and cognitive/behavioral development. Written without hard-to-understand medical jargon, the four-volume set uses language parents can understand, while still providing enough depth to benefit today's health science students. The set, which covers every major body system, is arranged into five main entry types: Diseases & Disorders; Development; Immunizations; Drugs; Procedures. With a distinct emphasis on the health issues affecting children under the age of four, the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health provides a much-needed service to new parents and promises to be a frequently used resource in any library.

педіатрія -- дитяча хвороба

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Кульгин, Максим В..
Компьютерные сети [Електронний ресурс] : практика построения / Максим Кульгин. - 2-е изд.. - М. : Питер, 2003. - 459 с.. - (Для профессионалов)


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При создании и обслуживании любой сети возникает масса больших и малых проблем, о решении которых ничего не говорится в теоретических фолиантах. Оказывается, многие из них можно решить, применяя совокупность нескольких технологий или внедряя некоторые технологии там, где они в соответствии со своей целевой функцией не могут быть использованы. В книге основной упор сделан именно на практическую сторону построения и обслуживания сетей, рассмотрены те устройства и технологии, которые на сегодняшний день являются базовыми и основополагающими: маршрутизаторы компании Cisco Systems и их настройка, технология организации очередей, трансляции адресов, построения защитного экрана, настройка протоколов маршрутизации, построение защищенных виртуальных сетей и т. п. Книга рассчитана не только на начинающих администраторов, которые хотят разобраться в основных принципах работы с сетевыми программными и аппаратными комплексами, — опытные специалисты также найдут здесь немало ценной информации.

комп'ютер -- мережа -- технологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Governments of the world [Electronic resource] : a global guide to citizens’ rights and responsibilities : in 4 vol. / C.N. Tate. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006
Переклад назви: Уряди світу


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 2 : Dominica to Italy. - 348 p.

Vol. 3 : Jamaica to Political Protest. - 330 p.

In these volumes, 310 alphabetically arranged articles range in length from 500 to 3,500 words and cover 198 regions ("including every independent nation and several territories") as well as international courts, supranational institutions, concepts central to understanding political organization and human rights, and key individuals who have had positive and negative impacts on the evolution of citizens' rights and responsibilities. Country entries describe the system of government and the political evolution, with emphasis on the twentieth century and on issues related to the relationship between government and citizen. Each signed article concludes with a bibliography. The credentials of the authors (mostly academicians) are provided in the directory of contributors. Sidebars and black-and-white maps and illustrations break up the text. Same-page definitions in the margins of terms (such as ethnic cleansing, guerrilla, and republic make the information more comprehensible, as does the glossary, which is repeated at the end of each volume. In addition, each volume includes a cumulative index and a thematic outline of topics so that users can easily locate information on relevant persons, documents, legal issues, and concepts, as well as country-specific data and history, and teachers can plan correlated assignments. Another useful feature is the filmography, which is arranged by country. Entries are complemented by volume-specific selections of primary documents (for example, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, and Convention of the Rights of the Child).

влада -- права людини -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Вегешна, Штринивас.
Качество обслуживания в сетях IP [Електронний ресурс] : пер. с англ. / Штринивас Вегешна. - М. : Вильямс, 2003. - 368 с.


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Реализация в компьютерных сетях технологий QoS (Quality of Service) обеспечивает надежную доставку данных приложений посредством контроля за доступом к сети, задержкой, потерей, качеством передаваемых пакетов и пропускной способностью каналов передачи информации. Функции QoS являются неотъемлемой частью современных легкомасштабируемых сетей IP. Глубокое знание основных концепций и возможностей технологий QoS позволит сетевым планировщикам, разработчикам и инженерам максимально оптимизировать производительность сетей и обеспечить стабильное функционирование нового поколения мультимедийных и голосовых приложений. Эта книга является источником чрезвычайно полезной информации для всех, кто планирует развертывание служб QoS в сетях, построенных на базе оборудования компании Cisco Systems. Автор проводит исчерпывающий обзор возможностей и функций QoS в сетях IP, не забывая при этом о поучительных практических упражнениях и примерах конфигурации устройств. Основной акцент делается на обсуждении реальных задач, что не только познакомит читателя с различными теоретическими концепциями, но и научит его решать наиболее распространенные проблемы проектирования. Книга рассчитана на пользователей высокой квалификации и профессионалов.

локальна мережа -- обслуговування

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Human and civil rights [Electronic resource] / K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner, A. W. Lerner. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006. - 557 p.
Переклад назви: Права людині та цивільні права


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Human rights are the basic freedoms, liberties, and protections to which all persons are entitled. Human rights are not specilic to one government or religion. They do not differ in times of war or peace. Human rights are constant and inalienable rights, possessed by all people. Ideally, governments should promote and protect human rights through systems of law. Today, human rights include life, liberty, and security of person; the freedom of religion, thought, political expression, movement, assembly, speech, and organization; due process of law, education, employment, health, property ownership, cultural preservation; the right to marry and found a family; and freedom from discrimination, unjust punishment, persecution, tyranny, and oppression. The modern concept ol human rights developed over diree centuries. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the concept of natural rights emerged. Natural rights are not subject to any political, legal, or religious system. They are inalienable rights that humans possess from birth...

свобода -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Леинванд, А.
Конфигурирование маршрутизаторов Cisco [Електронний ресурс] / А. Леинванд. - 2-е изд.. - М. : Вильямс, 2001. - 298 с.


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Эта книга, написанная специалистами-практиками, посвящена изучению основ конфигурирования операционной системы IOS, под управлением которой работают все устройства межсетевого взаимодействия компании Cisco Systems, Inc. Материал подается на примере типовой сети вымышленной компании ZIP. Книга будет полезна специалистам, работающим в области сетевых технологий, которые впервые решают задачу построения работоспособной сети, использующей мосты, коммутаторы и маршрутизаторы компании Cisco.

комп'ютер -- мережа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Rigaud, M.
Secrets Of Voodoo [Electronic resource] / M. Rigaud. - San Francisco : City Lights Books, 1985. - 224 p.
Переклад назви: Таємниці вуду


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Secrets of Voodoo traces the development of this complex religion (in Haiti and the Americas) from its sources in the brilliant civilizations of ancient Africa. This book presents a straightforward account of the gods or loas and their function, the symbols and signs, rituals, the ceremonial calendar of Voodoo, and the procedures for performing magical rites are given. “Voodoo,” derived from words meaning “introspection” and “mystery,” is a system of belief about the formation of the world and human destiny with clear correspondences in other world religions. Rigaud makes these connections and discloses the esoteric meaning underlying Voodoo’s outward manifestations, which are often misinterpreted. Translated from the French by Robert B. Cross. Drawings and photographs by Odette Mennesson-Rigaud. Milo Rigaud was born in Port au Prince, Haiti, in 1903, where he spent the greater part of his life studying the Voodoo tradition. In Haiti he studied law, and in France ethnology, psychology, and theology. The involvement of Voodoo in the political struggle of Haitian blacks for independence was one of his main concerns.

Гаїті -- містерія -- чаклунство -- вроки

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Холмэ, Д.
Управление и поддержка Microsoft Windows Server 2003 [Електронний ресурс] / Д. Холмэ. - М. : Русская редакция, 2004. - 443 с.


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Управление учетными записями пользователей, групп и компьютеров, управление файлами, папками и принтерами, управление дисками и другими аппаратными устройствами, резервное копирование данных, контроль за работой ОС и методики восстановления ее работоспособности в случае сбоев. Книга адресована всем, кто хочет научиться администрировать среду Microsoft Windows Server 2003, а также самостоятельно подготовиться к сдаче экзамена по программам сертификации MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrators) и MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) № 70-290: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment.

комп'ютер -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Encyclopedia of Bioethics [Electronic resource] : in 5 vol. / S.G. Post.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Біоетики


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Vol. 1 : A-C. - 600 p.

Vol. 2 : D-H. - 696 p.

Vol. 3 : I-M. - 648 p.

Vol. 4 : N-S. - 632 p.

Vol.5 : T-X. - 576 p.

This edition is a complete revision of the Dartmouth Medal-winning set first published in 1995. Covering a wealth of topics on the ethics of health professions, animal research, population control and the environment, the set helps researchers to consider the impact of new scientific knowledge and its potential to harm or benefit present and future generations. All bibliographies have been updated and new entries added -- from cloning, to issues of privacy or censorship on the Web, cell-stem research, same-sex marriage, privatization of water access, animal rights and much more.

біоетика -- евтаназія -- клонування -- аборт

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Death and Dying [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol.. - New York : Macmillan, 2003. - 1071 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія смерті та вмирання


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The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying is a contribution to the understanding of life. Scientists and poets have long recognized that life and death are so intimately entwined that knowledge of one requires knowledge of the other. The Old Testament observes that "all flesh is as grass." Religions have addressed the question of how one should live with the awareness of inevitable death. Often the answer has been based upon the vision of a life beyond death. Societies have developed systems of belief and practice to help their people cope with the prospect of death and the sorrow of grief. Children are often puzzled by the curious fact that flowers fade and animals stop moving. This incipient realization of mortality eventually becomes a significant part of the adult's world-view in which hope contests with fear, and faith with doubt.

смерть -- похорон -- поминки -- мрець -- труна -- обряд

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Computer Sciences [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia: in 4 vol. / R.R. Flynn. - New York : Macmillan, 2002
Переклад назви: Інформатика


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Vol. 1 : Foundations : Ideas and People. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : Software and Hardware. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : Social Applications. - 304 p.

Vol. 4 : Electronic Universe. - 368 p.

Here is an attractive, readable set designed to present the history of computers and reflect on their purpose, use, and impact today. Nearly 300 entries are organized into four volumes, usually with black-and-white illustrations, photos, or charts. Signed entries are two to four pages long and often include sidebars, definitions for terms or concepts, see also references, and bibliographies with a handful of current sources, many of them online. University professors are among the contributors. Repeated at the beginning of each volume are the preface, tables of measurements, time lines, and table of contents. Each volume concludes with the same glossary and topic outline and a volume index, with a cumulative index at the end of volume 4. Volume 1 (Foundations: Ideas and People) covers history; volume 2 (Software and Hardware), the nuts and bolts of the technology; volume 3 (Social Applications), how computers affect our everyday lives; and volume 4 (Electronic Universe), the networked society. Organization within each volume is alphabetical. Some representative subjects covered in volume 1 include Babbage, Charles; IBM Corporation; and Transistors. In volume 2 we learn about Client/server technology, Game controllers, and Touch screens; in volume 3, about Airline reserva tions, Educational software, and Spreadsheets; and in volume 4, Cookies, Global positioning systems, and Political applications. Several articles are current enough to include the 9/11 attacks and October 2001 anthrax letters. There are so many interrelated topics that dividing them by volume is confusing to a user. Chemistry and Electronic campus are in volume 4, but Distance learning and Physics are in volume 3. Assistive computer technology for persons with disabilities is in volume 4, although it could be considered a social application. Art and Music composition are placed in different volumes. The topic outline lists entry headings under broad topics and might be helpful in providing an overview, but it gives no indication of the volumes in which the entries can be found. For academic libraries, the standard Encyclopedia of Computer Science (4th ed., Grove, 2000) will probably be adequate, even though this field changes so rapidly. High-school and public libraries where there is emphasis on technology may want to add this set for its detailed coverage of people, concepts, and applications.

компьютер -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Bond, G. C.
Metal-Catalysed Reactions of Hydrocarbons [Electronic resource] / G. C. Bond. - New York : Springer, 2005. - 676 p.
Переклад назви: Метало-каталітичні реакції у гідрокарбонатах


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This unique book, drawing on the author’s lifetime experience, critically evaluates the extensive literature on the field of Metal-Catalysed Reactions of Hydrocarbons. Emphasis is placed on reaction mechanisms involving hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, skeletal and positional isomerisation, and exchange reactions. The motivation for fundamental research in heterogeneous catalysis is to identify the physicochemical characteristics of active centres for the reaction being studied, to learn how these may be modified or manipulated to improve the desired behavior of the catalyst, and to recognize and control those aspects of the catalyst's structure that limit its overall performance. By restricting the subject of the book to hydrocarbons, Bond has progressively developed the subject matter to include areas of importance both to researchers and to those working in the industry.

хімія -- реакція

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Brown, J.
Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules [Electronic resource] / J. Brown, A. Carrington. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - 1013 p.
Переклад назви: Обертальна спектроскопія двоатомних молекул


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Diatomic molecules are important to the physical sciences because they are the basic building blocks of large molecules. Many of the principles which underly our understanding of chemical bonds in molecules were first developed by studying diatomic systems. Starting from fundamental principles, this book develops a theory that analyzes the energy levels of diatomic molecules and summarizes the many experimental methods used to study the spectra of these molecules in the gaseous state.

хімія -- молекула

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Cook, D. B.
Handbook of Computational Quantum Chemistry [Electronic resource] / D. B. Cook. - Oxford : Oxford university press, 1998. - 767 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник обчислювальної квантової хімії


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Quantum chemistry forms the basis of molecular modeling, a tool widely used to obtain important chemical information and visual images of molecular systems. Recent advances in computing have resulted in considerable developments in molecular modeling, and these developments have led to significant achievements in the design and synthesis of drugs and catalysts. This comprehensive text provides upper-level undergraduates and graduate students with an introduction to the implementation of quantum ideas in molecular modeling, exploring practical applications alongside theoretical explanations. Written in a straightforward and accessible manner, this Handbook of Computational Quantum Chemistry encompasses such topics as the Hartree-Fock method; matrix SCF equations; the implementation of the closed-shell case; and an introduction to molecular integrals that extends to their implementation. Other topics and subtopics include open shells; population analysis; molecular symmetry and symmetry orbital transformations; linear multi-determinant methods; core potentials; time-dependent perturbations; density functional theory; and implementation of the Kohn-Sham equations. The text concludes with helpful suggestions for additional reading.

квантова хімія

   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Corey, E. J.
The Logic of Chemical Synthesis [Electronic resource] / E. J. Corey, X.-M. Chelg. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1995. - 462 p.
Переклад назви: Логіка хімічного синтезу


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This book provides a detailed description of the general principles and strategies for solving chemical synthesis problems of complex organic molecules. It is the only book to deal systematically with the fundamental principles of synthetic problem solving.


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

Evolution in Four Dimensions [Electronic resource]. - Cambridge : Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; London : The MIT Press, 2005. - 462 p.
Переклад назви: Еволюція в чотиривимірному просторі


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Ideas about heredity and evolution are undergoing a revolutionary change. New findings in molecular biology challenge the gene-centered version of Darwinian theory according to which adaptation occurs only through natural selection of chance DNA variations. In Evolution in Four Dimensions, Eva Jablonka and Marion Lamb argue that there is more to heredity than genes. They trace four "dimensions" in evolution—four inheritance systems that play a role in evolution: genetic, epigenetic (or non-DNA cellular transmission of traits), behavioral, and symbolic (transmission through language and other forms of symbolic communication). These systems, they argue, can all provide variations on which natural selection can act. Evolution in Four Dimensions offers a richer, more complex view of evolution than the gene-based, one-dimensional view held by many today. The new synthesis advanced by Jablonka and Lamb makes clear that induced and acquired changes also play a role in evolution.


   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Fuhrhop, J.
Organic synthesis [Electronic resource] : concepts, Methods, Starting Materials / J. Fuhrhop, G. Penzlin. - New York : VCH, 1994. - 444 p.
Переклад назви: Органічний синтез


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The methods described are chosen for their efficiency, elegance, and didactic value. Retrosynthetic analysis and the synthon approach are presented. Features include: noval stereoselective reactions, extensive tables listing commercially available starting materials and approximate list prices per 10g, and an additional chapter "Nanometer-Sized Architecture" contains outstanding examples of molecular assemblies and self-replicating systems.


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Sierra, K.
SCJP Sun certified programmer for Java 5 study guide [Electronic resource] / K. Sierra, B. Bates. - Emeryville : McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2006. - 864 p.. - (Exam 310-055)


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With hundreds of practice exam questions, and hands-on exercises, this classroom-based integrated study system for professional certification gives you complete coverage of all objectives for the Sun Certified Programmer and Developer for Java exam.

мова програмування

   Тип видання:   довідник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Handbook of Chemistry and Physics [Electronic resource] / D. R. Lide. - 85th. ed.. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2004-2005. - 2661 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник з хімії та фізики


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Mirroring the growth and direction of science for nearly a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, now in its 90th edition, adds several new tables that will be among the most accessed in the world. These include Structure and Functions of Common Drugs, Solubility Parameters of Polymers, Major World Earthquakes, and Equilibrium Constants of Selected Enzyme Reactions. It adds major updates to several more, including Threshold Limits for Airborne Contaminants, Mass Spectral Peaks of Common Organic Solvents, and Properties of the Solar System. It also adds a table of the Handbook’s greatest fans: Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics.

хімія -- фізика

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