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Fink, Carole.
1968 [Electronic resource] : the world transformed / Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, Detle Junker. - Washington : The German Historical Institute ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - 503 p
Переклад назви: 1968: світові перетворення


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This book grew out of a conference organized by the German Historical Institute (GHI) on May 23-5, 1996, iii Berlin. For three days, thirty-five scholars from n\ne countries became acht-und-sechziger (sixty-eighters), not on the streets and barricades but in lively debate over the events and significance of the momentous year 1968. This book consists of revised versions of many of the original papers as well as entirely new essays that complement our overall theme. I thank all of the authors and also those who participated in the conference but whose work could not be included here. I am grateful to Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich (Free University Berlin), Luisa Passerini (European University Institute, Florence), Keith A. Reader (University of Newcastle), and Dieter Rucht (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) for chairing the various sessions and for guiding us through spirited discussions. In Berlin, the Wissenschaftszentrum afforded a comfortable setting for three days of intensive debate. I thank Friedheim Neidhardt, the center'sdirector, and his dedicated staff - Birgit Hahn, Britta Heinrich, Ilse Kischlat, Dietmar Kremser, and Burckhard Wiebe - for hosting the conference and helping with its organization. Dieter Senoner of the mayor's office kindly welcomed us to Berlin at a reception at the Rotes Rathaus. Anneke de Rudder, who took us on a "1968 Walking Tour" through the German capital, gave us the opportunity to visit the key sites of that historic year.At the GHI, I thank Barbel Bernhardt, Christa Brown, Dieter Schneider, and Barbel Thomas - all of whom were involved in the organization before, during, and after the conference. Pamela Abraham tracked down the copyrights for the illustrations and assisted in assembling the manuscript. Daniel S. Mattern, the series editor at the Institute, deserves a special note of appreciation for guiding us through the difficult process of publishing this collection and for preparing a readable, clear, and concise manuscript. Frank Smith, the executive editor for social sciences at Cambridge University Press, took great interest in this project from the begin-IX X Preface ning and helped bring about its final shape. Further, I thank the two anonymous readers for their very useful critical evaluations of the manuscript. Finally, I thank my two coeditors. Carole Fink provided the original plan, which she presented to me at another GHI conference, in Berkeley, California, in May 1994. In subsequent discussions, we discovered that "1968" is a particularly well-suited topic for understanding the intellectual challenges that increasing global interdependence poses to historians of the twentieth century. We were later joined by Philipp Gassert, who worked with us to organize the conference and edit the book. I shall miss these last three and a half years of spirited collaboration among three very engaged historians. The topic of this book dovetails nicely with the efforts of the GHI in Washington to promote comparative research. In fact, most of the four to five international conferences the Institute rganizes annually are based on this perspective, comparing events, ideas, and structures in the United States and Europe. At times we have even taken a global perspective, with 1968: The World Traniformed being a case in point. In this age of globalization, historians should also become global players - at least mentally.

студентські заворушення -- сексуальна революція -- зміна культурної парадигми -- лібералізація суспільства

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Grossi, Р.
A History of European Law [Electronic resource] / Р. Grossi. - Rome : Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Історія європейського права


Географічні рубрики:

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After accepting the kind offer of Jacques Le Goff and the publisher to compile the volume in the Making of Europe series dedicated to legal history, I found myself faced with an unenviable task. I shall attempt here to sketch the outline of a historical and juridical narrative that spreads over more than fifteen centuries and the entire European continent, whilst following this series’ habitual combination of unstinting intellectual rigour with an equally unstinting accessibility of discussion. I must therefore scrupulously avoid the comfortable recourse of closed scholarly debate, and instead make it a priority to communicate with those outside the limited circle of experts.

юриспруденція -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Chomsky, Aviva.
A History of the Cuban Revolution [Electronic resource] / Aviva Chomsky. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. - 257 p
Переклад назви: Історія кубинської революції

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The books in this series will introduce students to the most signifi cant themes and topics in Latin American history. They represent a novel approach to designing supplementary texts for this growing market. Intended as supplementary textbooks, the books will also discuss the ways in which historians have interpreted these themes and topics, thus demonstrating to students that our understanding of our past is constantly changing, through the emergence of new sources, methodologies, and historical theories. Unlike monographs, the books in this series will be broad in scope and written in a style accessible to undergraduates.

історія -- політика -- конфлікт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Crouzet, F.
A history of the European economy, 1000–2000 [Electronic resource] / F. Crouzet. - London : The University Press of Virginia, 2001. - 351 p
Переклад назви: Історія європейської економіки, 1000-2000


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Considering Europe as a whole rather than as a mosaic of individual states, François Crouzet presents here an accessible, engaging history of the European economy during the second millennium. Stressing the common economic institutions shared over time by the different regions of Europe and the networks of relations that have linked them, Crouzet examines pan-European changes and integration rather than merely the particular experiences of individual countries. A History of the European Economy, 1000-2000 goes beyond addressing the historical ramifications of trade in the European economy to encompass problems such as the diffusion of technology, the migration of capital and labor, diasporas and minorities, and national diversity. By stressing the historical origins of the drive toward European integration and its progress all the way to the birth of the euro, Crouzet delivers an original and comprehensive overview of European economic history.

економіка -- торгівля -- історія Європи

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ki-Moon Lee
A History of the Korean Language [Electronic resource] / Ki-Moon Lee, S. Robert Ramsey. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2011. - 348 p
Переклад назви: Історія корейської мови


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A History of the Korean Language is the first book on the subject ever published in English. It traces the origin, formation, and various historical stages through which the language has passed, from Old Korean through to the present day. Each chapter begins with an account of the historical and cultural background. A comprehensive list of the literature of each period is then provided and the textual record described, along with the script or scripts used to write it. Finally, each stage of the language is analyzed, offering new details supplementing what is known about its phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. The extraordinary alphabetic materials of the 15th and 16th centuries are given special attention, and are used to shed light on earlier, pre-alphabetic periods.

корейська мова -- історична граматика -- переклад

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kasianov, Georgiy.
A laboratory of transnational history [Electronic resource] : ukraine and recent Ukrianian historiography / Georgiy Kasianov. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2009. - 318 p
Переклад назви: Лабораторія транснаціональної історії: Україна і недавня українська історіографія

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This is a first attempt to present an approach to Ukrainian history which goes beyond the standard 'national narrative' schemes, predominant in the majority of post-Soviet countries after 1991, in the years of implementing 'nation-building projects'. An unrivalled collection of essays by the finest scholars in the field from Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, Austria and Canada, superbly written to a high academic standard. The various chapters are methodologically innovative and thought-provoking.The biggest Eastern European country has ancient roots but also the birth pangs of a new autonomous state. Its historiography is characterized by animated debates, in which this book takes a definite stance. The history of Ukraine is not written here as a linear, teleological narrative of ethnic Ukrainians but as a multicultural, multidimensional history of a diversity of cultures, religious denominations, languages, ethical norms, and historical experience. It is not presented as causal explanation of 'what has to have happened' but rather as conjunctures and contingencies, disruptions, and episodes of 'lack of history.

Україна -- історіографія -- національна ідентичність

   Тип видання:   підручник   

A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Recent Ukrainian Historiography [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Kasianov, P. Ther. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Лабораторія транснаціональної історії. Україна і остання українська історіографія


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For almost half a century, Ukrainian history did not exist in Ukraine as an independent field of scholarly research or as a subject of instruction. After the Second World War, the “history of the Ukrainian SSR” was established as a regional subunit of the “History of the USSR.” Outside Ukraine, its history was a subject of scholarly research and ideological interpretation in diaspora historiography and in a few small universitylevel institutions that generally found themselves on the margins of the academic world. After 1991, public demand for accounts of Ukrainian history arose in Ukraine and abroad: in both cases, the motives were purely pragmatic and instrumental. In Ukraine, the overriding concern was to legitimize the state in ideological and “scholarly” terms and provide for the civic education of the nation, which took the form of “creating Ukrainians.” Beyond the borders of the new state, interest in its history was inspired by efforts to understand and explain the current situation: thus, most Western research on Ukraine concentrates on studies in politics, international affairs, economics, and sociology, while historical works are generally either popular outlines or highly specialized investigations.

краєзнавство -- географія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kellehear, Allan.
A social history of dying [Electronic resource] / Allan Kellehear. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 310 p
Переклад назви: Соціальна історія вмирання

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Our experiences of dying have been shaped by ancient ideas about death and social responsibility at the end of life. From Stone Age ideas about dying as otherworld journey to the contemporary Cosmopolitan Age of dying in nursing homes, Allan Kellehear takes the reader on a 2 million year journey of discovery that covers the major challenges we will all eventually face: anticipating, preparing, taming and timing for our eventual deaths. This book, first published in 2007, is a major review of the human and clinical sciences literature about human dying conduct. The historical approach of this book places our recent images of cancer dying and medical care in broader historical, epidemiological and global context. Professor Kellehear argues that we are witnessing a rise in shameful forms of dying. It is not cancer, heart disease or medical science that presents modern dying conduct with its greatest moral tests, but rather poverty, ageing and social exclusion.

танатологія -- смерть -- мораль -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rosenblum, Naomi.
A world history of photography [Electronic resource] / Naomi Rosenblum. - New York : Abbeville Press, 2008. - 712 p
Переклад назви: Всесвітня історія фотографії

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From the camera lucida to the latest in digital image making and computer manipulation, photographic technology has dramatically changed throughout its nearly 200-year history, as succinctly explained and powerfully illustrated in A World History of Photography. Thanks to the unique immediacy with which photography captures perspective and history, the popularity and use of the camera spread rapidly around the globe. Today, photography is ubiquitous: from newspapers and fashion magazines to billboards and the film industry, cultures worldwide have embraced this malleable artistic medium for a limitless variety of purposes.Naomi Rosenblum's classic text investigates all aspects of photography — aesthetic, documentary, commercial, and technical — while placing photos in their historical context. Included among the more than 800 photographs by men and women are both little-known and celebrated masterpieces, arranged in stimulating juxtapositions that illuminate their visual power. Authoritative and unbiased, Rosenblum's chronicle of photography both chronologically and thematically traces the evolution of this still-young art form. Exploring the diverse roles that photography has played in the communication of ideas, Rosenblum devotes special attention to topics such as portraiture, documentation, advertising, and photojournalism, and to the camera as a means of personal artistic expression. The revised fourth edition includes updates on technical advances as well as a new chapter on contemporary photographers. Armed with the expressive vigor of its images, this thorough and accessible volume will appeal to all.

мистецтвознавство -- фотографія -- візуальна культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Derrida, Jacques.
Acts of religion [Electronic resource] / Jacques Derrida ; ed. Gil Anidjar. - New York : Routledge, 2002. - 436 p.
Переклад назви: Закони релігії


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Acts of Religion, compiled in close association with Jacques Derrida, brings together for the first time a number of Derrida's writings on religion and questions of faith and their relation to philosophy and political culture. The essays discuss religious texts from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions, as well as religious thinkers such as Kant, Levinas, and Gershom Scholem, and comprise pieces spanning Derrida's career. The collection includes two new essays by Derrida that appear here for the first time in any language, as well as a substantial introduction by Gil Anidjar that explores Derrida's return to his own "religious" origins and his attempts to bring to light hidden religious dimensions of the social, cultural, historical, and political.

філософія релігії -- релігієзнавство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cane, P.
Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication [Electronic resource] / P. Cane. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Адміністративні трибунали і суддівства


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Among the many constitutional developments of the past century or so, one of the most significant has been the creation and proliferation of institutions that perform functions similar to those performed by courts, but which are considered to be, and in some ways are, different and distinct from courts as traditionally conceived. In much of the common law world, such institutions are called administrative tribunals. Their main function is to adjudicate disputes between citizens and the state by reviewing decisions of government agencies - a function also performed by courts in judicial review proceedings and appeals. Although tribunals in aggregate adjudicate many more such disputes than courts, tribunals and their role as dispensers of administrative justice receive relatively little scholarly attention. This wide-ranging book-length treatment of the subject compares tribunals in three major jurisdictions: the US, the UK, and Australia. It analyzes and offers an account of the concept of administrative adjudication, and traces its historical development from the earliest periods of the common law to the 21st century. There are chapters dealing with the design of tribunals and tribunal systems and with what tribunals do, what they are for, and how they interact with their users. The book ends with a discussion of the place of tribunals in the administrative justice system, and it speculates about possible future developments. Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication - now in paperback - fills a significant gap in the literature and will be of great value to public lawyers and others interested in government accountability.

трибунал -- суд

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Baron, C.
Adobe Photoshop Forensics [Electronic resource] : sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography / C. Baron. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2008. - 364 p.
Переклад назви: Adobe Photoshop Криміналістика: слідчі, істина, штучні фотографії


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Thanks to TV's crime scene investigation shows, forensic technology has entered popular culture. Combining puzzle solving and a dramatic storyline, these shows fascinate audiences as high-tech procedures uncover the truths hidden in seemingly insignificant clues. What many people may not realize is that forensic teams also use items they probably have in their own homes Â- digital cameras, computers, and Photoshop image editing software. "Adobe Photoshop Forensics: Sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography" shows you how Photoshop is used to create many types of fakery and fraud, including scientific, counterfeiting, art, journalism, and political propaganda. You'll discover that with some basic training in Photoshop's manipulation capabilities and a critical eye, you too can see through photographic hoaxes. Follow along as each chapter explores a different genre of real-life frauds, both historical and current, and explains how the fakery was or could be detected. A featured case file in each chapter carefully deconstructs a faked image so you can see the methods and processes followed by the image editing professionals who solve - and the perpetrators who commit - a variety of crimes. Even if you've never considered altering an image or becoming a crime scene investigator, you'll get a kick out of discovering the how and why behind both famous and common acts of image fraud with "Adobe Photoshop Forensics!"

фотографія -- шахрайство -- редагування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Foot, Sarah.
Aethelstan [Electronic resource] : the first king of England / Sarah Foot. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2011. - 305 p
Переклад назви: Етельстан: перший король Англії

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It has proved an odd experience to find myself writing a biography at thesame time as my husband, the modern British historian and historiographe Michael Bentley. While I have explored a shadowy tenth-century king, he has worked on the life of a leading twentieth-century historian, Regius Professor, head of a Cambridge college and Vice-Chancellor of his university. Outwardly, our tasks could not be more different: his subject, Sir Herbert Butterfield, left not only a large body of historical writing but also a huge personal archive, complemented by a wider public record. Mine left no personal records at all and, despite his claim to fame as England’s first monarch, is ill-attested in the contemporary record and subsequent historiography. Yet in many ways we have grappled with similar difficulties and have benefited substantially from sharing our methodological perspectives. This life reflects that mutual journey towards making our subjects biographable. ithout Michael’s historical perceptions, his unsentimental criticism and unstinting support, this book would have been greatly impoverished; it is dedicated to him with loving gratitude. He bears no responsibility, however, for my decision to make the attempt, which is one I owe to my former research students, particularly Morn Capper and Martha Riddiford. It was they who first persuaded me that I should resurrect a project first begun as an undergraduate and revitalized by the invitation to write a short biography of бthelstan for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. They went on asking, ‘How’s бthelstan?’ at regular intervals not only until I started to write, but whenever I seemed to be flagging as the project progressed. I hope they – and also Geoff Little, who took with typical equanimity this invasion onto what he might have seen as his own territory – feel that the resulting book was worth the wait. Simon Keynes has been a constant source of information and advice throughout the gestation of the project; he supervised the original BA dissertation from which all followed and has continued to offer help and stimulating advice throughout. That I have not always followed his lead is not for want of his trying to persuade me to see things differently. I could not have completed this without his guidance. At a critical moment – when the project seemed to have flagged to the point of morbidity – Nicholas Brooks provided a badly needed appraisal of what ought to happen, the more valuable for his robust refusal to soften critical recommendations. Susan Kelly has consistently provided much support and substantial assistance with the charter material. I am extremely grateful to George Molyneaux for sharing a chapter of his Oxford DPhil thesis with me and for reading and commenting in detail on two of my chapters, thereby saving me from numerous errors and infelicities. Jinty Nelson and Edmund King have also struggled with writing lives of medieval kings, albeit ones whom history has served a good deal better than бthelstan, and I am grateful for a number of discussions over the years and their advice on specific problems. The completion of the project would have been impossible without a research leave award from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, for which I acknowledge my gratitude, and also to the History Department at Sheffield for matching that leave and releasing me from teaching and especially administrative burdens. In the final stages my new colleagues in Oxford have offered continuing support. Among them I should thank particularly Judith Maltby, whose sense of what a seventeenth-century king might do and think have often provided helpful comparisons, and also John Watts, who once approached a medieval English monarch’s life from an entirely different perspective. Latterly, Laura Ashe has provided a useful foil on whom to bounce some of my wilder ideas and an invaluable source of advice on points of detail, especially in the translation of Old and Middle English.

Альбіон -- історія Англії -- монархія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Lynch, Patricia Ann.
African mythology A to Z [Electronic resource] / P. A. Lynch. - 2nd ed.. - New York : Chelsea House, 2010. - 176 p.. - (Mythology A to Z)
Переклад назви: Африканська міфологія від А до Я


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The first humans may have come from Africa, and many great civilizations have flourished there. From the long history of human habitation in Africa; the diverse geography, flora, and fauna of the continent; and the variety of African cultural beliefs comes a fascinating and strong tradition of myth. African Mythology A to Z is a readable reference to the deities, places, events, animals, beliefs, and other subjects that appear in the myths of various African peoples. With nearly 300 entries written to inform and appeal to young people - and illustrations accompanying the text throughout - this valuable resource sheds light on a subject that many Americans, young and old, find themselves drawn to study. With an introduction that provides historical context for better understanding the myths, African Mythology A to Z fully describes, defines, and explains key stories, characters, themes, and other aspects of the myths of African peoples.

анімізм -- метемпсихоз -- тотемізм -- демонологія -- трикстери -- чаклунство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

After Enron [Electronic resource] : improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US / ed. J. Armour, J. A. McCahery. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2006. - 718 p.
Переклад назви: Після Enron: вдосконалення корпоративного права і цінних паперів Модернізація регулювання в Європі і США


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At the end of the 20th century, it was thought by many that the Anglo-American system of corporate governance was performing effectively and some observers claimed to see an international trend towards convergence around this model. There can be no denying that the recent corporate governance crisis in the US has caused many to question their faith in this view. This collection of essays by the leading British and American scholars provides a comprehensive attempt to answer the following questions: firstly, What went wrong—when and why do markets misprice the value of firms, and what was wrong with the incentives set by Enron? What has been done in response, and how well will it work? This study includes essays on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US, UK company law reform, and European company law and auditor liability reform, along with a consideration of corporate governance reforms in historical perspective. Three approaches emerge. The first two approaches share the premise that the system is fundamentally sound, but these approaches part ways over whether a regulatory response is required. The third view, in contrast, argues that the various scandals demonstrate fundamental weaknesses in the Anglo-American system itself, which cannot hope to be repaired by the sort of reforms that have taken place.

право -- цінні папери

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta.
AIDS [Electronic resource] / S. Bardhan-Quallen. - Farmington Hills : Thomson Gale, 2005. - 112 p.. - (Diseases and disasters)
Переклад назви: СНІД


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Since the dawn of civilization, nothing has so puzzled people— and often frightened them, as well—as the onset of illness in a body or mind that had seemed healthy before. A seizure, the inability of a heart to pump, the sudden deterioration of muscle tone in a small child—being unable to reverse such conditions or even to understand why they occur was unspeakably frustrating to healers. Even before there were names for such conditions, even before they were understood at all, each was a reminder of how complex the human body was, and how vulnerable. While our grappling with understanding diseases has been frustrating at times, it has also provided some of humankind’s most heroic accomplishments. Alexander Fleming’s accidental discovery in 1928 of a mold that could be turned into penicillin has resulted in the saving of untold millions of lives. The isolation of the enzyme insulin has reversed what was once a death sentence for anyone with diabetes. There have been great strides in combating conditions for which there is not yet a cure, too. Medicines can help AIDS patients live longer, diagnostic tools such as mammography and ultrasounds can help doctors find tumors while they are treatable, and laser surgery techniques have made the most intricate, minute operations routine. This “toe-to-toe” competition with diseases and disorders is even more remarkable when seen in a historical continuum. An astonishing amount of progress has been made in a very short time. Just two hundred years ago, the existence of germs as a cause of some diseases was unknown. In fact, it was less than 150 years ago that a British surgeon named Joseph Lister had difficulty persuading his fellow doctors that washing their hands before delivering a baby might increase the chances of a healthy delivery (especially if they had just attended to a diseased patient)! Each book in Lucent’s Diseases and Disorders series explores a disease or disorder and the knowledge that has been accumulated (or discarded) by doctors through the years. Each book also examines the tools used for pinpointing a diagnosis, as well as the various means that are used to treat or cure a disease. Finally, new ideas are presented—techniques or medicines that may be on the horizon. Frustration and disappointment are still part of medicine, for not every disease or condition can be cured or prevented. But the limitations of knowledge are being pushed outward constantly; the “most difficult puzzles ever devised” are finding challengers every day.

хвороба -- епідемія -- профілактика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Daniels, Roger.
American immigration [Electronic resource] : a student companion / Roger Daniels. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 304 p. - (Student Companions to American History)
Переклад назви: Американська імміграція: довідник студента


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"Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history," wrote historian Oscar Handlin. Immigrants and generations of their descendants have defined the American nation from its beginning and continue to provide America's characteristic diversity, representing practically every race, nationality, religion, and ethnic group around the world. Some immigrants came to the New World in search of economic gain. Others were brought in chains. Still others found refuge in America from religious or ethnic persecution. This single-volume encyclopedia includes more than 300 entries, covering multiple aspects of immigration history and policy: ethnic groups, including census and immigration statistics, major periods of immigration and areas of settlement, predominant religion, and historical background key immigration legislation, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Act of 1990, and Refugee Act of 1980 terms and concepts, including green card, quota system, citizen, naturalization, picture brides, and nativism categories of immigrants, including refugees, indentured servants, children, and exiles immigration stations: Angel Island, Castle Garden, and Ellis Island religious groups and churches, such as Amish, Huguenots, Muslims, and Eastern Rite churches further reading lists and cross-references follow each entry An introductory essay provides a cogent overview of the entire scope of the book. More than 150 photographs and illustrations complement the entries. Statistical boxes supplement the articles with key information. A list of immigration, ethnic, and refugee organizations; a guide to further research that includes books, museums, and websites; and a detailed chronology conclude this useful resource for research in American history, ethnic and multicultural studies, and genealogy. Oxford's Student Companions to American History are state-of-the-art references for school and home, specifically designed and written for ages 12 through adult. Each book is a concise but comprehensive A-to-Z guide to a major historical period or theme in U.S. history, with articles on key issues and prominent individuals. The authors--distinguished scholars well-known in their areas of expertise--ensure that the entries are accurate, up-to-date, and accessible. Special features include an introductory section on how to use the book, further reading lists, cross-references, chronology, and full index.

імміграція -- населення США -- демографічна політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

An historical sketch of the Toronto young men's christian association [Electronic resource]. - Toronto : YMCA, 1913. - 64 p.
Переклад назви: Історичний нарис християнського молодого чоловічого товариства в Торонто

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O-DAY is rooted in yesterday. The harvest of the autumn presupposes the plowing and sowing of the spring. The men of the present are the inheritors of the past and are never the earners of their best possessions. No nationality, university, business, church, association is wise to forget its debt to the men who wrought in the times of its beginning. The men responsible for the guiding of the vessel, as it safely bears its present cargo, ought to remember gratefully those who laid the ship's keel and made the anvils ring in patient preparation.

президент -- політична посада -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hanhimäki, Jussi M..
An International History of Terrorism [Electronic resource] : western and non-Western experiences / J. M. Hanhimäki, B. Blumenau. - London : Routledge, 2013. - 331 p
Переклад назви: Міжнародна історія тероризму: західний та незахідний досвід


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The aim of this book is to provide readers with the tools to understand the historical evolution of terrorism and counterterrorism over the past 150 years. In order to appreciate the contemporary challenges posed by terrorism it is necessary to look at its evolution, at the different phases it has gone through, and the transformations it has experienced. The same applies to the solutions that states have come up with to combat terrorism: the nature of terrorism changes but still it is possible to learn from past experiences even though they are not directly applicable to the present. This book provides a fresh look at the history of terrorism by providing in-depth analysis of several important terrorist crises and the reactions to them in the West and beyond. The general framework is laid out in four parts: terrorism prior to the Cold War, the Western experience with terrorism, non-Western experiences with terrorism, and contemporary terrorism and anti-terrorism. The issues covered offer a broad range of historical and current themes, many of which have been neglected in existing scholarship; it also features a chapter on the waves phenomenon of terrorism against its international background. This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism studies, political violence, international history, security studies and IR.

тероризм -- історія -- досвід

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Edmundson, W. A.
An introduction to rights [Electronic resource] / W. A. Edmundson. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2004. - 238 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до права


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An Introduction to Rights is the only accessible and readable introduction to the history, logic, moral implications, and political tendencies of the idea of rights. It is organized chronologically and discusses important historical events such as the French Revolution. It deals with historical figures, including Grotius, Paley, Hobbes, Locke, Bentham, Burke, Godwin, Mill, and Hohfeld, and covers contemporary debates, including consequentialism versus contractualism. Rights come in various types – human, moral, civil, political, and legal – and claims about who has a right, and to what, are often contested.What are rights? Are they timeless and universal, or merely conventional? How are they related to other morally significant values, such as well-being, autonomy, and community? Can animals have rights? Or fetuses? Do we have a right to do as we please so long aswe do not harmothers? ProfessorWilliam A. Edmundson addresses these issues from both philosophical and legal perspectives.

правознавство -- юриспруденція

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