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   Тип видання:   художня література   

Dovzhenko, Olexandr.
The Enchanted Desna [Electronic resource] : a film story / O. Dovzhenko. - Kiev : Dnipro Publishers, 1982. - 72 p.
Переклад назви: Зачарована Десна: кіноповість


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Olexandr Dovzhenko (1894-1956) was on outstanding Soviet Ukrainian film director, prose and scenario writer, and winner of USSR State prizes and the Lenin Prize. In 1958, at an international film festival in Brussels, his film The Land was included in the twelve best motion pictures of all times and peoples. Dovzhenko influenced the cinema of many countries, especially Italy. Dovzhenko’s world outlook and creative methods were shaped by the October Socialist Revolution of 1917. His films are a whole epoch in the history of Soviet cinema. With a great deal of mastery they depict the heroic struggle of our people in establishing Soviet power (Arsenal, 1929; Shchors, 1930), the socialist changes in the countryside (The Land, 1930), the courage and devotion of the Soviet people in the war against fascism (The Story of the Fiery Years, 1944-1945), and the moral grandeur of his contemporaries building the bright future of their country (A Poem about the Sea, 1956). Epic treatment of themes and profound lyricism are the main features of Dovzhenko’s works. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Dovzhenko wrote several stories, sketches and publicistic articles. His best stories — Mother, The Night before the Battle, and It Cannot Be Forgotten — express his firm belief in the Soviet people’s victory over the nazi invaders. In 1942, in his diary, Dovzhenko made the first entries about his childhood, which he later used in the autobiographical story The Enchanted Desna (1954-1955). It was not without reason that during this severe time for his country he wanted to write a book about the formation of a generation which was to build a new world and later defend it in the years of hard trials. The Enchanted Desna is a real poem about the making of man, the moral beauty of those who work the land, and the charming nature of the author’s native countryside. The story is imbued with deep lyricism and gentle humor. It would not be far-fetched to say that by writing this realistic and philosophical story Olexandr Dovzhenko provided his readers with a key to understanding his entire heritage.

українська література -- український кінематограф -- автобіографічна повість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jensen, Jorgen.
The prehistory of Denmark [Electronic resource] / Jorgen Jensen. - London : Routledge, 1982. - 350 p
Переклад назви: Прадавня історія Данії


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This book was written to present a general survey of the prehistory of Denmark as it has emergedafter the past decade of research. Up to the 1960s Danish archaeology was dominated by a handful of distinguished scholars: Sophus Müller, Johannes Brøndsted, Gudmund Hatt, P.V. Glob,and C.J.Becker. Moreover the discipline was strongly influenced by conti nental modes of thought, and the chronological problems were still the main focus of research. However, in Denmark as in other European countries, the 1960s became a period of change. A wave of new theories did away with the old diffusionistic framework. Many scholars spoke of a crisis in the profession. But as elsewhere in the west, the 1960s also marked the beginning of a rich productivity in the field, and today we can speak of at least three contrasting theoretical perspectives in Danish archaeology: positivist, marxist and structuralist. Each one of themhasbeen able to open up fruitful perspectives for future research. These changes first developed afterthe publication of the last major survey of Danish archaeology to be translated for readers outside Denmark, Johannes Brøndsted’s Nordische Vorzeit from 1960–3. It therefore seemed quite clear that both students and teachers in other countries would have need of a general introduction to theperspectives recently opened in Danish archaeology. It is this need which the present book see ks to meet. To be sure, many of the conclusions are preliminary, because detailed, systematic andup-todate studies are still required in many fields. Despite this lack, I have written the present boo k in the hope of providing a synthesis of the 10,000 years of Danish prehistory up to theearlystate formation of the Viking period. This wo rk could not have been written without theinspiration of many discussions with colleag ues in Denmark and abroad, too numerous to be me ntioned here. However, I owe special thanks to Professor Olaf Olsen, State Antiquary and Director of the National Museum of Denmark, who in 1975 encouraged me to write this book; to Professor J. Desmond Clark, University of California, Berkeley, who extended his generous hospitality to me during a stay in Berkeley in 1980; to Professor John Coles, University of Cambridge, who willingly offered advice in the preparation of this English edition; and finally to the Danish Research Council for the Humanities, which supported this project financially. I also wish to thank my wife, Barbara Bluestone, who did the translation and without whose endless patience, support and linguistic help this work could not have been completed.

історія Данії -- юти -- дани -- вікінги

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gellner, Ernest.
Muslim Society [Electronic resource] / Ernest Gellner. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1983. - 276 p
Переклад назви: Мусульманське суспільство


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Of all the great world religions, Islam appears to have the most powerful political appeal in the twentieth century. It sustains some severely traditional and conservative regimes, but it is also capable of generating intense revolutionary ardour and of blending with extreme social radicalism. As an agent of political mobilisation, it seems to be overtaking Marxism, arid surpassing all other religions. The present book seeks the roots of this situation in the past. The traditional Muslim society of the arid zone has, in the past, displayed remarkable stability and homogeneity, despite great political fragmentation, and the absence of a centralised religious hierarchy. The book explores the mechanisms which have contributed to this result - a civilisation in which (in the main) weak states co-existed with a strong culture, which had a powerful hold over the populations under its sway. A literate Great Tradition, in the keeping of urban scholars, lived side by side with a more emotive, ecstatic folk tradition, ill tile keeping of holy lineages, religious brotherhoods and freelance saints. One tradition was sustained by the urban trading class and periodically swept the rest of the society in waves of revivalist enthusiasm; the other was based on the multiple functions it performed in rural tribal society and amongst the urban poor. The two traditions were intertwined, yet remained in latent tension which from time to time came to tile surface. The book traces the manner in which the impact of the modern world, acting through colonialism arid industrialisation upset the once stable balance, and helped the erstwhile urban Great Tradition to become the pervasive arid dominant one, culminating in the zealous arid radical Islam which is so prominent now. The argument is both formulated in the abstract and illustrated by a series of case studies and examinations of specific aspects, and critical examinations of rival interpretations.

арабські етноси -- іслам -- халіфат -- мусульмани

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Rigaud, M.
Secrets Of Voodoo [Electronic resource] / M. Rigaud. - San Francisco : City Lights Books, 1985. - 224 p.
Переклад назви: Таємниці вуду


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Secrets of Voodoo traces the development of this complex religion (in Haiti and the Americas) from its sources in the brilliant civilizations of ancient Africa. This book presents a straightforward account of the gods or loas and their function, the symbols and signs, rituals, the ceremonial calendar of Voodoo, and the procedures for performing magical rites are given. “Voodoo,” derived from words meaning “introspection” and “mystery,” is a system of belief about the formation of the world and human destiny with clear correspondences in other world religions. Rigaud makes these connections and discloses the esoteric meaning underlying Voodoo’s outward manifestations, which are often misinterpreted. Translated from the French by Robert B. Cross. Drawings and photographs by Odette Mennesson-Rigaud. Milo Rigaud was born in Port au Prince, Haiti, in 1903, where he spent the greater part of his life studying the Voodoo tradition. In Haiti he studied law, and in France ethnology, psychology, and theology. The involvement of Voodoo in the political struggle of Haitian blacks for independence was one of his main concerns.

Гаїті -- містерія -- чаклунство -- вроки

   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

Letterman, B.
Superdioramas [Electronic resource] / B. Letterman, L. Prineau. - Lier : Verlinden Publications, 1986. - 49 p.
Переклад назви: Великогабаритні діорами

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With a very suitable title, this book highlights the work of two very accomplished and ambitious modelers, Lewis Pruneau and Bob Letterman, both of which were inspired and befriended by Francois Verlinden early in his career. Francois immediately published this first book dedicated to their work in order to introduce them to the rest of the scale modeling community. The book focuses on only three pieces of their work, but in reality a book could easily have been made for each of these massive pieces. The first piece, entitled The Paris Gun, is a 1:35 scale monster of a German railroad mounted gun built from scratch by Lewis Pruneau. Depicted in a diorama as it appeared during construction in the factory, this piece is comprehensively detailed from every side to a very high level of realism. The next piece, also by Lewis, is of a dry-docked German experimental U-Boat undergoing maintenance. Again, the entire piece is built from scratch, with many photographs taken during construction. This piece truly illustrates the talents of this bold modeler. The final article focuses on a miniature city in 1:35 scale by Bob Letterman. Depicting a French city undergoing liberation from the Germans by Pattons forces during WWII, it truly must be seen to be believed. Although the main theme is clearly shown in the form of U.S. Army convoys moving past columns of German P.O.W.s in the city, seemingly countless details can be seen, from individual vignettes on street corners, to different European architectural styles. This book is a must for every modeler, artist, military enthusiast, and history buff.

історичне моделювання -- образотворче мистецтво

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Boardman, J.
The Oxford history of the classical world [Electronic resource] / J. Boardman, J. Griffin, O. Murray. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1986. - 882 p.
Переклад назви: Оксфордська історія класичного світу


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The history, achievements, and enduring legacies of Greek and Roman antiquity come to life in the pages of this comprehensive and beautifully illustrated volume. Following a format similar to that of The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, the book brings together the work of thirty outstanding authorities and organizes their contributions into three main sections. The first section covers Greece from the eighth to the fourth centuries B.C., a period unparalleled in history for its brilliance in literature, philosophy, and the visual arts. The second section deals with the Hellinization of the Middle East by the monarchies established in the areas conquered by Alexander the Great, the growth of Rome, and the impact of the two cultures on one another. The third section covers the foundation of the Roman Empire by Augustus and its consolidation in the first two centuries A.D. A short concluding essay discusses certain aspects of the later Empire and its influence on Western civilization, notably through the adoption of Christianity. Within each section, chapters dealing with political and social history alternate with chapters on literature, philosophy, and the arts. Maps and chronological charts--not to mention more than 250 illustrations, including sixteen in color--enrich the basic text, along with bibliographies and a full index.

античність -- філософія -- імперія -- мистецтво

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, II [Electronic resource] / ed. V. Dahl, P. Saint-Dizier. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1988. - 353 p.
Переклад назви: Розуміння природної мови і логіки програмування


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Natural language parsing was one of the main motivations from which Prolog was developed Metamorphosis grammars, designed by Alain Colmerauer at GIA Marseille, was the first logic-based formalism for natural language parsing These grammars have inspired a number of other logic-based grammar formalisms and implementations which are now commonly used and some of which are still under intense research. These formalisms are very close per se to Metamorphosis grammar, some of them were motivated by the need to enhance the ease of writing grammar rules, others support deeper linguistic motivations and concepts. Natural language semantics and pragmatics are now two major fields in linguistics, philosophy as well as artificial intelligence and, obviously, computational linguistics. Surprisingly enough, up to now, this area was somewhat neglected, except by a small number of researchers among us. With the development of large and efficient Prolog interpreters and compilers and with the expansion of the theoretical aspects of Logic Programming, the study of natural language semantics and related pragmatic aspects is now becoming a very attractive topic.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Horgan, M. O`C.
The Foundations of Engineering Contracts [Electronic resource] / M. O`C. Horgan, F. R. Roulston. - London : Routledge, 1989. - 208 p.
Переклад назви: Основи інженерної контрактів


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This highly readable guide explains the main features of contracts applicable to the design, construction and servicing of civil, building, electrical or mechanical works. The emphasis throughout is on practical guidance, with clear explanations of the essential elements including legality, uncertainty, undue influence, agencies, overseas works, sub-contracts and quality assurance. Numerous appendices give common terms used in contracts, typical sets of standard conditions and further useful information. The book is particularly suitable for those new to the subject who will find practical guidance on understanding contracts in a wide range of civil engineering and construction works.

будівництво -- закони -- контракти

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hudak, P.
Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages [Electronic resource] / P. Hudak. - New York : ACM Computing Surveys, 1989. - 53 p.
Переклад назви: Концепція, еволюція та застосування функціональних мов програмування


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The foundations of functional programming languages are examined from both historical and technical perspectives. Their evolution is traced through several critical periods: early work on lambda calculus and combinatory calculus, Lisp, Iswim, FP, ML, and modern functional languages such as Miranda1 and Haskell. The fundamental premises on which the functional programming methodology stands are critically analyzed with respect to philosophical, theoretical, and pragmatic concerns. Particular attention is paid to the main features that characterize modern functional languages: higher-order functions, lazy evaluation, equations and pattern matching, strong static typing and type inference, and data abstraction. In addition, current research areas—such as parallelism, nondeterminism, input/output, and state-oriented computations—are examined with the goal of predicting the future development and application of functional languages.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hayes, Thomas C..
The Art of Electronics Student Manual [Electronic resource] / Thomas C. Hayes, Paul Horowitz. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1989. - 620 p
Переклад назви: Мистецтво електроніки: посібник для студентів


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This manual is both a guide and aid to users of The Art of Electronics. It is carefully organized to follow the chapters of the main text, providing extra explanatory notes, worked examples, solutions to selected exercises and laboratory exercises. Learning aids such as glossaries, reading assignments, objectives, data sheets and summaries are also included. The manual is a product of many years' teaching at Harvard University, which has given the authors direct knowledge of concepts that students find difficult. The extra explanatory detail makes this manual an essential purchase for students using The Art of Electronics.

електроніка -- інженерія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

White, S. K.
The Cambridge companion to Habermas [Electronic resource] / S. K. White. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995. - 354 p.. - (The Cambridge Companion)
Переклад назви: Кембриджський компаньйон Хабермас


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Jurgen Habermas is unquestionably one of the foremost philosophers writing today. His notions of communicative action and rationality have exerted a profound influence within philosophy and the social sciences. This volume examines the historical and intellectual contexts out of which Habermas' work emerged, and offers an overview of his main ideas, including those in his most recent publication. Amongst the topics discussed are his relationship to the Frankfurt School of critical theory and Marx, his unique contributions to the philosophy of the social sciences, the concept of 'communicative ethics', and the critique of post-modernism. New readers and non-specialists will find this the most convenient, accessible guide to Habermas currently available. Advanced students will find a conspectus of recent developments in the interpretation of Habermas.

публікація -- комунікативна етика

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Austin, J.
The Province of Jurisprudence Determined [Electronic resource] / J. Austin. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995. - 298 p.
Переклад назви: Провінція певної юриспруденції


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The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (1832) is a classic of nineteenth-century English jurisprudence, a subject on which Austin eventually had a profound impact. This edition includes the complete and unabridged text of the fifth (1885) and last edition. The comprehensive introduction discusses Austin's life, the main themes of his book, leading criticisms of his ideas, and recent interpretations of his legal philosophy. A bibliography and biographical synopses of the principal figures mentioned in the text are also included.

філософія права -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Firewalls Complete [Electronic resource]. - New York : The MCGraw-Hill, 1997
Переклад назви: Міжмережеві екрани


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The Internet is an all pervasive entity in today’s world of computing. To cope with the "wild" Internet, several security mechanisms were developed, among them access controls, authentication schemes and firewalls, as one of the most secure methods. However, firewall means different things for different people. Consider the fable from India about the blind men and the elephant. Each blind man touched a different part of the elephant and came up with a totally different description. The blind man who touched the elephant’s legs described it as being similar to a tree. Another blind man touched the tail and decided an elephant was like a twig. Yet another grabbed the trunk and concluded an elephant was like a snake. To some computer professionals, even to some of those in charge of Internet security, firewalls are just "walls of fire" blocking hackers outside of it. To some others, it is only a form of authentication mechanism. Some other folks consider firewalls to be synonymous with routers. Obviously, a firewall is much more than any of these individually. The problem is only compounded by the fact that for a lot of computer and security professionals, firewalls was touched upon only fleetingly in their academic career, worse, they bumped into it at the computer room. Also, a lot of the important parts and features of firewall are recent innovations, and thus were never covered in an academic career or most of the 1995-1996 firewall books at all, which further aggravates the problem as of right now there is no one single book these professionals can turn to. Their only resource is to peruse a wide array of literature including textbooks, web pages, computer magazines, white papers, etc. This book, the Complete Firewall Handbook, aims to become your companion book, the one you will always want to carry with you, as it does claim to be complete! I can assure you, there may be some similar books on the market, but none is complete as this one, none provides a reference guide as this one. The other titles I know are either discussing a specific technology and strategy or a product. Although you can compare this book to those, as it also covers the firewall technologies, strategies and all the main firewall products on the market, this one goes beyond the scope of the other ones. In addition, it provides a complete reference guide of the various protocols, including the upcoming ones (IPV6, for example) and how firewalling fits into it. In fact, this book adds a next level to your expertise by discussing all the components that makes the Internet, and any other network for that matter, unsecured: it discuss and describes in details all the protocols, standards and APIs used on internetworking, as well as the security mechanisms, from cryptograph to firewalls. Later on the book there is a "reference" section with a complete review of the major firewall products available on the market to date, a selection of tools, applications and many firewall demos and evaluations, which were all bundled together on the CD the accompanies this book. This book is aimed primarily to network administrators, including Web, systems, LAN and WAN Administrators. But it is also target to the new breed of professionals, the so called Internet Managers, as well as to anyone in need of a complete reference book in firewalls. As you read this book you will notice that what separates it from others is that this one is comprehensive, and gives the technical information necessary to understand, choose, install, maintain e foresee future needs involving firewalls and security at a very informal level. It has a conversational style with practical information, tips and cautions, to help the Internet, network and security administrator to cope, and "survive," their tasks and responsibilities. As important as implementing firewalls at your site, it must be preceded of a security policy that takes in consideration services to be blocked and allowed. It should also consider implementation of authentication and encryption devices and the level of risks you are willing to undertake in order to be connected to the Internet. This book will discuss all of these topics and the issues it brings up when dealing with site security and administration. It will go over all the services, such as TELNET, FTP, Web, e-mail, news, etc.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bowen, D. K.
High Resolution X-ray Diffractometry and Topography [Electronic resource] / D. K. Bowen, B. K. Tanner. - London : Taylor & Francis, 1998. - 267 p.
Переклад назви: Висока роздільна здатність рентгенівської дифрактометрії та топографії


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The study and application of electronic materials has created an increasing demand for sophisticated and reliable techniques for examining and characterizing these materials. This comprehensive book looks at the area of x-ray diffraction and the modern techniques available for deployment in research, development, and production. It provides the theoretical and practical background for applying these techniques in scientific and industrial materials characterization. The main aim of the book is to map the theoretical and practical background necessary to the study of single crystal materials by means of high-resolution x-ray diffraction and topography. It combines mathematical formalisms with graphical explanations and hands-on practical advice for interpreting data.

промені -- фізика -- топографія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Andrew, Christopher.
The Sword and the Shield [Electronic resource] : the Mitrokhin archive and the secret history of the KGB / Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin. - New York : Basic Books, 1999. - 753 p
Переклад назви: Щит і меч: архів Мітрохіна і таємна історія КДБ


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The Sword and the Shieldis based on one of the most extraordinary intelligence coups of recent times: a secret archive of top-level KGB documents smuggled out of the Soviet Union which the FBI has described, after close examination, as the "most complete and extensive intelligence ever received from any source." Its presence in the West represents a catastrophic hemorrhage of the KGB’s secrets and reveals for the first time the full extent of its worldwide network.Vasili Mitrokhin, a secret dissident who worked in the KGB archive, smuggled out copies of its most highly classified files every day for twelve years. In 1992, a U.S. ally succeeded in exfiltrating the KGB officer and his entire archive out of Moscow. The archive covers the entire period from the Bolshevik Revolution to the 1980s and includes revelations concerning almost every country in the world. But the KGB's main target, of course, was the United States.Though there is top-secret material on almost every country in the world, the United States is at the top of the list. As well as containing many fascinating revelations, this is a major contribution to the secret history of the twentieth century.Among the topics and revelations explored are: The KGB’s covert operations in the United States and throughout the West, some of which remain dangerous today. KGB files on Oswald and the JFK assassination that Boris Yeltsin almost certainly has no intention of showing President Clinton. The KGB’s attempts to discredit civil rights leader in the 1960s, including its infiltration of the inner circle of a key leader. The KGB’s use of radio intercept posts in New York and Washington, D.C., in the 1970s to intercept high-level U.S. government communications. The KGB’s attempts to steal technological secrets from major U.S. aerospace and technology corporations. KGB covert operations against former President Ronald Reagan, which began five years before he became president. KGB spies who successfully posed as U.S. citizens under a series of ingenious disguises, including several who attained access to the upper echelons of New York society.

КДБ -- історія -- таємниця

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Navia, Luis E..
The adventure of philosophy [Electronic resource] / Luis E. Navia. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 1999. - 174 p
Переклад назви: Пригоди філософії


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Well-written and engaging, this volume explores the most important questions and issues that have absorbed philosophers over the past twenty-five centuries. The quest to define reality, the problem of the existence of God, the search for moral values, the problem of evil, the discovery of the self, and other philosophical issues are clearly outlined in six thematic chapters. The ideas of ancient, medieval, and modern philosophers are integrated into a reflective and compelling narrative, which aims at emphasizing the timeless relevance of these questions and concerns and at eliciting from the readers their own responses to the issues raised. The book includes a comprehensive bibliography and two extensive glossaries that outline the theories of all the philosophers mentioned and explain the main philosophical terms used in the text. Designed specifically for undergraduate students taking their first courses in philosophy and for anybody who wishes to gain acquaintance with the subject, this comprehensive volume sheds light on the significance of the philosophical adventure.

філософія -- історія філософії

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Goulding, S.
Company law [Electronic resource] / S. Goulding. - 2nd. ed.. - London : Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999. - 479 p.
Переклад назви: Корпоративне право


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It is well recognised that company law is a large and complex subject which has expanded rapidly in volume in recent years. Added to this is the continual reform to the existing law. This is partly due to the need to comply with obligations imposed on the United Kingdom from Brussels, but partly because of the increasing complexity of commercial life generally. There is no sign that the growth and reform is at an end. In addition, there are now two established series of specialist company law reports (Butterworths Company Law Cases and British Company Cases) which have obviously resulted in many more cases reaching the public domain for comment and analysis. Further, no work on Company Law can now ignore the extra-legal controls and influences on director’s conduct contained in the recent reports on corporate governance nor the proposals for reform put forward, in particular, by the Law Commission. This edition deals with the main features of both the Law Commission’s Report on Shareholder Remedies and the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on the reform of director’s duties.

законодавство -- корпоративні відносини

   Тип видання:   словник   

Olson, James S..
Historical dictionary of the 1960s [Electronic resource] / J. S. Olson. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 1999. - 556 p.
Переклад назви: Історичний словник шістдесятих


Географічні рубрики:

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There is a schizophrenic quality to American life in the 1960s. Perhaps the term ‘‘manic’’ decade would be appropriate. Few other eras in U.S. history have begun with more optimistic promise and ended in more pessimistic despair. When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in January 1961, the United States was the hope of the world, the repository of morality and power, and the president pretended to have the will to exercise that virtue and might in support of freedom, democracy, capitalism, and progress. Ten years later, American power abroad seemed wasted, even dissipated, in the jungles of Indochina, and critics at home cast doubt on whether the United States really was the ‘‘land of the free and the home of the brave.’’ The assassination of President John F. Kennedy marked the beginning of the change, but it was followed by other assassinations, the civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, the youth rebellion, campus protest, and repeated riots in American cities, all of which blamed the country’s problems on its existing institutions. Americans had long held the view that the United States was a democratic, egalitarian nation, but protests from African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and women brought that conviction into doubt. The idea that the Constitution protected the average citizen from abuses of government power came into question over Vietnam and the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Finally, Americans had long prided themselves on being the world’s only hope for downtrodden, oppressed people, but as the Vietnam War escalated in the 1960s, the image of the United States as a global bully became much more common. In Historical Dictionary of the 1960s, I have tried to take an encyclopedic look at the decade. Readers should know that I wrote all of the unsigned entries. An asterisk following a term indicates that it is a main entry. In addition to biographies of prominent individuals, I have included a variety of political, military, social, cultural, religious, economic, and diplomatic topics that made the 1960s a very unique decade in U.S. history. I wish to express my gratitude to the other contributors and to my editors at the Greenwood Publishing Group, who have been most patient and understanding. The staff of the Newton Gresham Library at Sam Houston State University has been particularly helpful.

війна у В'єтнамі -- рок-н-ролл -- убивство Кеннеді -- історія епохи

   Тип видання:   словник   

Oran, D.
Oran’s Dictionary of the Law [Electronic resource] / D. Oran, M. Tosti. - 3rd. ed.. - Albany : West Legal Studies Staff, 2000. - 580 p.
Переклад назви: Правовий словник Орана


Географічні рубрики:

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Orans Dictionary of the Law is the clearest and easiest to use dictionary on the market. The only major law dictionary created for paralegals and law-related professionals, this comprehensive version has nearly 6,000 main headings and 12,000 definitions. It can be used as a reference tool or as an informal method of learning more about the law. Oran's also identifies the "legalese" that gets in the way of clear thinking and writing, has an additional built-in study aid included on "How to Use" sections, and the "Basic 50 Words" list gives a quick entry to the terms every person needs to know to understand the law.

закон -- право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Maeder, R. E.
Computer science with Mathematica [Electronic resource] : theory and practice for science, mathematics and engineering / R. E. Maeder. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2000. - 389 p
Переклад назви: Комп'ютерна наука з Mathematica: теорія і практика в галузі науки, математики та інженерії


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This book provides an introduction to computer science, and shows how modem computer- based tools can be used in science, mathematics, and engineering. Computer-aided math- ematics has reached a level where it can support effectively many computations in science and engineering. In addition to treating traditional computer-science topics, an introductory book should show scientists and engineers how these computer-based tools can be used to do scientific computations. Students must get to know these possibilities, and they must gain practical experience. Learning a traditional programming language becomes less important, just as learning arithmetic is not a main topic of mathematics education. In an introductory book, it is clearly necessary to limit ourselves to a small part of the huge field of computer science. We emphasize topics that are related to possible applications in mathematics and the sciences. Technical and practical computer science have therefore been neglected.

інформатика -- обчислення -- мова програмування

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