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   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Dorvald, F. Z.
Organic synthesis on solid phase [Electronic resource] : supports, linkers, reactions / F. Z. Dorvald. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : Wiley-VCH, 2002. - 548 p.
Переклад назви: Органічний синтез на рідкій фазі


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olid-Phase Organic Synthesis Edited by Kevin Burgess, Texas A & M University Efficient, high-throughput chemistry is now the focus of many research laboratories. Solid-phase organic syntheses are central to many of these combinatorial and parallel screening methodologies. Consequently, they have been a major scientific theme of the 1990s and promise to remain prominent for the first part of the new millennium. Indeed, a bewildering number of papers have entered the literature on this topic; some report minor modifications enabling transformation of solution-phase methods to a solid support, while others report major innovations. Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis collects, highlights, and critiques some of the key developments in the field.

синтетика -- хімія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Cabrera, L.
El monte [Electronic resource] : igbo finda, ewe orisha, vititi nfinda / L. Cabrera. - Miami : Ediciones Universal, 2000


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ч. 1. - 1-33 pp.

ч. 2. - 34-287 pp.

ч. 3. - 288-564 pp.

ч. 4 : Fotografias

Lydia Cabrera was one of the 20th century’s leading writers on Cuban folklore and an internationally known chronicler of Afro-Cuban culture and religion. Cabrera spent a lifetime documenting Afro-Cuban folklore and religions. She studied art and religion in Paris, and in 1960 she left Cuba to live in exile in the United States. Her extensive collection of papers is available for research at the Cuban Heritage Collection.

культура -- вірування -- магія -- фольклор

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Li, D.
Encyclopedia of microfluidics and nanofluidics [Electronic resource] / D. Li. - New York : Springer Science+Business Media, LLC., 2008. - 2226 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія мікрострумів та нанострумів


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Microfluidics and nanofluidics are among the most rapidly growing fields of scientific research and technology development. Over the past 15 years, the research activities in these fields have been increasing exponentially as evidenced by the number of published papers in the literature. Microfluidics and nanofluidics not only bring exciting opportunities to study the new phenomena unique to these small scales, but also enable the development of many new and high-impact

струм -- електрон -- транзистор

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Oram, D.
An individual note [Electronic resource] : of music, sound and electronics / D. Oram. - London : Galliard ; New York : Galaxy Music Corporation, 1972. - 145 p. - (A Galliard paperback)
Переклад назви: Індивідуальна замітка: музика, звук та електроніка


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MUSIC, SOUND and ELECTRONICS ... each of these subjects has been well covered recently by sober academic textbooks; I am certainly not going to write another of those! This book is for amusement. But I want to write that word this way ... a-MUSE-ment.

акустика -- електроніка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hodgins, J. G.
Historical and other papers and documents illustrative of the educational system of Ontario [Electronic resource] : forming an appendix to the annual report of the Minister of Education / J. G. Hodgins. - Toronto : L.K. Cameron, 1911
Переклад назви: Історичні та інші папери та документи, що ілюструють систему освіти Онтаріо, 1791-1853: формування додатка до щорічної доповіді міністра освіти


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : 1791-1853. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : 1856-1872. - 347 p.

Vol. 3 : 1853-1868. - 327 p.

Vol. 4 : 1858-1876. - 343 p.

Vol. 5 : 1842-1861. - 321 p.

Vol. 6 : 1862-1871. - 307 p.

From an intimate personal knowledge of the state and progress of Education in Upper Canada from the earliest times, I am satisfied that the contents of these volumes will prove both valuable and interesting. The papers selected for publication are the most noted of those which are contained in the Documentary History, so that they can be easily found in a condensed form, when required, instead of haying to search for them in the successive volumes of that History. Among the most interesting of these documents are the originals of the Grammar and Common School Acts of 1807-1816 and 1820, as well as those of 1841 and 1843, passed after the Union of the Provinces of 1840. There are also several special papers relating to the disposition of the Imperial Land Grant of 1797, out of Which grew a prolonged discussion on the University question, as a proportion of that grant was designed for a University.

документ -- освіта -- знання -- історія

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Bulletin on narcotics [Electronic resource]. Vol. LX. - New York : United Nations, 2011. - 98 p.
Переклад назви: Бюлетень з наркотичних засобів


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The Bulletin on Narcotics is a United Nations journal that has been in continuous publication since 1949. It is printed in all six official languages of the United Nations—Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The Bulletin provides information on developments in drug control at the local, national, regional and international levels that can be of benefit to the international community. The present issue of the Bulletin, whose guest editor is Martin Bouchard of Simon Fraser University in Canada, is focused on measurement issues in drug policy analysis. It consists of a selection of papers presented at the Third Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, held in Vienna on 2 and 3 March 2009. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime wishes to thank Melissa Tullis of the Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs and Raggie Johansen of the Studies and Threat Analysis Section for editorial assistance in preparing this issue.

наркотична речовина

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Mathematics subject Classification [Electronic resource] / ред. R. Paella. - Strasbourg : [s. n.], 1991. - 229 p.


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The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) is an alphanumerical classification scheme collaboratively produced by staff of and based on the coverage of the two major mathematical reviewing databases, Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt MATH. It is used by many mathematics journals, which ask authors of research papers and expository articles to list subject codes from the Mathematics Subject Classification in their papers.

рівняння -- розрахунок

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Solomon, C.
Computer environments for children : a reflection on theories of learning and education [Electronic resource] / C. Solomon. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 1986. - 191 p.
Переклад назви: Комп'ютерне середовище для дітей: роздуми про теорії навчання і виховання


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What are computers in education being used for? In this book, Cynthia Solomon takes a welcome look at the possibilities and issues of learning with and about computers in schools or in any other learning environment. Solomon focuses on the use of computers within the framework of recent innovative theories of learning and education, particularly in elementary school mathematics. She devotes an entire chapter each to the work of Patrick Suppes, Robert Davis, Tom Dwyer, and Seymour Papert. Cynthia Solomon received a doctorate in education from Harvard and has worked with Seymour Papert's group at MIT and with the Atari Research Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

математика -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Математика   

Santner, T. J.
The design and analysis of computer experiments [Electronic resource] / T. J. Santner, B. J. Williams, W. I. Notz. - New York : Springer Verlag, 2003. - 283 p.


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Many physical processes are difficult or even impossible to study by conventional experimental methods. As computing power has increased, it has become possible to model some of these processes by sophisticated computer code. In such cases, the code can serve as a proxy for the physical process. As in a physical experiment, one can vary the inputs to the code and observe how the process output is affected. Such studies are called computer experiments and are becoming increasingly popular surrogates for, and adjuncts to, physical experiments. Much of the methodology for designing, modeling, and analyzing computer experiments can be found only in research papers. The goal of this book is to make these methods accessible to a more general audience. To accomplish this, we have tried to keep the mathematics at a level that will be understandable to readers with Masters level training in Statistics. This has been a challenging task. For example, Gaussian process models are a popular way to describe the output of computer experiments, but Gaussian process models are mathematically complex and likely to be unfamiliar to many readers. We provide an introduction to these models and present references for those who wish to study additional mathematical details of such processes. In other chapters, we relegate mathematical details to notes at the chapter end. To make the book more useful for practitioners, we provide software that can be used to fit the models discussed in the book. Instructions for using the software are included in an Appendix. Examples of the use of the software are interspersed throughout the book. As the software is updated, new versions (and an expanded user's manual) will be put on line through the book web site.)

експеримент -- ком'ютер

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kochan, T. A.
Management: inventing and delivering its future [Electronic resource] / T. A. Kochan, R. Schmalensee. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2003. - 309 p.
Переклад назви: Менеджмент: Винаходи та їхнє впровадження у майбутнє


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This text presents a collection of papers providing a guide to the future of management based on the hallmarks of MIT and General Motors chairman Alfred P. Sloan: creativity and innovation.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Bragg, S. M.
Essentials of Payroll: management and accounting [Electronic resource] / S. M. Bragg. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 272 p.


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Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in payroll.

заробітна плата -- гроші

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Is poverty driving the Afghan opium boom? [Electronic resource] : discussion paper. - Vienna : UNODC, 2008. - 15 p.
Переклад назви: Документ для обговорення: Чи є бідність рушійним чинником афганського опіумного буму?


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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

How to Design Programs [Electronic resource] : an Introduction to Computing and Programming / M. Felleisen, R. B. Findler, M. Flatt, S. Krishnamurthi. - London : The MIT Press, 2000. - 513 p.
Переклад назви: Як розробляти програми: введення в обчислення та програмування


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This book is the first book on programming as the core subject of a liberal arts education. Its main focus is the design process that leads from problem statements to well-organized solutions; it deemphasizes the study of programming language details, algorithmic minutiae, and specific application domains. Our desire to focus on the design process requires two radical innovations for introductory courses. The first innovation is a set of explicit design guidelines. Existing curricula tend to provide vague and ill-defined suggestions, such as "design from top to bottom'' or "make the program structural". We have instead developed design guidelines that lead students from a problem statement to a computational solution in step-by-step fashion with well-defined intermediate products. In the process they learn to read, to analyze, to organize, to experiment, to think in a systematic manner. The second innovation is a radically new programming environment. In the past, texts on programming ignored the role of the programming environment in the learning process; they simply assumed that students had access to a professional environment. This book provides a programming environment for beginners. It also grows with the students as they master more and more of the material until it supports a full-fledged language for the whole spectrum of programming tasks: large-scale programming as well as scripting. Our guidelines are formulated as a number of program design recipes.1 A design recipe guides a beginning programmer through the entire problem-solving process. With design recipes, a beginner almost never again stares at a blank piece of paper or a blank computer screen. Instead, the student will check the design recipe and use the question-and-answer guidelines to make some progress.

програмування -- комп’ютерна програма -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Petrov, R.
Legal basis and scope of the new EU-Ukraine enhanced agreement. Is there any room for further speculation? [Electronic resource] / R. Petrov. - Firenze : EUI Working Papers MWP, 2008. - 19 p.
Переклад назви: Правова основа і сфера застосування нової посиленої угоди. Україна-ЄС Чи є можливості для подальшої спекуляції?


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The paper conducts a critical analysis of the potential legal basis and scope of the future European Union (EU)-Ukraine enhanced agreement. Accepting that the most probable and most beneficial possibility for Ukraine is to conclude an association agreement with the EU on the basis of Article 310 EC Treaty (EC), it is argued that the objectives of the enhanced co-operation between the EU and Ukraine - as expected and desired by the Ukrainian political élite - could be achieved by a partnership agreement concluded on the basis of Article 181a EC. Furthermore, if the new enhanced EU-Ukraine agreement were concluded as a partnership agreement, it might be better suited for the solving of certain political and legal challenges in contemporary EU-Ukraine relations. First, a new enhanced agreement concluded on the basis of Article 181a EC would not entail unjustified political expectations - on the part of Ukraine - of obtaining the perspective of full EU-membership in the near future. Second, a future EU-Ukraine partnership agreement would be the best option for a “transitional” enhanced agreement before the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force. Third, a future partnership agreement between the EU and Ukraine will not undermine the fundamentals of the evolving strategic partnership between the EU and Russia.

Україна -- Євросоюз -- право

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Паперклэй - Делайт [Електронний ресурс] / Компания "Русский Кукольный Дом". - М. : Дизайн Кора, 2006. - 24 с.. - (Материалы и технологии)


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Вторая книга из серии о современных материалах и технологиях кукольного дизайна. Знакомит с легкотехнологичными материалами предназначенными для создания кукол, кукольных аксессуаров и художественных работ разного направления - "Papercley" и "Delight". Мастер-классы художников подробно расскрывают возможности пластиков и сопровождаются иллюстрациями. Книга хорошо подходит для начинающих кукольников, описаны тонкости работы с самозатвердевающими пластиками, оригинальный авторский способ создания кукол и тонирование кукольных лиц.

рукоділля -- іграшка -- ляльковий дизайн

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Catambay, B.
The Pascal Programming Language [Electronic resource] / B. Catambay. - New York : Academic Press, 2001
Переклад назви: Мова програмування Pascal


 Джерело інформації

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This paper is a review of the Pascal programming language. I will address the origin of the language, discuss the architecture, and talk about the language standards for unextended Pascal and Extended Pascal. I will confront the major criticisms of the language, explaining the origin and inaccuracy of the many myths about Pascal. Finally, I will address the Pascal implementations available today, comparing the different compilers and the different platforms on which Pascal is currently available.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Математика   

Mathematics and Computer Science III [Electronic resource] / M. Drmota, P. Flajolet, D. Gardy, B. Gittenberger. - Basel : Birkhauser Verlag, 2004. - 555 p.
Переклад назви: Математики та інформатика


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This book contains invited and contributed papers on combinatorics, random graphs and networks, algorithms analysis and trees, branching processes, constituting the Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science that will be held in Vienna in September 2004. It addresses a large public in applied mathematics, discrete mathematics and computer science, including researchers, teachers, graduate students and engineers. They will find here current questions in Computer Science and the related modern and powerful mathematical methods.

математика -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Firewalls Complete [Electronic resource]. - New York : The MCGraw-Hill, 1997
Переклад назви: Міжмережеві екрани


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The Internet is an all pervasive entity in today’s world of computing. To cope with the "wild" Internet, several security mechanisms were developed, among them access controls, authentication schemes and firewalls, as one of the most secure methods. However, firewall means different things for different people. Consider the fable from India about the blind men and the elephant. Each blind man touched a different part of the elephant and came up with a totally different description. The blind man who touched the elephant’s legs described it as being similar to a tree. Another blind man touched the tail and decided an elephant was like a twig. Yet another grabbed the trunk and concluded an elephant was like a snake. To some computer professionals, even to some of those in charge of Internet security, firewalls are just "walls of fire" blocking hackers outside of it. To some others, it is only a form of authentication mechanism. Some other folks consider firewalls to be synonymous with routers. Obviously, a firewall is much more than any of these individually. The problem is only compounded by the fact that for a lot of computer and security professionals, firewalls was touched upon only fleetingly in their academic career, worse, they bumped into it at the computer room. Also, a lot of the important parts and features of firewall are recent innovations, and thus were never covered in an academic career or most of the 1995-1996 firewall books at all, which further aggravates the problem as of right now there is no one single book these professionals can turn to. Their only resource is to peruse a wide array of literature including textbooks, web pages, computer magazines, white papers, etc. This book, the Complete Firewall Handbook, aims to become your companion book, the one you will always want to carry with you, as it does claim to be complete! I can assure you, there may be some similar books on the market, but none is complete as this one, none provides a reference guide as this one. The other titles I know are either discussing a specific technology and strategy or a product. Although you can compare this book to those, as it also covers the firewall technologies, strategies and all the main firewall products on the market, this one goes beyond the scope of the other ones. In addition, it provides a complete reference guide of the various protocols, including the upcoming ones (IPV6, for example) and how firewalling fits into it. In fact, this book adds a next level to your expertise by discussing all the components that makes the Internet, and any other network for that matter, unsecured: it discuss and describes in details all the protocols, standards and APIs used on internetworking, as well as the security mechanisms, from cryptograph to firewalls. Later on the book there is a "reference" section with a complete review of the major firewall products available on the market to date, a selection of tools, applications and many firewall demos and evaluations, which were all bundled together on the CD the accompanies this book. This book is aimed primarily to network administrators, including Web, systems, LAN and WAN Administrators. But it is also target to the new breed of professionals, the so called Internet Managers, as well as to anyone in need of a complete reference book in firewalls. As you read this book you will notice that what separates it from others is that this one is comprehensive, and gives the technical information necessary to understand, choose, install, maintain e foresee future needs involving firewalls and security at a very informal level. It has a conversational style with practical information, tips and cautions, to help the Internet, network and security administrator to cope, and "survive," their tasks and responsibilities. As important as implementing firewalls at your site, it must be preceded of a security policy that takes in consideration services to be blocked and allowed. It should also consider implementation of authentication and encryption devices and the level of risks you are willing to undertake in order to be connected to the Internet. This book will discuss all of these topics and the issues it brings up when dealing with site security and administration. It will go over all the services, such as TELNET, FTP, Web, e-mail, news, etc.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Why APL? [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2001
Переклад назви: Чому APL?


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This paper was found in a box after one of our many moves. It is dated November 1983, but is probably older. It needs to be updated by a kind APLer (please email [email protected]). The paper barely mentions PC's and doesn't mention Windows, GUI programming, control structures, nested arrays and other "new" language features. Why APL? Reproduced and edited from an anonymous, undated paper of the same title. Our thanks to the unknown author, and to anyone who can trace the source for us.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Williams, S.
Free as in Freedom [Electronic resource] / S. Williams. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2002
Переклад назви: Безкоштовно, як у свободі


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The work of Richard M. Stallman literally speaks for itself. From the documented source code to the published papers to the recorded speeches, few people have expressed as much willingness to lay their thoughts and their work on the line. Such openness-if one can pardon a momentary un-Stallman adjective-is refreshing. After all, we live in a society that treats information, especially personal information, as a valuable commodity. The question quickly arises. Why would anybody want to part with so much information and yet appear to demand nothing in return? As we shall see in later chapters, Stallman does not part with his words or his work altruistically. Every program, speech, and on-the-record bon mot comes with a price, albeit not the kind of price most people are used to paying. I bring this up not as a warning, but as an admission. As a person who has spent the last year digging up facts on Stallman's personal history, it's more than a little intimidating going up against the Stallman oeuvre. "Never pick a fight with a man who buys his ink by the barrel," goes the old Mark Twain adage. In the case of Stallman, never attempt the definitive biography of a man who trusts his every thought to the public record. For the readers who have decided to trust a few hours of their time to exploring this book, I can confidently state that there are facts and quotes in here that one won't find in any Slashdot story or Google search. Gaining access to these facts involves paying a price, however. In the case of the book version, you can pay for these facts the traditional manner, i.e., by purchasing the book. In the case of the electronic versions, you can pay for these facts in the free software manner. Thanks to the folks at O'Reilly & Associates, this book is being distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License, meaning you can help to improve the work or create a personalized version and release that version under the same license. If you are reading an electronic version and prefer to accept the latter payment option, that is, if you want to improve or expand this book for future readers, I welcome your input. Starting in June, 2002, I will be publishing a bare bones HTML version of the book on the web site, http://www.faifzilla.org. My aim is to update it regularly and expand the Free as in Freedom story as events warrant. If you choose to take the latter course, please review Appendix C of this book. It provides a copy of your rights under the GNU Free Documentation License. For those who just plan to sit back and read, online or elsewhere, I consider your attention an equally valuable form of payment. Don't be surprised, though, if you, too, find yourself looking for other ways to reward the good will that made this work possible. One final note: this is a work of journalism, but it is also a work of technical documentation. In the process of writing and editing this book, the editors and I have weighed the comments and factual input of various participants in the story, including Richard Stallman himself. We realize there are many technical details in this story that may benefit from additional or refined information. As this book is released under the GFDL, we are accepting patches just like we would with any free software program. Accepted changes will be posted electronically and will eventually be incorporated into future printed versions of this work. If you would like to contribute to the further improvement of this book, you can

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