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   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

On freedom and free enterprise [Electronic resource] : essays in honor of Ludwig Von Mises / ed. M. Sennholz. - Princeton : D. Van Nostrand Company, 1956. - 333 p.
Переклад назви: Про свободу та вільне підприємництво: Есе пам'яті Людвіга фон Мізеса


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In the German-language scholarly tradition, a Festschrift is a collection of writings published in honor of a living scholar, containing original contributions by close colleagues and former students. On Freedom and Free Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises (1956), edited by Mary Sennholz, was the first Festschrift in Mises's honor, and the essays it contains have proven fruitful sources for decades. Preeminently, it contains Murray N. Rothbard's reconstruction of utility and welfare theory. The other contributors are Jacques Rueff, William E. Rappard, Henry Hazlitt, Bertrand de Jouvenel, Hans F. Sennholz, F.A. Harper, Wilhelm Röpke, Faustino Ballvé, Carlo Antoni, Louis M. Spadaro, Fritz Machlup, L.M. Lachmann, Leonard E. Read, W.H. Hutt, William H. Peterson, F.A. Hayek, Percy L. Greaves, Jr., and Louis Baudin. There is also an introduction by the editor, Mary Sennholz. Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) brought the Austrian School of political economy to the United States. His colleagues in Europe called him the "last knight of liberalism" because he was the champion of the classical-liberal ideal of liberty and property that they considered dead and gone in an age of central planning and socialism of all varieties

бізнес -- економіка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Campbell, Joseph.
The Masks of God [Electronic resource] : primitive mythology / J. Campbell. - London : Secker & Warburg, 1960. - 509 p.
Переклад назви: Маски бога: примітивні міфології


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The comparative study of the mythologies of the world compels us to view the cultural history of mankind as a unit; for we find that such themes as the fire-theft, deluge, land of the dead, virgin birth, and resurrected hero have a worldwide distribution—appearing everywhere in new combinations while remaining, like the elements of a kaleidoscope, only a few and always the same. Furthermore, whereas in tales told for entertainment such mythical themes are taken lightly— in a spirit, obviously, of play—they appear also in religious contexts, where they are accepted not only as factually true but even as revelations of the verities to which the whole culture is a living witness and from which it derives both its spiritual authority and its temporal power. No human society has yet been found in which such mythological motifs have not been rehearsed in liturgies; interpreted by seers, poets, theologians, or philosophers; presented in art; magnified in song; and ecstatically experienced in life-empowering visions. Indeed, the chronicle of our species, from its earliest page, has been not simply an account of the progress of man the tool-maker, but—more tragically—a history of the pouring of blazing visions into the minds of seers and the efforts of earthly communities to incarnate unearthly covenants. Every people has received its own seal and sign of supernatural designation, communicated to its heroes and daily proved in the lives and experience of its folk. And though many who bow with closed eyes in the sanctuaries of their own tradition rationally scrutinize and disqualify the sacraments of others, an honest comparison immediately reveals that all have been built from one fund of mythological motifs—variously selected, organized, interpreted, and ritualized, according to local need, but revered by every people on earth.

дорелігійні вірування -- анімізм -- тотемізм

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Shevchenko, Taras.
Selected Works [Електронний ресурс] / T. Shevchenko. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1964. - 468 p.


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Published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Shevchenko's birth. According to its editor, "the book aims to comprehensively acquaint the English-language reader with the life, works and ideas of the great Ukrainian poet. To this end, in addition to his most important poetic works, the volume includes Taras Shevchenko's autobiography, one of his novels, excerpts from his diary and specimens of his painting." A claim is made that "most of the translations have been done specially for this volume, while those that have appeared in print previously have been revised for this publication." Ievhen Kyryliuk's introductory article (pp.11-19) provides a sketch of the poet's life and some bibliographical data on Shevchenko translations into English and other foreign languages. Editorial notes (pp.457-469) decipher, explain and interpret obscure references to personal names and historical allusions. The volume is illustrated with 19 black and white reproductions of Shevchenko's paintings and drawings.

українська література -- поезія -- проза

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kelsen, H.
Pure Theory of Law [Electronic resource] / H. Kelsen. - Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1967. - 356 p.
Переклад назви: Чиста теорія права


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A landmark in the development of modern jurisprudence, the pure theory of law defines law as a system of coercive norms created by the state that rests on the validity of a generally accepted Grundnorm, or basic norm, such as the supremacy of the Constitution. Entirely self-supporting, it rejects any concept derived from metaphysics, politics, ethics, sociology, or the natural sciences. Beginning with the medieval reception of Roman law, traditional jurisprudence has maintained a dual system of "subjective" law (the rights of a person) and "objective" law (the system of norms). Throughout history this dualism has been a useful tool for putting the law in the service of politics, especially by rulers or dominant political parties. The pure theory of law destroys this dualism by replacing it with a unitary system of objective positive law that is insulated from political manipulation. Possibly the most influential jurisprudent of the twentieth century, Hans Kelsen [1881-1973] was legal adviser to Austria's last emperor and its first republican government, the founder and permanent advisor of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Austria, and the author of Austria's Constitution, which was enacted in 1920, abolished during the Anschluss, and restored in 1945. The author of more than forty books on law and legal philosophy, he is best known for this work and General Theory of Law and State. Also active as a teacher in Europe and the United States, he was Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and taught at the universities of Cologne and Prague, the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Harvard, Wellesley, the University of California at Berkeley, and the Naval War College. Also available in cloth.


   Тип видання:   словник   

Oxford latin dictionary [Electronic resource]. - Oxford : Oxford university press, 1968. - 2126 p.
Переклад назви: Оксфордський латинський словник


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Fifty years in the making, the Oxford Latin Dictionary is the first Latin-English dictionary based on a fresh reading of original sources.The Dictionary was published in eight fascicles between 1968 and 1982 and is now available in a single bound volume. Features of the Oxford Latin Dictionary First Latin-English dictionary composed directly from original sources Comprehensive coverage of classical Latin with entries for approximately 40,000 words Based on a collection of over one million quotations that illustrate the meaning and use of Latin words from the earliest known instance Definitions are in modern English and based on modern lexicographical principles Up-to-date with the inclusion of better texts as well as epigraphical material that was previously unavailable The Oxford Latin Dictionary is a comprehensive and authoritative reference work for students, teachers, professionals, and general readers interested in classical languages and literature, ancient.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Atiyah, M. F.
Introduction to commutative algebra [Electronic resource] / M. F. Atiyah , I. G. Macdonald. - Мenlo Park : Addison-Wesley, 1969. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до комутативної алгебри


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Introduction to Commutative Algebra is a well-known commutative algebra textbook written by Michael Atiyah and Ian G. Macdonald. It deals with elementary concepts of commutative algebra including localization, primary decomposition, integral dependence, Noetherian and Artinian rings and modules, Dedekind rings, completions and a moderate amount of dimension theory. It is notable for being among the shorter English-language introductory textbooks in the subject, relegating a good deal of material to the exercises.

математика -- теорія чисел

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Suzuki, Daisetz T..
Zen and Japanese culture [Electronic resource] / Daisetz T. Suzuki. - New York : Bollingen, 1970. - 568 p.
Переклад назви: Дзен і японська культура


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One of the leading twentieth-century works on Zen, this book is a valuable source for those wishing to understand Zen concepts in the context of Japanese life and art. In simple, often poetic, language, Daisetz Suzuki describes what Zen is, how it evolved, and how its emphasis on primitive simplicity and self-effacement have helped to shape an aesthetics found throughout Japanese culture. He explores the surprising role of Zen in the philosophy of the samurai, and subtly portrays the relationship between Zen and swordsmanship, haiku, tea ceremonies, and the Japanese love of nature. Suzuki's contemplative discussion is enhanced by anecdotes, poetry, and illustrations showing silk screens, calligraphy, and examples of architecture.

нація -- духовність -- звичаї

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Schank, R. C.
Computer models of thought and language [Electronic resource] / R. C. Schank. - New York : W. H Freeman and Company , 1973. - 454 p.
Переклад назви: Комп'ютерні моделі мислення та мови


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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Hayes, S. K.
Ninja combat method [Електронний ресурс] : a training overview manual / S. K. Hayes. - [Б. м.] : Beaver Products, 1975. - 32 p.
Переклад назви: Бойовий метод Ніндзя: тренувальний огляд


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Ninjutsu, the "art of stealth", is a system of fighting techniques, intelligence gatherings and psychological warfare that has been practiced for over nine hundred years. Made famous by the nnja spies and commandos of feudal Japan, ninjutsu is one of the most all-encompassing arts of self-protection in the world. The art of ninjutsu actually had its rrost extensive use in the four hundred years of the thirteenth through seventeenth centuries in Japan. During this period of civil turmoil, the mystical art of the ninja was refined to a deadly science of individual war tactics.

бойові мистецтва -- рукопашний бій -- збройний бій

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Niermeyer, J. F.
Mediae latinitatis lexicon minus [Electronic resource] / J. F. Niermeyer. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1976. - 1138 p.


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Niermeyer's Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus is a highly practical lexicon, providing researchers, teaching staff and students in the field of Medieval History with concise, essential information. The Niermeyer Lexicon Minus has proved to be invaluable to medievalists for almost 50 years and is an indispensable working tool for academic libraries.


   Тип видання:   стандарт   

American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN [Electronic resource] : ANSI(R) X3.9-1978. - Washington, DC : Publishing American National Standards Institute, 1978
Переклад назви: Американський національний стандарт мови програмування Фортран


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This standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs expressed in the FORTRAN language. The purpose of this standard is to promote portability of FORTRAN programs for use on a variety of data processing systems.


   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Godwin, Joscelyn.
Athanasius Kircher [Electronic resource] : a renaissance man and the quest for lost knowledge / J. Godwin. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1979. - 98 p. - (with 125 illustrations)
Переклад назви: Афанасій Кірхер: людина епохи Відродження і пошуку загублених знань.


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Athanasius Kircher (1602–80) stands out as one of the last all-encompassing minds. For this true Renaissance man, the whole world was a glorious appearance of God waiting to be explored. Kircher was a Jesuit and an archaeologist, a phenomenal linguist and an avid collector of scientific instruments. He deciphered archaic languages, experimented with alchemy and music therapy, optics and magnetism. Egyptian mystery wisdom, Greek, Cabbalistic and Christian philosophy met on common ground in his work. Kircher's sumptuous volumes were revered throughout Europe, and his gigantic oeuvre is represented here through striking engravings – most of them reprinted for the first time – together with annotations and an introduction to Kircher's life and work.(less)

ренесанс -- винахідництво -- енциклопедистика

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Godwin, Joscelyn.
Robert Fludd [Electronic resource] : hermetic philosopher and surveyor of two worlds / J. Godwin. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1979. - 98 p. - (with 126 illustrations)
Переклад назви: Роберт Фладд: герметичний філософ та дослідник двох світів


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Robert Fludd was one of the last of the true Renaissance men who tool all learning as their preserve and tried to encompass the whole of human knowledge. Born in Elizabethan England, he became a convinced occultist while traveling on the Continent. His voluminous writings were devoted to defending the philosophy of the alchemists and Rosicrucians and applying their doctrines to a vast description of man and the universe. All of Fludd's important plates are collected here for the first time, annotated and explained together with an introduction to his life and thought.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rudnytsky, Ivan L..
Rethinking Ukrainian History [Electronic resource] / Ivan L. Rudnytsky, John-Paul Himka. - Edmonton : Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, 1981. - 288 p
Переклад назви: Переосмислення історії України


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Nine essays reexamine major aspects of Ukrainian history: Kyivan Rus', the Ukrainian nobility and elites, the growth and development of Ukrainian cities and the evolution of the Ukrainian literary language. Contributors include Omeljan Pritsak, Frank Sysyn, Zenon Kohut, Orest Subtelny, Patricia Herlihy, George Shevelov, and others. This volume also Includes a thirty-five-page round-table discussion.

історія України -- історіософія -- культура

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Smith, B. C.
Procedural Reflection in Programming Languages [Electronic resource] / B. C. Smith. - Cambridge : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982. - 761 p.
Переклад назви: Процедурні Відображення в Мові програмування


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We show how a computational system can be constructed to "reason", effectively and consequentially, about its own inferential processes. The analysis proceeds in two parts. First, we consider the general question of computational semantics, rejecting traditional approaches, and arguing that the declarative and procedural aspects of computational symbols (what they stand for, and what behavior they engender) should be analyzed independently, in order that they may be coherently related. Second, we investigate self-referential behavior in computational processes, and show how to embed an effective procedural model of a computational calculus within that calculus (a model not unlike meta-circular interpreter, but connected to the fundamental operations of the machine in such a way as to provide, at any point in a computation, fully articulated descriptions of the state of that computation, for inspection and possible modification). In terms of the theories that result from these investigations, we present a general architecture for procedurally reflective processes, able to shift smoothly between dealing with a given subject domain, and dealing with their own reasoning processes over that domain.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Collins, D.
Tinker Tubes - personal lighting systems [Electronic resource] / D. Collins. - El Cajon : Aardvark-Collins International, 1982. - 26 p.
Переклад назви: Труби Тінкера - персональні системи освітлення


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Tinker Tubes takes you through step-by-step the simple process of how to build your own modular diffusion lighting system custom tailored to your needs. Also included is Studio Sketchbook, an excellent tool for photographers that clearly diagrams many different lighting sets.

фото -- світло -- система освітлення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Maier, David.
The theory of relational databases [Electronic resource] / David Maier. - Rockville : Computer Science Press, 1983. - 637 p. - (Computer software engineering series)
Переклад назви: Теорія реляційних баз даних


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This remarkably comprehensive new book assembles concepts and results in relational databases theory previously scattered through journals, books, conference proceedings, and technical memoranda in one convenient source, and introduces pertinent new material not found elsewhere. The book is in- tended for a second course in databases, but is an excellent reference for researchers in the field.. The material covered includes relational algebra, functional dependencies, multivalued and join dependencies, normal forms, tableaux and the chase computation, representation theory, domain and tuple relational calculus, query modification, database semantics and null values, acyclic database schemes, template dependencies, and computed relations. The final chapter is a brief survey of query languages in existing relational systems. Each chapter contains numerous examples and exercises, along with bibliographic remarks.

функціональна залежність -- кортеж -- домен

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Sime, M. E.
Designing for human-computer communication [Electronic resource] / M. E. Sime, M. J. Coombs. - London : Academic Press, 1983. - 338 p.
Переклад назви: Проектування зв'язоку для людини з комп'ютером


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A well reported outcome of the current expansion in the use of computers within all areas of academic, commercial and industrial life, is the growing number of users without formal training in programming or computer technology. Such users wish simply to employ the machine as a tool in their daily work, and are not interested in becoffiing computer professionals or in understanding the details of their application system. People within this category come from a very wide range of educational and professional backgrounds, each individual ideally requiring a system carefully matched to the technical, psychological and social needs of his occupation. The chapters in this volume are concerned with the satisfaction of this ideal.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Moore, M. S.
Law and Psychiatry [Electronic resource] : rethinking the Relationship / M. S. Moore. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1984. - 527 p.
Переклад назви: Права та психіатрія: переосмислення відносин


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This book is about the competing images of man offered us by the disciplines of law and psychiatry. Michael Moore describes the legal view of persons as rational and autonomous and defends it from the challenges presented by three psychiatric ideas: that badness is illness, that the unconscious rules our mental life, and that a person is a community of selves more than a unified single self. Using the tools of modern philosophy, he attempts to show that the moral metaphysical foundations of our law are not eroded by these challenges of psychiatry. The book thus seeks, through philosophy, to go beneath the centuries-old debates between lawyers and psychiatrists, and to reveal their hidden agreement about the nature of man. Some attention is paid to practical legal and psychiatric issues of contemporary concern, such as the proper definition of mental illness for psychiatric purposes, and the proper definition of legal insanity for legal purposes. This book was first announced, for publication in hard covers, in the Press's January to July seasonal list.

право -- психіатрія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Wallace, M.
Communicating with databases in natural language [Electronic resource] / M. Wallace. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1984. - 170 p.
Переклад назви: Взаємодія з базами даних природною мовою


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база даних

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