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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Bowles, Samuel.
A Cooperative Species [Electronic resource] : human Reciprocity And Its Evolution / S. Bowles, H. Gintis. - Oxford ; Princeton : Princeton university press, 2011. - 275 p
Переклад назви: Види співпраць


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Why do humans, uniquely among animals, cooperate in large numbers to advance projects for the common good? Contrary to the conventional wisdom in biology and economics, this generous and civic-minded behavior is widespread and cannot be explained simply by far-sighted self-interest or a desire to help close genealogical kin. In A Cooperative Species, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis--pioneers in the new experimental and evolutionary science of human behavior--show that the central issue is not why selfish people act generously, but instead how genetic and cultural evolution has produced a species in which substantial numbers make sacrifices to uphold ethical norms and to help even total strangers. The authors describe how, for thousands of generations, cooperation with fellow group members has been essential to survival. Groups that created institutions to protect the civic-minded from exploitation by the selfish flourished and prevailed in conflicts with less cooperative groups. Key to this process was the evolution of social emotions such as shame and guilt, and our capacity to internalize social norms so that acting ethically became a personal goal rather than simply a prudent way to avoid punishment. Using experimental, archaeological, genetic, and ethnographic data to calibrate models of the coevolution of genes and culture as well as prehistoric warfare and other forms of group competition, A Cooperative Species provides a compelling and novel account of how humans came to be moral and cooperative.

порозуміння -- співпраця -- людство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McDarrah, Gloria S..
Anarchy, Protest, and Rebellion, and the counterculture that changed America [Electronic resource] / Gloria S. McDarrah, Timothy S. McDarrah, Fred W. McDarrah. - New York : Thunder's Mouth Press, 2003. - 376 p
Переклад назви: Анархія, протест, бунт і контркультури, які змінили Америку


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In a work of defiant ambition culled from over 5,000 photographs, Fred W. McDarrah’s Sixties presents America’s most tumultuous decade through the eyes of one man. As staff photographer for the leading counterculture weekly the Village Voice, McDarrah was everywhere—and he photographed everything and everybody. From the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago to the Newark riots; from the Beatles’ first American press conference to Andy Warhol’s Factory; from Woodstock to the closing of the Fillmore East; from Broadway to Stonewall to Harlem to City Hall, Fred’s award-winning pictures capture the struggle and the promise of the sixties and define a generation. Many of these photographs have never been published, or were seen only once in the Village Voice, where for forty years McDarrah ran the photo desk. A number of his portraits, like those of Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, and Abbie Hoffman, have become some of the most celebrated icons of their subjects. These pictures represent a depth and breadth of public and private events and emotions, a view both political and startlingly intimate that is rarely found in the work of one man—a powerful synthesis of American photojournalism, cultural and political documentary and, despite McDarrah’s modest protestations, art.

молодіжна політика -- бунти -- нонконформізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Massey, Douglas S..
Categorically unequal [Electronic resource] : the american stratification system / Douglas S. Massey. - New York : Russell Sage Foundation, 2008. - 319 p
Переклад назви: Категорична нерівність: американська стратифікаційна система


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The United States holds the dubious distinction of having the most unequal income distribution of any advanced industrialized nation. While other developed countries face similar challenges from globalization and technological change, none rivals America's singularly poor record for equitably distributing the benefits and burdens of recent economic shifts. In Categorically Unequal, Douglas Massey weaves together history, political economy, and even neuropsychology to provide a comprehensive explanation of how America's culture and political system perpetuates inequalities between different segments of the population. Categorically Unequal is striking both for its theoretical originality and for the breadth of topics it covers. Massey argues that social inequalities arise from the universal human tendency to place others into social categories. In America, ethnic minorities, women, and the poor have consistently been the targets of stereotyping, and as a result, they have been exploited and discriminated against throughout the nation's history. African-Americans continue to face discrimination in markets for jobs, housing, and credit. Meanwhile, the militarization of the U.S.-Mexican border has discouraged Mexican migrants from leaving the United States, creating a pool of exploitable workers who lack the legal rights of citizens. Massey also shows that women's advances in the labor market have been concentrated among the affluent and well-educated, while low-skilled female workers have been relegated to occupations that offer few chances for earnings mobility. At the same time, as the wages of low-income men have fallen, more working-class women are remaining unmarried and raising children on their own. Even as minorities and women continue to face these obstacles, the progressive legacy of the New Deal has come under frontal assault. The government has passed anti-union legislation, made taxes more regressive, allowed the real value of the federal minimum wage to decline, and drastically cut social welfare spending. As a result, the income gap between the richest and poorest has dramatically widened since 1980. Massey attributes these anti-poor policies in part to the increasing segregation of neighborhoods by income, which has insulated the affluent from the social consequences of poverty, and to the disenfranchisement of the poor, as the population of immigrants, prisoners, and ex-felons swells. America's unrivalled disparities are not simply the inevitable result of globalization and technological change. As Massey shows, privileged groups have systematically exploited and excluded many of their fellow Americans. By delving into the root causes of inequality in America, Categorically Unequal provides a compelling argument for the creation of a more equitable society.

соціологія -- стратифікація -- розшарування суспільства

   Тип видання:   монографія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Leider, R. J.
Claiming your place at the fire: living the second half of your life on purpose [Electronic resource] / R. J. Leider, D. A. Shapiro. - San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004
Переклад назви: Стверджуючи своє місце у вогонь: Життя другу половину свого життя на ціль


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More than 10,000 people turn 50 every day in the U.S. This purposeful text presents a new paradigm of successful aging for men and women entering into and moving through the second half of their lives.

взаємовідносини -- люди

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Johnson, Bruce.
Dark side of the tune [Electronic resource] : popular music and violence / Bruce Johnson, Martin Cloonan. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. - 255 p
Переклад назви: Темний бік мелодії: популярна музика і насильство


Географічні рубрики:

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Review: "Written against the academically dominant but simplistic romanticization of popular music as a positive force, this book focuses on the 'dark side' of the subject. It is an examination of the ways in which popular music has been deployed in association with violence, ranging from what appears to be an incidental relationship, to one in which music is explicitly applied as an instrument of violence." "A preliminary overview of the physiological and cognitive foundations of sounding/hearing which are distinctive within the sensorium, discloses in particular their potential for organic and psychic violence. The study then elaborates working definitions of key terms (including the vexed idea of the 'popular') for the purposes of this investigation, and provides a historical survey of examples of the nexus between music and violence, from (pre)Biblical times to the late nineteenth century." "The second half of the book concentrates on the modern era, marked in this case by the emergence of technologies by which music can be electronically augmented, generated, and disseminated, beginning with the advent of sound recording from the 1870s, and proceeding to audio-internet and other contemporary audio-technologies. Johnson and Cloonan argue that these technologies have transformed the potential of music to mediate cultural confrontations from the local to the global, particularly through violence. The authors present a taxonomy of case histories in the connection between popular music and violence, through increasingly intense forms of that relationship, culminating in the topical examples of music and torture, including those in Bosnia, Darfur, and by US forces in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay."--BOOK JACKET.

тортури -- музика -- насильство

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Die pflegeversicherung [Electronic resource] : handbuch zur begutachtung, qualitätsprüfung, beratung und fortbildung / T. Gaertner [et al.]. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co, 2009. - 280 S.
Переклад назви: Довгостроковий догляд: посібник для огляду, контролю якості, консультації та навчання


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As a result of the reform of nursing care, nursing structures and processes will change. This comprehensive volume on nursing care insurance also deals with private nursing care insurance and its particular features in comparison to social nursing care insurance.

соціальний догляд -- реформа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Fairclough, Norman.
Discourse and Social Change [Electronic resource] / N. Fairclough. - MaIden : PolityPress, 2006. - 259 p
Переклад назви: Дискурс і соціальні зміни


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This book is a critical introduction to discourse analysis as it is practised in a variety of different disciplines today, from linguistics and sociolinguistics to sociology and cultural studies. The author shows how concern with the analysis of discourse can be combined, in a systematic and fruitful way, with an interest in broader problems of social analysis and social change. Fairclough provides a concise and critical review of the methods and results of discourse analysis, discussing the descriptive work of linguists and conversation analysts as well as the more historically and theoretically oriented work of Michel Foucault. He develops an original framework for discourse analysis which firmly situates discourse in a broader context of social relations bringing together text analysis, the analysis of processes of text production and interpretation, and the social analysis of discourse events.

соціальний аналіз -- зміни

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Encyclopedia of homelessness [Electronic resource] : in 2 vol. / ed. D. Levinson. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2004. - 908 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія безпритульності


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There is nothing new about homelessness. There have been homeless people for some 10,000 years—from the time when humans built their first permanent homes in the first towns of the Fertile Crescent. The historical record, novels and poems, and sacred texts tell us the stories of beggars, wandering ascetics, penniless friars, displaced peasants, lost soldiers, street youths, vagrants, new arrivals in the city, and displaced workers. Homelessness has changed over the years. In the United States, during the late nineteenth century, it was hoboes and tramps who drew the attention of the public, the police, and then the social reformers of the Progressive Era. From the 1920s through the Great Depression, attention shifted to the skid rows, home to transient workers and retired single men. The decline of skid rows in the 1970s was followed by a new era of homelessness with many formerly institutionalized people—who had untreated or poorly treated emotional disorders—winding up on the streets of America. In the 1980s, the nature of homelessness changed again. Growing economic inequality, racism, a permanent decrease in the number of well-paid unskilled jobs, and a lack of affordable housing combined to make several million people—many of them African-American women and their children—homeless on America’s streets, in shelters, in motels, and in substandard and temporary apartments. This pattern continues in 2004. Homelessness is not just a U.S. problem, although when viewed cross-culturally, it becomes a more complex issue. In many developed nations, homeless families, many of them immigrants, are the major issue. In the developing nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the homeless are often women and their children, youths, and migrants from rural areas who have come to cities looking for work and opportunity. The emergence of many cities in developing nations as major regional or global commercial centers has made the problem even worse, by increasing the appeal of cities as employment centers to the rural poor while at the same time providing less and less affordable housing and support services for immigrants. The goal of the Encyclopedia of Homelessness is to summarize our knowledge of homelessness. This includes describing the patterns of homelessness in the past, focusing on the recent and current situation in the United States, and sampling homelessness around the world. Entries cover causes; history; legal issues, advocacy, and policy; legislation and programs; lifestyle and health problems; organizations; research; services and service settings; size and perceptions; subpopulations and lifestyles; and world issues and perspectives. Descriptive articles cover homelessness today in eight major American cities and more than thirty cities and nations around the world. These entries allow for quick and easy comparisons.

безхатченко -- волоцюга -- вуличне життя -- соціальний захист

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Power [Electronic resource] / ed. K. Dowding. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2011. - 755 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія влади


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Power is a central concept in many disciplines in the social sciences, including political science, sociology, social-psychology, organization studies, urban politics and planning. This encyclopedia provides a much needed authoritative and comprehensive coverage of the use of power in those different discourses, enabling the different language communities to learn from each other. It provides a compendium of the concepts that build the ways in which power is conceptualized and provides analyses of related concepts. It also provides a sourcebook for those interested in studying power, and it cross references the many insights that have been provided by theorists over the years. With comprehensive coverage of the use of power in the social sciences, the encyclopedia serves as a one-stop point of reference for the diverse and complex ways in which power has been used. It also provides a reference for debates central to the issues of power in different contexts and for related topics, showing how these disparate topics are related to power.

соціологія -- політика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Cashmore, Ellis.
Encyclopedia of race ethnic studies [Electronic resource] / Ellis Cashmore. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2004. - 533 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія расових етнічних досліджень


Географічні рубрики:

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This is the paperback edition ofa globally recognized sourcebook on race and ethnic relations. It has been assembled by a world-class team of international scholars led by Ellis Cashmore to provide an authoritative, single-volume reference work on all aspects of race and ethnic studies. From Aboriginal Australians to xenophobia, Nelson Mandela to Richard Wagner, sexuality to racial profiling, the Encyclopedia is organized alphabetically and reflects cultural diversity in a global context. The entries range from succinct 400 word definitions to in-depth 2000 word essays to provide comprehensive coverage of: all the key terms, concepts and debates important figures, both historical and contemporary landmark cases historical events. Although unafraid to engage with cutting-edge theory,it is uncluttered by jargon and has been written in a lucid, 'facts-fronted' style to offer an accessible introduction to race and ethnic studies. Including a new introduction and fully cross-referenced index with most entries followed by annotated up-to-date suggestions for further reading to guide the user to the key sources, the book is already established as the authoritative sourcebook used by students, scholars, lawyers, journalists, members of the caring professions and many other groups involved in race and ethnic affairs.

демографія -- антропологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of violence, peace & conflict [Electronic resource] / ed. in ch. L. Kurtz. - San Diego : Academic Press, [20_ _?]
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія насильства, миру і конфлікту


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 2 : F - Pe. - 820 p.

війна -- соціологія -- кримінал

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Forum on crime and society [Electronic resource]. - New York : United Nations, 2001-2003
Переклад назви: Форум з проблем злочинності і суспільства


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Vol. 1, № 2. - 2001. - 145 p.

Vol. 2, № 1. - 2002. - 161 p.

Vol. 3, № 1,2. - 2003. - 155 p.

Forum on Crime and Society is a United Nations sales publication issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, based in Vienna. It is published twice yearly in the six official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

кримінал -- злочинність

   Тип видання:   монографія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Stalford, H.
Gender and migration in 21st century Europe [Electronic resource] / H. Stalford, S. Curie, S. Velluti. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2009. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Ґендер та міграція в Європі 21 століття


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The idea for this edited collection arose out of a series of interdisciplinary workshops entitled ‘Gender and Migration in 21st Century Europe’ hosted jointly by the Migration Unit and the Feminist Legal Research Unit at the University of Liverpool between October 2006 and April 2007. The same title is adopted for this collection which draws on the presentations and discussions that took place during the workshops coupled with additional invited contributions from notable scholars in the field. In referring to ‘gender’ the aim is to explore how social, economic, legal, political and cultural processes implied by migration govern and reinforce relations between the sexes – not just between men and women, but between female and male children, and between girls and women. Our interpretation of ‘migration’ is also broad to encompass a range of geographical, economic and personal trajectories into and within Europe as well as the emergence and effectiveness of new regulatory mechanisms to address issues of ‘forced’ migration (notably trafficking), cross-national family breakdown and employment migration in an expanding European Union.

права дитини -- кар'єра жінки

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Afonin, E. A.
Great co-evolution. Global problems of contemporaneity [Electronic resource] : historico-ociological analysis / E. A. Afonin, A. M. Bandurka, A.Yu Martynov. - Kyiv : Parliam. Publ. House, 2003. - 256 p.
Переклад назви: Велика коеволюція. Глобальні проблеми сучасності: історико-ociological аналіз


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The changes undergone by a person, a society, and the humanity in the final phase of formation of a global civilization are analyzed on the basis of the authors’ conception of "universal epochal cycle". A special attention is focused on the transient processes and newest tendencies of the world development. The book is intended for social scientists, politicians, managers, students, and all interested in historical sociology and globalistics.

соціологія -- політика

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Moore, C. W.
Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation [Electronic resource] / C. W. Moore, P. J. Woodrow. - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2010. - 485 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво по глобальним та мультикультурним переговорам


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In today's globalized world, few competencies are as essential as the ability to negotiate across cultures. In this insightful and practical book, Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow draw on their extensive global experience to help us understand the intricacies of seeking to reach intercultural agreements and show us how to get to a wise.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Shumsky, Neil Larry.
Homelessness [Electronic resource] : a documentary and reference guide / Neil Larry Shumsky. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO : Greenwood, 2012. - 420 p
Переклад назви: Бездомність: документальне та довідкове керівництво


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The terms historically used to describe them include "bums," "hoboes," "migrants," "street people," "transients," "tramps," and "vagrants." Just as varied as the words we have used to describe them are the reasons many people have found themselves living in the land of opportunity without permanent residence. The book considers homelessness and its distinctive character in three periods of American history: the era of tramps and hoboes in the late 1800s–early 1900s, the era of transients and migrants in the 1930s, and the era of homeless and "street" people in the last 40 years. It clarifies the multiple meanings of the word "homeless" today and demonstrates that homelessness is a symptom of more than one problem, leading to confusion about the issue of homelessness and hampering attempts to reduce its occurrence. Author Neil Larry Shumsky, PhD, also postulates that the treatment of homelessness in England before the colonization of North America laid the foundation of pervasive American attitudes and practices.

безпритульні -- жебраки -- маргінальність -- стратифікація суспільства -- дестигматизація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Instagram [Електронний ресурс] : эффективное продвижение от А до Я. - [Б. м.] : Ingate, 2014. - 35 с.. - (Спроси Ingate)


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Социальные сети для бизнеса – это настоящий кладезь потенциальных клиентов. О том, как грамотно и в полной мере использовать в интересах своего бренда ресурсы одного из самых популярных сервисов, читайте в нашей новой книге «Instagram: эффективное продвижение от А до Я».

віртуальне спілкування -- соціальна мережа -- фотосховище

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jackson, Michael.
Life Within Limits [Electronic resource] : well-being in a World of Want / M. Jackson. - Durham : Duke University Press, 2011. - 248 p.
Переклад назви: Життя на межі можливого: добробут у світі нестатку


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The sense that well-being remains elusive, transitory, and unevenly distributed is felt by the rich as well as the poor, and in all societies. To explore this condition of existential dissatisfaction, the anthropologist Michael Jackson traveled to Sierra Leone, described in a recent UN report as the “least livable” country in the world. There he revisited the village where he did his first ethnographic fieldwork in 1969-70 and lived in 1979. Jackson writes that Africans have always faced forces from without that imperil their lives and livelihoods. Though these forces have assumed different forms at different times—slave raiding, warfare, epidemic illness, colonial domination, state interference, economic exploitation, and corrupt government—they are subject to the same mix of magical and practical reactions that affluent Westerners deploy against terrorist threats, illegal immigration, market collapse, and economic recession. Both the problem of well-being and the question of what makes life worthwhile are grounded in the mystery of existential discontent—the question as to why human beings, regardless of their external circumstances, are haunted by a sense of insufficiency and loss. While philosophers have often asked the most searching questions regarding the human condition, Jackson suggests that ethnographic method offers one of the most edifying ways of actually exploring those questions.

бідність -- експлуатація -- корупція -- виживання

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Кляйн, Н.
No Logo. Люди против брэндов [Електронний ресурс] : пер. с англ. / Н. Кляйн. - [Б. м. : б. в.]


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«No Logo» — это одновременно серьезное экономическое и культурологическое исследование, политический манифест, научная монография и увлекательное журналистское расследование, критикующее глобализацию, неолиберализм и современный экономический порядок, при котором мир, опутанный сетями глобальных брэндов, лишен возможности свободного выбора и не может полноценно развиваться. «No Logo» — это «евангелие антикорпоративного движения» («The New York Times»), книга, которую называют новым «Капиталом». Наоми Кляйн раскрывает истинные причины основных конфликтов современности и объясняет, почему некоторые известные и уважаемые компании становятся объектами открытой ненависти миллионов людей, которые выходят на улицы, пытаясь изменить мировой порядок и сделать его более справедливым

бренд -- корпорація -- альтерглобалізм -- антикорпоративний рух

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Hofäcker, Dirk.
Older Workers in a Globalizing World [Electronic resource] : an international comparison of retirement and Late-Career patterns in western іndustrialized сountries / Dirk Hofäcker. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2010. - 335 p
Переклад назви: Літні трудящі в глобалізованому світі: міжнародне порівняння пенсійних моделей та моделей пізньої кар'єри у західних індустріальних державах


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. . . the book can be recommended to all with an interest in the issue of older workers in a globalised world. Ageing and Society Early retirement has been a policy to cope with the problems of massive unemployment in many Western welfare states. However, it has become apparent that this strategy is costly and destroys human capital urgently needed in ageing societies. This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date study of late-career patterns and processes of early retirement in fourteen OECD countries, using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. It is an important contribution to life-course research and will provide the foundation for any serious discussion on pension reforms and increasing the employability of older workers. Hans-Jürgen Andreß, University of Cologne, Germany This timely book investigates the growth of the early retirement trend and its varying spread among different groups of older workers in fourteen modern societies. It argues for a differentiated political approach to reverse early retirement, which relies on both pension and employability policies for older workers. Examining the early retirement trend virtually all modern societies have been faced with since the onset of the globalization process in the 1970s and 1980s, this book provides a thorough analysis of older workers late careers and their retirement transitions, as well as explaining why this trend has developed differently between nations. To promote an effective reversal of the early retirement trend, national policymakers are advised not to concentrate their efforts exclusively on reducing the financial incentives for an early exit still present in most national pension systems. In addition, it is also recommended that they invest in the employability of older workers, implying a thorough reconsideration of the design of education and labor market policies. Dirk Hofäcker presents a unique and comprehensive synthesis of theories describing and explaining the trend towards early retirement, and critically discusses their comparative advantages and shortcomings. Researchers and students of sociology, economics, gerontology, demography and comparative welfare states should not be without this book and policymakers and practitioners dealing with labor market policies will find it invaluable.

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