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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Allen, E.
Bug Patterns in Java [Electronic resource] / E. Allen. - New York : Apress, 2002. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Помилки шаблонів в Java


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Bug Patterns in Java presents a methodology for diagnosing and debugging computer programs. The act of debugging will be presented as an ideal application of the scientific method. Skill in this area is entirely independent of other programming skills, such as designing for extensibility and reuse. Nevertheless, it is seldom taught explicitly. Eric Allen lays out a theory of debugging, and how it relates to the rest of the development cycle. In particular, he stresses the critical role of unit testing in effective debugging. At the same time, he argues that testing and debugging, while often conflated, are properly considered to be distinct tasks. Upon laying this groundwork, Allen then discusses various "bug patterns" (recurring relationships between signaled errors and underlying bugs in a program) that occur frequently in computer programs. For each pattern, the book discusses how to identify them, how to treat them, and how to prevent them.


   Тип видання:   довідник   

Allen, R.
Active directory cookbook [Electronic resource] : for Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 / R. Allen. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2003. - 622 p
Переклад назви: Активний каталог для Windows Server 2003 і Windows 2000


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Those of you who run networks on Windows 2000 know the benefits of using Active Directory for managing user information and permissions. You also know what a bear it can be. The newer version included with Windows Server 2003 has over 100 new and updated features to simplify deployment, but once it's in place many system administrators still find Active Directory challenging. If you're among those looking for practical hands-on support, help is here with our new Active Directory Cookbook for Windows Server 2003 & Windows 2000, a unique problem-solving guide that offers quick answers for both versions of the directory. The book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you might encounter with Active Directory on a daily basis--including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. Author Robbie Allen, a Senior Systems Architect at Cisco Systems and co-author of our Active Directory tutorial, based this collection of troubleshooting recipes on his own experience, along with input from Windows administrators throughout the industry. Each recipe includes a discussion to explain how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.

домен -- протокол доступу -- адміністратор

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Allen, R.
Windows Server Cookbook [Electronic resource] / R. Allen. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2005. - 696 p.
Переклад назви: Куховарська книга Windows Server


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This practical reference guide offers hundreds of useful tasks for managing Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003, Microsoft's latest server. These concise, on-the-job solutions to common problems are certain to save you many hours of time searching through Microsoft documentation. Topics include files, event logs, security, DHCP, DNS, backup/restore, and more.

комп'ютер -- адміністрування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

ALT Linux снаружи. ALT Linux изнутри [Електронний ресурс]. - М. : ДМК-пресс, 2006. - 416 с.. - (Библиотека ALT Linux)


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Из чего состоит дистрибутив Linux? Как он работает и почему? Что умеет, и как этими умениями управлять? Кто они такие, эти таинственные «линуксо- иды»? пингвины? Если писать программы, то про что их писать? И вообще— что на самом деле такое: «Linux», «Дистрибутив», «Сообщество», «Свободные программы» наконец? Обо всём этом и о некотором другом и написано во второй половине нашей книги. Раз уж приходится управлять таким сложным созданием, как пингвин, и тем более—таким сложным инструментом, как компьютер, без знаний не обойтись. Если вы не считаете поведение компьютера «предопределением природы», и хотите что-то изменить к лучшему, непременно стоит познакомиться с тем, что именно вы хотите изменить. По крайней мере, мы—разработчики дистрибутивов ALT Linux и участники Linux-сообщества—для себя решили начинать именно со знаний.

комп'ютер -- ОС

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Alur, D.
Core J2EE patterns [Electronic resource] : best practices and design strategies / D. Alur, J. Crupi, D. Malks. - 2nd. ed.. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 650 p
Переклад назви: Базові зразки J2EE: кращі методи і стратегії проектування


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This book is about patterns for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). The J2EE patterns documented in this edition provide solutions for problems typically encountered by designers of software applications for the J2EE platform. All the patterns documented in the catalog have been discovered in the field, where they have been used to create successful J2EE applications for our customers. This book describes proven solutions for the J2EE platform with a particular emphasis on such key J2EE technologies as: JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components, Java Message Service (JMS), JDBC, and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). We offer solutions for recurring problems for the J2EE platform through the J2EE Pattern Catalog and J2EE refactorings. You can apply these ideas when developing new systems or when improving the design of existing systems. The patterns in this book will help you quickly gain the proficiency and skills to build robust, efficient enterprise applications.

платформа -- сервлет -- додаток -- програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Alwayn, V.
Optical Network Design and Implementation [Electronic resource] / V. Alwayn. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2004. - 840 p.
Переклад назви: Проектування та реалізація оптичної мережі


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A comprehensive guide to understanding and configuring multiservice DWDM, SONET, and SDH architectures

мережа -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Amundsen, M. C.
MAPI, SAPI, and TAPI Developer's Guide [Electronic resource] / M. C. Amundsen. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1996. - 1152 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво розробника MAPI, SAPI, і TAPI

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This book shows you how you can add "send," "speak," and "dial" to your Windows applications and how you can build complete, full-featured e-mail, voice, and telephony applications using Visual Basic, C++ or other VBA-compliant languages. You'll also find detailed reference information on the Messaging, Speech and Telephony API services, recommended hardware, third-party development tools, and tips on how to integrate your applications into Microsoft Exchange server. Michael Amundsen works as an IS Consulting and Training Specialist for Design-Synergy Corporation, a consulting and project management firm specializing in information technology services. He has earned Microsoft certifications for Windows, Visual Basic, SQL Server, and Microsoft Exchange Server. Mike's work takes him to sites in the US and Europe where he teaches Windows programming and helps companies develop and manage Windows-based client/server solutions.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

An introduction to computer programming with Java [Electronic resource] / ed. J. H. Kingston. - Sydney : The University of Sydney, 2006. - 316 p
Переклад назви: Вступ до Java програмування


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This book is an introduction to computer programming using the Java programming language. No prior knowledge of computers or programming is assumed, but the reader must be confident with high school algebra. This book does not claim to completely cover either the Java language or its standard libraries. We have confined the use of the static keyword to testing classes and enumeration classes, to help students avoid non-object-oriented programming, and we have omitted coverage of Java’s features for reflection, packages, multithreading, networking, applets, and graphical user interfaces. Instead, our emphasis is placed on writing programs of high quality using the best techniques, with extensive coverage of design, collection classes, code cliches, verification, testing, general software engineering, scalability, ethics, and recursion (including an application to recursive descent parsing). This book is divided into two parts. At the University of Sydney, each part serves as the text for one semester. We have delayed introducing inheritance to second semester, not because we think it cannot be mastered earlier, but because novice programmers have a lot to learn, and since inheritance can be deferred, we think it should be.

комп'ютер -- мова програмування -- об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Anderson, A.
Macromedia Flash 8 on Demand [Electronic resource] / A. Anderson, S. Johnson. - Indianapolis : Que, 2005. - 560 p.
Переклад назви: Macromedia Flash 8 на вимогу


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Offers readers a fast, visual way to learn Flash 8, enabling one to create interactive web sites

графіка -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Andrew, R.
The CSS anthology [Electronic resource] : 101 essential tips, tricks & hacks / R. Andrew. - 2th. ed.. - Collingwood : SitePoint, 2007. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: Антологія CSS: 101 особлива порада, трюки і хаки


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The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks is a compilation of best practice solutions to the most challenging CSS problems. The third edition of this best-selling book, published in full color, has been completely revised and updated to cover the latest techniques and newer browsers, including Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 8. It's the most complete question-and-answer book on CSS, with over 100 tutorials that'll show you how to gain more control over the appearance of your web page, create sophisticated Web page navigation controls, design for today's alternative browsing devices including phones and screen readers, and much more.

технологія -- браузер -- веб-сторінка -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Apache Server Survival Guide [Electronic resource]. - [S. l. : s. n.]
Переклад назви: Керівництво Apache Server


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A Web server is the server software behind the World Wide Web. It listens for requests from a client, such as a browser like Netscape or Microsoft's Internet Explorer. When it gets one, it processes that request and returns some data. This data usually takes the form of a formatted page with text and graphics. The browser then renders this data to the best of its ability and presents it to the user. Web servers are in concept very simple programs. They await for requests and fulfill them when received.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Appel, A. W.
Modern Compiler Implementation in Java [Electronic resource] / A. W. Appel, J. Palsberg. - 2nd. ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2002. - 501 p.
Переклад назви: Сучасні реалізації компілятора в Java


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This textbook describes all phases of a compiler, and thorough coverage of current techniques in code generation and register allocation, and the compilation of functional and object-oriented languages


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Ardestani, K.
Building an ASP .NET Intranet [Electronic resource] / K. Ardestani. - New York : Apress, 2002. - 476 p.


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This text uses ASP.NET and Visual Basic.NET to develop an intranet application that provides all of the features that users expect. It looks at how to customize existing portal modules, as well as building some of your own.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Argerich, L.
Professional PHP4 [Electronic resource] / L. Argerich. - New York : Apress, 2003. - 1000 p.
Переклад назви: Професійний PHP4


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This resource offers a simple and universal cross-platform solution for e-commerce, complex web, and database-driven applications to working PHP developers who want to take their skills to the next level.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Arthorne, J.
Official Eclipse 3.0 Faqs [Electronic resource] / J. Arthorne, C. Laffra. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2004. - 384 p.
Переклад назви: Офіційний Eclipse 3.0: запитання та відповіді


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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Ash, L.
The web testing companion: the insider's guide to efficient and effective tests [Electronic resource] / L. Ash. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 554 p.
Переклад назви: Помічник з веб тестування: посібник з ефективного та дієвого тестування


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This guide provides practical, hands-on techniques for testing the design, globalization, performance, and security of Web applications.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Atkinson, L.
Core PHP programming [Electronic resource] / L. Atkinson. - 3th. ed.. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 1104 p
Переклад назви: Базове PHP програмування


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This book assumes a certain familiarity with the Internet, the Web, and HTML programming, but it starts with the most basic ideas of programming. It will introduce you to concepts common to all programming languages and how they work in PHP. You can expect this book to teach you how to create rich, dynamic Web sites. You can also expect it to remain on your desk as a reference for how PHP works, or even as a recipe book for solving common design problems.

комп'ютер -- веб-сайт -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Avery, J.
Microsoft ASP.NET [Electronic resource] : setup and configuration / J. Avery. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2003. - 240 p. - (Pocket reference)
Переклад назви: Microsoft ASP.NET: установка і налаштування


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Portable and precise, this pocket-sized reference is the Web application developer’s fast-answers guide to ASP.NET configuration architecture, settings, and custom settings. Zero in on key ASP.NET configuration details and techniques using quick-reference tables, lists, step-by-step instructions, and real world tips, including coding examples for version 2003 of Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET and Microsoft Visual C#® .NET. This handy, one-stop guide delivers the focused, streamlined direction you need to get your Web solutions up and running quickly.

веб-додаток -- конфігурація -- кодування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Axelson, J.
Embedded Ethernet and Internet complete [Electronic resource] / J. Axelson. - Madison : Lakeview Research LLC, 2003. - 482 p.
Переклад назви: Вбудований Ethernet і комплексний інтернет


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Bringing together two areas of computer technology networking and embedded systems this developer's guide offers guidance and examples for each of these, with a focus on the special requirements and limits of embedded systems. Because developing an embedded system for networking requires knowledge from many areas, including circuit design, programming, network architecture, and Ethernet and Internet protocols, developers are given valuable technical information on each that can be put to use right away. Covered are the advantages and limits of using Ethernet to connect embedded systems in a local network, hardware and program code needed to connect an embedded system to an Ethernet network and the Internet, and how to build a network. Also discussed are how embedded systems can use TCP/IP and related protocols and how personal-computer applications can use the protocols to communicate with embedded systems. Developers will learn how their Web server's pages can include dynamic, real-time content and respond to user input.

комп'ютерні технології -- програмування -- апаратний засіб

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Baker, A.
The Windows 2000 device driver book [Electronic resource] : a guide for programmers / A. Baker, J. Lozano. - 2nd. ed.. - New Jersy : Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. - 480 p.
Переклад назви: Windows 2000 книга драйверу пристрою, керівництво для програмістів


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The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book can lead any experienced Windows programmer through every step of device driver development: planning, implementation, testing, debugging, installation, and distribution. Thoroughly updated to reflect Microsoft's Windows Driver Model (WDM) for Windows 2000 and 98, it covers everything from architecture to tools, and includes a powerhouse library of exclusive tools and C and C++ code for streamlining device driver projects. Starting with a high-level overview of WDM components, the book quickly moves into the details of the development environment and driver installation. Master the I/O Manager, its data structures, and its interaction with drivers. Understand Plug and Play and Power Management through extensive practical examples; learn how to construct safe reentrant driver code; log errors and events using Windows Management Instrumentation; utilize kernel-mode threads; layered drivers; and more. The accompanying CD-ROM includes sample drivers, C++ classes to jumpstart your projects, driver installation utilities, even an exclusive device driver AppWizard!


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