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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Математика   

Kincaid, D. R.
Numerical Analysis [Electronic resource] : mathematics of scientific computing / D. R. Kincaid, E. W. Cheney. - Pacific Grove : Brooks/Cole, 1991. - 690 p
Переклад назви: Чисельні методи: математика для наукових обчислень


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This book has evolved over many years from lecture notes that accompany certain upper-division courses in mathematics and computer sciences at our university. These courses introduce students to the algorithms and methods that are commonly needed in scientific computing. The mathematical underpinnings of these methods are emphasized as much as their algorithmic aspects. The students have been diverse: mathematics, engineering, science, and computer science undergraduates, as well as graduate students from various disciplines. Portions of the book also have been used to lay the groundwork in several graduate courses devoted to special topics in numerical analysis, such as the numerical solution of differential equations, numerical linear algebra, and approximation theory. Our approach has always been to treat the subject from a mathematical point of view, with attention given to its rich offering of theorems, proofs, and interesting ideas. From these arise many computational procedures and intriguing questions of computer science.

алгоритм -- інформатика

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Adams, B.
Interdomain multicast solutions guide [Electronic resource] / B. Adams, E. Cheng, T. Fox. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2002. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Керівництво Міждоменного багатоадресного Рішення


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide is a complete, concise, solutions-based book that shows how to deploy IP multicast services. The book begins with a technology description that defines IP multicast and summarizes various methods of deploying multicast services. From there, readers are presented two distinct interdomain multicast solutions using MSDP and Source Specific Multicast (SSM), respectively. These two solutions feature complete design and implementation scenarios that reflect real-world applications. The appendix includes a command summary that describes all the IOS commands discussed in the book.


   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Chen, X.
Developing Application Frameworks in .NET [Electronic resource] / X. Chen. - New York : Apress, 2004. - 374 p.
Переклад назви: Розробка додатків Frameworks в .NET


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This book explains what frameworks are and how they fit into applications, and offers many object-oriented techniques used in application frameworks.


   Тип видання:   життєпис   
Категорія: Фізика   

Cheney, Margaret.
Tesla [Electronic resource] : man Out of Time / M. Cheney. - New York : Barns & Noble Book, [20_ _?]. - 320 p
Переклад назви: Тесла: людина поза часом


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

In Tesla: Man Out of Time, Margaret Cheney explores the brilliant and prescient mind of one of the twentieth century's greatest scientists and inventors. Called a madman by his enemies, a genius by others, and an enigma by nearly everyone, Nikola Tesla was, without a doubt, a trailblazing inventor who created astonishing, sometimes world-transforming devices that were virtually without theoretical precedent. Tesla not only discovered the rotating magnetic field -- the basis of most alternating-current machinery -- but also introduced us to the fundamentals of robotics, computers, and missile science. Almost supernaturally gifted, unfailingly flamboyant and neurotic, Tesla was troubled by an array of compulsions and phobias and was fond of extravagant, visionary experimentations. He was also a popular man-about-town, admired by men as diverse as Mark Twain and George Westinghouse, and adored by scores of society beauties. From Tesla's childhood in Yugoslavia to his death in New York in the 1940s, Cheney paints a compelling human portrait and chronicles a lifetime of discoveries that radically altered -- and continue to alter -- the world in which we live. Tesla: Man Out of Time is an in-depth look at the seminal accomplishments of a scientific wizard and a thoughtful examination of the obsessions and eccentricities of the man behind the science.

фізика -- винахід

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