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   Тип видання:   словник   

Leech, Geoffrey.
A Glossary of English Grammar [Electronic resource] / Geoffrey Leech. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2006. - 140 p. - (Glossaries in Linguistics)
Переклад назви: Граматичний словник англійської мови


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A Glossary of English Grammar presents a wide range of terms used to describe the way the English language is structured. Grammatical terms can be a problem for students, especially when there are alternative names for the same thing (for example, 'past tense' and 'preterite'). This book therefore provides a basic and accessible guide, focusing on the English language. Definitions of grammatical terms are given in simple language, with clear examples, many from authentic texts and spoken sources, showing how they are used. The terms used in the Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language are widely seen as standard, and form the basis of grammatical terminology in this book. At the same time, this glossary does not neglect other variants of English grammar, such as that of Huddleston and Pullum's influential Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, whose most important terms are also covered here. This book is indispensable for anyone wishing to understand present-day terminology of English grammar more fully.

слововживання -- граматика -- англійська мова

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Leech, Thomas.
Say It like shakespeare [Electronic resource] : how to give a speech like Hamlet, persuade like Henry V, and other secrets from the world's greatest communicator / Thomas Leech. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2001. - 321 p
Переклад назви: Скажіть це, як Шекспір: як виступити з промовою як Гамлет, переконати як Генріх V та інші секрети від найбільших промовців у світі


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From Tom Leech, author, speech coach, and conference speaker, comes a new book: SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE: THE BARD'S TIMELESS TIPS FOR COMMUNICATION SUCCESS, 2nd Edition. WINNER OF INT'L BOOK AWARDS (May 2014) "Business: Communications/Public Relations" Category. This new edition of McGraw-Hill's original widely-praised book provides a tuneup for enhancing communications success in business and personal worlds. As the Bard of Avon put it 4+ centuries ago "No man is lord of anything 'til he COMMUNICATE his parts to others." To succeed in business, communicating with colleagues, upper management, customers (real or potential), the general public and others along the way is a key factor in landing that job, doing it well, and getting that promotion. And in personal interactions, communication is high on the list of important capabilities. "As a financial executive, now retired, I was constantly amazed at how the Bard's words applied so well to the business world. Tom's 2nd edition highlights many of these in a vivid and valuable manner. A must read." Alex Sandie, President-Founder of San Diego Shakespeare Society. Here you'll learn from the Bard's memorable communicators, such as Henry V to his Band of Brothers, Marc Antony to his "Friends and Romans," Cleopatra when shooting the messenger, Othello advising his team to "put brain in gear before mouth" (plenty of current examples where failure to follow that tip causes big trouble), and even Falstaff to shape up his band of scoundrels. Pithy examples from current day (and past) executives, politicians, and personalities sharply demonstrate positive and negative techniques for communication success or failure.

англійська мова -- промова -- риторика

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