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Peerenboom, R.
China modernizes [Electronic resource] : threat to the West or model for the rest? / R. Peerenboom. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 406 p.
Переклад назви: Китай модернізує: загроза Заходу чи модель для відпочинку? !!!kk2udk_W.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

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Two sharply contrasting views of China exist today. On the one hand a rising superpower predicted to have the largest economy in the world by mid century, on the other hand a brutal, anachronistic and authoritarian regime, a threat to geo-stability and to the economies of the industrial world. So which China is the real China? Randall Peerenboom addresses this question by exploring China's economy, political and legal system, and most controversially, its record on civil, political and personal rights in the context of the developing world. Avoiding polemic and relying on empirical evidence, he compares China's performance not with first world countries such as the US and UK but with other middle income countries and highlights the often hypocritical stance of an international community which demands standards from others that it does not match at home. He also critically evaluates the benefits of globalisation and democratisation and the normative values of the West set against Beijing's determination to retain its cultural and political integrity. This book seeks to bridge the gap in understanding about China and to create a firmer foundation for mutual trust, while recognising that there are inevitable risks in a shift in global power of this magnitude that will require hard headed pragmatism at times where interests collide.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Judicial independence in China. Lessons for global rule of law promotion [Electronic resource] / ed. R. Peerenboom. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 262 p.
Переклад назви: Судова незалежність в Китаї: уроки для глобального права та сприяння закону !!!kk2udk_W.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This volume challenges the conventional wisdom about judicial independence in China and its relationship to economic growth, rule of law, human rights protection, and democracy. The volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach that places China's judicial reforms and the struggle to enhance the professionalism, authority, and independence of the judiciary within a broader comparative and developmental framework. Contributors debate the merits of international best practices and their applicability to China; provide new theoretical perspectives and empirical studies; and discuss civil, criminal, and administrative cases in urban and rural courts. This volume contributes to several fields, including law and development and the promotion of rule of law and good governance, globalization studies, neo-institutionalism and studies of the judiciary, the emerging literature on judicial reforms in authoritarian regimes, Asian legal studies, and comparative law more generally.

закон Китаю -- китайська юриспруденція

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