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   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Jones, A.
Chemistry [Electronic resource] : аn Introduction for Medical and Health Sciences / A. Jones. - New York : Wiley, 2005. - 273 p.


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Chemistry: An Introduction for Medical and Health Sciences provides students and practitioners with a clear, readable introduction to the chemical terms and concepts that are relevant to their study and practice. Assuming little prior knowledge of the subject the book describes and explains the chemistry underlying many of the most commonly prescribed drugs and medicines. It also includes information on chemical aspects of digestion and nutrition, oxidation, radioactivity and an overview of how chemicals fight disease.

здоров'я -- медична хімія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Tim Jones, M.
Al Application Programming [Electronic resource] / M. Tim Jones. - Hingham : Charles River Media, 2003
Переклад назви: Штучний інтелект. Програмування додатків


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The purpose of this book is to demystify the techniques associated with the field of artificial intelligence. It covers both the theory and the practical applications to teach developers how to apply AI techniques in their own designs.

інтелектуальна система

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Jones, C. A.
Python & XML [Electronic resource] / C. A. Jones, F. L. Drake. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2002. - 384 p


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Python is an ideal language for manipulating XML, and this new volume gives you a solid foundation for using these two languages together. Complete with practical examples that highlight common application tasks, the book starts with the basics then quickly progresses to complex topics like transforming XML with XSLT and querying XML with XPath. It also explores more advanced subjects, such as SOAP and distributed web services.

мова програмування -- мережа -- програма

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Jones, A.
C# Programmer's cookbook [Electronic resource] / A. Jones. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2004. - 650 p.


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This book offers 226 code recipes applicable to a variety of difficulties that may arise in the process of application development. Topics covered include XML processing, Windows forms, database access, networking, runtime security, cryptography and more.

сі шарп -- ооп

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Jones, M. T.
GNU/Linux application programming [Electronic resource] / M. T. Jones. - Hingham : Charles River Media, 2005. - 512 p.
Переклад назви: Програмування додатків на GNU/Linux


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Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using APIs, tools, communication, and scripting, this book introduces programmers to the environment from the lowest layers to the user layers.

розробка ПЗ

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Falkner, J.
Servlets and JavaServer Pages [Electronic resource] : the J2EE Technology Web Tier / J. Falkner, K. Jones. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2003. - 784 p.
Переклад назви: Сервлети і сторінки JavaServer


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Servlets and JavaServer Pages is the first complete guide to building dynamic Java-based Web applications using the new JavaServer Pages 2.0 and Servlets 2.4. Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) provide a robust solution to developing large, complex Web applications, including multiserver projects. In addition to built-in security, portability, and a Web server, they offer developers the freedom to work with any operating system that supports Javabe it Linux, Windows, OSX, or Solaris. This authoritative book begins by explaining how to set up a Servlet and JSP development environment, including a discussion of containers, Java support, and installing and configuring Tomcat. The authors then thoroughly explore servlets and JSP, including significant coverage of custom tag libraries, newly available filters, and popular servlet and JSP design patterns. Readers can then test-drive the knowledge gained by constructing a book-support Web site.

мова програмування -- комп’ютерна програма -- програмне забезпечення -- веб-сайт -- JavaServer Pages

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Welch, B. B.
Practical programming in Tcl and Tk [Electronic resource] / B. B. Welch, K. Jones, J. Hobbs. - 4th. ed.. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 960 p.
Переклад назви: Практичне прорамуванян на Tcl та Tk


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Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk is described as the "bible" for Tcl programmers. It is a guide to the Tcl/Tk programming language and GUI toolkit. This revision includes substantial updates to cover the new version 8.4-giving both an overview of the features, as well as details about every command in the language. The third edition, written on version 8.2, sold over 30,000 copies. Version 8.4 of Tcl - Tool Command Language-provides substantial updates to one of the most popular UNIX scripting languages. The latest release, includes the addition of a virtual filesystem (VFS), many additional programming widgets (spinbox, panedwindow, labelframe),and improved performance of about 20% over 8.3. The book provides a guide to the best ways to use the tooklit. It not only gives accurate details, but includes extensive examples that demonstrate the best way to use the toolkit. The authors are experts that have both developed the technology and used it to solve problems, so they have many valuable insights to relate to the readers.

скриптова мова -- toolkit -- tool command language

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Timperley, J.
Connective selling: the secrets of winning 'Big Ticket' sales [Electronic resource] / J. Timperley. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 195 p.


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Use the tips and strategies in this guide to achieve high value business by gaining the respect and trust of your clients, helping them succeed, and really hearing what they're saying.

продаж -- торгівля

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cooperating for Peace and Security [Electronic resource] : evolving Institutions and Arrangements in a Context of Changing U.S. Security Policy / ed. R. Gowan, B. D. Jones, F. Forman. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 332 p.
Переклад назви: Співпраця заради миру та безпеки: Розвиток інститутів та механізмів у контексті зміни політики безпеки США


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Cooperating for Peace and Security is a comprehensive survey of multilateral security cooperation since 1989. With essays by leading experts on topics from peacekeeping to nuclear security, it goes beyond theoretical discussions of the value of cooperation to show how the operational activities of international organizations meet the security needs of states. In particular, it explores the complex relationship between multilateralism and American security concerns. Covering the UN, NATO, and regional organizations, the authors show that U.S. interests have often shaped institutions. But, more strikingly, other states have also driven institutional change without U.S. support or even in the face of American opposition. This raises important questions about how the balance of power shapes international institutions. In a period of shifting power dynamics, the empirical evidence on security cooperation gathered in this volume is a unique resource for scholars and policy-makers concerned with the future of international institutions.

військове формування -- силова структура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Jones, Constance A..
Encyclopedia of Hinduism [Electronic resource] / Constance A. Jones, James D. Ryan. - New York : Facts On File, Inc., 2007. - 592 p. - (Encyclopedia of world religions)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія індуїзму


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Encyclopedia of World Religions is a new series from Facts on File that explores the major religions of the world, emphasizing the living faiths and their historical and social background. Each volume was written by an expert in the field, and reviewed and approved by series editor J. Gordon Melton. Ideal for high school and junior college students, these authoritative references are accessible enough to be of use to the general reader as well as the serious scholar. Each volume includes approximately 600 A-to-Z entries that provide easy access to the theological concepts, personalities, historical events, institutions, and movements that helped shape the history of each religion and the way it is practiced today. Fascinating introductions by each author place the religion in context, and further readings, a bibliography, an index, and approximately 80 black-and-white photographs complete these invaluable resources.

індуїзм -- релігієзнавство

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Jones, W. Glyn.
Colloquial Danish [Electronic resource] : the complete course for beginners / W. Glyn Jones, Kirsten Gade. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2003. - 294 p
Переклад назви: Данська розмовна мова: повний курс для початківців


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Colloquial Danish consists of eighteen units, each containing about ninety new words. Each unit is built around a series of smaller units including texts, dialogues, explanatory language points and exercises. On pages x–xiv there is a brief pronunciation guide, a review of the main language points, a key to exercises and English–Danish and Danish–English glossaries. Below, we explain the aim of the various units and the best way of working with them. If you want to derive maximum benefit from the book, we suggest you do not skip this introduction!

данська мова -- вимова -- орфоепія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jones, Dafydd.
Dada culture: critical texts on the Avant-Garde [Electronic resource] / Dafydd Jones. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2006. - 328 p.. - (Avant-Garde Critical Studies 18)
Переклад назви: Культура дадаїзму: критичні тексти щодо авангарду


Географічні рубрики:

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How Dada is to break its cultural accommodation and containment today necessitates thinking the historical instances through revised application of critical and theoretical models. The volume Dada Culture: Critical Texts on the Avant-Garde moves precisely by this motive, bringing together writings which insist upon the continuity of the early twentieth century moment now at the start of the twenty-first. Engaging the complex and contradictory nature of Dada strategies, instanced in the linguistic gaming and performativity of the movement's initial formation, and subsequently isolating the specific from the general with essays focusing on Ball, Tzara, Serner, Hausmann, Dix, Heartfield, Schwitters, Baader, Cravan and the exemplary Duchamp, the political philosophy of the avant-garde is brought to bear upon our own contemporary struggle through critical theory to comprehend the cultural usefulness, relevance, validity and effective (or otherwise) oppositionality of Dada's infamous anti-stance.

культура -- мистецтво -- авангард

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Church-State Issues in America Today [Electronic resource] / ed. Ann. W. Duncan, Steven L. Jones. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 2008
Переклад назви: Відносини між церквою та державою в сучасній Америці

Географічні рубрики:

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Т. 1 : Religion and Government. - 2008. - 841 p.

Church and state issues are in the news now more than ever before. Political and religious leaders alike are negotiating shaky ground as they balance their religious/moral and political perspectives with their roles as leaders. New technologies push the boundaries of moral consensus by creating new controversies such as those involving stem-cell research and medical measures to sustain or end the lives of the terminally ill. The Supreme Court continues to work to clarify the fuzzy line between religion and politics as it addresses cases regarding abortion, school prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, among other issues. Further controversies only lead to further divisions among Americans. Church and state issues are in the news now more than ever before. Political and religious leaders alike are negotiating on shaky ground as they balance their religious/moral and political perspectives with their roles as leaders. New technologies push the boundaries of moral consensus by creating new controversies such as those involving stem-cell research and medical measures to sustain or end the lives of the terminally ill. The Supreme Court continues to work to clarify the fuzzy line between religion and politics as it addresses cases regarding abortion, school prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, among other issues. Further controversies only lead to further divisions among Americans. At the beginning of the 21st century, there are as many interpretations of this separation as there are interpretations of particular issues such as abortion or school vouchers. This three-volume collection summarizes the history and current status of issues involving the separation of church and state through chapters examining the backgrounds, relevant constitutional concerns, and variety of perspectives on specific controversies. Framed by a general discussion of the history of the separation between church and state and through careful attention to subjects such as capital punishment, gay marriage, and clergy support of political leaders, there emerges an incredibly complex, enlightening, and provocative picture for anyone with an interest in the unique nature of religion in the United States of America.

політика -- дипломатія -- культура

   Тип видання:   атлас   

McEvedy, Colin.
Atlas of World Population History [Electronic resource] / Colin McEvedy, Richard M. Jones. - 2th. ed.. - London : Penguin Books, 1979. - 185 p. - (Hist Atlas)
Переклад назви: Атлас всесвітньої історії народонаселення


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The book details population changes in every region of the planet from 400 BC to 1978 AD. McEvedy and Jones used seventy line graphs and accompanying commentary text to describe population changes in seventy regions. The only negative aspect of this book is that the authors estimates of pre-European, Native American populations are considerably lower than most other estimates and seem somewhat outdated. While many books describe population changes, few cover such a huge breadth of space and time and few give so much information so directly. This book is much appreciated and other books like this would certainly be welcome.

демографія -- населення світу -- народжуваність -- плинність населення -- міграції

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Jones, Adam.
Genocide [Electronic resource] : a comprehensive introduction / Adam Jones. - 2th. ed.. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2011. - 680 p
Переклад назви: Геноцид : комплексний вступ


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Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction is the most wide-ranging textbook on genocide yet published. The book is designed as a text for upper-undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a primer for non-specialists and general readers interested in learning about one of humanity’s enduring blights. Fully updated to reflect the latest thinking in this rapidly developing field, this new edition: provides an introduction to genocide as both a historical phenomenon and an analytical-legal concept, including an extended discussion of the concept of genocidal intent, and the dynamism and contingency of genocidal processes; discusses the role of state-building, imperialism, war, and social revolution in fueling genocide; supplies a wide range of full-length case studies of genocides worldwide, each with an accompanying box-text; explores perspectives on genocide from the social sciences, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science/international relations, and gender studies; considers "The Future of Genocide," with attention to historical memory and genocide denial; initiatives for truth, justice, and redress; and strategies of intervention and prevention.

елімінація -- дискримінація -- масове знищення -- геноцид

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