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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Біологічні науки   

The animal kingdom [Electronic resource] : arranged after its organization, forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy : in 4 vol. / G. Cuvier [et al.]. - London : W. S. Orr and co., 1854
Переклад назви: Царство тварин, впорядковане згідно до його організації; опис природної історії та вступ до порівняльної анатомії царства тварин


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Vol. 3. - 524 p.

Vol. 3 : ill. - 406 p.

Georges Cuvier was an eminent French naturalist and zoologist best known for establishing the scientific disciplines of comparative anatomy and palaeontology. A man from humble origins, born into a Protestant family, Cuvier excelled in his studies as a youth, becoming a tutor to a Protestant noble in Normandy after four years at the Caroline Academy in Stuttgart. From this position, which kept him at a distance from the more tumultuous events of the French Revolution, Cuvier established connections with the leading naturalists of his day, and in 1795 was appointed as a research assistant to the newly founded chair in comparative anatomy at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. Shortly thereafter, Cuvier was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences within the Institut de France, from which point his success and reputation grew. In 1799 he was appointed professor at Collège de France, and became titular professor himself at the Jardin des Plantes in 1802. In 1806 he became a foreign member of the Royal Society in London, and was appointed to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1812. Cuvier’s scientific achievements are manifold. He was the first to establish extinction as a natural and historical fact, and his ’catastrophist’ theory of geology eventually won out over the gradualist theories of his contemporaries Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Étienne Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire. His best-known work is the Le Règne Animale (The Animal Kingdom, 1817).

зоологія -- фауна -- природознавство -- еволюція

   Тип видання:   підручник   

West, M.
Real process improvement using the CMMI [Electronic resource] / M. West. - Boca Raton : Auerbach Publications, 2004. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Поліпшення реальних процесів використовуючи CMMI


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This book offers non-academic, real-world approaches to implementing CMMI-based process improvement in an organization. The author identifies critical concepts of CMMI, and details how to turn them into real process improvement.

зрілість організації

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Westwood, D.
Rifles [Electronic resource] : an illustrated history of their impact / D. Westwood. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2005. - 489 p.. - (Weapons and Warfare)
Переклад назви: Гвинтівки: ілюстрована історія їх впливу


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зброя -- постріл

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Westwood, D.
German infantryman [Electronic resource] / D. Westwood. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2002-2003. - (Warrior)
Переклад назви: Німецький піхотинець


Географічні рубрики:

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Vol. 1 : 1933-40. - 2002. - 64 p.

Vol. 2 : Східний фронт 1941-43. - 2003. - 66 p.

The common German infantryman played a crucial role in the events that led to the outbreak of war, and the burden of duty lay on his shoulders during the opening moves of the conflict, in the invasion of Poland, the conquest of Norway and Denmark, the Low Countries and France. The Wehrmacht was unstoppable in this period, as it defeated almost every country that took the field against it. This volume examines the recruitment, training, weapons and equipment of the German infantryman in the eventful years building up to and including Blitzkrieg. Weaponry, team roles, tactics, training and personal equipment are all covered.

війна -- піхота -- зброя

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Westerhoff, Jan.
Twelve examples of illusion [Electronic resource] / Jan Westerhoff. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. - 208 p
Переклад назви: Дванадцять прикладів ілюзії


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Tibetan Buddhist writings frequently state that many of the things we perceive in the world are in fact illusory, as illusory as echoes or mirages. In Twelve Examples of Illusion, Jan Westerhoff offers an engaging look at a dozen illusions--including magic tricks, dreams, rainbows, and reflections in a mirror--showing how these phenomena can give us insight into reality. For instance, he offers a fascinating discussion of optical illusions, such as the wheel of fire (the "wheel" seen when a torch is swung rapidly in a circle), discussing Tibetan explanations of this phenomenon as well as the findings of modern psychology, and significantly clarifying the idea that most phenomena--from chairs to trees--are similar illusions. The book uses a variety of crystal-clear examples drawn from a wide variety of fields, including contemporary philosophy and cognitive science, as well as the history of science, optics, artificial intelligence, geometry, economics, and literary theory. Throughout, Westerhoff makes both Buddhist philosophical ideas and the latest theories of mind and brain come alive for the general reader.

ілюзія -- психологія сприйняття

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Weston, A. Price.
Nutrition and physical degeneration [Electronic resource] / A. Price Weston. - [S. l.] : Price Pottenger Nutrition, 2009. - 527 p
Переклад назви: Харчування і фізична дегенерація


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New Expanded 8th edition with new photos and text. An epic study demonstrating the importance of whole food nutrition, and the degeneration and destruction that comes from a diet of processed foods. For nearly 10 years, Weston Price and his wife traveled around the world in search of the secret to health. Instead of looking at people afflicted with disease symptoms, this highly-respected dentist and dental researcher chose to focus on healthy individuals, and challenged himself to understand how they achieved such amazing health. Dr. Price traveled to hundreds of cities in a total of 14 different countries in his search to find healthy people. He investigated some of the most remote areas in the world. He observed perfect dental arches, minimal tooth decay, high immunity to tuberculosis and overall excellent health in those groups of people who ate their indigenous foods. He found when these people were introduced to modernized foods, such as white flour, white sugar, refined vegetable oils and canned goods, signs of degeneration quickly became quite evident. Dental caries, deformed jaw structures, crooked teeth, arthritis and a low immunity to tuberculosis became rampant amongst them. Dr. Price documented this ancestral wisdom including hundreds of photos in his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

дієтологія -- гастроентерологія -- дегенерація

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