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Стецько, Я. С.
30 червня 1941 [Електронний ресурс] : проголошення відновлення державності України / Я. С. Стецько. - [Б. м. : б. в.], 1967. - 463 с.


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правовий акт -- суспільство

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / editors: K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner. - Detroit : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія шпигунства, розвідки і безпеки


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Vol. 1 : A - E. - 424 p.

Vol. 2 : F - Q. - 463 p.

Vol. 3 : R - Z index. - 432 p.

"Provides a comprehensive, subject specific guide to the history, uses, scientific principles, and technologies of espionage, intelligence, and security, with special emphasis placed on the current ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding this very topical subject." - Представляет глубокий, с учетом выбранной темы, экскурс по истории, использованию, научным принципам и технологиям шпионажа, разведки и безопасности, уделяя особое внимание текущим этическим, правовым и социальным вопросам связанным с этой весьма актуальной темой.

резидентура -- дипломатія -- міжнародні відносини -- державна таємниця

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of United States National Security [Electronic resource] / R.J. Samuels. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2006. - 972 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія Державної Безпеки Сполучених Штатів


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With over 750 entries, the Encyclopedia of United States National Security is the first single, concise reference source to provide accurate and informative answers to the many challenging questions of how, why, when, and where national security has evolved. In addition to presenting historical facts and analyses, this two-volume encyclopedia is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to some of the more complicated and abstract questions concerning world politics and national security. A thoroughly interdisciplinary work, this encyclopedia views national security from historical, economic, political, and technological perspectives.

безпека -- сша

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Hunt, A.
Foucault and law [Electronic resource] : towards a sociology of law as governance / A. Hunt, G. Wickham. - London; Boulder : Pluto Press, 1994. - 168 p. - (Law and Social Theory)
Переклад назви: Фуко і право: до соціології права як управління


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When he died in 1984, Michel Foucault was regarded as one of the most profoundly influential philosophers of his day. Although the law itself never formed a central focus for Foucault, many of the principal themes in his writings are concerned with issues of governance and power that are of direct relevance to the study of law. And yet, until now, Foucault's work has attracted only fleeting attention from the legal academy. Foucault and Law corrects this oversight. Opening with a lucid, critical and unpretentious account of Foucault's work, Hunt and Wickham map out a terrain of methodological and theoretical principals, providing the groundwork for a new sociology of law as governance.

влада -- соціологія права -- управління

Тип видання: навчальний посібник   

Roach, S. C.
Governance, order and the International criminal court [Electronic resource] : between realpolitik and a cosmopolitan court / S. C. Roach. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. - 289 p.
Переклад назви: Управління, порядок і Міжнародний кримінальний суд: між реалполітичним і космополітичним судом


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How has the International Criminal Court (ICC) been able to evolve into a fairly effective, albeit relatively untested multi-level model of global governance? This volume explores this question and the novel predicament it represents for understanding the challenges of extending globalgovernance and promoting global justice. It focuses on the novel dynamics and design of the ICC and the role played by realpolitik factors such as the UN Security veto and intra-state competition in shaping and testing the cosmopolitan dimensions of the Court. To study these focal points and tounderstand the political challenges shaping the policies of the ICC, the book adopts a synergistic model based on four levels of responsibility, ranging from the state's negative responsibility not to harm its own citizens to the positive, open-ended global responsibility of the ICC Prosecutor. Themodel offers the basis of the book's cutting-edge, innovative approach, a "cosmopolitan political realism" , which encompasses and interweaves four International Relations theoretical perspectives: rationalism, constructivism, communicative action theory, and cosmopolitanism. Guiding this model isthe metaphor of the switch levers of train tracks, in which the Prosecutor and Judges serve as the agents switching (and criss-crossing) the tracks of realpolitik and cosmopolitanism. With this visual aid, the volume shows just how the ICC has become one of the most intriguing points of intersectionbetween law, politics, and ethics.

право -- політика -- етика

Тип видання: методичний посібник   

Garsia, M.
How to write your will. The complete guide to structuring your will, inheritance tax planning, probate and administering an estate [Electronic resource] / M. Garsia. - 19th. ed. - London : Kogan Page, 2009. - 278 p.
Переклад назви: Як написати ваш заповіт: Посібник зі складання заповіту, планування податку на спадок та управління нерухомістю


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Essential reading for an executor and anyone thinking about making or updating a will, "How to Write Your Will" is full of expert advice and easy-to-use information set out in jargon free language. It covers all the important issues, including: why to write a will; where to start; tax and legal considerations; and, the problems of dying intestate. It also provides detailed instructions for executors on valuing and administering an estate prior to winding it up. Fully revised to include all new changes to tax laws and the latest legislation on trusts, "How to Write Your Will" now features an extended chapter on documentation, information on the legal situation in Scotland, a 'how to' section and an explanation of the implications for assets in other countries. Packed with helpful information, practical examples and FAQs, it is the complete guide to wills and probate.

спадкове право -- спадкоємство

Тип видання: довідник   

Fishman, S.
Inventor's Guide to Law, Business & Taxes [Electronic resource] / S. Fishman. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2003. - 240 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник винахідника по закону, бізнесу та податкам


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Alexander Bain invented the fax machine. John Pemberton created Coca-Cola. James Harrison invented the refrigerator. All of them went broke because they didn't know how to run a business. Creating a successful invention isn't enough; this guide shows how to make it a business.

організація бізнесу -- управління бізнесом

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Harcourt, B. E.
Language of the gun [Electronic resource] : youth, crime, and public policy / B. E. Harcourt. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2006. - 278 p.
Переклад назви: Мова пістолету: молодь, злочинність і державна політика


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Legal and public policies concerning youth gun violence tend to rely heavily on crime reports, survey data, and statistical methods. Rarely is attention given to the young voices belonging to those who carry high-powered semiautomatic handguns. In Language of the Gun, Bernard E. Harcourt recounts in-depth interviews with youths detained at an all-malecorrectional facility, exploring how they talk about guns and what meanings they ascribe to them in a broader attempt to understand some of the assumptions implicit in current handgun policies. In the process, Harcourt redraws the relationships among empirical research, law, and public policy. Home to over 150 repeat offenders ranging in age from twelve to seventeen, the Catalina Mountain School is made up of a particular stratum of boys—those who have committed the most offenses but will still be released upon reaching adulthood. In an effort to understand the symbolic and emotional language of guns and gun carrying, Harcourt interviewed dozens of these incarcerated Catalina boys. What do these youths see in guns? What draws them to handguns? Why do some of them carry and others not? For Harcourt, their often surprising answers unveil many of the presuppositions that influence our laws and policies.

кримінал -- обіг зброї -- самозахист

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Harlow, C.
Law and Administration [Electronic resource] / C. Harlow, R. Rawlings. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 881 p.
Переклад назви: Право та управління


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As the branch of law dealing with the exercise of governmental power, and so directly concerned with politics, policy issues and good governance values, administrative law can challenge even the advanced student. In response, this classic text looks at both the law and the factors informing it, elaborating the foundations of the subject. This contextualised approach allows the reader to develop a broad understanding of the subject. The authors consider the distinctive theoretical frameworks which inform study of this challenging subject. Case law and legislation are set out and discussed and the authors have built in a range of case studies, to give a clear practical dimension to the study. This new and updated edition will cement the title’s prominent status.


Тип видання: наукове видання   

Crocker, C. A.
Leashing the dogs of war [Electronic resource] : conflict management in a divided world / C. A. Crocker, F. O. Hampson, P. Aall. - Washington : United States Institute of Peace, 2008. - 726 p.
Переклад назви: Керування собаками війни: управління конфліктами в розділеному світі


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The definitive volume on the sources of contemporary conflict and the array of possible responses to it.


Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

Methodologies, including evidence-based approaches, for assessing areas of special vulnerability to corruption in the public and private sectors [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : CAC, 2010. - 11 p.
Переклад назви: Методології, в тому числі науково-обгрунтованих підходів для оцінки областей особливої уразливості до корупції в державному і приватному секторах


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Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Merriman, S. A.
Religion and the Law in America [Electronic resource] : an Encyclopedia of Personal Belief and Public Policy / S. A. Merriman. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2007
Переклад назви: Релігія і закон в Америці: Енциклопедія особистої віри та державної політики


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Vol. 1. - 547 p.

The relationship between church and state was contentious long before the framers of the Constitution undertook the bold experiment of separating the two, sparking a debate that would rage for centuries: What is the role of religion in government—and vice versa? Religion and the Law in America explores the many facets of this question, from prayer in public schools to the addition of the phrase "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, from government investigation of religious fringe groups to federal grants for faith-based providers of social services. In more than 250 A–Z entries, along with a series of broad, thematic essays, it examines the groups, laws, and court cases that have framed this ongoing debate. Through its careful, balanced exploration of the interaction between government and religion throughout the history of the United States, the work provides all Americans—students, scholars, and lay readers alike—with a deep understanding of one of the central, enduring issues in our history.

релігія -- право -- закон

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Hahn, R. W.
Reviving regulatory reform: a global perspective [Electronic resource] / R. W. Hahn. - Washington : AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 2000. - 124 p.
Переклад назви: Відродження релуляторної реформи: Глобальна перспектива


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Policymakers are engaged in a continuing, thorough reexamination of how national and state governments regulate areas ranging from telecommunications to the environment. So extensive is the questioning of the familiar, and so daring some of the proposed and actual changes, that the movement deserves the term revolution. In this volume Robert W. Hahn shows how a deeper understanding of the economic and social impacts of regulation is fueling the regulatory revolution. People are becoming more aware that regulations impose costs on individuals, even if those costs are hidden from view, as is the case with most regulation. Changes in the economic benefits and costs of regulation that technology has induced are also driving the revolution. Those technological innovations increase the cost of maintaining the existing regulatory structure and thus create pressure for change. Hahn demonstrates how improvements in monitoring outputs and behavior are propelling the revolution. We need, Hahn asserts, to examine the revolution in regulation not only in terms of its impact on national economies, but also in terms of its potential international effects. For example, stringent regulation of the environment in one country may induce firms to relocate to other countries. In addition, product specifications introduced under the guise of protecting consumers may give domestic producers a competitive advantage. Thus, regulation can dramatically influence the pattern of international trade and investment. The international ramifications of domestic regulation are likely to increase in importance as markets become more global. Hahn points out that just as nations have attempted to coordinate their activities to reduce direct trade barriers such as tariffs, they may also need to coordinate some regulatory activities that distort patterns of trade and investment.

державне регулювання

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Dunoff, J. L.
Ruling the World? [Electronic resource] : constitutionalism, International Law, and Global Governance / J. L. Dunoff, J. P. Trachtman. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. - 414 p.
Переклад назви: Керування світом? : Конституціоналізм, міжнародне право, і глобальне управління


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Ruling the World?: Constitutionalism, International Law, and Global Governance provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the major developments and central questions in debates over international constitutionalism at the UN, EU, WTO, and other sites of global governance. The essays in this volume explore controversial empirical and structural questions, doctrinal and normative issues, and questions of institutional design and positive political theory. Ruling the World? grows out of a three-year research project that brought twelve leading scholars together to create a comprehensive and integrated framework for understanding global constitutionalization. Ruling the World? is the first volume to explore in a cross-cutting way constitutional discourse across international regimes, constitutional pluralism, and relations among transnational and domestic constitutions. The volume examines the core assumptions, basic analytic tools, and key challenges in contemporary debates over international constitutionalization.

конституція -- право

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Bussmann, K. -D.
Social dynamics of crime and control [Electronic resource] : new theories for a world in transition / K. -D. Bussmann, S. Karstedt. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2001. - 271 p.
Переклад назви: Соціальна динаміка злочинності і управління: нові теорії в перехідний період в світі


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This volume assembles recent perspectives and fresh approaches in the field of criminology. It gives an overview of new paths that criminologists take to meet the challenges of social dynamics in different fields of the discipline. Scholars of criminology and sociol-legal studies have contributed to the volume thus furthering an integrative and complex perspective on crime and control. This volume includes the papers from a conference that took place at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at Onati, Spain, from 23 to 24 October 1997. The VW-Foundation in Germany generously funded the conference. We are in particular indebted to Dr Hagen Hof of the VW-Foundation for his advice and support. We owe further thanks to the staff of the International Institute at Onati, especially Mrs Malen Gordoa, who all contributed to the perfect organisation and the inspiring atmosphere of the workshop.



Tonkin, Hannah.
State control over private military and security companies in armed conflict [Electronic resource] / Hannah Tonkin. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2011. - 339 p
Переклад назви: Державний контроль за приватними військовими і охоронними компаніями у збройних конфліктах


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I could not have produced this book without the assistance and support of others. It began life as a doctoral thesis completed at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Dapo Akande and Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill. Dapo’s sharp intellect, close attention to detail and extensive knowledge of international law undoubtedly pushed me to produce a better thesis and book. He regularly went beyond the call of duty by providing feedback from the other side of the world, whether by email between Yale and The Hague or by skype between Oxford and Australia, and his flexibility and tireless availability enabled me to pursue a range of endeavours while still maintaining a strong level of supervision throughoutmydoctorate. I amalsoextremely grateful tomy supervisor during the final term of my doctorate, Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill, who invested a considerable amount of time and energy to comprehend the entire project at a late stage. His feedback on the final drafts ofmy thesis and his general advice on the road to publication were invaluable. Dr Sarah Percy and DrRoger O’Keefe examinedmy masters thesis at the University of Oxford, and their exacting standards helped me to improve my work and develop it into a doctoral proposal. My doctoral thesis examiners, Professors Vaughan Lowe and Nigel White, also provided helpful comments, and I am grateful for their assistance. The Rhodes Scholarship funded my studies at Oxford for three full years. I will forever be indebted to the Rhodes Trust for the financial support, self-confidence and phenomenal professional and personal opportunities that the Scholarship provided. I was also fortunate to receive a Wingate Scholarship during the final stages of my doctorate. Parts of Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of this book develop work that appeared in ‘Common Article 1: AMinimumYardstick for Regulating PrivateMilitary and Security Companies’ (2009) 22 Leiden Journal of International Law 779–99. I gratefully acknowledge the journal’s permission to reprint the relevant passages.

охорона -- найманці -- конфлікт


Davenport, Christian.
State repression and the domestic democratic peace [Electronic resource] / Christian Davenport. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 254 p. - (Cambridge studies in comparative politics)
Переклад назви: Державні репресії і внутрішній демократичний світ


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Does democracy reduce state repression as human rights activism, funding, and policy suggest? What are the limitations of this argument? Investigating 137 countries from 1976 to 1996, State Repression and the Domestic Democratic Peace seeks to shed light on these questions. Specifically, it finds that electoral participation and competition generally reduces personal integrity violations like torture and mass killing; other aspects of democracy do not wield consistent influences. This negative influence can be overwhelmed by conflict, however, and thus there are important qualifications for the peace proposition.

реальна політика -- демократія -- права людини -- політичний спротив

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Harrison, K.
The changing constitution [Electronic resource] / K. Harrison, T. Boyd. - Edinburgh : Publishing Edinburgh University Press, 2006. - 238 p.
Переклад назви: Зміна конституції


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Providing an introduction to the topical subject of constitutional change in Britain, this book considers the historical origins of the constitution but focuses on reforms and their likely impact. It includes chapters on: The Legislature: The House of Commons and the House of Lords; The Executive; Electoral Reform and Referenda; and more. This textbook provides an introduction to the topical subject of constitutional change in Britain. It considers the historical origins of the constitution but its main focus is on recent reforms and their likely impact. It includes chapters on: The Legislature: The House of Commons and the House of Lords; The Executive; The Judiciary; The Debate over a Written Constitution and a Bill of Rights for the UK; Devolution: Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the English Regions; Electoral Reform and Referenda; The European Union and the United Kingdom Constitution; and The 'Hollowing Out of the State'. The key theme running throughout the book is the debate as to whether the constitution has undergone a revolutionary transformation or has gradually evolved.

закон -- державний документ

Тип видання: зб. статей   

The power and freedom in the structure of global trends of development of economical and legal systems and management techniques [Electronic resource] : peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the LXXXVI International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in Economics and Management, Jurisprudence, Sociological, Political and Military sciences (London, July 24 – July 29, 2014) / International Academy of Science and Higher Education ; chief editor V. V. Pavlov. - London : [s. n.], 2014. - 88 p.
Переклад назви: Влада і свобода у структурі глобальних трендів розвитку економічної та правничої систем і механізмів управління


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This digest includes reports, presented on the LXXXVI International Research and Practice Conference "The power and freedom in the structure of global trends of development of economical and legal systems and management techniques" and on the II stage of research analytics championships of various levels in Economics, Management, Law, Sociology, Political and Military science.

світова економіка -- юриспруденція -- соціологія -- менеджмент

Тип видання: аналітична доповідь   

«Активні заходи» СРСР проти США: пролог до гібридної війни [Електронний ресурс] : аналітична доповідь / Д. В. Дубов [та ін.] ; Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень. - Київ : [б. в.], 2017. - 88 с.


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Присвячено тематиці застосування Радянським Союзом «активних заходів» проти США під час холодної війни з метою досягнення власних зовнішньополітичних цілей. «Активні заходи» включали поширення дезінформації, використання агентів впливу та організацій прикриття, маніпулювання ЗМК та інші методи. Сьогодні ці самі методи застосовуються в межах гібридної війни, яку веде РФ проти України. Дослідження досвіду радянсько-американського протистояння дозволить поліпшити інструменти протидії сучасним викликам гібридної війни. Розраховано на державних службовців, фахівців сектору безпеки і оборони, а також на широкий загал.

спецслужби -- дезінформація -- пропаганда -- національна безпека

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