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Представлено документи з 1 до 12

Mysak J. Research on gasification of low-grade fuels in a continuous layer // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2017. - № 2/8.

Lys SDetermination of wood fractional composition effect on gasification process // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2016. - 2, № 1.

Lys SAnalysis of methods for extending the life cycle of a TP-100A boiler // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2018. - 4, № 1.

Kovalenko T. Analysis of eddy-current testing and metallographic examinations for corrosion damages of heat exchanging tubes in NPP steam generators // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2020. - 6, № 1.

Yurasova O. Technical modernization of station 3 boiler unit of Trypillia thermal power station in terms of using non-standard fuel // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2020. - 6, № 1.

Lys SAnalysis of methods for extending the life cycle of a TP-100A boiler // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2018. - 4, № 1.

Kovalenko T. Analysis of eddy-current testing and metallographic examinations for corrosion damages of heat exchanging tubes in NPP steam generators // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2020. - 6, № 1.

Yurasova O. Technical modernization of station 3 boiler unit of Trypillia thermal power station in terms of using non-standard fuel // Energy eng. and control systems. - 2020. - 6, № 1.

Lys SAnalysis of computer modelling results on fuel rods strength and condition at reduced or absent cooling caused by accident // Energy Eng. and Control Systems. - 2021. - 7, № 1.

Lys SPrediction of thermophysical characteristics of fuel rods based on calculations // Energy Eng. and Control Systems. - 2021. - 7, № 2.

Lys SAnalysis of computer code and method used in thermal-hydraulic safety justification of VVER reactor plants // Energy Eng. and Control Systems. - 2022. - 8, № 1.

Lys SAnalysis of the effect of pollution of component surfaces as a result of possible contact of fresh nuclear fuel with sea atmosphere on corrosion // Energy Eng. and Control Systems. - 2023. - 9, № 1.
Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського
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