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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 181
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Kakhovskyi Yu. Development of welding consumables for wet underwater welding of high-alloy corrosion-resistant steel // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Diveyev B. Identifying the elastic moduli of composite plates by using high-order theories // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Kutzova V. The structure, mechanical and electrophysical properties of monocrystalline silicon under influence of constant magnetic field // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Virt I. Micromechanical properties and thermal annealing of zinc oxide bulk ceramic // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Duriagina Z. Modification of surfaces of special alloys by nitrogen for power engineering // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Lanets O. Synthesis of structure and research of operation of resonance two-mass vibrating table with electromagnetic drive // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Chovnyuk Yu. Robust mechanical systems with mechatronic devices: parameters identification and vibration control // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Gorbatiyk R. Electromechanical model of machine for vibroabrasive treatment of machine parts // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Pelevin L. The hydro-automatic damping system against dynamic vibrations // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Vrublevskyi I. The phase difference between components of elliptical oscillations of vibratory conveyor providing maximum conveying velocity // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Andrusyk Ya. Propagation of elastic-tough-plastic wave in a rod of ideally plastic material which possesses the property of yield delay // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Diveyev B. Impact and particle buffered vibration absorbers optimization and design // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Hromniuk S. Cutter force and influence of elastic deformation of technological system of gear-hobbing machine on precision of radial-circumferential method of gear cutting // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Dvoryanyn H. Ways of improvement of technological process of copper wire rod production // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Huliieva N. Determination of porosity of materials by means of metallographic methods with a help of application programs // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Duriagina Z. Innovation technologies in training specialists in engineering materials science // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Beliaiev G. Causes of ductility-dip cracks formation in In52 and In52 MSS alloys during fusion welding // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 1.

Gursky V. Nonlinear analysis in synthesis of the resonant vibro-impact systems // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Korendiy V. Analysis of structure and kinematics of four-bar crank-rocker walking mechanism // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.

Malashchenko V. Fundamentals of creation of new devices for speed change management // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2015. - 1, № 2.
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