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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 61
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Dawood Iqbal Wani A rare case of large impacted stone in jejunum causing obstruction in a patient of gallstone ileus // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 1.

Jan Mohd. Suhail Abdominal ascariasis: where to focus on imaging studies // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 3.

Kavyn V. Abdominal sepsis. Some genetic-molecular mechanisms of its occurrence : (a rev.) // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 2.

Stytsiuk N. About some aspects of teaching foreign students in the discipline "History of Medicine" // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 3.

Kozan N. Analysis of commission forensic-medical examinations performed in cases concerning the responsibility of surgical professional doctors // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 2.

Falah Hasan Obayes AL-Khikani Antimicrobial resistance profile among major bacterial pathogens in Southern Babil, Iraq // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 3.

Nurten Arslan Isik Aromatherapy and quitting smoking : (a rev.) // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 2.

Sevil Karahan Yilmaz Assessment of relationship between nutritional status and handgrip strength in hemodialysis patients // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 3.

Sevil Karahan Yilmaz Assessment of relationship between serum vitamin D levels and metabolic syndrome components in hemodialysis patients // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 1.

Najlae El Ouardi Bifocal tuberculosis with adalimumab revealed by laryngeal involvement: case report // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 1.

Tyravska Yu. Blood plasma serotonin and von Willebrand factor as biomarkers of unstable angina progression toward myocardial infarction // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 1.

Otaru O. A. P. CATANOVA analysis of knowledge and control practices of hepatitis B virus infection amongst tertiary university students // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 1.

Voloshynovych M. S. Clinical evolution of Spitz nevi // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 2.

Pelekhan B. L. Compliance with postoperative recommendations by patients with different psychological types after early implant loading treatment // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 2.

Tsaruk O. Congenital aneurysm/diverticulum of the left ventricle in the newborn // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 4.

Papatya Karakurt Determination of caregiver burden and social support levels among caregivers providing care for patients hospitalized in Palliative Care Clinics // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 4.

Peter Agbadobi Uloku Ossai Disposition and challenges of alternative to physical classroom teaching and learning in a pandemic; an appraisal of biochemistry students COVID-19 learning with WhatsApp // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 4.

Oktay Karakose Effects of different applications on postoperative seroma formation and wound healing following mastectomy and axillary dissection in rats // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 1.

Fidelis Ifeakachuku Achuba Effects of Siam Weed (Chromolaena Odorata) leaf extract on crude oil-induced toxicity // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 3.

Demet Gunes Evaluation of quality of life and self-care among individuals with heart failure // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 2.
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