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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 636
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Venkatesh R. A comprehensive study of aluminium based metal matrix composite reinforced with hybrid nanoparticles // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2019. - 41, № 4.

Wu L. A study of dislocation loops growth in Zr - Sn alloys under neutron irradiation by rate treory modelling // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2022. - 44, № 9.

Sayoud N. A study of temperature effect on the Rayleigh velocity of superconductor material type Bi2212 using acoustic techniques // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2018. - 40, № 9.

Kaverinsky V. V. About Al - Si alloys structure features and ductility and strength increasing after deformation heat processing // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2022. - 44, № 6.

Poluektov Yu. M. Accounting for the long-range forces in the model of hard sphere // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2023. - 45, № 3.

Zakaria Hadef Acoustical investigation of adhesion in liquid metal-ceramic // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2018. - 40, № 7.

Dekhtyarenko V. A. Alloy based on intermetallic (Ti, Zr)(V, Mn, Cr)2-x obtained using titanium sponge for hydrogen sorption // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2019. - 41, № 10.

Dekhtyarenko V. A. Alloy based on intermetallic (Ti, Zr)(V, Mn, Cr)2-x obtained using titanium sponge for hydrogen sorption // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2019. - 41, № 10.

Yakym R. S. Analysis of causes and preventing ways of early workability loss of three-cone rock bit cutters // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2020. - 42, № 5.

Movchan O. V. Analysis of the stability of alpha ->> gamma plane front of recrystallization in ferritic alloys during carburization // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2019. - 41, № 1.

Yarmolenko M. V. Analytically solvable differential diffusion equations describing the intermediate phase growth // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2018. - 40, № 9.

Pustovit Yu. V. Anomalous downshift of electronic bands in Fe(Se, Te) in superconducting state // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2020. - 42, № 12.

Umanskyi A. P. Application of AlB12 - Al electric spark coatings to protect titanium alloys during wear under fretting corrosion // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2022. - 44, № 10.

Dolzhanskiy A. M. Application of dimensional analysis for stable dry drawing process designing // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2022. - 44, № 7.

Cherepanska I. Artificial neural network as a part of intelligent precise goniometric system for analysis of spectral distribution intensity and definition of chemical composition of metal-containing substances // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2020. - 42, № 10.

Markovsky P. E. Ballistic resistance of layered titanium armour made using powder metallurgy and additive 3D printing // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2021. - 43, № 12.

Steblyanko P. Behaviour modelling of pseudo-elastic-plastic material at non-stationary loading // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2021. - 43, № 1.

Lazarenko A. S. Calculation of the energy spectrum of quantum particle in double potential pit // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2022. - 44, № 8.

Hlushkova D. B. Changes in nanohardness and wear resistance of piston rings by varying the parameters of plasma coating deposition // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2020. - 42, № 1.

Hlushkova D. B. Changes in nanohardness and wear resistance of piston rings by varying the parameters of plasma coating deposition // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies. - 2020. - 42, № 1.
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