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Polozhaenko S. A. A technique to solve the problem of parametric identification of mathematical models of anomalous fluids filtration processes in porous media // Інф-ка та мат. методи в моделюванні. - 2014. - 4, № 3.

Yudiyanto E. An experimental study of fluidization post impinging fluid in granular bed for breaking sedimentation // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 4/6.

Tri Tjahjono Angular momentum tearing mechanism investigation through intermolecular at the bubble interface // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 4/8.

You Shuang Computer simulation of the compressive failure of porous material through Distinct Lattice Spring Model // Functional Materials. - 2016. - 23, № 2.

Hurtovyi Yu. Dependence of the internal wave energy flux on the parameters of a two-layer hydrodynamic system // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 4/8.

Holovko M. F. Diffusion of hard sphere fluids in disordered porous media: Enskog theory description // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2020. - 23, № 2.

Holovko M. F. Diffusion of hard sphere fluids in disordered porous media: Enskog theory description // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2020. - 23, № 2.

Shmotolokha V. I. Effects of porous media on the phase behaviour of polypeptide solutions // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2022. - 25, № 3.

Dong W. Fluids confined in porous media: An ideal gas in different matrices // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2007. - 10, № 4.

Sharma B. K. Forced flow of a conducting viscous fluid through a porous medium induced by a rotating disk with applied magnetic field. — 2007 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Avramenko A. A. Linear and nonlinear instability of flow in channel occupied porous media // Пром. теплотехника. - 2017. - 39, № 3.

Petryk M.  Mathematical modeling of concentration profiles in heterogeneus and nanopores media. — 2006 // Систем. технології.

Podhornyj O. R. Mathematical modeling of fluid flows through the piecewise homogeneous porous medium by R-function method // Math. Modeling and Computing. - 2021. - 8, № 3.

Pyanylo Ya. D. Models of mass transfer in gas transmission systems // Math. modeling and computing. - 2014. - 1, № 1.

Rogankov (Jr.) O. V. Novel alternative model of effective porosity for hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic thin permeable media // Физика аэродисперс. систем : межвед. науч. сб. - 2015. - Вып. 52.

Holovko M. F. On generalization of Van der Waals approach for isotropic-nematic fluid phase equilibria of anisotropic fluids in disordered porous medium // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2020. - 23, № 1.

Holovko M. F. On generalization of Van der Waals approach for isotropic-nematic fluid phase equilibria of anisotropic fluids in disordered porous medium // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2020. - 23, № 1.

Gupta N. Python - a tool for percolation analysis in triangular lattice // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics. - 2021. - 13, № 2.

Sokolovskyy Y. Software-algorithmic support of finite-element analysis of spatial thermovalentranslations in anisotropic capillary-porous materials // Вісн. Нац. ун-ту "Львів. політехніка". - 2018. - № 908.

Molchanov V. Statement and solution of non-stationary problem of liquid filtering in a deformed porous medium // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2019. - 5, № 3/4.
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