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Chaklader M. 17-AAG mediated targeting of HSP90 limits tert activity in peritoneal sarcoma related malignant ascites by downregulating cyclin D1 during cell cycle entry // Эксперим. онкология. - 2012. - 34, № 2.

Копильчук Г. П. 5'-нуклеотидазна й АМФ-дезаміназна активності постнуклеарної фракції печінки та сироватки крові щурів із трансплантованою карциномою Герена // Біол. студії. - 2009. - 3, № 3.

Hao S.  A novel approach to tumor suppression using microencapsulated engineered J558/TNF-<$E bold alpha> cells. — 2005 // Эксперим. онкология.

Kopylchuk H. P. A possible mechanism of antitumor activity of 5-(5',6'-benzocoumaroyl-3')-methylaminouracil in vivo. — 2007 // Эксперим. онкология.

Фильченков А. А. A role for apoptosis in tumorigenesis and its importance for cancer therapy: recent insights . — 1998 // Эксперим. онкология.

Savitskiy V. P. Accumulation of chlorine e6 derivatives in cells with different level of expression and function activity of multidrug resistance protein P-gp 170. — 2005 // Эксперим. онкология.

Pyaskovskaya O. N. Aconitine-containing agent enhances antitumor activity of dichloroacetate against Ehrlich carcinoma // Эксперим. онкология. - 2015. - 37, № 3.

Zhong H.  Activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha by oxygen independent pathways. — 2001 // Эксперим. онкология.

Naleskina L. A. Alteration in lipid composition of plasma membranes of sensitive and resistant Guerin carcinoma cells due to the action of free and liposomal form of cisplatin // Эксперим. онкология. - 2013. - 35, № 3.

Jain M. An overview on "cellular cannibalism" with special reference to oral squamous cell carcinoma : (a rev.) // Эксперим. онкология. - 2015. - 37, № 4.

Atay A. Analysis of DNA hypermethylation in bile samples of patients with cholangiocellular carcinoma // Укр. біохім. журн.. - 2009. - 81, № 4 (спец. вип.).

Pyaskovskaya O. N. Analysis of growth kinetics and proliferative heterogeneity of Lewis lung carcinoma cells growing as unfed culture. — 2008 // Онкология.

Shlyakhovenko V. A. Anticancer and immunostimulatory effects of nucleoprotein fraction of Bacillus subtilis 7025 culture medium filtrate. — 2003 // Эксперим. онкология.

Symchych T. V. Anticancer effect and immunologic response to xenogeneic embryonic proteins in mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma // Эксперим. онкология. - 2017. - 39, № 1.

Smirnova L. P. Antioxidant enzyme activities in the cells of solid and ascitic Ehrlich carcinomas. — 2003 // Эксперим. онкология.

Prykhod'ko A. O. Antiproliferative activities of some 7-hydroxy-3-aryloxy-2-trifluoromethyl-4H-4-chromenone derivatives against 60 human cancer cell lines // Біополімери і клітина. - 2004. - 20, № 1/2.

Berezhnaya N. M. Antitumor action of lymphokin-activated сеlls of patients with soft tissue sarcomas and melanomas in dependence on expression of I and II classes MHC antigenes. — 2006 // Эксперим. онкология.

Gambashidze K. Antitumor and adjuvant effects of phagelysates of E. coli in mice with Ehrlich carcinoma // Эксперим. онкология. - 2012. - 34, № 2.

Didenko G. V. Antitumor and antimetastatic efficiency of antitumor vaccine and amixin combined action in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2016. - 9, № 3.

Akatov V. S. Antitumor effect of acute hyperoxia. — 2001 // Эксперим. онкология.
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