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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=Bulavin L$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 42
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Bulavin L. A. Collective effects in the self-diffusion process in liquids. — 2004 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Alekhin O. D. Relaxation times of nonhomogeneous liquids near the critical point in a gravitational field. — 2004 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bulavin L. A. Scaling origin of flicker noise. — 2004 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Atamas A. A. Structure effects in concentrated aqueous solutions of ethanol. — 2004 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Atamas O. O. Monte Carlo calculations of structural features of aqueous solutions of ethyl alcohol at various concentrations and temperatures. — 2005 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bulavin L. A. Influence of the contact between water and a hydrophobic surface on self-diffusion of water molecules. — 2005 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bulavin L. A. How substantial is the role of the H-bond network in water?. — 2005 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bulavin L. A. Dislocation model of muscular contraction. — 2004 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Feoktystov A. V Small-angle neutron scattering by water-based ferrofluid mixed with polyethylene glycol. — 2009 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Prorok V. V. Investigation of channels of Cs-137 and K transfer from soil to plant under natural conditions with optical and gamma spectrometry. — 2012 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bulavin L. A. Structural transition in a lipid - water liquid system. — 2012 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Nagornyi A. V. Sensitivity of small-angle neutron scattering method at determining the structural parameters in magnetic fluids with low magnetite concentrations // Укр. фіз. журн.. - 2013. - 58, № 8.

Bulavin L. A. Small-angle neutron scattering of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in aqueous suspensions in presenсe of laponite platelets or cetyltrimethylammonium bromide // Ядер. фізика та енергетика. - 2013. - 14, № 4.

Bulavin L. A. Nonthermal influence of mm-range electromagnetic radiation on peroxide oxidation of egg yolk lipoproteins. Modification of the Onsager model // Доп. НАН України. - 2000. - № 4.

Chalyi A. V. Universality classes and critical phenomena in confined liquid systems // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2013. - 16, № 2.

Bulavin L. A. Surface roughness and residual stress investigation for amorphous metallic alloy Fe70Cr15B15 after prolonged neutron irradiation by atomic force microscopy and spectroellipsometry // Functional Materials. - 2001. - 8, № 2.

Bulavin L. A. Quasi-crystalline model of DNA vibrational dynamics // Functional Materials. - 2003. - 10, № 4.

Kriuchevskyi I. A. Jamming and percolation of parallel squares in single-cluster growth model // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2014. - 17, № 3.

Brovarets O. The simple physical model of the recognition of Watson - Crick base pairs DNA and prohibition of the synthesis of DNA base mispairs by the proteins of replicative complex // Укр. біохім. журн.. - 2009. - 81, № 4 (спец. вип.).

Melnyk I. A. Microstructure and physical properties of glycerol doped by oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes // Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. - 2015. - 6, № 1.
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