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Pedagogìčnì ìnnovacìï: ìdeï, realìï, perspektivi


English title:

Pedagogical innovations: ideas, realities, perspectives

Subject area:

On the pages of scientific works collection “Pedagogical Innovations: Ideas, Realities, Perspectives” of the Institute of Gifted Child of NAES of Ukraine scientists: raise the issue of innovative technologies’ implementation in educational institutions of different types and forms of ownership, which contribute to the content improvement in the educational process, the upbringing process of the younger generation of Ukrainians, the improvement of scientific-methodical support in the educational services provision; share and exchange experiences of innovative activities: academics - innovative theoretical developments, and practicians, in particular, the experience that improves the quality of educational process’ leadership and its scientific-methodical support; highlight the problems of adult education, solving the problem of continuing education for a lifetime in the context of Ukraine joining the European educational community. The professional scientific edition, which publishes the research results of our scientists about the giftedness phenomenon, the practical achievements of outstanding pedagogues of Ukraine in the organization of educational process for the development of students’ talents, is popular among leading Ukrainian scientists, doctoral students, postgraduates and creative teachers. The Editorial Board is constantly working on the quality improvement of the Edition


Institute of Gifted Child of NAES of Ukraine

Founded in:



2413-4139 (print)

The State Registration Certificate:

КВ № 20882-10682ПР від 31.07.2014 р.


Mаdzihon Vаsyl

Deputies of Editor-in-Chief:

Ilin Volodymyr, Rybalka Valentyn, Fedorovа Ninа

Editorial Board:

Androsovych K., Voloshchuk I., Halchenko M., Dovhyi S., Yevtukh M., Ilina A., Kamyshyn V., Kremen V., Kuzmenko V., Kurbatov S., Miliutina K., Ostapchuk O., Podshyvailov F., Rudnytska S., Tymenko V., Teslenko V., Chudakova V.,

International editorial board:

Anikin D., Baratov S., Zaretska I., Orlov M., Khalilova N., Sharipov S.,


Address52-D Sichovykh Striltsiv str. Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
E-mail [email protected]
Telefon(044) 481-27-06
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